Another Day (Part 57)

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Nats POV

"Nat don't cry please" he swipes my cheek "Harry please don't make me do this" I plea "I don't want to do this but I need you to tell me, for me and yourself when I look at you I see a confused lady you don't know what you want but I'll assure you if you want me it wont be a wrong decision"

I can't do this and I don't want to do this? Why did I even come here? I'm just proving Niall right? I'm proving Harry right? I always crawl to him and I just don't know why? .

"I don't want to break your heart" I answer truthfully "You already are" he mumbles , I take a deep breath this is the hardest decision I have ever made! Should it be a hard decision I mean I should be choosing Niall right? I shouldn't even need to think about it I should already know who I want?

"Niall" I breath "What?" "I choose Niall" I close my eyes scrunching my face, still conferring the decision myself. "You uh .. you don't have to tell me now?" he sighs "Harry you asked me to choose and I did I chose Niall" I snap "Right, well then get out" he bits his cheek. what have I done!.

"Wait Harry no please don't make me go" I beg and rub my hand up his neck "You choose Niall now leave and be happy" "No Harry I'm sorry please I'm happy here don't please" I pull his face to kiss him he pushes me away from him .

"Nat just get out" he shouts his voice echoes down the hall , I bow my head "No I'm not leaving" I answer slightly scared "Get the fuck out of my apartment!" "Harry I want you I'm choosing you didn't you want that?" I snap raising my voice "yes I did but that's before I realised that your a self centered low life bitch now get the fuck out!" . Ouch really was that necessary?.

"Fine" I turn on my heels why did I ever think coming here would be a good idea!. I storm outside and drive where ever the wheel takes me to any street I recognise. I get out and buzz on the buzzer the doors open and I run up the stairs and bash on the door, it opens and I storm inside.

I collapse to the floor in fits of tears, "I've fucked my life up" "How?" a friendly voice asks comforting me "I went to Harry to cry too and he gave me an ultimatum between him and Niall and I don't know what to do" "Who did you choose" "Both of them?" I answer and see the piercing brown eyes that always used to melt me.

He offers out his hand and helps me up "Is anyone here with you?" I ask "No its just me no ones here, I'm surprised your here and even talking to me" "Me too" I smile. "What happened with you and Niall?" "Long story short I cheated on him with Harry , harry made me tell him we split up but got back together this morning for him to search through my phone find some old contacts flip out and split up with me again"

"Wait you cheated with Harry?" "Yeah, don't judge" I smirk "when I said of for harry to get in there I didn't mean it" I gawks I burst out laughing. "Tris you can always make me smile" "Awh thanks" he flushes I smile "Have you um have out spoken to Megan?" I ask "Nah I've called a few tines but she's ignored my calls I sent sunflowers to her class the other day and I believe she burnt them and she's bad mouthed me to everyone also I think she's met someone?" . I feel bad for him?.

"Wait Sunflowers?" I chuckle "Yeah they are her favourite flowers she isn't into roses and all the tacky flowers that other girls get and that's what I always admired about her how she didn't like any of that stuff! she looks a bit like a sunflower to me always smiling". I smile I hope they resolve their problem unlike me and Niall probably never will!.

"That's sweet... who's this new guy?" "I don't know someone she met at that party the other night think he's one of Niall's friends uh Jason? I think" "Oh well you don't need her you can do better". Did I really just say that? I said the same thing to her!.

"Can I really? they don't get much better than Megan she was my perfect girl, Nice kind down to earth funny smart and just overall beautiful!" . my eyes start to tear and get glassy.

Another day (In Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ