Another Day (Part 16)

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---I pull the covers off and go to sleep

Natilee's P.O.V

I was woken up by my phone ringing under my pillow , I rub my eyes and strech then quickly grab my phone and answer it without checking who's calling "Hello?" My voice raspy "Hey" the person say back I can't tell who it is? "Um Who's this?" I ask "its Me silly" they say "Who's Me?" I ask "you really don't know who this is do you?" They reply "No who are you?" I ask "Well I best be going" "no who are you" I say "no you should know who this is and if you don't I obviously don't mean that much to you so I'll leave you work it out!" And they hang up . I sit on my bed puzzled .

Emily burst through the door and it makes me jump "oh hi sorry didn't mean to statle you" she says and laughs "oh no its fine" I say and smile humbly "Didn't expect you to still be here? Thought you would be out socializing or something?" She says "I don't know if your noticed but I'm not the social type?" I half joke and she laughs "well you could come hang with me?" She suggests , she's so kind I couldn't of asked for a better room mate! "Nono its fine plus I wouldn't want to invade on anything" I say "No seriously Nat you should come me e me and my friends have nothing to do so you should seriously come plus you look like fun!?" She says with a smile "Um ok then put I'll have to get changed" I say "ok" and she sits on her bed and waits for me I put what I had on earlier and do my hair again "I'm ready" "you sure why havnt you put make up on?" She asks "Do I need it!?" I ask panicing about how I look.

"No no ofcourse not! Its just some of the roomates I've had and the amount of make up they have put on their face is unbelivable" "really?" I say "No that's how its unbelivable!" And she laughs she locks our door and we make our way outside "can you drive?" She asks "Yeah you?" "Nope" "its fine I can drive you" "awsome I'll show you the way". She tells me the address and I follow her directions we pull up outside another building but it doesn't look like a dormitry? "Beep!" She said so I did and a girl ran out side and into the back of my car "Heeeyyy" she said cheerfully "hey babe!" Emily said "Um This is Jaime-lee" she told me "oh hi Natilee just call me Nat" "oh ok um just call me Jaime" "where now?" I said to Emily and she told me directions to the next place.

"So do you stay in a dormitry?" I ask "Hell No! I stay in a ferternity I couldn't live in a dorm and I refuse to stay in a dorm" she says ""shut up Jaime!" Emily shouts we pull up outside another building but it was off campus and I beeped again and Two girls came running outside one was bright blonde the other a red head (Not ginger). And they cram in next to Jaime-lee "hey girls" they both say "Who's she?" The Blonde one asks Emily "oh she's my new room mate Natilee" "please just Call me Nat" "oh ok" "This is Tia and Paige" Emily told me pointing to them , the blonde one was Tia and the other one was Paige .

"Is she coming to the party tonight!?" Paige asked "Dunno? Are you coming tonight or not!?" Emily asked me and raised her eyebrows they all looked at me "uh um Sur-sure I mean of course!" I stutter "you don't have to come if you don't want to!?" Emily said "no I want to come" "oh ok" She told me to drive to this Pizza place where they always hang out so I did. Once we arrive we all got out off my car and went inside . It was freezing out side and looked like it was going to rain. We sat in a corner seat and waited for someone to take our order we sat and started talking I was just taking in my surrondings, their was a couple sitting across from us and they were all over each other it made me feel sick to my stomach , yes show public affection but don't fuck eachother in public!.

"Nat you okay?" Tia asked and turned to see the two of them "Yeah just feel abit icky" "oh their always here its nothing new to us!" She says and they laugh a Boy comes over to us he has the whole of his ear pierced and one in his nose he also had a few tattoos for what I could see "Hey Tristan!" Jaime says to him "Alright Girls" he says and winks at me my moutch drops to the floor and my cheeks go bright red I have never seen so many hot guys in one week! "So same as usual?" He asks "yep" Tia adds and winks at him "Tomatoe and motzerella base!" Emily says "With Ham" Paige adds "And pinapple topping with a side of Large Cokes" They all say and Laugh , I felt really awkward and left out but I shrugged it off at least the ordered my favourite pizza , "Coming right up!" He says and writes it down he whispers in emilys ear but I hear him "Who's you Friend" and he points at me "Natilee" she says "She New hear?" He asks "Yes she is So stay away!" And she playfully punches him and he runs off laughing.

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