Another Day (Part 17)

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--"You look abit uncomfortable? Where's Emily?" He asks and I shrug I really don't know where she has gone. .  

"Um I'm not shore she ran over to someone and i guess i lost her in the crowd?" i tell him , i dont look at him He grabs my wrist and pulls me outside and i stumble over a few times with my heels , im still not used to shoes this high . We stand outside our cups in our hands "Sit" Hey says and i sit on the cold stone wall he sits next to me "Why are we outside in the back yard?" i ask "Because you look uncomfortable in their and look like you need some space" He says and smiles . "Oh well um thanks? You don't need to stay out here with me" "I know i want to you never know what people at these partys are like" He tells me "And they arn't going to comme near me because your here?" i say and laugh "Yeah i'm quite the badboy mind" he says and winks before laughing he has a really infectious laugh but its adorable .

Its really cold outside and goosebumps appear on my legs but i pretend i can't feel the cold . "Its Freezing! " Niall says and his irish accent makes the words light up as they leave his mouth. "Yeah i know" i say and smile he looks at me "I like your top" i say "Oh this old thing Thanks" , It was a silence for awhile and it seemed to drag but i had nothing to talk to him about? I don't know how to talk to boys? Yeah so i could talk to harry but he came over and started talking to me?. "So where you from?" he asked me ovbiously trying to start a convosation "Um Doncaster" i say shyly my old school ways are kicking in and i'm turning in to the old shy nervous nerdy me again . "Where's Doncaster?" he asked "Um South Yorkshire england" "Oh ..... still dont know where it is!" we laugh "I'm rubbish at geography!" "Me too" i agree . 

"So what you studying?" He asked "Music technology you?" "Same!!" And he high fived me . Emily came wobbling outside "There you two are!! Why are you out here? Come on get inside not much of a party out here" She stumbled on her words " "Emily your drunk go inside we will be come in a minuet Nat just wanted some air" he says and guides her back to the door "Okay but dont be long" "We wont i promise" He says and shiuts the door behind her then comes and sits next to me again "She can be a pain in the arse some times!" he says and laughs i hit his arm "Oi ! she's my friend shes not that bad" "You havnt known her as long as i have she has an unhealthy opsession with getting drunk then reliase on me" he laughs . 

"Well we best be going in before she comes out again then hadnt we" i say and he agrees , we go inside and he pulls me through the crowd over to a circul of people , Paige Emily Tia Jamie and Tristan were all sitting there with a few other people , "Tristan my man!" Niall yells and they do some bro hug thingy . Niall points to a space next to some boy for me to sit down and he sits inbetween Emily and Tristan , i look at the boy and soon realise who he is , his curly hair could of give it away it was Harry but what was he doing here!! He's probly thinking the same thing?. 

And just like that he answers my thoughts "Nat what are you doing here!?" and he pulls me in for a hug "Um i could ask the same thing for me and you both?" "Oh Tristans and old friend and i saw him earlier and he invited me here , so why are you here?" and he furrowed his eye brows ovbiously thinking i'm to innocent to be at some party "Well i'm friends with Emily and the girls so they invited me also i know Niall" and i side smiled "Oh and can i just say wow! You look ammazing i didnt know you dressed like that!" he said eyeing me and biting his lip making me blush "Yeah well i dont?" and he looked confused "Well lets get started then!" Tristan interupted "Whats going on?" i whispered to Harry "They are playing a drinking game " he whispered back in my ear his breath smells minty. 

"Natilee First she looks as sober as a baby rabbit!" Paige said ,  everyone laughed but i didnt get it. "What do i have to do?" i asked "Take the bottle pour as much as you can into your mouth and pass it into Harrys mouth" Tia slurred "Then he has to pass it around the circul until it gets back to you and you must swallow it" Emily finishes her sentance , I took a big gulp and looked around the circul  it looks like i have to do it everyone was staring at me , The boy next to Tia passed me the bottle and the smell was enough to turn me sick so i have no idea how i'm going to drink it .

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