Another day (Part 8)

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-"Are you sure I'm okay?" "Nat your fine really!". And I lay back down.

Nat's P.O. V

This isn't how i planned my birthday? i planned it to be alot happier than this , no accidents or crying or anything guess things dont always go to plan do they?.

Lous started playing with my hair wrapping it around his finger, Sometimes he would pull it gently and giggle at my reaction . "Fancy a cuppa?" i asked "Yeah sure" "Okay" and i jumped up and walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on "How many sugars do you have Lou?" "Uh three" he answered , i made him his tea and brought it to him "Here you go careful its hot" , he sat up and took it off me and placed it down on the floor . We sat there carefully sipping at the drink , As it went down my throat a feeling of warmth fill my body .

"So What can we do now?" I asked "Well there's one or two things i can think of" he smirked , i looked at him "Like?" "You now what never mind" he grinned "No tell me" "No dont worry" "Louis tell me" , "I could give you your birthday present?" "Yeah!" "ok" and he got up and streched we walked outside , "Follow me then" and we walked around "Louis where are we going?" "Somewhere, Just follow" so i did , we walked for ages and i was getting anxchious "uhh Louis where are we going" i asked worridly "Look Nat its fine" he told me .


*1 hour later*

We stopped by a random bus sign in a random estate i had no idea where we were. "Louis where are we and why are we here?" i stared at him "It's fine i just need to see someone then we will go to your birthday surprise!" he smirked , we waited around then a car pulled up i didnt see who was in there but it sounded like 3-4 boys "Hey man" Louis said excitedly they talked for awhile , i lean against the sign and sigh , Louis look at me and smile i smirk "What?" i shouted , "Oh her yeah she's just a friend fiesty isn't she" "I can here you talking about me mind?" i shouted "Yeah i know" he laughed and lean on the car window looking in.

"Louis can we go now, i can't wait any longer!" I Moan , "Yeah two secs babes!" , i heared the boys in the car laughing "Haha Louis got a girlfriend" "Better get in there lou she wants some action" , he laughed at first "Stop it shes just a friend" , "Okay" . They drove off and he Looked at me "Okay princess, ready now" he asked "Actually now you come to ask i quiet like it here now?" i laughed he came closer to me "Do you?" "Yep" i giggle he laugh and look away shaking his head , i wrap my arms around his kneck "Come on then wheres my present or whatever you got me?" , he led the way .

I heared water i looked at him "Why can i hear water?" "What do you mean" "Like waves almost!" "I dunno" he grinned we walked around a corner "Louis how much further?" "Look were here now" , I looked at the ground there was sand at the sides of the road I looked at him "why's there sand on the floor!?" "Well i don't know Nat?" as we got closer to our destination the waves got loader, We took a turn and i froze he laugh slightly ,"Louis! you are the best!" i scream and he kick the sand "N'aaw thanks babes!" he said . 

We were at a beach well it was kind of a beach it was smaller than a normal beach , The sand was white and the sea pale blue and you could see through it , There was a massive rock which took up most of the room, Louis covered it in rose petals there was a present on it , a pier went out on to the sea that also had rose petals and candals all the way down the sides , Louis so thoughtful!. He wrote my name in the sand  with stones and Happy Birthday under neath , i smiled and gave him a hug he spun around as i did taking me with him. He put me down slowly and i ran and started to climb up the rock and grabbed the box and shook it "What is it?" i asked excitedly "Open it and find out" he smirked , I ripped open the paper and opened the box up , i looked down and looked at Louis he was smiling "Louis thank you so much!" i scream , He gave me a scrap book and a picture of him was on the front i lifted it out and it had photos in it and captions underneath , "You can add photo's if you like!" he told me "I will" i smiled "Like when you go to uni you can put them in there and then when your older you can look back at this moment and remember me" and he smiled "Naww Louis its perfect!"  

I climbed down and took the box there was some more items in there but they were only small things. We sat on the sand "You could of atleast told me we were going to the beach!" i joked "That would of ruiened the surprise!" he answered "Also i have something to ask you" , i started sweating and i knew what he was going to ask i started planning how to answer and i thought of some things i could say "Nat , how about me and you" "No Louis i've told you i dont feel like that" i interrupted , he looked at me confused "What are you talking about?" he asked "Wait your not asking me out?" i froze "No, hahahaha really Nat i now you've told me a thousand times i get it we're friends" he laughed "What i was going to say is How about me and you go and get a Tattoo!" he asked excitedly "Louis what are you thinking we cant get a tatto" "Well why not?" "Well it looks like it hurts" "Well it dosnt matter we will do it for each other , come on Nat it'll make you feel Alive!" "Have you had one?" "No its my first to but it dosnt matter!" he was trying to convince me and honestly its working. 

I thought for a moment "Okay then only if your having one to!" "yeah of cousre" and we made our way to the closest tatto parlour "What am i going to have done?" i asked "I dunno we'll look around". we entered the shop ad looked at some off the tatto's "Louis i dont want a big one i want a small one" "Okay" and we carried on looking , "Natilee" he called and i went over to where he was standing "What?"  "How about this" and he pointed at a tatto , it was a key and then a heart lock "Why would we have a key and a lock?" "To show that we will always be friends and no one can seperate us!!" he thought it was an amazing idear "Okay fine" i agreed . 

He sat in the chair and the man asked him where he wanted it "On my ankle" the man put the out line on Louis ankle "Could i have a letter N coming off the end of the key on a bow or something?" he asked and grinned at me "Sure" the man said and added the extra detail. "Why do you want a letter N?" i asked "So i and everyone else nows i'm getting it for you" and he smirked , i giggled i felt so special but at the same time i was shitting myself , Louis one was almost finished and it looked amazing he just needed colour on the bow he coloured it pink. 

It was my turn and i started to shake , Louis held my hand tight "Its fine Nat dont worry" "Okay" the man asked if i wanted to add anything , i looked at Louis "Yes i want a L shaped lock" "Okay" and within a couple of minuets my tattoo was done , but it really did hurt . 

My ankle went red and it hurt when i put my shoes on , me and Louis limpped out off the shop giggling, and made our way back to the beach. 

A/N: Hey thanks sorry took so long to write such a small chapter i just havnt had the energy to write it but i did so haha!! sorry for mistakes i havnt checked it yet but i promise i will change them!! Hope you like this part if so please vote!!. 

Most of all thanks and your all SEXY POTATOES!! Follow me on Twitter : @Chloegabriel_x 

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