Another Day (Part 53)

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/N: ilysm if you could spare a few seconds to click that vote button and comment maybe ;)

Nats POV

I smile at his mean but cute comment. I still love him I never stopped because the moment I told him was the moment I feel even more madly in love with him, I love him so much! I guess that sounds insane? Like I did love him but I guess the moment that I realised I was about to lose him for the rest of my life then it sunk in just how much I actually love this idiot!

"I.. I love you too" I reply calmly "If you Love him so much you wouldn't have done any of that shit would you!" Chloe shouts finally snapping. Niall glares at her softly slightly agreeing I agree with her to! "Because I was jelous and drunk out of my mind I had no idea what I was doing or that it would ever lead to this! I was stupid and I fucking hate myself for it! I'm not trying to get sympathy or any thing out of this!" I yell tears forming. How many times can I cry before the tears suddenly stop falling?.

"I still love you Niall, I still want us to work! I know that I'm a fuck up but I'll make it up to you I'll do anything!" I plead for the final time, he looks at me with those eyes those irish blue eyes that look like a sad broken man, actually a sad broken lonely boy. I did that!.

"I think its time you leave now don't you? You've already caused enough trouble!" Maura opens her eyes guiding me to the stairs "I'm sorry I just need to get my stuff?" I shrug "I'll get Greg to drop it by to you tomorrow" she tries to smile and pulls me toward the stairs away from him I hear his muffled cries for me to come back , I can't leave him cry?

"Wait!" I shout to her "what?" I pull away from her grip and run back into the room he's in wrapping my arms around him for what is the final time, the final time I'll get to hold him touch him be with him! I cry on his shoulder gripping tighter wanting some emotion back from him . Nothing!. Its over now its officially over and this is all my fault I brought this on my self! "I guess this is goodbye?" I bite my cheek "I guess so" he sad eyes trail my body "I love you" I whisper in his ear and kiss his cheek slowly leaving my mark on his body my lip stick stain evident I hush him and walk away before another word is said.

"I'm ready" I smile and she shows me to the door "I'm sorry again" "I am too" she sighs and closes the door leaving me outside in the cold night , who can I call? There's no one to call anymore! I get in my car that's parked and pull my phone out searching for a hotel or betsit that's near by for me to crash in for the night, or the week?.

My mum was right, well sort of I am heartbroken only its all on my head!. I find one called 'The Sea Shell inn' its only 25 minuets down the road so I'll just go there?.


I pay for a weeks stay its surprisingly cheap for a fancy place like this?

I take my heels off and walk around the lobby bare footed, I head to the bar and ask for the strongest drink they have, the give me a bottle of pure whiskey and the smell is strong it looks like bleach?. I run to the pharmacist across the road picking up some random pills I pay for them and take them back to my room. What's the point in living anymore?.

I lay on the floor my head leaning against the head board fits of tears bringing the bottle to my lips gulping the ligour down my throat it makes me rentch a lot but I don't care! I grab a pill and pop it in my mouth swallowing it, their not as strong as I would of hoped?. I continue to drink I find three bottles of wine in the mini fridge , I drink and drink I understand why teens do this on a daily basis its to wash away all emotion they feel to be happy and wild for the short pwriod of time so they can forget all their problems and just have fun an smile even if they have the shitist life in the world it makes you feel giggly and happy makes you smile,bur while I smile and try to hide my emotions to try and be noraml I just cry .

Another day (In Editing)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα