Another Day (Part 41)

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A/N:Hey this is the second part to the update vote and comment telling me what you think love you all :) x

Nats POV

His blue eyes Peirce through me as he stares at me "Nat you lying!" he yells "I'm not" . Why am I continue to lie to him its obviously not helping?. "Nat just tell me!" . I should but I shouldn't. "What's there to tell you Niall?" I shout my voice booming Megan and Tristan just sit I the middle of our argument.

"Tell me why your lying?" "I'm not lying!" I yell "Where were you last night!" his eyes threatening me "At a b&b" "Thought you were at a friends house?" he points out my earlier remark "I know I said that but  I was lying because you would go on about me paying for it?" I shrug "See I knew you were lying! what did harry want!" his fists balled ready to hit or smash something "He said you were looking for me?" I lie if I tell Niall he will surely hit I'm or come along with me and harry will surely tell him!.

"Why is he calling you now I went to see him an hour ago?" "I don't know Niall I'm not Harry!" I scream "Nat your still lying your continuing to lie you stayed at Harry's didn't you! I know you did I went there and saw your shoes the ones your wearing now at the door!" he yells his voice echoing around the room . I feel so guilty I also feel ashamed that were doing this in Tristan's apartment!

"Yes I did I was at Harry's!" I scream , should I tell him? I mean nows the time here's the oppertunite.

"Why did you hide from me?" his voice full of hurt "I was only there for five minuets ten max? I went because I was on my way back to the dorm but I stopped in to see him then he had a knock at the door I didn't now it was you so I hid in his room then I realised and I was close to open the door BT I heated you shouting I wanted to hear your convosation? when you left I left I didn't even want to look at him with what he said!"

"Then why did you lie!" "I don't know I'm so sorry?" , he looks down and brushes his fingers through his hair lifting his head up making my eyes stare into his baby blues which can be cute but threatening at he same time! "Don't lie to me ever again!" his voice warning me "I won't!" I try and smile He walks over to me wrapping my body in his arms giving me the complete feeling.

"Um were still here mind?" megan interrupts "Sorry for making a scene?" I apologize "Its fine" she reassures.

"Um were going to shoot off!" Niall says and walks away his hands in his pockets "Um bye" I say kissing her on the cheek and giving Tristan a hug Niall just stares at him while biting his cheek a tear leaving his eye but he urns before he thinks I can notice , I notice.

I pull away from the tall boy and over to Niall we leave and drive back to the dorms , the music still playing "Something's we don't talk about rather do without and just hold a smile falling in and out of love things we

aint proud off" I close my eyes as the words hit me "I'm thinking of getting an apartment" I speak the words fumble out "Oh" he sighs "Why?" "Because the dorm room is kinda small?" I answer "Or because you don't want to share with Emily!" he answers harshly

"Niall what is wrong with you! why are out being like this?" "You don't love me do you" "What are you talking about?" I speak "You don't just admit it? you don't love me I know you don't you love Harry and so you should? I mean he can Proberly treat you better that me what can I offer you other than a cuddle?" I smirk but inside I'm hurting just as much as he is even more than he is how can I live with such a dark and horrible secret!.

"Well maybe all I want and deserve is a cuddle?" I try and smile as a tear trickle down my cheek he wipes it away "I love you so much" he whispers as he does "your my life" he speaks but its like he's on mate as I can't hear a word! he screws his eyes shut as three or four tears leave her eyes" "Niall are you listening to me!" I ask "Yes" he answers "When you say you love me now I love you more and when you say you need me now I need you more I adore you" .

Nialls POV

A lot has happened in this last five minuets in her car and this a moment a very important moment because this is where is all goes wrong. She goes to park but doesn't see a truck coming head forward "NAT LOOK OUT!" I shout she turns and sees the truck swerving out into the middle on the road crashing into another oncoming car. The last thing I hear is smashing glass and car alarms going off .

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