Another Day (Part 45)

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A/N: To all the people reading and continuing to vote and read i love you thank you! You guys are amazing!!. 

Nats POV 

I wake up, my room dark and silent a coldness drifting i wrap the thin sheets over my bare shoulders then glance at the big purple marks blotching , I have alot of them!. I wonder what time it is? Is it early? Or is it still late?. I wish they would put a clock or something in here, i thought i was in VIP ward and there isnt even a clock on the wall?. 

Nicole strolls through the door singing to herself i shut my eyes pretending to be asleep she walks around the room, "Dont think i dont know your awake!" she speaks with her back to me. How?. i was perfectly still!. 

I sit up and just watch her "Could i see Niall today?" curiosty full in my voice she sighs as she looks at me i give her the biggest pleading smile possible. "Nat you know that this was a serious accident people dont just heal over night!" "I know i spent enough of my time in hospital!". I really have not just with me being in here but family like my dad? He used to end up in hospital all the time!. Nicole leaves.  Moments later she walks back in accompanied by Jake (The Doctor). Since our little chat i feel awkward around him like he was my fathers bestfriend! The one who raised me as a child, My mother had no one when my father left the only person she ... We had was him he was like my fatherly role, but then he left and i'm not sure how to feel how to react to the factthe both left me and they both fled to Ireland!. Its like my past is haunting me!. 

I had a great relationship with Jake he was like my bestfriend when i was alone! He help my mother and basically helped us through the tradgity which is my father, I mean Jake had always joked about how he would become a doctor and he would dress me up as a nurse and play doctors with me and i would pretend my mum was ill and we would have to look after her but i never thought he would actually become a doctor!. 

"Hello Nat, how are you?" he asks "You can talk normally to me?" i laugh "I have to be professional once i put this jacket on i become a doctor to outside work related relationships cannot bother me?" he sort of laughs "You .. Professional!" i joke remembering how he would never get a job because he would always say something un-professional to get thrown out of the interveiw so he never got a job. "Dont judge a book by its cover!" he laughs and i join in "Anyway i just came to tell you that your scans have come back" he cheers "Scans?" i question i dont remember getting any scans?. "We took them when you were out!" "Oh.. and?" "You seem to be alright no serious serious injurys just a broken leg and a few bruises?" he shrugs "What about this?" i ask and point to my neck "Should heal soon, dont worry it shouldnt cause much pain?" . Shouldnt cause much pain? It hurts like fuck!. 

"Will i be able to see Niall?" i ask "You too are exacly alike, i was just with him and thats the first thing he asked!" Jake laughs and Nicole joins in, forgot she was in here!. "So he's awake!" i cheer "Yes he is awake!" the biggest smile cover my bruised cheeks, a mix between happy and relief that life should go back to normal!. "So i can see him?!" "Sadly not! he is still badly hurt as the compact of the car hit him more so he will need to stay longer than you?" . I really hope he is fine!. "When can i go home?" . Home isnt really the correct word? I cant go home, home is to far away more like when can i go to my dorm!. 

"Tomorrow hopfully we just need you for observation tonight" he smiles and leaves along with Nicole who is like his lost puppy. "Oh and you friend is here" he says as he closes the door. Which friend, i have many friends?. Harry stumbles through the door "Uh hi" he drags to bags with him on the floor placing them on the end of my bed "Whats in the bags?" "Your clothes i didnt know which ones to pack so i put a range in?" he rubs the back of his neck with his palm nervously stuttering a few times. "You went to get me clothes? Why?" "Well I didnt go without permission and rumage through your things i swear! I took your orders and went to go see Niall he told me to pack you clothes and bring them for you? He's not in a good way if im being honest? i dont think you are in a fit state to see him!" Harry explains. This infomation breaks my tiny heart. 

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