Another Day (Part 28)

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- - "So are we like boyfriend and girlfriend now?" i ask "I Guess we are" he smiles i lean my head on his shoulder "Good" and he looks down at me smiling.

Niall's POV

Can i ask one question? Its keeps playing over in my head!, Do we actually go out!? This happend so quickly its all so surreal "So um do you want to go somewhere?" i ask "Uh im fine here thanks though?" Why is this so awkward now?. I keep looking at her and a smile plasters her face which makes me happy. She gets up and grabs my guitar then sits back next to me "What are you doing?" "Fancy teaching me again?" her smile is bright and her voice chirpy "Sure?" , i put my arm around her again to help her but manely because i need to touch her . "Im not very good am i?" she laughs "Not really" i agree "Yeah maybe we should do something else?" she suggests "Like what?" "I dunno? what do couples usally do?" . I dont really want to answer that question. "Because im kinda new to the whole relationship thing?" she adds taking me by surprise "What? No!" "Yea?" "You mean im your first boyfriend?" "Pretty much?" "Wow! thats a shocker who wouldnt want you?" "Haha you have to say that now your my boyfriend" . I cant belive she thinks that i have to say shes beautiful?.

"No i dont" "yes you do!" "Nope i do not at all , I dont like that top your wearing its ugly" , she looks down "What? really? Maybe i should throw it? Why dont you like it?" "See! im only joking i love your top" , she scrunches her face up "Your dumb!" "I know but I can be other things to?" "Really? Like what" I really like her smile . "I can be fun? And I can be caring uh annoying? I can be kind? Or I can just be ... Me?" "I'd like that" she says sweetly "Yeah?" "Yeah your good!" "At what?" "This whole words thing really know how to win a girl over" she giggles and I shake my head playfully.

Natilees POV

God just kiss me now!.

Is that coming across as desperate? Wait he's my boyfriend! I don't have to wait for him to kiss me I could just kiss him! Right?

Its too soon though isn't it? I think I would be rushing our relationship! But I really wanna kiss him so bad!.

"So Today has been fun" I joke "you think so? Boring if you ask me?" He teases struggling to keep a straight face "I might call Harry and Tristan see if they wanna hang out?" He tells me "oh ok um since I have no friends ill proberly chill with Chloe?" "Oh ok?" And he grabs his phone and starts to text someone I sit awkwardly on the end of his bed and I think he then realises my presence is still in his room "Nat come here!" And he geastures next to him "No its fine" and he pulls me up next to him , I lay beside him on his bed leaning against the wall just smiling at him "I don't want to rush our relationship or you or anything! But god I want to kiss you so bad right now!" He admits and I smile teasingly "you do?" "Yeah"

I prop myself up onto my elbow and lean in to kiss him when the door handle starts moving me and Niall pull away for a second before realising I locked it "Thank god you locked it!" He whisper and lean back in to kiss me, and i can honestly say its the best kiss I have ever had , he pushes me down hovering over me still kissing me and I laugh inbetween each kiss and he slowly kisses down on my neck he gets lower and lower, I whack his back "Oi that's enough for now Mr.loverboy!" And he laughs "I couldn't risist!" "Seriosuly you know how to win a woman!" and he laughs cheekily.  

"Dont you think we should go downstairs?" i whisper "Nah i'm fine right here!" "But we arnt doing anything?" "Well i could change that if thats what you want" "Niall!" i whine "What? Just stating a point!". Why does he do this to me?. My cheeks start to flush and he laughs , Like always!. "Come on then princess lets go downstairs!" and i smile "Thank you" i say grinning "Dont think you can always win this easy!" "Ok" . we get up and he unlocks the door letting me pass first being the true gentleman he is , we walk downstairs and i feel him staring at but for some reason it makes me fell confident?. 

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