Missing Year

By isaballerina89

29.4K 534 167

Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions

Rocky Road

225 5 0
By isaballerina89

Emma carried Hope in the carrier as she, Killian, Henry and Elsa marched into Gold's shop seeing Belle with Rumpelstiltskin. "What can I do for you?"
"I need your help to find my sister, Anna."
"I never have seen her before you before. I do not know who your sister is.."
Emma faces Gold. "How did she end up inside your urn inside your secret vault of terror?"
"Look, if you want to know, you should ask her yourself. She is standing right next to you, miss swan."
"She did. I cannot remember how I got in that urn. Something happened to my memories."
"Well, an all too common affliction around these parts. Pity. As you can see many objects fall into my possession, urns, necklaces, all manner of things. I do not know the history of all the objects."
Killian knew something was up, "Only if something is in for you. Right crocodile?"
"Yeah, well that may be true once. I am a changed man, I lost a son and gained a wife. So you might say, I turned over a new leaf."
"Do not forget about my superpower. I can tell when someone is lying."
"Let Belle use my dagger, to see if I am telling the truth."
Belles takes the dagger out."Are you sure?"
Rumple looks at his wife,"Belle, I trust you."
"Okay, Dark one...I command you to tell the truth."
"The truth is...just as I said. I had no idea someone was in that urn I know nothing about Elsa or her sister Anna."
Killian knows the crocodile was up to something and lying to their faces. "But I wish you the best of luck finding her." Killian, Henry, Elsa, Emma, and Hope left Gold's shop. She gets a phone call from her Dad. "Dad?"
"Emma, we need your help someone use ice magic on Roland."
"Elsa is with Killian, Hope and I. We are coming." They ended their phone call. "Somone frozen Roland's heart." When they arrived, they see Roland on the couch frozen, with Robin at his side.
"What happened?"
Robin looks at Emma "I took him to get ice cream before the meeting and he is now cold."
Elsa knew it was different magic. "This is not my magic. I did not do this."
Regina arrived with Henry. "You did this?!"
"Regina, she was with me, Henry, Hope, and Killian. She nothing to do with this. We were at Gold's shop talking to him for answers."
Regina, "There has to be someone who caused this. Robin, to break this you can give Roland true love kiss." Robin kisses Roland who wakes up.
"Papa!" Robinhood scooped his son into his arms.
Emma looks at Elsa and Killian. "We need to find who did this. Someone here has magic like Elsa."
Hope began to cry. "Hope, Mommy needs to be savior." She sniffs Hope. "You need a diaper change."
"Love, I will change her." Killian takes her away from the group of people to change her. "Henry, after your Dad changes Hope, you need to take Hope home."
"I want to help."
"I know, kid. I need your help to watch your sister. You did such a good job when I was in the ice wall. I promise that you will help more on the operation in the future. Not today." Killian returns with Hope. "Killian, I need you to take Elsa to the sheriff's station once the town finds out about Roland, people are going want to hunt her down. Dad, you and I will find the person who had done this."
"Okay, sheriff." Emma and Charming went one way, Kilian and Elsa went another way as Regina stayed with Henry and Hope. "Henry, do you want to go to grannys?"
"Sure. They walk to granny's.
Killian and Elsa, were in town hiding from other people. "Killian, I am not going to the sheriff's station. I need to find out who is trying to frame me."
"The sheriff's station is going the other way. Danger is this way."
Emma and Charming went to the woods to Roin hoods' campsite. "We should search for separately."
"Shout if you need help."
"Yeah. I got it." They see someone in a tent. Emma gets her gun out. "Whoever is in there, come out!" A man comes out with his hands up." Who the hell are you? What are you doing in that tent?"
"It depends on who is asking."
"The sheriff of this town is asking."
"I never did like sheriffs that much. You do rather a descent. I am guessing you are not going to shoot a man in the back." He runs away, Emma chases him. Charming tackles him to the round.
Emma went down to face the stranger,"Who are you?"
"Will Scarlet. I used to be a Merryman before I quit since me and Robinhood and I had a tough falling out."
"What are you doing here?"
"I heard what happened to Roland wanted to help."
"Tell us, what happened?"
"During the blackout, I wen to the ice cream shop. I saw the strangest thing, the ice cream machines were still running. All of the ice creams were frozen solid."
"You mean someone is keeping them cold."
"You are showing us."
Killian took Elsa back to the crocodile's shop. "I know you are hiding from Belle that she has the fake dagger."
"What do you want?"
"To help us find a way to find her sister. Or I can tell Belle you have the real one."
"Elsa, he agreed to help us."
"Someone cast a freezing curse on Roland. I need to know how it is." He gave them a locator spell and they followed to the woods. He sees a woman doing magic. He calls Emma.
"What is that?"
"An iPhone. To connect to others. Swan, answer your phone. I press the Emma button and she picks up." Emma did not pick up. "Why you did not pick up. I am in the woods with Elsa. We found the person who froze Roland."
In town, Will showed Emma and Charming the ice cream shop which was still frozen ice cream. They heard no noise from the machine. Will escapes.
"Not again." She checks her phone. "Dad, Kilian found the person."
Back in the woods, Elsa approaches the lady. "Who are you?"
"Hi, Elsa."
"I do not know you."
"I am your aunt. Your Mom's sister. Rock trolls took your memories away." She used her magic to freeze Killian's feet.
"Rock trolls. Why would they do that to me?"
"For the same reason, they did to your sister, Anna. Some memories are too painful to remember."
"You know Anna? What happened to her?"
"The same thing happens to an ordinary person. Eventually, they go against us from fear. Anna trapped you in that urn." She uses her magic to get sharps of ice to drop on Killian. Emma and Charming found them in time.
Lady, "Emma!"
Emma was surprised. "What?"
"You really think your magic is a match of mine?"
"There is only one way to find out." She uses her magic to push the Snow Queen out of the way. The strange lady with ice powers disappears. Emma used her magic again to get her husband out of the ice which knocked him and Charming down. "We are okay, swan."
Emma goes and hugs him. "You scared me."
"Love, Elsa, and I found out that the new person is Elsa's aunt. I am sorry, swan." He hugs her. "I am okay, Emma."
Charming goes to his daughter. "I know something is wrong."
"I am being the unsavior. Savior who needs help."
"That is why I need to prove I am the savior."
"You have me and your dad, Emma."
"This woman called me as if she knew me. There is something more. She said my name..I-I-I do not know, it sounded familiar."
"We will figure it out, Emma. You did good today." He hugs his daughter. "You saved, Hook."
Emma goes to Elsa. "How are you?
"She is my aunt. I do not remember her. Rock trolls took my memories."
"She might have taken my memories away too. I just wish I knew the truth."
"Me too."
"Love, we should head back into town."
"You are right."They walk into town knowing who they were up against. Elsa goes back to the loft with Charming.
Emma and Killian return home. Emma was mad at her husband. "Emma.."
"I am mad because you do not listen to me. Everyone that I've been with has died. Neal and Graham. I do not want to lose you ..." Emma was in tears.
"Well, love. You don't have to worry about me. I am a survivor just like you love. I am good at surviving." They have a long deep passionate kiss.
Henry brings down Hope. "Hopey, Mommy, and daddy are back."
Emma and Killian stop kissing. "Yes, kid. I am back." She hugs Henry and Hope. "How was your day?"
"Good. She missed you both." Henry gives Hope to their Mom. "I also finished painting Hope's room."
"I have to see our artwork." They went upstairs, Killian and Emma saw Hope's room. Emma was in awe of her son's artwork. "Killian, our son is an amazing artist."
Killian smiles big. "Henry, this is so beautiful."
"Thank you, Mom, and Dad. I worked hard on it while Hope was napping. I want to make it perfect for Hope." Hope began crying.
"Hope, Mommy is home." Hope makes poop. "You need a clean diaper and a new outfit, baby duckling."
Emma takes Hope into their room. Hope was crying as Emma was changing her diaper. Emma decided to take her shirt off and placed Hope on her chest who calmed down right way. She knew Hope missed her all day. "Mommy is home, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head and sits on her bed, finally get to relax after a long day of being the savior. "Once upon a time, Mommy and Daddy were in town...."
"Lad, do you need any help with the murals?"
"I am good, Dad. I will be finished very soon. Can we play video games?"
"Yes, after I ordered us dinner from Grannys."
"I will set the Xbox downstairs."
Killian orders his family their meal and checks up on his two loves who were doing skin to skin on their bed. "How is our little duckling?"
Emma smiles. "Our little girl just wants to snuggle with me. She missed her Mommy while we were being sheriff and deputy today." Hope babbles. "Yes, we are having our very needed snuggle time." Emma smiles at her daughter who was looking upright at her. "You are so cute, Hope Marie Jones." Hope smiles. "I love you."
Killian joins his two loves on the bed. "Little love, Dada is here." Hope turns her head to her Daddy and smiles. "There is my favorite little smile." Killian smiles.
"She knows her Daddy's voice."
"Aye, she loves her Daddy." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Dada is the best." Hope babbles and rolls over onto her back. "Hope, you do not roll over on Mommy, little love." He scooped Hope into his arms. "Little love, you are a little cutie." Hope makes a lot of poop. "Ooh, little love."
Emma chuckles and takes Hope from Killian. "I just changed you, little buttercup." Emma changes Hope's diaper. "You are all clean, Hopey."
Killian kisses Hope on the cheek. "Dada will be back later. He is going to play video games with Henry." Hope babbles. "Henry will beat me? That is because Henry has more practice." Emma chuckles. Killian goes downstairs. Hope began to cry.
Emma scoops Hope into her arms only wearing a diaper. "You want to be with Dada and Henry? Yes. We can be with the rest of our family." Emma puts her light gray robe on and brings Hope downstairs hearing Henry and Killian playing video games. "Boys, Hope wants to watch you two play video games."
"Hope, you can watch, little sis." Hope babbles.
"Lad, she is rooting for you to win."
"Awesome!" Emma sits down next to Henry with Hope sitting up on her lap. "Little sis, I love you." Hope gripped Henry's game controller. "You want to play?" Henry sits Hope on his lap letting her hold his controller while he plays. "You are doing a good job, Hopey." He kisses her on the head. Emma takes pictures of Henry teaching Hope how to play video games. "Pretty soon, Hope, you can play with me and Daddy. We can team up and beat Daddy." Killian and Emma both laugh. Hope babbles. Henry continues to talk to Hope while playing video games. Emma and Killian smile at each other seeing their brother and sister's connection getting closer. Hope began crying.
"Kid, your sister needs to be fed and less screen time." She takes Hope from Henry. "Hopey, I know you are hungry. I have your milk." Emma breastfed Hope who stopped crying.
After Henry went to bed, Killian snuggled with Emma and sleeping Hope on the couch. "You did great today, love."
"I failed today. I am being the unsavior."
"You were the savior, today. You did not fail, love. We found who caused the ice wall to stay up, which is important." He kisses his swan on the head.
"We can begin looking for who she is, tomorrow. We are going to bring Hope with us."
"Aye, she is our little sheriff." He kisses Hope on the head and knows that his swan had something on her mind. "What is it love?"
"It is just the way the Snow Queen said my name as if she knows me. I do not remember her."
"Aye, I was there, it sounded odd, love. I saw your face of how surprised you were."
"I am hoping we can figure out who she is soon."
"We will find out how she knows you, love." They went upstairs. Killian takes Hope from Emma and heads to their bedroom.
Emma goes to check on Henry, her son was fast asleep. She sits on his bed and plays with his hair. "I love you so much, Henry. You are my amazing son. You are a kind and brave big brother to Hope." He kisses him on the head and returns to her room. She was in awe seeing Hope fast asleep on Killian gripping her Daddys hook, "My two pirates." She takes a photo of them on her iPhone. "My pirate and little pirate." Emma joins her husband and daughter.
Killian smiles. "She woke up and began to cry. She saw my hook and fell back to sleep."
"She loves her Daddy's hook since she was in my belly." She hugs Killian.
"You can sleep with me, love."
"I know, I love you so much."
"I love you so much." They kiss. Emma fell asleep. Killian smiles love seeing his two loves on him, he still cannot believe that he has a family with his true love. He knows that he will be at his wife's side with this new villain and will succeed together as team Jones.

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