Another Day (Part 44)

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A/N: Hey guys sorry i didnt post yeasterday , i do have an excuse even though it isnt a good one but it was Harrys birthday yeasterday and i spent most of the day crying? While trying to break th vevo record? So heres yeasterdays update. 

Nats POV 

Why is here? Whats going on? I'm beyond confused right now! This is all too much for one day! "Louis Why are you hear?". I'm trying my hardest not to talk , it hurts to talk! It hurts to see him. 

"I told you Nat i couldnt not come, i heared about it on the news, i thought you were going to die!" . Bit of an over exaggeration. "O..Okay" i rub my head feeling small plasters "Hunny dont touch thoughs" My mother guides my hands from my head "What?" i ask "Their your stiches dont touch them" She tries to smile.Louis comes to sit the other side of me , my mother glaring at his everymove "I told you , your not welcome" She harshly whispers to him, his expression changing. Oh no not now! My mother and Louis dont get on anyway the last thing i want is another agrument!. "Yes but she wants me here" he snarls "No she doesnt, i know what she wants and its not you!" My mother trying her best to keep her anger in thinking i wont notice. How could i not its all happening before my very eyes!.

"Yeah because she really wants to hear you lecture her and tell her how perfect her life would be if she listened to you!Remember who brought you here! You would never have known about your prescious daughter being in this accident if i didnt tell you!" He yells finally letting his anger out, this isnt going to end well!. I want to interrupt but i cant, my voice wont let me."Dont tell me what she wants and doesnt , i do not lecture her! I understand you brought me here and im greatful but you heared the front desk worker she needs to be around family and the last time i checked your Not family!" my mother obviously getting annoyed too. She can be fiesty at times, i know that very well!. 

"Yes i am! i've been more like family to her than you ever have! I helped her when she was upset and i comforted her we shared every memory together, i hugged her and helped her up when you were to busy!" Louis stands up throwing the chair out the way "But that was all fake wasnt it Louis..." i speak my voice quiet and fragile "What?" my mother and Louis say in unison and direct their looks to me "What you just said, everything we did , it was fake" i look at him for a second and the colour drain, must be true then. 

"No it wasnt, Nat i wouldnt do that to you!" "Yes you would" i answer blankly "Nat why are you acting like this! Stick up for me here! i've always been there for you" his voice breaking halfway through the sentance my mother rolling her eyes "Only because you thought that i would get with you if you did so.." i cant look at him "Nat your getting it wrong! why would you think that" "I'm not thinking it, i was told it" . I really dont wanna tell him that Harry told me."By who? Her..or Danielle? Who told you that what we had was fake!" Louis glaring at my mother, "None of them, and we had nothing obviously everything we did you did with everyother girl, All my prescious and most treasured moments wernt really mine at all they were shared with every other girl you tried with, only differance i didnt fall as fast as them i didnt fall at all, i nearly did but i didnt!" My voice aching, its defenatly brusied!. He shakes his head "No Nat thats all wrong, I love you" My mother laugh at the words meand Louis glare at her "Mum could you give us a minuet" "Sure, i'll see if i can contact your grandmother" ,Why?. She leaves the room.

Louis sits down next to me where my mother was once sat and reaches for my hand , i pull away "Nat who ever told you any of those things was obviously bullshitting just to make me seem like a bad guy, i love you Nat i have never loved anyone more than you!". "We said things, like 'I Love you' only difference is i didnt lie to you", His eyes look down at the floor the door open "Mum i said could you give us a ...." i stop mid-sentance when i see Harry standing there clear shock and concern on his face. 

Another day (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now