Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

    "Come on, help us, someone is going to molest us, help, help." Su Yubing shouted as loudly as possible, the red wine was not strong just after drinking it, but as time passed Su Yubing felt that his The more dizzy she became, she silently prayed in her heart that someone would find out, even if she and Liu Siyue could get out of here, she spent a lot of energy even shouting, alpha's pheromones are inherently suppressing Omega.

    The louder Su Yubing yelled, the more excited the people sitting on the sofa in the room became. Two male alphas who couldn't stand it even wanted to stand up and attack Su Yubing.

    Before the two of them touched Su Yubing, they heard the door of the box being kicked open with a "bang", and a person walked in quickly, and then the door was closed by that person again. The whole thing happened in a few days. In a few seconds, everyone and Ben didn't react, and there was one more person in the box.     That person was Mo Yuxin who had been sitting at the bar just now. From the moment Su Yubing entered the box, the words on that page of the book in Mo Yuxin's mind began to flicker, as if implying something to Mo Yuxin.     So she didn't wait at all, and took the initiative to attack, and walked towards the box. When she reached the fourth box, she vaguely heard someone calling for help inside. Mo Yuxin had no time to think, and kicked the door into the box. Li, and closed the door behind him.     The two people who were about to reach out to Su Yubing had already been punched to the ground by Mo Yuxin.     When she gambled in her last life, she often fought with gangsters, and the body of an alpha in this world is stronger than that of a man in an ordinary world, which made Mo Yuxin feel a burst of relief when she hit someone, and fell down with two punches. Two useless things.     Alpha is very sensitive to the smell of the same kind. Mo Yuxin smelled a heavy tobacco smell as soon as she came in. This smell is Wei Shiqi's pheromone. Mo Yuxin can feel the pressure of Wei Shiqi's pheromone. Yubing and the girl next to her.     The original scum is a bit scum, but it is also an S-level alpha, which is much more lethal than ordinary alpha pheromones. Mo Yuxin hurriedly released her pheromones, and soon Wei Shiqi's forehead began to smear. Sweating, all his pheromones were forced back by Mo Yuxin.

    There was a faint smell of ice plum in the air, and Su Yubing was a little drunk, wrapped in the smell of ice plum, which made her feel very familiar but disgusted, she looked at Mo Mo who appeared in front of her. Yuxin, I feel that I am really drunk, how could this scum appear here? She doesn't care about her own life at all.

    Liu Siyue hurriedly supported Su Yubing and let Su Yubing lean on her, so that Su Yubing would not slip and sit on the ground.

    "Where the hell are you? You came here to find trouble in the game of my Wei Shiqi team?" Wei Shiqi sat on the sofa and concealed the fact that his pheromone was not as good as Mo Yuxin.

    The rich second generation around him are still watching, after all, they just want to have fun together, there is no need to stand up for Wei Shiqi themselves.

    "Oh, you don't even know me? How much are the clothes and pants on your body?" Mo Yu walked up to Wei Shiqi and the others as if no one else was there, and there was only a low wine table between them.

    "What? You want the hero to save the beauty and pay her back? My shirt is more than 7,000 yuan, and the pants are 3,000 cheaper. You can pay it for her." Wei Shiqi took a glance and knew that Mo Yuxin had no money. None of his clothes are brand-name goods, he said deliberately.

    "By the way, how much are your vest and underwear?" Mo Yuxin nodded calmly and asked.

    "Are you fucking sick? Where do you ask how much underwear and panties cost? I think you're just trying to find fault." Wei Shiqi immediately became angry.

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