Another Day (Part 19)

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--- "Oh i just thought you were you norally are when we talk about things like this" , So he remembers me as a cry baby ... great. 

Natilee's P.O.V 

"Well um its nice chatting to you Lou?" "Yeah it is! Whats your classes like?" he asks "Um they are ok i guess just got to get used to the place ad i mean its huge much bigger than i expected!" "Will ... will you be coming home?" he asked shyly "Uh- uhm Proberly i'm not shore yet?" i say , i really dont know if i want to stay or go?? "Oh ok" and when he said that i can just picture him bowing his head and looking at his feet . 

"Well um i think i best be going?" i say slowly "Why!" he quickly reacts "Um well ........ i have class?" i lie, "Oh , But i thought you dont havve class on Tuesdays?" he asked "Um i dont?" "Nat i get it , its fine" and he hung up. Oh no now i've upset him and thats not what i wanted to do! I proberly shouldnt of lied should i? . I try call him back but obviously Louis being Louis he decides to be an igranant bastard and not pick up!. 

Emily stumbled through the door and over to her bed i dont acknoledge her, "Hey!" she says and giggles so i'm guessing shes drunk , "Are you drunk!" i yell at her "No! , Maybe possible just a little , ok alot!" and she laughs , i roll my eyes and just walk out of the room closing the door behind me. Where to go!. 

"Hey Harry fancy coming out somewhere?" I text him "Sorry Nat i would but i have extra classes" , I text him back "How come?"  "my dads abit of a dick so asked if i could have extra classes for the first two terms! :( it sucks!" . Oh. 

I decide to go find a library i like reading and i dont read awfully that much but i guess its peacefull?. I find one off campus and decide to go there maybe i'll make a new friend?. I park outside and make my way in as soon as i open the door the central heating hits my cold face warming it up , and a strage paper smell drift . I walk over to the main desk and smiles "Hi!" i say politely , i wasnt asking for anything i was just being nice , The little old lady behind the desk smiled "Hello dearey How are you?" and you could see her folse teeth , "Um i'm fine thank you" and i walked away from her and jumped onto a bean bag . 

There was a couple books on a table next to me so i reached for one , it said on the front in big red letters 'Entangled' , i read the back of the book and it sounded interesting i went back to the main desk "Can i take this out?" i asked handing her the book "Of course you can , any particular date you would like to return it?" she asked "Um well with studys and stuff about a monthes time?" i aksed "Sure!" "Thanks" and she did what librarians do and i took the book away , i went back over to the bean bag and started to read , 

"It's Not that i mind being alone , Not really. I can distract myself with silly fantasies and daydreams for hours , but in the end it always comes back to me. Thats what i'm left with: Just me. And thats what scares me more than anything. Me"  I really conect with this book its like my life playing out infront of me!. 

My deep reading gets distracted when the old woman comes over to me "Um ... excuse me?" "Oh um sorry yes" i say "Your going to have to leave now were closing for the day?" "Oh whats the time!" i panick "Its 3" , i've been here for 5 hours!. 

I get up and walk out and into my car placing the book on the passenger seat ad make my way back to campus , I'm starving! I havnt eaten all day!!. I stop on the day at The pizza place Emily took me too the other day. I walk in and i must say i prefer it in there than the library smells nicer. I take a seat and look at something to order , Just reading the menu makes my stomach grumble . Tristan comes over to me. Shit! i forgot he works there i mean its not that i dont like Tristan its more the fact i see him differently since the girls told me what he's like i mean i could just be sitting here and he could make a move on me!?. 

Another day (In Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें