Another Day (Part 40)

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Nats POV 

I pull away from him and look at the photo , it tears a smile at my lips and i make it my screen saver "Show me it then?" he laughs, i turn my phone around showing him the adorable picture! He doesnt say anything just stares at it for awhile a blank expression on his face. I turn my phone around checking it hadnt turned off the picture was still there pixel clear, "Whats wrong?" I ask slightly concerned he still just stares , i snap my fingers and he blinks "Uh nothing, Just thinking?" "About what? somethings wrong? Dont you like it? I'll delete it!" "No dont! Nothings wrong i swear!" he flashes a smile. 

"Ok" i put my phone away "What are we going to do now?" i ask "Um we could see Tristan and Megan?" he considers . I'm not shore what to say? because Tristan dropped me in it saying i was at Harrys and then there was the few awkward moments we were having. "Uh sure!" I smile but then realise what i just answered. "Cool" he intwines his fingers in mine and we walk out of the door hand in hand , I'm not really used to public affection and me and Niall never really show it? Yeah we hug and stuff but never anything like this? We walk down the hall way and down the stairs were almost at the door and then i spot Emily, My mind instantly thinks KILL. Even though Niall and her didnt do anythin still wanna kill her!. 

She glares at me and i just flick my hair and smile pretending not to even notice her, Just to rub it in even more i look and Niall with loving eyes and kiss his cheek by surprise , his turns smiling at me "What was that for?" "For being an amazing boyfriend!" , we carrie on walking and walk out of the door to his car i tear my hand from his and wait for him to unlock his car door , he pats hin his pockets "Uh Nat have you got your keys?" "Uh yeah... why?" "Because i think ive losy mine?" "Uh come on then!" we walk to my car get in and drive. 

"Where are we going Megans dorm or Tristans apartment?" i question. Please say Megans dorm please say Megans dorm!. "Uh Tristans apartment?" He guesses , Nooo!. "Ok" i wipe away the thought. We sit in my car as I drive to Tristan's apartment , I turn my radio on to break silence when was his apartment so far away! The fray pours out and Niall looks at me confused "Who's this?" "The fray?" "You like them?" "Uh yeah is that a problem?" I smirk "No not at all!" he shakes his head "Good!" I laugh "Good" he repeats .

I pull up and park right outside the building we run inside and up to Tristan's apartment , He knocks on the hard wooden door and he answers flashing a bright smile I see Megan sitting on his couch she smiles when she spots me and Niall together "You two are so adorable!" she admits we look at each other "Uh thanks?" Tristan invites us inside and I sit down next to Niall .

They start talking about last night at the party and all the traumatic things that were happening that I was to busy to even notice "Zayn like was totally all over Jamie-Leigh!" Megan tells me "Really? I hadn't noticed every time I saw him he was with Tia?" "Didn't you hear what happened? he had sex with her in Tia's room!" she gossips "Really!" I ask in complete shock "Yeah Tia walked in on them! she completely freaked!" "I would too!" I yell I feel for her I'm going to have to see her.

"Lost all respect for him" Niall interrupts our convocation "You wouldn't do that would you Niall!" Megan laughs and I have to swallow my feelings "Hell nah  I love my girl to much to cheat on her!" he winks on me , all colour  in face drains and I start getting sweaty "Are you OK?" Tristan asks me rushing over to me Niall runs after him and both boys are either side of me "I'm fine!" I push them away .

"Any way Nat where did you two run off to?" Megan asks "Me and Niall went to get something to eat?" I shrug "Then we had a mini after party here didn't we Nat!" Tristan laughs "Uh yeah" I blush as both Megan and Niall gape at me "Oh so you were here then!" Niall says as calmly as he can I know secretly he's fuming.

"I came here before I came to the dorm" I tell him Megan and Tristan can sense the tension I now they can. "Why did you come back here for clothes Nat?"  Megan asks "Uh my dress was just really uncomfortable that's all" I reassure her "You managed fine the rest of the Night" Tristan remarks "Yeah well?" I glare at him "Why haven't you changed out of them?" Megan asks in discust I look down realizing I am still wearing her clothes. Niall is giving me concerning looks.

"Uh I must of fell asleep in them?" I shrug and laugh nervously I don't think they are buying it?.

Niall POV

Something isn't right? Why is she acting so weird all of a sudden? things arnt adding up! is she lying? Why would she lie? What's she hiding from me?. It can't be anything serious I mean she would of told me?.

Nats POV

"where did you go last night Nat?" Niall asks concern clear in his voice . why are they asking so many questions?. "At a friends?" I shrug knowing he won't believe me "Which friend?" "Just .. just a friends". Oh no I'm going to need to tell him!.

"Nat are you hiding something from me?" anger slowly edges its way into his voice "No! I would never hide anything from you, you can trust me!" "Then tell me?" he half shouts, Megan jumps and Tristan snaps out of his thought where as I just sit there debating on what to Lyell him I'm used to Niall shouting it doesn't scare me?.

I open my mouth to speak but no sound leaves , Just as I go to tell him my phone rings , lucky save!.

"I have to take this?" I quickly speak and leave the room Tristan points to his room and I lock myself in there. "Hi" I answer not knowing who I'm talking to. "Hey" I instantly now that raspy voice "Harry?" I whisper for them not to hear me "yea um I need to talk to you?" "Well I'm kind of busy?" "Where are you!" "in Tristan's?" "Oh you moved on to your next victim" . Ouch?.

"Its not like that Megan and Niall are here!" I yell "Whatever I just need to speak to you about last night?" "Harry you said everything that you wanted to say I don't want to talk to you?" i say harshly then realising that nialls in the other room. He will flip on me!.

"I don't care Nat your meeting me at five I need to talk to you" he demands "No Harry!" "Nat your meeting me even of I have to drag you" he threatens and scares me kinda "Fine" I give in , I'm tired of arguing with him? I hang up I just wanna scream!.

I leave Tristan's room they all stop speaking and follow my every move as I sit down "Who was it ?" Niall asks knowing the answer "Harry" I answer blantenly "What did he want?" "Just told me out were looking for me?" I lie.

Niall POV

She's lying I know she's lying I can tell , why is she lying to me? 

A/N: Hey guys because I didn't post yesterday I'm doing a double update so this is the first part! ;) vote and comment

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