Another day (Part 7)

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- I could just about walk in a straight line. We put her in the car and she went home

*one month later*

Nats P.O.V

I can't belive its only three or four months till I leave for CrossBridge I'm super excited, and the best thing is I've got my licence !! So I can do anything I'm ready to take on the world.

I woke up to the smell of cooking eggs and bacon the scent drifted around my room forcing me to open my eyes , I woke up hardly awake my hair all tangled my face looking horrible "Uh" I let out a moan from my mouth and walked down stairs "Hey mum" I said my voice croaky "Hey hunny" she said and gave me breakfast "what's got into you" I asked her "hhmm what do you mean" she answered "you never cook breakfast" I told her "Well I think you have forgotton what day it is missy!!" She said and gave me a glass of juice " I guess I have what day is it" I asked "its saterday which means" she said. I have no clue what she's talking about so its saterday who cares what's that got to do with cooking me breakfast. I looked at my phonei had a text from Louis , I opened it .

Happy 18th Birthday baby I hope you have a brilliant day and I may have a few surprises for you on the way enjoy xXxXxXx

Oh yeah I forgot it was my birthday. Mum continued "well" she said "its my birthday isn't it" I said "oh my gosh your a genius now I know how you got expected into CrossBridge" she joked "ha ha" I said sarcasim in my tone , "I'm Eighteen like what!" I screamed and ran upstairs leaving my breakfast. I jumped on bed "Finally" I screamed mum came upstairs "right birthday girl get down stairs and eat your breakfast now" she looked at me the way parents do to try and intimidate you , I went down stairs and ate my breakfast , after my food I went and sat in the living room , mum came from upstairs "where's my presents then" I joked "well here's your cards" she said passing me five or six envolopes I opened them all up most of them from my family, I opened my mums card it had a big lump in it as soon as I took the card out of the envolope a set of keys fell onto my lap I picked them up "Shut up you havnt" I screamed , a big smile across mums face "what I havnt what" she said "you havnt bought me a car" I screamed excitedly "I don't now" she said I ran to the window and there it was my car. I started jumping up and down excitedly "eeeekk" I scream I sat back down "what's dad got me" I asked "uh hunny this is dad were talking about here" she said "he hasn't got me anything has he" I said dissapointedly "No sweetie, but this is from Ava" she said and smiled I opened it up it was a video camera I looked at mum "why did she buy me a video camera" I asked "Look there's a note" mum said and pointed it out I read the note and did what it told me . 

I plugged the camera into my Laptop and a video popped up it was Ava and Josh "Hey! Sorry we can't be there" they were saying "your 18 and make sure you enjoy it while it lasts your proberly wondering why I got you a Video Camera well its so when your feeling low you let all your feelings out just say them into this camera or if you have a memory you want to remember you just record it its called a Diary Cam" Ava told me and smiled and the video ended I smiled at her thoughtfulness. I ran upstairs and got changed I came back downstairs "So what we doing for my birthday then" I asked her "Well hunny this is the thing I'm working all day today and proberly all night too and I can't get a day off you can ask your friend Lydia to come over though if you want" she said this always happens "oh okay" I said and lay on the sofa , she grabbed her keys "I'll see you later sweetie enjoy your day" and she left .

I texted Louis I need someone to cheer me up,

Hey Lou Fancy Coming Over This Is Turning Into The Worst B-Day Evvveeerr!!! X

Within minuets he replied,

Sure babe what's wrong I'll be right over xx

Thanks, just let yourself in the doors open xx

Another day (In Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant