Another Day (Part 51)

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A/N: I know i didnt post thispart yeasterday sorry! This was the second part to the double update!! ;) your lucky im posting today!! x 

Nat's POV 

I hang up and throw my phone fiercly at the wall, luckily it doesnt break!. "Whats wrong?" Niall asks "That dick you call your best friend!" i snap "Woah .. what?" "Tristan uh i could kill him!" "What has he done?" "He split up with Megan" i bite my lip "Why?" "I Dont fucking know?" i yell and he cowards . 

Megan knocks on the door and i pull her inside pushing her to sit down and on the sofa "Right now explain properly!" i think she can tell im slightly pissed off, Niall just sit and roll his eyes "Well.." she begins and i nod for her to continue. 

"Me and Tristan were going to go to the cinema but i had to meet up with Maddie first she wanted me to hang with her and Michael? so i went by the time i came home Tristan was waisted he had a joint in his hand, he hasn't has a joint in 4 weeks! when I asked where he'd been he said Harry's I was shocked I stole the joint from his hand and drunked it in his drink I glared at the chick around his waist, He said they met at Harry's and I'm beyond angry I'm so betrayed! I started shouting at him he just sighed walked into our room came out ten minuets later with my bags telling me to never come back!" she cries into my shoulder.

I feel so much anger right now!. I knew I shouldn't of listened to her I knew my impression of him was correct!.

I look at Niall my looks begging him for something to do "So he was drunk and high?" Niall asks "Yeah he was I think he got in some fight his knuckles were bruised they always are though so what difference would it make? hes always in fights he's always out drinking, flirting! Im just fed up now!" .

Dick, dick , dick he's a massive dick! Niall sigh like this isn't new news to him "Wait this has happened before?" I glance at the pair "Yeah one too many times!" Niall sighs Megan wiping her tear stained cheeks. "You can't let this go on!" I hug her "I won't I just need to get my head round the fact were actually over!" "Megan your gorgeous! I'm sure the right guy will come along!" "You mean I'm going to feel like this again?" she frowns . I hug her harder.

I make Niall go to her car and get her thongs he laces them on the living room "I can't shake the thought!" she remarks "What do you mean?" "Like the smell! everywhere I go I can smell sex!". Me and Niall glance at each other he smirks. I blush "wait you two just... and I ..." Megan catches on

I'm beyond embarresed! "Well best be going got afternoon classes" I quickly head toward the door "aren't you and Niall in the same classes?" she shrugs "No I switched them" I smile "Your going like that?" she asks I look down "Yes". I'm a mess I know but I need to get out of here!.

I drive to Campus and pull up in the car park rushing inside. I'm 2 minutes late . I sit down the rather tall professor strides in "Hello Class sorry I'm slightly late uh I'm your new professor Mrs. Clementine I'll be teaching you now instead of your old teacher" she smiles writing her name. This isn't high school.

"Okay class uh buddy up with someone were going to be doing some trust exercises the best way to know you all have a good relationship is through trust, you need a lot of trust in drama ... in life really?" she smiles she really must think this is high school!.

I sit still as everyone Buddy's up I haven't met anyone in this class yet? The girl sat next to me smile "Wanna be my 'Buddy' " she laughs "Sure" I smirk "Nat by the way" I inform her "Lily-May just call me Lily" she holds her hand out and I shake. Wait Lily-may?. "your Lily-May!" I gape "Sure am, one and only" she giggles she's as beautiful as she was in the picture Tia showed me!.

She stands up and holds her arms out "Fall" she instructs I don't think I can trust her, I close my eyes and fall backwards into her arms she catches me. She lifts me up and I do the same to her I'm very tempted to drop her with what she did to Tia!. "Slut!" a girl shouts as she falls "Not the first time she's fallen backward into someone's arms!" her friend joins in they giggle .

Another day (In Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora