Another Day (Part 37)

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A/N: Hey guys this has taken me ages to write so I would love it if you could vote? Thanks um this is a warning there is a dirty part . it is my first time writing something like that so dont diss? So this is your warning you can skip this chapter if you like because you don't want to read the dirty bit

Nats  POV

" I think I'll go and see her  i mean I need to see her at some time?" I tell him "Are you sure I'll come if you like?" "Really Niall its fine!" "OK then" he huffs. I tell him to go somewhere for a few hours so I can speak to Emily she needs to fully understand that I'm sorry! I get out of the car and tell him I'll call him when I'm finished he drives away.

I walk into the building and up into my dorm Emily sitting on her bed a sketch pad in her hand  she has dyed her hair blue it really suits her! "Uhm  hi Niall said you wanted to speak to me?" "Yeah I think we need to talk " she sighs and bites on her lip nervously "Emily before we begin I hope we can still be friends after all of this I can't stand this any more!" I look at her she looks depressed she looks alone and in a bad place I can't help but blame myself! .

"me too! Now um first things first I accept your apology I'm happy for you and I'm glad you had the guts to tell me" she smiles "I couldn't live with myself not telling you!" "So I think we need to clear a few things up because I need to know why?" "OK ask away" . the least I can do is tell her what she wants to know so she can put the puzzle pieces together and understand fully!.

"Did Niall ever love me?" "He told me he cared for you he strongly cared for you but he didn't 'Love' you as such he said he didn't think you were the one" and she hides her disappointment "Did he tell you he was going to break up with me?" "No! I swear I would of told you! I didn't even know he liked me in that way that's why I started ignoring him but then he came and told me he broke up with you for me and I didn't know how to feel?" "OK I guess that's all I need to know?" . that didn't take long!.

"So why was Niall getting your stuff?" she asks "Because he thinks I'm moving in with him!" I laugh "He doesn't live in the dorm any more?" she questions "No he does its just he wants me to live in his parents house with him and he would leave his dorm" I explain "Oh why doesn't he want you in the dorm?" "I didn't want to stay here because I thought we weren't going to be friends anymore?" "But we are know so you can get your stuff and stay yeah?" "Yeah...." . I slowly nod my head.

why am I getting the impression that she's afraid of being  alone!.

"Well I'm going now?" I tell her "Where?" "shopping I need to get a few new clothes" I smile "Are you going to that party in Tia's dorm?" she asks "Uh I'm not shore? I might" "Oh I hope you do I'm going" she smiles. I lock the door and make my way outside Nialls  parked and pretending to be a  drummer boy.  he sees me and unlocked the doors I sit down and let out a big breath then a tear leaves my eye "Babe are you OK?" he asks putting his arm on my shoulder consoling me "No! I feel terrible doing this to her she says she forgives me but I don't believe her she's in so much sadness you can tell!" "Don't worry I know Emily she's a big girl she'll be fine" "Really?" I ask. am I just being stupid?.

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