Another Day (Part 62)

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A/N: Heya everyone how are you? Hope your all ok anyway I'm breaking this into two parts so this is the first one and the next bit will be posted tomorrow! Don't worry I won't make these super short chapters :)

Louis Pov

My alam bleeps off multiple times, me shutting it off every five minuets by the time I finally get up its half eight .. Oh fuck! I'm going to be late for work as perusual!. Since I left high school and I dont go to college or any of that crap I'm forced to get a job, I mean its a simple job but its a job? I work in a cinema cleaning up peoples shit , not literally! I mean like pop corn and crap and if I'm lucky I get to serve it to them!. I have a feeling I'm going to get the sack considering this is the sixth time I've been late?. Its not easy looking this good!.

My head is pounding that's because of that shitty party last night!. Danielle better stay away from me because I swear I'm going to kill her leaving me on my own with a house full of people I don't know!. I swear she's a bitch!.

I drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom straight into the shower getting rid of any evidence from last night once I get out I dry and get changed into my ugly disgusting uniform ew. I barge my sister out of the way and go back into the bathroom, to brugh my teeth I mean if your going to be a babe magnet you have to have a minty scent!.

I run down the stairs into the kitchen rading to cuboards for something to eat, I'm starving! I find some sort of cereal my mother has never bought before but it has cookies in it so how bad can it be?. "Your wide eyed this morning!" My mother sarcasticly comments and giggles, I dip my hand into the box pulling out handfuls of cereal as I sit on the counter "hush woman and make me a coffee!" I groan and chuck the handful of cookies into my mouth "oh what a lovely way to talk to your mother!" She jokes "I told you hush!" I silence and she laughs switching the kettle on "you do know there is a creation known as a bowl, you put ceral in it instead of eating it out of the box there is also something known as a spoon its what you use to eat it?" She continues to annoye me talking to me in a slow voice as if I'm a four year old and I'm stupid that I don't know thoughs things.

"Yes I know did you know there is also something known as a mug and coffee you add hot water to it and milk along with sugar?" "Yes I did know that" "Good now make me one" I answer in the same tone she used with me moments ago. Don't mess with me in the mornings it won't end in your favour. My mother should know that she brought me up and has been living with me long enough . She hands me the warm mug with the hot beverage I required and I take large gulps "your lucky I love you I could have put salt in that instead of sugar!" She smile "then I would have had to kill you" i blatently look at her and remove myself from the counter leaving the mess behind "children" my mother huffs as I leave "I'm 19 im not a child!" I shout back and leave for my shitty job "at least pretend you care about your life" my mother shouts trying to be witty, she's lucky she's my mother and I love her.

As I pull into the car park the rain begins to pick outsdie I curse at my self for not bringing a coat I run outside and into the building like I suspected Yasmin was standing by the escalators waiting for me . Did I say she was the manager? And this is probably where I get fired?. "Hey Yas" I smile and wave "Don't you 'Hey Yas' me! Your late again! Louis this is becoming a habit of yours!" "I'm sorry? Its just.." "No excuses! If I let you off again it wouldn't be fair on everyone else and it looks like favouritism!" "Yeah but they are all ugly moaning little fuckers! So I'm obviously your favourite! I mean look at me?" I wink joking her she has to be like 29-35 at least.

"I don't have a favourite! And I'm not supposed to your here for one reason and that's because you have a job now get to it! And if your late again your fired do you understand!" "Yeah sure whatever" I mumble and go to walk away "also screen 9 is in need of your assistance" she smirks. Oh god.

Nats POV

"Good morning class! I'm filling in for today? Your other teachers husband died so she's kind of emotional? I'm Mrs. ButterField um call me Jade if its more comfortable for you?" She gleams. This class is full of subsitutes!. I listen to the tall blonde woman speak we have to act out how a character shows emotion, its me and lilys turn, we decided to do a girl getting or about to get raped/ kidnapped which I am very familiar with! Its ironic really? We didn't really choose what emotion we got we were just given one? And ours was fear and sadness? So this came up and I have been in this situation a lot that I'm not surprised we got a high mark for it!.

I spot Niall walking along the green going into the buisness block, why is he going in there? He does music technology not buisness?. I'm confused??. He walks very quickly his head bowd obviously so he can't get spotted but when you spend so much time with someoen you can spot them from a mile away, and this is my gorgeous boy walking right in front of me!.

I shout his name a few times he doesn't listen, what's his problem?.

"What other subjects go on in buisness block?" I ask Lily-May "I don't know I only came here last month?" She shrugs . Wow really?. "Oh okay" I sigh, I guess I'll just ask him later the same as I'm going to ask him what he dreamt about lastnight because he told me he would tell me and honestly he didn't tell me! "Hey I'm having like a party not soon but around christmas time and Niall said he would ask one or two people to stay over for the christmas break fancy joing?" I ask my new best friend "sure! I mean a partys a party! But staying in a big ass house for two weeks! Hella yeah I'm in!l she laughs and I walk away to my car "bye!" I call as she runs to a tall brunette boy . Cain?.

The drive back to the manner house is slow even though its twenty minuets away, I guess I'm just drained! ... And hungry. I make my way straight into the kitchen looking for something to russle up, um... I think I'll just start with a sandwhich seeing as they are the only ingrediants I got? I'll have to go shopping for some.

The door opens and closes momentarily Niall wondering into the kitchen "Hey baby!" He kisses me "Hi" I smile, he always makes me blush with his silly but cute pet names I remember once he called me 'Honey Pie' and I made sure he never said it again. "How was your Day?" I smile should I ask why he went to the buisness block?. "It was alright my lessons were canceled though so I've just been chilling around Jason's place?" He shrugs. What? He knows this Jason? Why did he go to the buisness block if he was at 'Jasons place' ??. "Oh I know Jason, I saw you today?" "You did?" He asks munching on a banana "Yeah you went into the buisness block?" I shrug. I don't knpw why I'm making such a big deal out of this its probably nothing!.

"Oh well probably wasn't me because I haven't been on campus all day?" He shrugs leaving the room. What? No I saw him that was Niall, I saw him I did! I know I did! Why is he lieing to me!.

A/N: Next part of this tomorrow :)

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