Another Day (Part 59)

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A/N: Hey guys, can I just say sorry again for the really crappy last chapter I was sloppy writing hopfully this part will be better, not a 100% positive though? Any way here's the part.

Nats POV

My mother texts me the adress and I tap it into the GPS, following the directions to my uncles. Harvey has always been a reall big part in my life he was my mums rock and support financially and mentally even though she doesn't like to admit it she pretends she made it through thr tramatic time with my father alone when in reality Harvey was the main reason. I remember that one of my mum and dads final arguments before the divorce were that my mum and Harvey were having an affair. Which is understandable my dads an ass hole. But she denied it . Which is a shame, but it would of been awkward at family parties considering he's my fathers brother.

As I pull up into the country side I'm starting to get the feeling I've taken a wrong turn, oh god. I keep listening to the stupid female auto toned voice commanding me when to turn and I feel like smashing the thing up, everything that's happening in my life is a mess literally everything there isn't one good thing?. I should probably stop complaining I mean I have my health right?. I look up and see a large metal, fence with a gorgeous big curved gate at the front, there is a small box at the side and I buzz, this is useful for unwanted visitors.

"Hello?" My uncles thick irish accent chimes through the speaker obviously he wasn't expecting me like my mother said?. "Um hi? Uncle Harvey!" "Natilee?" He asks surprise evident "yeah can I come in" "of course" . The gates slowly tear apart letting me inside the closing as soon as I enter 'wow' I whisper to myself as I drive along the stones and gravel of the driveway staring at the large building before me. When I say large I mean fucking massive!.

I park my car and run inside a chill crawl down my spine when I look around, the celing is so high up its as if I'm a six year old child not an eighteen year old aldut. "Uh Harvey?" I call out as I wonder the never ending hall way and enter many different rooms. This place is like a maze. "Just in here" he calls back I enter the room which I identify as the kitchen thes a woman draped around his waist "um hi?" I wave awkwardly "hi" he smiles doesn't he notice the petite woman clinging to him "not disturbing anything am I?" I ask awkwardly pointing to her. "Oh what? No! Not at all?" He shrugs and I bite my bottom lip.

"Close friends?" I ask sarcasticy "no wife actually" he replies equally as witty and I giggle "really? You can get a wife!" "I can" he cheers, "what her name" I whisper not trying to be rude infront of my new ... Aquatance. "Caroline" he whispers back. I smile at the small dark hair dark eyed lady "hi, I'm Natilee call me Nat I'm Harveys love child" I smile Harvey glares at me. We always had a weird relationship always teasing him and everyone I met I would say that I am his love child not even knowing what it meant and I still don't know?.

She gasps and her hands drop from his waist "Harvey!" She yells "What? Your going to listen to that idiotic drag queen!" He smiles and I scruntch my face up whacking him "who is she then" "she's my niece!" He relaxes her and she let's out a deep sigh I burst out in laughter.

"Anyway the real reason I'm here I need a place to stay and I really can't stick those dorms!" I explain "okay well you can't stay herei ts too far from the univeristy but I could drive you to one closer? Its a little smaller too" "sure?" I agee. Any place is better than no place.

I get in my uncles black bmw as we drive off, one of his waitors or whatever they are drive my car behind us.

"So have you settled in?" . I don't want to answer his question. Have I settled in?.

"Uh.. Yeah" that's what he wants to hear. "Good, have you um spoken to your father?". What?.

"What of course not!" I yell "well I was just asking, he lives here now, in Ireland". This isn't exacly news to me because I know he lives her just Harvey reminding me isn't making it better the last time I spoke to my father was in march its december now!. That's like nine months, nine months he hasn't made an effort!. Not to mention the however many years before that!. "I know he lives here" "are you planning on speaking to him?" "No why?" "Just asking, he's changed now he's a different man altogether, he has a big house lots of money a new wife and a son" . What? I have a brother and he didn't think to tell me or my mum?.

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