Another Day (Part 27)

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- - he laughs again "Oh i might switch?" "Why?" "Not my thing?" i mock and a smile tear at his lips.

"So wat are you confused about?" Curiosty take over his voice "Just ..... everything in general life is just confusing it self" i admit staring at my feet "Wow thats deep" he jokes "Harry stop it! i'm being serious be serious!" and i swat his arm playfully "Dont hit me!" he jokes and stops my hand in mid air laughing "See! your smiling!" he shouts like an excited child, i think Harry still is a child but in a mans body?. "Yes Harry i'm smiling well done! How old are you 5?" i joke "yes i am actually!" he smiles , i love this playful side to him , He really is a great friend. 

"So whats confusing you? Maybe i can help?" "Well ....." "Well? well what?" "Well Niall" i say slowly not shore if i should tell him or not?. "What about Niall?" "I told him that i like him as in like like him and today he said he likes me too" "WHAT!" he yells "Let me finish" and he rolls his eyes "Well he's broke up with Emily for .. me? and i dont know what to do? Emily is my best friend but i really really like Niall and this could be my only chance!" here we go again with the tears! Im such a cry baby i need to man up!. 

"Say No" he answers quicker than i expect him to "What do you mean say No?" "Tell Niall to fuck off! Emilys your bestfriend and can i also say his now ex girlfriend! That wont go down well! Im sorry Nat but your gonna have to stick with Emily?" . I guess he's right? Why does Harry have to be right! Why cant he just agree with me!. "Well.. i guess your right? but im going to have to comfort Emily and thats going to be so hard for me!" "Natilee suck it up and move on!" . Wow. 

Harsh much?. 

"Ok" i sniffle "Do you want a snickers?" he jokes and i know what comes next but i ask any way "Why?" "Because your a wussy when your hungry! get some nuts?" and i start to laugh "Well if your offering i would love one" "Tuff i aint got any?" and he laughs "Well Thanks for that little chat? I best be going now" "Ok remember what i told you!" "Orite Dad!" i joke "Oi! i aint old" he playfully punches "I know" i smile and i give him a hug and tell him i'll see him later even though i proberly wont?. 

I leave his dorm and get hit by the cold i guess winters coming early? I get in my car and make my way back to the dorms , i get inside and see Maddie leaning against the stairs her phone in her hand , she doesnt seem happy. I Walk past her "Where are you going?" she asks and i must admit im very scared? "Uh my room?" and she tuts i run up the stair just to get away from her , she is very intimadating!. I get into my room and my heart breaks from the minuet i open the door , why did i think this was a good idea coming back?. 

As soon as i walk through the door i hear Emily crying I look at her , and her eyes are all red and puffy her cheeks are covered in her mascara , shes sobbing i really dont want to do this! "Whats wrong?" i ask sympathetically even though i know the answer "Guess?" "Uh" ..... i dont know how to play this out. "Niall broke up with me" she replies and burst out crying even more after finishing her sentance , can i just reverse and not of come back? "Really?" i act surprised "Well why else would i be crying? I loved him i really did! Even worse i thought he loved me? We have been together for ages why does he leave me now?" . Lord kill me now .... please!. "Well you can do better anyway?" i lie i mean there is no better .... Niall is perfect?. 

"Well what do you want me to do?" i dont know why i asked "Get Niall back for me?" i admits and starts to cry again , i wrap my arm around her and comfort her slightly "I dont think thats going to happen?" i tell her , i really dont think its happening "I know but theres always hope ..... right?" "Right" i agree i dont want to make this any worse. "Im going to go" she gets up and wipes her tears "Where?" i ask quickly "To see Tia and the girls i cant stay in here crying all day! want to come?" "Um no im fine here" "Ok" and she leaves. Wow. 

That when quickeer than i thought. 

i lay on my bed and my phone starts ringing "Hello?" "Hey" a voice says through the speaker "Who's this?" i ask "Chloe?" "Oh Hi" "Please come back!" "Why?" "Its Niall" "What about him?" "Well he's not in a good way?" she admits "Whats wrong?" "Nat just come quickly please!". Oh no what have i done know! I have upset him havent i?. i run into my car and back to Niall's parents place and bang on the door Maura answers "Oh thank goodness your here!" and she pulls me inside Chloes outside Nialls door banging on it screaming Nialls name . Uh oh. 

I run up to her theres glass all over the floor "Whats happened?" i ask "Once you left , i asked him what he said to you and he told me then he kinda just flipped? He said that he's made a big mistake and he shouldnt of left Emily , he was stupid for leaving her for you? he said you dont love him and he's and idiot then he started smashing things?" and she points to the glass on the floor . Oh god!. "Now he has locked himself in his room and wont come out?" and she bangs on his door again "Niall i swear to god open the door!" she shouts "Why should i?" his voice harsh "Nats here?" "Whatever!". Why me?. 

"She is? Open the door shes here!" and she hit my arm to speak "Uh Niall its me Nat" i stutter "Good acting Chloe should be an actress!" he yells and i hear another smash "Niall its really me just open the door!" , i hear the door unlock and he swings it open "See?" Chloe puts her hand on her hip "Nat? Why are you here!" "Because Chloe called and said somethings up! so whats up?" "i thought you didnt care?" "I never said i didnt care Niall!" i almost shout , and he bows his head Chloe walks away and i invite myself into his room locking the door behind me then sitting on his bed . "Now Talk to me" i say gently he sits next to me . 

"About what?" "Anything Talk about anything?" he sits silently "Talk about Me? Emily? Yourself i dont care just talk to me!" "Natilee , Natilee , Natilee" he says my name and i feel complete "What?" "I really like you? And i dont really lash out if a girl doesnt like me back it never normally bothers me" "I do like you Niall i just couldnt understand why you left Emily for me? its never happened before?" "Please Nat this doesnt normally happen that i fall for someone so quickly? That i fall for someone at all?" . I dont know! , I dont know what to do! Arrgghhh. 

"Ok" i speak after awhile "Really?" surprise now take over his once harsh tone "Yea, but no one can know not even Chloe" "Ok" he agrees "Atleast not for now! " "Ok so how long until i can tell people?" "I dont know a month? Why do you want people to know?" "Why dont you!? Nat i need people to know i have a girl with such beauty as yours!" "Your good!" i joke "What! i mean it" he smiles . That happened to quickly . Does always happen that quickly? i thought it would be more complicated than that?. 

"So are we like boyfriend and girlfriend now?" i ask "I Guess we are" he smiles i lean my head on his shoulder "Good" and he looks down at me smiling. 

A/N: Not the longest chapter i know but be happy i uploaded! I am soo Happy i finally got to write this chapter! They are together WOOHHOOO!! I have been dying to write it for weeks so im glad its finally happened and now i get to write cute senario's wooh because im good at that ;) xx Make sure to vote and comment 

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