Another day (Part 29)

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A/N: guys I have a habit of watching emotional films before I write! I swear I don't mean to do it i just do! so if you end up crying I'm sorry you probably won't but you might? I was watching The Vow if any of you were wondering? :) x

Natilees POV

I don't know how to feel?

Should I care? Why's he acting so cool about it?

I think I'm just over reacting.

"Nat she's gonna have to find out about us sometime we can't keep it hidden forever?" He spoke and his words are true even if I don't want to admit. "I know just not now?" I shrug "Well when then Nat? We can't just not tell her and wait for her to find out on her own?" He snaps , why's he taking this out on me! This isn't my fault! "Well what do you suppose we do then? Huh" I yell " I don't know just fucking tell her!" He shouts in my face I show no expression , we just shared a perfectly good moment and he ruins it by arguing with me!. "Yeah well maybe I will! Prehaps I should just storm up there right now and knock her down and make her cry and tell her that you left her for me! Maybe I should tell her that you never loved her in the first place? Ehh?" I scream at him harshly I don't care I'm so annoyed at him!.

He just sat there no expression "Get out" he finally shouts "Gladly" I yell equally as loud and slam the door in his face, I expected him to come running after me with an apology but clearly I've been reading to many stories!. I walk into the dormatry not even looking back I feel so , so , so Aarrrrggghhhh!! I don't know I'm feeling so many things I don't know!. I throw my room door open Emily look up at me she's sitting cross legged on her bed she has a notepad in front of her and a tin full of many different pencils , she smiles slightly.

"What's up?" Curiosty fill her voice "Nothing!" I snap "oh ok" she quickly agrees "what are you doin?" I ask "Drawing well sketching really? But yeah it calms me" she answers "I didn't know you could draw?" "Nat there's a lot of things you don't know about me!" She replies "plus its my course" she adds "Your taking art?" "Yeah?" "Oh" I grab one of her many pencils "you don't need this do you?" "No why I have plenty more?" "Good" , I clentch it between my fingers and snap the pencil in half releasing some anger "Wow! I'm scared of you that was just badass!" Emily teases "Don't even go there!" I yell and I need something else to break.

"Orite orite who got your knickers in a twist!" She laughs . I don't find this funny. I need to tell her and I need to tell her now, manely just to spite Niall because doesn't think I will do it!.

"Emily there's something I need to tell you!" "Ok but if your gonna go all serious then when I ask what your gonna tell me to fuck off I'm never speaking to you again!" She jokes "oh believe me I don't think your gonna want to see me ever again" I say under my breath "what?" "Nothing!" . How am I gonna do this?.

"Um I don't know how to tell you?" "Nat just spit it out!" "Ok..... Well I understand your action once I tell you , your proberly going to scream in my face how much you hate me how your never speaking to me again how I'm not a good friend and I know I'm not you may even hit me? But I've been wanting to tell you for a long time and I never have and I feel terrible for it! I'm a really bad friend...." I nearly finish but my phone rings 'Harry' is all I see on the screen "um can I take this?" I ask "uh ok! But your telling me straight after" .

I answer the phone "Hello? What's wrong" "Nothing you just need to get here right away?" "Why!" "Nialls here?" . Let me guess he's trashing the place. "Ok?" "Yeah he told me Nat don't play dumb and I told him your a fucking idiot which you are! Nat why didn't you listen to me!" . Who is he my father?. "I know I'm sorry! But this wasn't my fault" "whatever just get here now!" "Why does he want to see me anyway?" "Because its either me or you? And I rather it be you because I will say something I will regret!" . And he thinks I won't!. "Ok I'll be there in a minuet" "ok". And I hang up, why does he do this?.

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