Another day (Part 12)

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-i flashed a smile looking at my tattoo , He smiled his smile bright "Yeah i guess" .

I got in, Mum came rushing to the door, "Oh Nat are you ok? i've been so worried!" "Mum calm down , i'm fine!" "What happened? are you injured? Where did he touch you!?" , Wow wow wow hold up! How the fuck does she know........ Casey , no she wouldnt would she?. "What are you talking about?" i act surprised , "Nat, The police phoned me about half an hour ago and explained what has happened" , Phew! atleast it wasnt Casey who told her but for crying out loud now mums going to be so paranoied about me leaving!. "Oh yeah that, um no i'm fine mum it was just shock i guess" "Oh Nat i'm so glad your alright!" "Yeah well it's all thanks to Louis?" "Louis? what's Louis got to do with this?" "He saved me" , omg how cheesy does that sound! but he did save me so?.

"Save you? what did he just swoop from the sky and save you like fucking super man!" , Thats the first my mum has swore infront of me , i take a step back. Whats happened to my mother. "No , he didn't" "Then how did he save you Nat?" typical mum always was the sarcastic type!. No wonder dad left for another woman. Ouch? did i really just think that. "Because , If it wasn't for him mum i would be lying in some gutter right now proberly dead. So don't go saying how Louis saved me, He got beat the shit out of for me! so if i was you i would shut it!" , seriously whats happened with me and my mother this whole thing with us arguing if becoming alot more frequent!.

She looks at me and laughs slightly "Excuse me!" "You heard me!" and i swung the door open again and slammed it in her face. I don't know where i'm going to go, but any where as long as i'm not with her. Uh she just pisses me off i can't wait till i leave!. I text Cameron , "Hey babe's , we don't talk much or spend that much time together x" She instantly text back "Oh um...... Sorry? kinda busy i already got plans? x" "Oh okay um what are you doing?" "Me and Lauren are going to a party!?" "Isn't Lydia going?" "No! Why would she" "Arn't you friends" "Havn't you heard, she left last night" "What!? where is she" "She's gone to Australia for a couple months with her new boyfriend .....Ashton?" , I stopped texting her and just stood in astonishment , Why didn't she tell me! That's proberly who she was texting last night!.

*1 Month Later*

Only one month left until i leave so i guess i better make the most of it.

Louis came over my house, Mum was out for the night she says she has work but personally i think she's gone out on a date with some guy from her office , Jonny? So i invited him over , i dont fancy spending my sunday alone!. He came over and slipped his shoes off by my door before entering my living room , That's a new rule in my house you have to take your shoes off before entering the living room , Mums!.

He sat down next to me "Alright Darling!" He flashed a smile causing my cheeks to flush , I've known him for atleast five month's and he still makes me blush . "yep ..... i am now" and i grin cheekily , He grab my waiste pulling me to sit on his lap , i start laughing and grab on to the arm of the chair he carrys on pulling with more of a force i let go and go flying onto his lap. I sit on his lap his arms around my waist "That's better" he says confidently "Oh yeah!" i say raising my eye brow , "Yep" , i grab his and My fingers entwine with his , i lay my head on his shoulder turning it slightly to look at him , "I'm going to miss you monkey boy!" "Monkey boy!" he says his voice go's higher "Hahah yep your new nick name" "Well your's if Natilee noodle" "No!!" i play fully punch his arm with one hand my other still entwined with his.

I try to speak but before i say a word Louis lips came crashing into mine , i was taken back and surprised but never pulled away. Our lips slowly moved in time with each others , I wrap my arms around his neck his around my waist to pull me in on him, we continue to kiss and slowly our lips seperate "Nat" He whisper through his teeth his voice hungry desperate for more. My eye widen looking his he trys to pull me in on his again I move my head and giggle slightly may as well make this pleasurable for me too.

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