Missing Year

Von isaballerina89

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Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... Mehr

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions

Defeating the Witch

356 6 0
Von isaballerina89

Overnight, Hope was up most of the night crying from her teething pain. "Killian, can you get me frozen breast milk without heating it?"
"Sure." Killian returns.
"I read in the baby milk that frozen breast milk can help teething pain." Hope cried more. "You are going to be okay, Hope. Your gum pain will go away soon." She kisses Hope on the head.
Killian spoon feeds Hope her cold milk."Emma,I can spoon-feed, Hope. You need to rest."
"I am staying up, Killian. Our daughter needs both of us." Hope gripped her Mommy. "You are with me, baby girl. You get to snuggle with Mommy while Dada spoon-feed you Mommy's breast milk." Hope babbles. "You like that idea?" She kisses Hope on the head.
"Little love, here is your cold milk." He spoons feed Hope until Hope yawned. "Swan, someone is getting sleepy."
"Yes, she is getting very tired. She needs to sleep just as much as we do." She burps Hope who falls asleep on her spot.
Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "Emma, sleep love. You need to rest."
"You too."
"I know you are nervous about Zelena."
"I just do not know how to defeat her."
"We are going to defeat her, Emma. I know we will figure out a way soon to defeat her soon." Emma kisses him on the cheek. "I love you so much."
"I love you too, Emma." They kiss.
Emma falls asleep in Killian's arms with Hope on top of her. The next morning, Emma gets a phone call. "Dad?"
"Hi, Emma. Did I wake you up?"
"Yes, you did, again."
"Sorry, Emma. We need to have a meeting about Zelena."
Emma sighs. "Okay, everyone can come over in an hour." They ended their phone conversation. Emma puts Hope in her cot.
Killian was awake. "Let me guess, meeting here?"
"Yes." Emma began to tear up.
"Emma..." He hugs his wife knowing she was stressed out and wanting to be a normal mom to their children not fighting a crazy witch.
"I am so tired...I just want to sleep. I do not want to be savior, I am tired of fighting villains. I just want to be a mom to Henry and Hope, that is it." Killian hugs his wife. "I do not want to be the savior..."
"I know, Emma. I know..." He rubs his wife's back. "You just want to be yourself, a strong caring woman, who loves to help others, my amazing wife who I love raising our family with who is an amazing mother to our children. I know you do to like being savior, but it is part of you who you are. If you do not stop this villain, this town will not be safe for Henry and Hope. You have me on your side, Emma to help you stop this crazy witch. You do not have to be on your own; I am right here to help you. I married you which including be on your side during battling a villain."
Emma smiles and kisses him on the cheek. "I am so lucky to have you."
"Aye, I am making my wife happy." They kiss.
Hope wakes up crying. Emma scoops Hope into her arms and sniffs her. "Killian, Hope just had a poop explosion. She needs a bubble bath."
"Aye, I will run her a bubble bath." Killian runs Hope a bath in the bathroom.
Emma undresses Hope. "You will be clean very soon after a bubble bath." She takes Hope to the bathroom and sets her in her bath chair.
"Little love, you are ready for your bath time." Killian pours water gently on his little lass as Emma washed Hope poop off. Killian played with Hope with her bath toys, Hope was smiling. "Little pirate loves the water...yes you do...yes you do..." Hope babbles. Emma smiles at Killian and Hope, love seeing Killian being an amazing Daddy to their daughter. Hope began crying. "Swan, bath time is over for our little lass."
Emma takes Hope out of the tub and wraps her in a towel and dries her up. "Are you hungry? Yes, I can feed you then change you into a cute outfit." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian smiles at his swan who is an amazing mother to their little lass and loves spoiling her which he loves too. Killian cleans the tub. They hear knocking at the door, "Swan, I got the door." He opens the door and sees his in-laws. "Hi, David and Snow. Emma will be down as possible. Hope gave us a long night."
"We are waiting for Regina anyways." Emma takes Hope into their room, changes Hope into a clean diaper, and nurses her.
Henry enters the room and joins his Mom and sister on the bed. "Mom, how is Hope?"
"She is teething and had a poop explosion. We are going to have a meeting here soon."
"I can hold Hope during the meeting."
"Thanks, kid."
Henry goes downstairs as his grandma was coming upstairs. "Grandma, be nice to Mom and Hope."
Killian sees his son defending his family. "Lad..."
Henry goes to his Dad and hugs him. "I do not want Grandma to hurt Mom or Hope."
"I know, son. Me too."
Snow White sees Emma playing with Hope who was half-dressed. "You are so cute...yes you are...yes, you are..." Hope smiles. "I love your smile." She kisses Hope on the cheek and gives her raspberries on her belly, making Hope laugh. "Your little laugh is so cute." Hope puts her hand on her Mommy's face. "I love you so much, Hope. I do not want you to ever be in any danger, in a home full of strangers, neglected as I was as a child. You will always have me, your Dada and Henry." Hope babbles. "Your scars? Your scar from your open heart surgery, on your chest, and your small ones when you had when you were first born are very small. You do not be ashamed about your scars baby girl. They make you who you are."
Snow White smiles seeing her daughter being a mother, everything she did not have with Emma. "Emma, Hope had surgeries?"
Emma had no idea her mom was watching her and Hope play. "If you actually listened to me and not hate my husband, maybe I would tell you about my year in New York. You do not even acknowledge Hope or held her. You just fight about my ex-boyfriend." Hope babbles. Emma tickles Hope who kicks her feet. "Now you have to get fully dressed. We have to have a meeting, little duckling." Emma changes Hope into a duckling onesie. "Let's go to Dada and Henry." Hope smiles. Emma goes downstairs ignoring her Mom.
Killian sees his wife annoyed as Snow White came back downstairs after them. Snow White sits down next to her husband on the couch. "Emma?"
"Not now."
"Okay, love." Hope babbles. "Hi, little pirate princess. Are you happy to be with your Mommy?" Hope gives him a drooly smile. Emma sits down on a chair, with Hope sitting on her lap, Killian was sitting nearby making silly faces to make Hope smile more. Regina arrives looking flushed and happy, which Emma Snow White and Henry, Charming all noticed.
"Mom!" Henry runs to give her a hug.
"Hi, Henry."
"Regina, if I did not know any better, I would say you look smitten."
Regina scoffs at Snow White."Well, if I did not know any better, I would say Haagen-Dazs is smitten with your stomach. " Snow White rolled her eyes. "Can we get started?"
Henry goes to his other Mom."Mom, I can hold Hope." Henry sits nearby their Dad holding his sister.
"We have to figure out how to destroy my sister."
Charming looks at his wife, daughter and rest of the family."For once, I agree with Regina. Stopping her plan is the priority."
Emma looks at Regina."There is one thing about this plan that does not fit...Regina."
"I am the point of it. So she can take my life for herself. "
"Yes, but why bring you back to Storybrooke? Why bring any of us?"
"Well, no one ever succeeded at traveling through time. Perhaps something from this world makes it possible. But what as almost troubling is that she was able to cast this curse to bring us all here in the first place "
Emma was curious."Why is that?"
"To do it, you have to give up the thing you love most. From what I gathered, Zelena does not love too much."
"Neither did you. You managed."
"Other than me, Mom." Emma and Regina look at their son who was keeping Hope entertained by her toys and helping her stand up. Hope babbles. "You tell them, Hope."
Charming was pacing around."Zelena is smart, strategic. Perhaps we discovered something in the missing year."
Snow White looks at her husband."And then the only way to stop us from interfering was to bring us back here and wipe our memories. So if we get our memories back, we might already know how to defeat her."
Charming looks at his wife."We just need to break this curse."
Snow White looks at her daughter."Well, thank goodness we have a savior." Killian held his wife's hand.
"I would love to, but there is one problem. The last time all it took me to believe in magic and to kissing Henry. " Regina was thinking."Since I been back, I have done both and nothing happened."
Regina gasps."It is the belief."
"Mom, I believe in magic. My memories are not wiped away. The whole time I was in New York, with Mom, Dad, and Hope, I spoke about you and our family the whole time. I also told Hope all about our family before and after she was born, so she would know that she came from." Hope babbles. "Right, little sis? I need to show you my book,if I ever can find it."
"Henry, you are right, the book is the key."
"I cannot find it since I came back. I searched for it in the library and my bedroom, nothing."
"Kid, the book has to be here in Storybrooke since you are back and you have the belief in you. You are the heart of the truest believer."
Hope began crying, Killian takes Hope from his son. He gives his hook which calms Hope down. "Mommy and Henry are discovering something to defeat the crazy witch."
Emma looks at Regina."Let's find it."
Charming looks at Emma." A book cannot disappear."
Snow White closed her eyes."But it can appear." Everyone looked at her. "The first curse. It just showed up in my closet when I needed it." Hope began crying.
"Killian, I can hold her." He places Hope on Emma's chest who just calms down right away. "You just want to listen in on the conversation, right little duckling?" She kisses Hope on the head.
Snow White looks at her daughter. "Or more accurately when Henry needed it."
Emma was curious."What do you mean?"
"He was going through a rough time. He realized he had been given up. He felt like he did not have a real family."
Emma got sad and thought to herself, Henry has a real family now. Killian rubbed Emma's shoulder. She looks down at Hope and looks at Henry. He leaned into his Mom's ear." You gave me a normal family, Mom."
"Yes, I did." She kisses Henry on the cheek. Henry smiles at his Mom and looks at his sister. Killian lad wrapped his arm around his swan, which Charming noticed.
Regina scoffs."He did."
"That may be, but Regina, he was not feeling that way with you or with anyone. He needed to believe in happy endings again. That is what the book gave him."
"Aye, the book gave him, hope and belief. Let's go find that book, shall we?" Everyone got ready to search the loft.
"Yes, Emma?"
"I want you to watch Henry and Hope, with that witch out here...I want them to be safe."
"Emma, our children will be safe with me."
"Mom, I want to help search."
"Yes,you can help us search but I want you to be with your Dad and sister while Regina, David, Mary-Margaret and I search her loft."
"Yes!" Henry goes upstairs to get something.
Hope fusses."Hopey, you are going to be with Dada and Henry. I will be back with you soon. I have to be sheriff and savior." Hope began to cry.
"Swan, someone does not want her Mommy to leave."
"She is just hungry. Dad, begin the search.I will meet you at the loft. I have to feed Hope first."
"Got it sheriff." Regina left with the Charmings.
Emma sits down and nurses Hope."Emma, what happened before?"
"My Mom was curious about Hope's scars, I did not know she was watching me with Hope before...she overheard my conversation with our daughter and found out about Hope's surgeries. I got mad at her when she asked because since we got here, all she has done was fight about him...and not even looked or cared about Hope...now with the replacement on the way..."
Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. "Emma, you are not going to be replaced."
"Yes, I am. I am replaceable, my whole life."
"You are not replaceable. Henry went to find you, not just to be the savior but he needed his biological Mom. Regina could not replace you, Emma he came to you. Since you came into his life again, he has you as his Mom full time, he has a sister and a Dad that will never leave him. A family he always wanted."
"A family all I wanted for him to have, now I am giving him."
"That is right, Emma. You have not replaced in our family, Emma." They kiss.
Henry returns downstairs."Mom, I found my walkie-talkies in my old room yesterday. I thought we can use them today to communicate."
"Awesome. Operation Cobra to bring back the happy endings is back on."
Emma smiles."Yes, Henry. This time we have your Dad and Hope to help us."
"Aye, Hope and I are in." After Hope was fed, Emma laid out Hope's winter outfit as Killian was burping Hope. "Emma, I can get Hope dressed and her diaper bag is packed with cold teething rings. You can go search for the book in your parents' loft.
"Thank you." Emma hugs him.
"Emma, you are not alone." They kiss. Hope belches, make them laugh.
"Hopey, have fun being my little sheriff with Dada and Henry." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
Henry joins them downstairs. "Mom, we will contact you if we find anything." He gives his Mom the other walkie-talkie.
"I will do the same for you." Emma hugs her son. "I love you, Henry."
"I love you too, Mom." Emma heads down to her parents' loft. She arrives and helps her Dad, and Regina empty Mary Margaret's closet full of boxes and suitcases full of shoes. Charming puts down a luggage bag on the top. "Why do women keep their shoeboxes?"
Snow White pokes her head out of her closest. "Because after true love, there is no more powerful magic than footwear. It has to be protected."
Emma was helping her mom in the closet and carried a box and placed it on the bed. "Maybe it is in this thing?" She looks inside the box. "Some winter coats, some winter scarfs. The book is not in here." She sits on the bed and sighs.
Snow Whites to her bed and thought. "Hang on. Let me check." She opened the box and looked through her clothes and found the storybook. Emma's eyes popped open and couldn't believe her Mom found the book. Charming and Regina gathered around Snow White. "I do not understand."
"Can I see that?"
Snow White hands the book over to Regina.
Henry and Killian searched in town for the storybook, Killian was holding Hope in her carrier. "We got to find that book."
"We will, Dad." Hope babbles. "You are helping us, little sis." He hears his walkie-talkie, it was his Mom. "Henry.."
Henry picks up his walkie-talkie. "Mom..."
"We found the book. Where are you, Dada and Hope?
"In Maine Street." They hear screeching.
"Bloody hell, flying monkeys! Emma! Henry stay back!" He takes his sword out and finds the flying money and shields Hope from the flying monkeys. Hope was wailing. Emma rushes to her family seeing two flying monkeys attacking her family. Emma goes in front of Killian and uses her gun to shoot at the monkeys with Killian on her side fighting flying monkeys. "Emma, Hope is not hurt."
"Good, keep her safe."
"I am doing both, Emma protecting Hope and fighting off bloody monkeys!"
They see Zelena with their son, with the dagger pointing at his neck. "Henry!"
"Emma Swan...."
"Let my go of son right now!!" Killian had his sword ready to fight Zelena. Hope was still crying
"Oh, who is the baby?"
Emma shields Killian and Hope. "None of your business crazy witch. Let go of my son!"
Regina, Charming, and Snow White arrived. Regina charges at Zelena. "Let go of my son, Zelena!"
"Oh, he is your son?!"
"Let him go!"
Emma was furious and her light magic acted up, burning Zelena's hands letting Henry go as Zelena screamed in agony. Henry runs to his Mom and she hugs him. Killian wrapped his arms around his family. Regina charges angrily at her sister. "What do you want from my son?"
"To make sure that you are alone!" Zelena laughed and used her magic to get her broom. She was furious that Emma took Henry away from her. "This is not over, Emma!" She flew away on her broomstick.
Emma hugs her son tight in her arms. "Mom, you saved me with your light magic!"
"Yes, I did. Are you okay?"
"Yes, I am okay, Mom. She did not hurt me." Emma was hugging Henry tight.
"Henry, are you okay? Son."
"Yes, Dad. Mom saved me with her light magic."
Regina approaches her son. "Henry!" Henry hugs his other Mom. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, your sister did not hurt me. Mom saved me using her light magic, that you helped her learn."
"My lesson did help you."
"Yes, it did." Hope wailed. Emma gets Hope from her husband. "Hopey... no more flying monkeys. No more crazy witch. Your big brother is safe." She hugs her daughter and calms her down. "You are with Mommy, baby girl. Dada kept you safe from the crazy witch. Mommy used her light magic to save him from the crazy witch."
"Little sis, I am okay. Mommy used her light magic to save me from the wicked witch." Hope gripped Henry's hair. "Hope." Hope stops crying. "Mom, Dad, she knew I was in danger."
"She is happy that you are safe and not hurt, kid." Hope reaches out for her brother.
Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Hopey, you are with me,baby sis. Dad, you protected Hope while Mom rescued me from Zelena."
"Aye, that is why your Mom and I are team Jones." Hope babbles. "Hope is now making sure that her big brother is okay." Henry smiles at Hope and hugs her.
Snow White and Charming came. "Emma, is Henry alright?"
"Yes, dad. Henry is not hurt by Zelena."
"We have the book."
"Yes, Henry, we have your book."
Henry walks to his Mom and grandparents carrying Hope. "Little sis, this is the famous storybook. My book I told you about. I can read you stories from here." Hope babbles. Emma gets Hope from her son. Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves. Henry opens the book and light magic poured out of the book, breaking the curse. Killian and Emma were shielding each other and their daughter while Charming held onto his wife and Regina tried to stay still. Regina, Charming, and Snow White's memories came flooding back of the missing year. Emma looked at her parents knowing they were getting their memories back. "Mom, Dad, did you figure out who cast this curse?"
"Emma, it was us. We cast this curse."
Emma was surprised by her parents. "You both did? How? Why?"
Charming looks at his daughter, "Zelena wanted the baby for the time-traveling spell. In order to defeat Zelena, we went to the witch of the North, who told us that only light magic can defeat her."
"We needed to get back to you, Emma. You are the only one with light magic who can defeat her."
"Love, that explains how you just defeated the green witch?" Emma hugs her daughter and son.
"Grandma, you have to kill the person who you loved to cast the curse?"
Charming and Snow White looked at each other. Regina, "Emma, to cast the curse, I used David's heart."
Emma was surprised."What?!"
Regina, "I split Snow White's heart into two, they convinced that they shared a heart which worked."
Hope fusses. "Sweetie, I know, you are hungry."
Snow White collapses to the ground. Charming catches his wife. "Mary-Margaret."
"The baby is coming." Emma, Killian, and Regina looked at each other knowing they needed a fast plan to protect Snow White and the baby from Zelena. Charming got her into the truck and drove to the hospital. "Emma, Robinhood, and his Merry Men will guard the hospital. "
"We need to use our magic to protect from Zelena getting that baby."
Killian drove his family to the hospital. Hope was wailing. Henry was doing his best to calm down his sister by feeding her the bottle. "Mom...Hope is not letting me bottle feed her." Emma was thinking of how she was being replaced again and needing to protect her Mom and sibling.
"Lad, I will feed Hope when we get there." Killian held his wife's hand. "You are not going to be replaced by us, love. We are going to defeat Zelena together." They arrived, Emma goes with her parents. Killian carried Hope inside and bottle fed his little lass. "Here you go, little love. I know you want your Mommy to feed you but Mommy is busy."
Robin Hood, the Merry Men, and Regina arrived. "Henry, this is Robinhood."
"Hi, I am Henry."
"Nice to meet you, Henry." He looks at his friends. "Merry Men we need to spread outside to prevent the witch from coming in here." They went outside to watch for Zelena. Emma made sure her Mom was settled in. She arrived back out in the hall. "Regina, we need to put a protection spell." Emma and Regina used their magic to put a protection spell to prevent Zelena from coming anywhere near Snow White and the baby. Emma goes to Killian and Hope and scoops Hope into her arms. "Swan, she is fed."
"Hopey, are you full?" She rubs Hope's back, Hope belches. "That is a yes. My baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head.
"I need to get Zelena. I need you to stay here to watch Henry and Hope. I do not want her anywhere near Henry and Hope."
"Aye, the lad and lass will be safe with me, love." She kisses him on the cheek. Charming heads out in the hall. "Emma.."
"How is she?"
"In a lot of pain."
"I am going to find Zelena."
"Emma, take Hook with you."
Emma was mad. "Dad, I want Killian to stay here to protect Henry and Hope. Zelena already threatened to hurt my son. I do not want her to hurt my son or daughter. I trust Killian."
Charming faces his daughter. "Emma, you need Hook to go with you, she is powerful. You cannot defeat her on your own."
Regina approaches Emma."Emma, I won't let my sister get anywhere near Henry and Hope."
She looks down at her daughter and kisses her on the head. "Mom, Hope will be with me and my other Mom." She hugs her son and kisses her on the head. "Your Dad and I will be back soon." She puts Hope in Henry's arms. "Hope be a good girl for Henry. Daddy and Mommy will be right back." Hope babbles.
Archie arrives. "Emma, they will be with me."He takes Henry and Hope somewhere to hide.
Emma drove to Killian to the farmhouse, fast. "Emma, we are going to defeat Zelena."
"We need to, she threatened to hurt our son."
"We are going to defeat her together."
They arrived at the farmhouse and marched up to find Zelena and Rumplestiltskin. "Killian, after this I want us to move back to New York."
"Emma, part of you, Hope and Henry are part of this town, love. We bought a house, love."
"Seeing Zelena threatening our son, made me think the town is not safe for our family. We are leaving."
"Love, our home is here with our children."
"My parents just want me to use me for my magic to protect this town. I want our family out of here."
"Aww. You two are so adorable." They turn around seeing Zelena and Rumplestiltskin. "Instead of looking at each other. You should be looking at me."
"Rumple." Zelena ordered him with the dark one dagger to throw Killian into the tank without getting out by Rumpelstiltskin's magic from getting him out.
Emma runs to Kilian and helps him out, as Zelana and Rumplestiltskin head to the hospital. "Killian!!" Emma pulled her husband out of the tank with all of the strength she had to get him out. She laid him on the grass and shook him to wake up. "Killian!!Killian!!" She needs him to wake up and kisses him. He chokes out of the water. "Emma, you saved me."
"Yes, I did. Now we have to get back to the hospital now." Emma helps Kilian into the car and she drives fastback. "Killian, are you okay?"
"Yes, love."
"This is another reason why we need to be in New York. She hurt you and Henry. My parents just use me for my magic."
"Emma, we are team Jones. We are going to get through this curse, together. I am your husband knowing my wife is the savior of this town. This town won't survive without you. I see you more than just a savior. I see you as my amazing wife and an amazing mother to our children. You are not just the savior love."
When Zelena arrived at the hospital, Henry and Hope were hidden in a closet with Archie. She uses Rumpelstiltskin to fling the Robinhood and the Merry Men right away. Belle finds him. "Belle."
"Let him go dear."
"You put him in enough pain Zelena!" Zelena uses the dagger to pass out Belle, Rumplestiltskin catches her and lays her on the ground. "Your taste in women really has gone down. Leave her dearie." Zelena and Rumplestiltskin head to the labor and delivery ward of the hospital. Henry had Hope in her carrier while holding a sword in his hand. "Hope, say hi to Archie. He is my friend."Hope babbles.
"Your sister is cute. You are a great big brother."
"I love Hope. Hope and I are very lucky to have my Mom, Emma, and Dad, Killian, as our parents. He adopted me in New York before Hope was born." They hear a loud bang from outside.
Zelena approaches his sister. "Regina."
"Zelena. You are not getting that baby. Take another step, I will roast you."
"Please." Zelena uses her magic to knock, Regina, into the hallway wall and onto the ground. Zelena goes to find the baby. Henry hears Zelena and hugs his sister and is ready to fight with the sword. Zelena opens the door. "Ahh, just what I am here for."
Zelena used the dagger to freeze Archie, Hope was wailing into Henry. "You are not getting anywhere near me or my sister, Zelena." She uses her magic to poof Henry and Hope into the barn where the time-traveling spell was being set up in. Archie unfrozen and hears the baby crying of Snow White and Prince Charming. Charming laid their son in Snow White in arms after holding him. Archie barges into the room. "David! Zelena and Rumplestiltskin took Henry and Hope."
Charming rushes out to find Emma and Killian who just arrived back. "Emma!"
"Dad, did Mom have the baby?"
"Yes, but..."
Emma knew something was wrong. "Dad, what is it?"
"Zelena took Henry and Hope."
Emma's heart dropped knowing her children were with Zelena in danger, she felt Killian holding onto her knowing Zelena might be using her children to get her there or Hope might have light magic like her. "Killian, we need to get our children back. She might be using Hope as bait to lure me there."
Killian thought about Hope might be having light magic since she is a product of true love. "Charming, get Regina now. Emma and I will go ahead to find where Zelena is doing the time portal spell. We need to find Henry and Hope."
Charming heads back inside, Emma rushes into her car and drives crazy to find her children. "Killian, she might be using Hope's magic. She might have light magic."
"Or Zelena does not know about it... We do not know she has light magic love."
"Or sense it? She can be using Hope and Henry as a trap, to get me there."
"We are going to rescue our children, Emma."
"I have a feeling where our children are, maybe their location is close to the farmhouse."
"Maybe, we can check around the farmhouse." Emma drove around until they saw a barn. Killian sneaks around seeing Rumpelstiltskin getting the barn ready, Hope was in a basket crying her eyes out while Henry is tied up in a corner with his mouth taped shut. He gave Emma the signal Emma takes out of her walkie-talking and told her Dad where to meet them. Regina and Charming arrived quickly with Robinhood. "We need to get that dagger to stop Zelena. Dad, you and Robin distract Zelena while Killian and I get the dagger and rescue Henry and Hope."
Robinhood was confused. "Why is Zelena taking your daughter not David's baby?"
"She is either using Hope and Henry as a threat to lure me into her trap. She kidnapped both of my children and I want her defeated."
"We are going to defeat her love." He holds her hand. "We are going to get our children back. They will be safe with us, Emma." Killian told them what they saw.
Emma told their group her plan, "Robinhood, Dad, you both distract Zelena. Regina, you and I fight your sister and get the dagger away from Zelena. While Kilian gets the dagger."
"Emma, my sister kidnapped my son too."
"We are going to stop Zelena from this time-traveling spell and get Henry and Hope back."Emma looked around her group. "Everyone know the plan?" Everyone nodded.
Charming smiles."We are with you, Emma." They went inside, hearing Hope wailing. Zelena goes closer to Hope. "Will you shut up, you annoying baby?!" Hope cried more knowing that she was in danger. Charming, Regina, Robin rushed in to fight the flying monkeys and Rumplestiltskin who was being controlled by Zelena to hurt the group, as Emma rushed into seeing Zelena threatening her daughter."You need to get the dagger away from Zelena so you get me out of her control."
Once, Emma saw Zelena threaten to hurt her daughter, she entered the room immediately. "Do NOT hurt my daughter!!"
Zelena laughs."Emma! You are here."
"You kidnapped my children! Give me my daughter back."
"No!" Zelena holds Hope and puts the dagger next to Hope's neck; who was wailing."I find it more fun to use the savior's daughter for my time portal spell, even if she is not the newborn I was planning on using."
"Hope, Mommy is here."
"Bloody hell! Do not hurt our daughter!!"
"If you try to stop me from letting my time traveling spell, I will hurt your daughter!" Hope screamed her head off wanting her parents and light magic came out of her and knocked her out of Zelena's arms. Hope was flying.
Killian jumps and catches Hope into his arms. "I got you, Hope." Emma was relieved seeing Hope in Killian's arms, safe, not with Zelena."You are with Daddy, little love. You are safe with Dada. You proved to Daddy and Mommy that you are a little hero like us." He rubs Hope's back.
Emma gets the dagger from the floor and gives it to her Dad as Regina unties Henry. "Henry,are you okay?"
He takes the tape out of his mouth."I am okay, Mom. I knew it! Hope has light magic just like Mom! Awesome."
Emma uses her light magic against Zelena to knock her out. "That is what you get for kidnapping and threatening to hurt my children." She handcuffs Zelena. "Dad, arrest Zelena." Charming arrests Zelena.
Emma goes to her husband and daughter. "Hope! Are you okay baby girl?" Hope was still crying. She rubs Hope's head.
"She is not hurt love, not a scratch on her." He gives Hope to his wife.
Emma was relieved to have her daughter back in her arms."Dada caught you,baby girl. Hopey, you are a little hero just like me." She hugs her daughter. "I am so proud of you, baby girl."
Henry rushes Hope and to his parents. "Mom, is Hope okay?"
"Yes, she is Henry. She is not hurt."
"I saw her light magic. She takes after you, Mom."
"Yes, she does, Henry."
"You were right about her light magic, Mom. She has magic like you." Henry kisses Hope on the cheek. "Hopey, you saved us from Zelena baby sis. I am so proud of you. You helped Mommy and Daddy on their case."
Killian hugged his wife. "We are all so proud of Hope, lad." Emma smiles at her husband, they were both proud of Hope. Robinhood sees Little John changed back into a human. "Little John!"
Charming brings Zelena out of the barn. "This is not over, Emma." Emma hugs her daughter knowing she is going to protect Hope from Zelena. Killian was at her side hugging Henry and his swan.
Regina goes to them. "Emma, I will take Zelena to the sheriff's station."
"Thanks, Regina." Regina drives David's truck back to town.
Charming goes to his daughter. "Emma, Hope has light magic?"
"I had a feeling she might have light magic, Killian and I are true love after all. She is a product of our true love. Zelena had no idea of her light magic possibility." Hope fusses. "Yes, you are a little hero baby girl."
"Emma, we need to go back to Mom. You have a little brother."
Emma smiles. "Hopey, you have a little uncle."
"My sister is older than our uncle, awesome." Killian drove his family back to the hospital. Emma was hugging Hope and Henry the whole ride.
Hope makes poop. Charming goes to check on his wife. "Killian I will change Hope." Hope changes Hope in the bathroom. Hope babbles. "You helped Mommy defeat the wicked witch. I am so proud of you, Hope." She hugs her daughter and sees Killian and Henry back out in the hallway waiting for them. "Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Yes, you can."
Henry holds his sister. "Mom, I had my sword ready to hurt Zelena. She took Hope and I..."
"You are not in trouble. Zelena is powerful. You did nothing wrong. Archie and Gramps got us in time. Your Dad and I found you both. I know you did everything you can to protect Hope."
"I told Hope that you and Dad were going to rescue us."
"Lad, that is part of your job as your parents to rescue you and Hope in danger and be the heroes. Your Mom and I always find each other, she and I will always and you and Hope."
"You and Mom are heroes. Hope and I are your heroes in training."
Emma and Killian smile at each other. "How about stakeouts for now, Henry?"
"Lad, I can still train you sword fighting."
"Yes!" Hope makes a sound. "Sorry, Hope. You can join us, little sis."
Charming returns to his family. "Emma, your Mom is ready for visitors."
Killian held his wife's hand as they walked to Snow White's visiting room. "Remember Emma, you are not replaceable." She squeezed her husband's hand and kisses him on the cheek. They entered the hospital bedroom, seeing Snow White cooing to a newborn. "Emma. You have a baby brother." Emma smiles big as she approaches her brother and her Mom.
Hope fusses. Killian holds his little lass. "Little love, your Mommy is meeting her brother, your uncle. You are older than him."
"Emma, do you want to hold him?"
"Yes." Emma holds her brother in her arms. "Hi, little bro, I am Emma. I am your big sister. Mom, what is his name?"
"We have a name for him but not telling anyone yet."
Charming wrapped his arms around his wife. "We have a tradition to announce the baby's name of a new royal in a party. We are going to have a party in two weeks." Emma placed her brother in her arms knowing he would have everything that she did not have as a child from her parents. Killian held Emma's hand knowing she was hurt, telling her that she is not replaced. "Grandma, he is 4 months younger than Hope. I am 13 years older than him."
Hope began crying. Emma gets Hope from Killian. "Hopey. You are with Mommy." Hope calms down, she just wanted her Mommy to hold her.
"Emma, Zelena did not come after your brother."
"Well, she took Henry and Hope instead of him, to use them as bait to lure me there. Let's just say Hope helped us defeat Zelena." Hope gripped her Mommy's hair. "Hopey, you have a strong grip."
"Let's just say, our little lass takes after Emma. She is Emma's mini-me." Emma chuckles.
Charming knew his wife was confused. "Snow, Hope has light magic."
"Really Emma?"
"Yes. I had a feeling she would have light magic when she had her open-heart surgery. She did not show while she was in surgery."
"Aye, Hope did not show light magic capabilities until today when Zelena was threatening us to hurt her."
"Hope wanted you and Mom, Dad; that is why she used her light magic on Zelena." Hope babbles.
"Yes, Hope, Mommy will teach you light magic when you are a big girl." Hope smiles. Killian took pictures of his inlaws and new brother in law and his swan holding her baby brother. He even took pictures of Emma and Snow white with both babies of the family. Henry holds his new uncle. "Mom, he weighs heavier than Hope as a newborn."
Emma was holding Hope."Kid, your sister did come a few weeks earlier than she was supposed to."
"True. Hope did come right before your birthday."
"Yes, now Hope and I can celebrate our birthdays together." Snow White learns a little bit more of Emma's missing year with Hope. "Hope, you want to say hi to your little uncle? Mommy's brother?" Hope babbles.
After they visited Emma's parents and her new baby brother, Killian led his family to the family car. "Swan, where do you want to go now?"
"How about granny's? We do need to eat."
"Yes, I am starving. Mom, I can put Hope in her car seat." Henry puts Hope in her car seat.
"Yes, Emma?"
"I have been thinking..."
"What is it, love?"
"I have been thinking about before when we were finding Zelena... I mean we fought Zelena twice today who threatened both of our children. If we can defeat a crazy witch together...I was thinking?"
"Yes, swan?" Knowing his wife was to say something.
"I was thinking we can live here. We can raise our family here. What do you think?"
Killian smiles. "I think that's a brilliant idea, love. I promise you that I am always going to be there for you and our children."
"You fought villains with me and here for me...the first person in my life telling me I am not replaced...thank you."
"You are not replaceable Emma. You have a family who loves you so much. I know the next chapter of our lives together as a family is to move into our house."
"Yes, the perfect house that you Henry and Hope chose, and we both own."
"We just have to buy the house." She wrapped her arms around her husband's neck. "You and I will be official house owners." They kiss. Emma drove her family to Granny's knowing after a long crazy day they had, they needed to eat and look forward to the next chapter of her life with her family with Killian on her side.


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