Another Day (Part 61)

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A/N: Hey! Happy St.Patricks Day! Everyone hope anyone that's irish had a great day :) this should be all about Niall mmhh maybe I will make it about him! That little irish snowflake :D

Niall POV

He gropes her waist laughing she giggles nervously and turns to look at him, a devilish look play on his face, she's to vunareble to notice but I notice! Its like I've been locked in a glass case all my air being sucked away unable to move to seperate them to help that vunerable little girl who doesn't know who to trust any more!. But instead I'm forced to watch.

He spins her body around so she's facing him his hands snaking down her body to her ass cupping it squeezing firmly, she rests her head on his shoulder "baby how about me and you uh go upstairs and have some fun?" He winks, and spots me in the corner of his eye. "Oh okay!" . No no no!!. He forces his head into her neck she pushes him away laughing, "your an idiot" she cackles. "Oh yeah" he grips her hips swinging her around and over his shoulder she hits his back "put me down! Tristan no! Put me down!" She's laughs harder tears forming. Why am I being forced to watch this! I don't want to see this .

He puts her down on the sofa laying her to rest she smiles at him "I love you mind?" She speaks the words no other man should hear other than me "you love me?" "Why wouldn't I?" "Because you love Niall?" . Yes she does. "No I don't! Tristan I love you I need you your my love I love you more than anything! Don't you love me?" "Of course I love you?" . No my whole world just crumbles.

I wake up shaking my head panting, staring at a pitch black room, I turn to my side Natilee lay peacefully unaware of my horrible nightmare, I lay back down clentching my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me I don't want her an inch away from me I want to feel her body on me at all times, that way I can protect her, "I love you" I whisper in her ear her head wiggles at my words "hhmm" she hums sleeply "sleep princess" I rub her stomach delicatly and she pushes her body to mine flipping around opening her eyes "what's wrong?" Her voice a whisper "nothing I just had a bad dream that's all?" "What was it about?" She dazily asks smiling as her eyes struggle to stay open "nothing I'll tell you tomorrow I promise just go to sleep?" "Okay" she shuts her eyes tangling her legs with mine "I love you too" she says as she drifts away.

As I shut my eyes I'm back in the same room, the same scenario in front of me, her and him!. I see them giggling! "What the fuck?" I shout they rush away from each other "niall what are you doing?" She gasps "what am I doing? What are you doing?" "Me and Tristan were just-" "fucking!" I interupt "no! Your always rushing to conclusions atleast let me finish!" "No fuck this shit I'm going I haven't got time for you to hurt me again" . No I need to fight for her!.

"Fine Go Fuck Yourself!" She yells "Why when I can get Emily to do that for me!".I reply storming out of the room everything turning black and staying that way no imagry after my comment.

Louis POV

I've been in this shitty party for hours now! Its like 3 and I'm bored as fuck! Dani was supposed to be here but she fucked me of for some thing she had to do? So its just me and a bunch of her dick head friends "Louis your turn! Truth or Dare?" Nancy chirps, fuck I hate her voice its like she's been on helium "fuck, dare" I moan "Go take that girl upstairs for ten minuets and uh, you know what happens next" she grins "Fuck no!" I yell "Go on you pussy!" "I'm not fucking no one!" "We didn't say you had to fuck her" "actually you did?" "You wouldn't do it anyway? What are you a man or a wossy!" "Fuck you" I spit.

"Alright Louise calm your tits!" Mark , her asshole boyfriend, comments making everyone laugh "what did you call me?" I stand up "I called you Louise?" . I'm not in the mood to fight!.

I storm out of the shitty house "fuck you all assholes!" "Someones on their period!" He jokes as I leave. Fucking dick.

Time to go home

Nialls POV


I wake to Nat straddling me shaking me to get up "I'm up I'm up!" I sit up her still sitting on me "thank god!" She leans forward onto my chest, its the perfect way to wake up!.

"I have to go out with Chloe today?, she's meeting an old friend" "what's her name?" "Its a he and Kyle" "oh" she blushes I chuckle.

Nats POV

He gets up and I point to the bathroom as he goes to shower, I haven't seen Chloe in a while? Not since that night with Harry?. I haven't seen anyone? I should call people? That's what my phone is for?.

Niall kisses me goodbye and leaves me alone in this massive house I grab my phone texting lydia 'Hey babe :) x ' she repies instantly 'Hey!! How are you?' 'Good? You? How are you and Ashton?x' 'um I'm fine but please don't talk about him!' 'Why?' 'We've kinda broke up?' 'Oh my god! No way! You have been together ages! Come to Ireland I need a friend?' 'Okay! I'm going home to Dncaster first!!' 'Okay see you soon!' 'Yup' . Yay!!.

Finally a friendly face someone I can trust!. 'New Text From Meganx:' . Uh oh. 'Hey Nat I know what Tristan has been saying about me! But honestly its not true! I was just so stupid and madly in love with that doosh that I didn't realise he was just using me! And I was putting you in danger please forgive me? X ' . Oh god everythings happening at once who next Harry? .

'New Text from: Hazz ;)' . What the actual fuck!. 'Hey Nat I'm sorry about pretty much everything I have done to you? I don't expect you to reply or what ever I just need to tell you that all of this is just one big fuck up? I want us to be friends I really do? I just don't know! You will never forgive me and I don't expect you to I hope I haven't caused much troble that isn't unfixable? I love you - Harry x' . Oh boy oh boy oh boy!.

What is going on?.

I get dressed and leave the manner house making my way to class, I meet Lily-may outside her bright smile gleaming, "Guess who just got asked out?" She smirks "Really! By who?" Ismile I feel like I'm in high school! "Yup! Cain!" "Who's Cain?" I ask "he's Jasons bestfriend?" She shrugs "Who's Jason?" I ask , Megan walks past us holding some boys hand though must I say he is gorgeous how does she get the gorgeous ones! I mean Niall is gorgeous but this guy is second best!. "That's Jason!" Lily giggles in my ear as they walk past "what!" I gasp "yeah I know" she sighs Megan let's go of his hand running over to me "hey?" "Hi" I can't even look at her "I just wanted to ask if were cool?" "Um sure?" She smiles and runs of back to her man.

Me and Lily walk into class, and spen the next hour writing about how a character displays emotion.

A/N: Hope you like! I now its a crappy ending? Hope that its long enough/ not to long? Uh yeah vote and share please because I really want more recignition! Share on Twitter, Intagram, Tumblr, wattpad what ever tell all your friends just please share!!. :) thnx love you

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