Missing Year

By isaballerina89

29.4K 534 167

Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions

Light Magic

387 7 0
By isaballerina89

Emma gets a phone call from her Dad which wakes her up and Killian. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma. Did I wake you up?"
"Yes, Dad." She sits up in bed. "What is going on?"
"I was wondering if you can come over to help build furniture for your new sibling..."
"Ooh..." She looks at Killian. "Uhm...I can come to help out...I can try. Killian did most of all the baby proofing for Hope."
"You can bring Killian."
"Yea....We will be there soon." She ends her phone conversation with her Dad and rubbed her temples.
Killian hugged his swan. "Emma?"
"My Dad needs help building furniture for the..."
Killian held his wife's hand. "I am coming with you, love."
"Thank you." They got ready for the day, Emma packed Hope's diaper bag.
Killian enters the room Henry was still sound asleep. "Henry..." He tries to wake him up but cannot wake the lad up. He returns to their room and sees Emma and Hope having one on one time. Hope babbles as her Mommy was changing her diaper."You always make me so happy, baby girl." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek making Hope smile. She lifts up Hope and faces her daughter. "You are my little duckling, yes you are..yes..you are..." Killian sees Emma cooing to their little lass which he loves seeing and took a few photos of the mother and daughter. He knows Emma is enjoying her quiet time with their little lass.
Emma knows Killian was watching them. "Yes, Hope, Dada is watching us play."
Killian smiles as he enters their room. "Little cygnet, are you having fun with your Mommy?" Hope smiles big. "Yes, your Mommy is the best." He kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Is Henry getting ready?"
"The lad is still sleeping."
"We can let him sleep in a little more. You can meet me at my parents' loft with Henry and Hope when Henry is awake."
"Are you sure, love?"
"Yes. I do not want Henry to be alone here, while the crazy witch causes trouble in town."
"We will meet you there, love." They kiss.
Emma places Hope in Killian's arms. "Hopey, I will see you soon." She kisses Hope on the head and leaves the inn. She walks to the loft and knocks on the door. Charming open the door. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma. Come in." They go into the living room seeing the box of wooden cradle pieces scattered all over the floor.
"I see you are struggling."
"I do need help."
"I can help."
"Where is Killian?"
"He is bringing Henry and Hope when Henry wakes up."
Snow White was sitting down on the couch. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi." Emma was still mad at her mother and did not want to talk to her. She sat down and her Dad gave her the directions. "All right, it says take screw E with washers D, through bar C using wrench, which is..." Emma got annoyed. "Not provided."
Snow White was resting her legs and watched them trying to figure out how to put the crib together. "Why don't we just call Marco, he's really good at this sort of thing."
Emma was more annoyed. "No!"
"No, we are fine, Snow."
"Will you just give us a chance!"
"Should we even b doing this?" Emma plays with a wrench. "Ever since the showdown between Regina and the Wicked Witch, we have not seen Zelena or Gold at all. Should we not focus on her next move?"
Emma looks at her Mom. "We are. We just cannot stop living."
"And this crib is a statement. We are not going to lose another baby."
Emma was hurt being replaced. Killian, Henry, and Hope arrived with Hope crying, which Emma was relieved for. "Hope, we are with Mommy, little love." Emma smiles and goes to her family. "Swan, someone was very upset when her Mommy left before playtime was over."
"Aw, Hope." She scooped Hope into her arms. "Hopey, I am with you right now." Hope stops crying. "We are going to play right now, baby girl."
"Little love, you are with your Mommy."
"She just wants me."
"Are you okay, love?"
"Let's just say you, Henry and Hope came here just in time."
"Aye, I know how to make my wife happy."
Emma smiles. They kiss. Killian joins Charming on the floor with the crib parts. "Charming, I heard you need help."
"Yes, I do. Emma told me you can build furniture."
"Aye, yes, I can. I built everything for our little lass, with the help of Henry." Killian and Charming built the crib.
Hope babbles happily."Little sis, you are happy now that you are with our Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. "Mom, let's just say, Hope was my alarm clock."
"That is okay, Hope just wanted us to be with you. Dad told me he had a hard time waking me up."
"I am very happy to have you three here." She hugged Henry. "You two give me the best hugs. Let's just say you, Dad and Hope came in perfect timing."
"We did?"
"Yes. You and Hope are the best." Hope babbles.
"Mom, Hope wants to play."
Emma smiles."Yes, she does." Hope pats her Mommy. They sat at the table, Emma helped Hope stand on her lap. "You are standing up, baby girl."
"Mom, Hope loves the bouncy seat. She moves her legs."
"I have to see Hope on her bouncy chair later." Hope babbles. "I will see you play moving your legs and playing with your toys." Hope smiles. "Yes, you love playing with Henry and Dada." Hope babbles. "You love playing with Mommy?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are my little duckling." Emma lifts Hope up and down and gives her kisses on her cheeks. Henry takes pictures of his Mom and sister and also gives Hope kisses on her cheek, making her laugh.
Killian smiles seeing Emma playing with Hope and talking to henry. "Hook?" Killian goes back concentrating on the crib, not on his family which he absolutely loves. "Am I doing this correctly?"
"Sorry, mate." He looks at what his father in law was doing and helps Charming with the crib.
Charming smiles at his daughter enjoying her time with children. "Emma is an amazing mom to Henry and Hope."
"Aye, yes she is. She is an amazing mother to them. She had her doubts before Hope arrived but once Hope was born, her mother's intuition expanded. I am one lucky man to have her as my wife."
Regina enters the loft, "I have a new protection spell."
Charming stands up. "So does it work?"
"A protection spell that cannot be undone by blood magic, which means that Zelena would not be able to put her hands on that baby." Emma hugs Hope, grateful that Zelena was not after her daughter.
Snow White sighs in relief. "Any idea why she would want to?"
"The number of spells that include baby parts, would surprise you. That greenie is clearly one twisted witch. But as long as we are in here we are safe."
Emma did not like that idea. "That is useless, I think we need to stop playing defense and start taking the fight to her."
"Did you not see how I barely outwitted her yesterday? She has magic...powerful magic."
"I have magic, too. You have seen me use it. I just cannot always control it. But if we teamed up, if you..taught me.."
"Now why does this sound so familiar?"
"I am ready this time. I have a family to protect from your sister. I need to protect Henry, Hope, and Killian. I am more than ready to learn."
"Okay, if we do this, we are going it my way. This is not drinking stale coffee at stakeout or...whatever you did as a bail bondsperson."
Killian goes to his wife. "Regina, Emma can do anything, I see her fight villains and catch bail escapes mostly without my help."
"You did help me a few times. I want to learn my magic, to protect you, Henry and Hope."
Regina points to her magic box. "This is a way of life. You have to commit to it."
"Not a problem." Snow White rolled her eyes.
"Meet me at my vault in one hour."
Henry goes to his other Mom. "Mom. My other Mom can do this. She has magic, please teach her."
"I will, Henry." Regina leaves the loft.
Emma looks at her parents. "No complaining, I am doing this. It is the only way." Emma gets up from her chair. "Yes, I will be careful."
"Swan, I know you can do it."
"Mom, Hope, Dad, and I believe in you." Hope babbles. "Hope is saying yes I believe in you." Emma smiles. The family leaves the loft, to go back to the inn, Emma has to get ready for her magic training and nurses Hope and pumps bottles. "Since I have to go for magic training, what are you three going to be up too?"
"I am not sure yet, love. I might show our little lass the swan lake pond, Henry told me about it, I can bring them there."
Emma smiles. "Just like from my favorite story The Ugly Duckling."
"Aye, I know it is my swan's favorite story."
"I can borrow the book after my magic lessons with Regina. I can read it for Hope's bedtime story."
"Emma, what happened before we came?"
Emma sighs. "Basically, my dad telling my mom that the crib was a statement that they were not going to lose their next child. That just hurt me."
Killian gently hugs his wife. "You are their daughter, Emma. That is not going to change even if they did not raise you, you are giving our children everything that you did not have as a child. You have me, on your side. You are not going to be replaced in this family."
Emma smiles and kisses him on the cheek. "I am so lucky to have you."
"We are team Jones."
"Yes, we are." They kiss. Hope was finished, Emma burps her daughter who began to cry. "Sweetie, you need your morning nap." Hope cried louder. "You want to play with Mommy a little longer on your bouncy chair?" Hope crying lessened. "You just want to play with Mommy." Emma places her daughter in her bouncy chair. Hope babbles loudly and began moving her legs. "Whoa, baby girl! You love moving your legs!" Hope smiles and moved her feet and began moving around the apartment. Emma and Killian were in awe, Hope was walking in her bouncy chair. Henry comes down seeing Hope walking around in her bouncy chair and took video as his parents were watching Hope in awe. "Hope is walking..."
"Our little love is learning to walk. this is the first time that she is moving around more than just a few steps."
"Yes... I am not missing it." Emma was in tears until Hope stopped because of the rug and began crying. Emma scoops Hope into her arms. "Hopey, you can still move around." Hope cried more. "I know, baby girl, we need to get a bigger place for you to move around in your bouncy chair." She calms down her daughter. "You can play with your toys on your bouncy chair with me. Okay?" She kisses Hope on the head and puts her back into the bouncy chair and plays with Hope with her toys. Emma was smiling big at her little girl. A little while later, Hope began crying loudly. "You overdue for your nap, baby girl." She scoops Hope into her arms, Hope hugged her. "I am right here, baby girl. Mommy loves you so much. You need to sleep, so you can grow big and strong." She got Hope to sleep in her cot and places her duckling doll next to her. "Mommy will be back later." She arrives downstairs finding her husband and son playing video games in the living room.
"Emma, you need to meet Regina at her vault."
"Yes, you are right. Are you okay with me using my magic?"
"Of course, love. You are my amazing strong brilliant Emma, who has light magic to protect her loved ones. I am so proud of you." Emma kisses him on the cheek knowing that she has him on her side supporting her.
"Mom." Henry hugs his Mom. "You can learn from my other Mom, magic."
"Thank you, Henry. I will tell you all how it goes when I return back." Emma leaves the apartment and meets Regina at her vault. "Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Emma. Let's begin." They go down into Regina's vault. "Do not touch anything."
"How are you going to teach me magic?"
"The same way that I was taught by Rumple." Emma was looking around and looked at one of Regina's books. "We are going to create a solid foundation first and then build your skills from the ground up." She looked at Emma who was touching an item and took the book away from her. "I said do not touch." She turns around. "So while we are here, who is looking after Henry? The uncharmings?"
"He is with Killian and Hope."
"They have been spending a lot of time together lately."
"Killian is Henry's father, ever since we left here, Killian has been his father. He is the only father he ever knew. He adopted Henry in New York. He takes care of Henry, Hope, and I. Killian takes care of his family. He is a way better man than the selfish jerk who left me in prison for his crime."
"Henry is better off with Hook, knowing how much our son loves him." Regina opens her spellbook. "Let's start with roots for incantations."
Emma looks at the gibberish language. "Are you kidding me right now? What language is this Spanish?"
"We are not making tapas. We are making magic. It is elvish. Well, half elvish."
"I am never going to get this. Is this how Rumple taught you? Just think about your training, what other methods did he use?"
"Rumple was a bully. He did not suffer fools, and he certainly did not coddle students. And if he tried to teach them how to swim. You could not learn, you would drown." Regina puts the spellbook away. "Drowned?"
Regina faces Emma." That is it?"
"What is it?"
Regina poofs her and Emma out of her vault. Emma gasped, all of a sudden she was on an old wooden creaky bridge in the middle of the forest far away from the ground like 50 feet up in the air. "What the hell are you doing?"
Regina was on the other side."Teaching you how to swim."
Emma was gripping the ropes with both of her hands. "Are you out of your mind?!"
"Every time, you exhibit your power, it has been spurred by instincts. So today we are going to push those instincts. Until you master them."
"A little reading does not sound too bad now."
"You can stop me."
"Stop you from what?"
"This." Regina uses her magic to break the parts of the wooden bridge.
Emma was gasping and holding onto the rope and what was left of the bridge trying not to look down at the river below her. "What the hell are you doing?!"
"Making the bridge collapse. You can either stop it or die." The last of the wood fell and Emma was holding onto the ropes. "Regina, stop it!"
"No you stop it. No more hand-holding." Emma moved her legs. "You have to do this. Reach into your gut. You know you can do this." Emma looked at the rope tearing apart by her hands. "It is inside of you, Emma. Save the bridge. Save yourself." The rope collapsed and Emma screamed as she was falling down. Something inside of her, her magic came out and the piles of broken wood were coming towards her and helping her stand up, making a loud rustling sound. She was in shock. "Oh my gosh. I am actually using magic." She arrives back to Regina close to land. "Did I...did I just do that?" Emma walks back on the ground off the bridge pile she created with her light magic.
"Yes. When all I wanted you to do was to retie the rope."
Emma looks at the wooden pile standing in the middle of the woods that she made. "It is like you said, instinct." Emma knew Regina was pissed. "Why are you pissed? I did it. Why does it matter how?"
"You think I am mad because you did not listen to me? I am mad because look at all of this potential inside of you, and you have been wasting it." They continued the light magic lessons.
After a long magic lesson with Regina, Emma was happy to be back at the inn to be with her family. Once she entered the inn, she knew Killian was up to something. "Hey."
"Hi, swan." They kiss. "How was your magic lesson?"
"Let's just say I learn magic in a different way then her way. I am learning how to use my light magic, which is a good sign of defeating this green witch."
"Aye, I know my brave swan can learn magic."
Emma smiles and sees Henry carried dressed up Hope ready to go out. "What is going on?"
"We are going on a little drive." Emma knew her family was up to something and followed them to their car. "I am driving love." Hope began to cry.
Emma gets her daughter from her son. "Hopey. You are with Mommy." Hope calms down. "Yes, you are happy Mommy is with you." Emma buckles Hope into her carseat. "Do you know where Dada and Henry are taking us?" Hope babbles. "You do?" Hope smiles.
Killian drove the car. "Emma, close your eyes."
"Trust me, Emma. You are going to like this."
"Okay."Emma smiles and covers her eyes. Killian drove to their possible new home. Henry takes Hope out of the car as Killian guides his wife out of the yellow bug and to the front of the house passing the white picket fence, closing her eyes; followed by Henry carrying Hope. "Killian..."
"One more step...Open your eyes, Emma." Emma sees a gray Victorian house, with a front yard, front porch, and with bedrooms on the top floor. "Killian, is this...a house...on the market?"
"Yes, swan. I have the keys..."
"Wait what? You bought a house without telling me?!"
"The real estate agent gave me the keys so we can have a look around...We were just looking at houses. We cannot be living at granny's inn forever..."
"Mom, what do you think?"
"It is a beautiful house." Emma smiles. "Wait... Killian, are you looking at houses for us?"
"Yes. Well, it was Henry, Hope and I, we wanted to surprise you, Emma. We are looking at houses while you are working as savior and sheriff." He knows his swan was still processing the news and knowing his swan hate surprises. He holds his wife's hands. "Emma, I did not buy the house. I just want to show you. We are going to make the decision together."
Emma relaxed a little bit knowing they were just looking at the house and Killian did not go behind her back making a big decision for their family without her. "Okay, I do want to see inside this house." Killian opens the door with the key and guides his swan inside. Emma saw the staircase leading upstairs, a living room area. Killian guided her to the living room with a fireplace. "Look, love."
Emma sees the ocean and smiles. "Killian, we are so close to the ocean from here. I can see why you like this house."
Killian smiles."Aye, swan. It is one of the reasons."
"Mom, can we show you the house?"
Hope began crying. Emma gets Hope from Henry. "Hopey, do you and Henry want to show Mommy the house?" Hope calms down being held by her Mommy. "You can stay with me, while Dada and Henry show me the house, little duckling."
"Yes!" Emma and Killian smiled at Henry's excitement.
"Right, this way love." Killian gave Emma the tour of the living room with a fireplace and the rest of the main floor. They went upstairs, Killian led Emma to the master bedroom, which included a bathroom. "This is the master's bedroom. I was thinking, this could be our room."
Emma enters the bedroom, she liked it was big enough for her and Killian and their own bathroom. "This is a nice room. A room just for you and me."
"Aye, if we live here, this is our bedroom." He wrapped his arms around his swan.
Emma smiles. "I do like the private bathroom."
"Oh really?"
"Yes." They kiss. Hope babbles.
"Mom, Hope wants to show you her room next."
Emma smiles. "Hopey, you already chose your bedroom?" Hope smiles. "Yes. You can show me your room."
"Mom, Hope's room is right here." Henry shows his Mom in the next room. Hope babbles.
"Hopey, you chose your room by yourself?" Hope babbles. "Oh, Henry helped you." Hope smiles.
"Mom, I know if we get this house, Hope wants to be in the next room to you."
Emma smiles and kisses Henry on the head. "Kid, which room did you pick?"
"I will show you." Henry goes across the hall. "This is my room if we move here." Hope babbles. "Hope, you are always going to be allowed in my room for H & H time." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope grabbed Henry's hair. "Hope."
"Hope, let go of your brother's hair." Killian smiles knowing Emma likes the house. Hope babbles.
"Hopey, you want to play with me?" He takes his sister from his mom. "Dad, can Hope and I play in the backyard?"
"Aye, yes you both can, while we are at it, we can show your Mom the backyard."
Henry carries Hope to the backyard. "Hope, this is the backyard. We can play outside here with toys and bikes. Maybe when you are a little older Mommy and Daddy can get us swing set or a pool." Hope babbles. He helps Hope stand up on the grass, while their Dad gives their Mom a tour of the kitchen. Emma saw the 1950's style teal kitchen, she really liked it. "I like the kitchen."
"You do?"
They go out to look at the backyard. "Emma, what do you think?"
"It is a very spacious backyard."
"I mean, what do you think of the house?"
Emma smiles, it was the house she always dreamt of as a child. "I do like it. I can see why you chose this house because it is by the ocean."
"Aye, it has a beautiful view of the ocean."
"This is the house that I always wanted...everyone has their own room, a guest room, a backyard, maybe put a swing set in for Hope to play in with Henry. This house is everything that I dreamt of...but..."
"What is it, Emma?"
"I want to live here...but with Zelena causing trouble...I do not want our children to be living in danger, here in Storybrooke."
"Emma, you and I both are survivors, our family is going to get through this villain together. Our children take after you and me, Emma. We will get through this crazy villain together. I know you can imagine raising our family here, love. I can see it in your face. Also, we still own our apartment in New York, where we can go on for vacations or a summer house."
Emma smiles, her husband knows her so much by now and always wanted a second plan. "Summer house?"
"Yes, swan."
"Our apartment in New York can be a good break from here fighting villains. We can own two homes?"
"Aye, we can own two homes. The Jones family can have two homes."
"I love that idea." She hugs him.
Hope began crying. "Mom, Hope wants you." Henry gives Hope to their Mom.
Emma holds her daughter on her chest. "Hopey..." Hope cried more. "You want to live in this house with Dada, Mommy, and Henry?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "I will take that as a yes. I know you helped Dada and Henry find this house for us to move into."
Henry smiles. "Mom...are you saying that we can move here?"
"Yes." Emma looks up at Killian and smiles."Killian? I want us to live here."
"Aye, I had a feeling that you will love the house, Emma. You have the final say..."
"The Jones family is moving!" Henry cheers.
Killian and Emma both smile. "The Jones family is buying a house!"
"Yes, we are!" Killian and Emma kiss. "How about dinner at Granny's to celebrate?"
"That is perfect, Emma." Killian drove his family to Grannys and they sat in their usual booth. Emma was holding Hope who just wanted to snuggle with her, Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. Emma told her family about her day with her magic training with Regina. Killian knows his swan was scared and excited about the move. He was giving Emma what she always wanted a home for herself and a place to raise their family. Hope began crying. "Hopey, why are you crying? Do you want your Dada?" Hope slowly stopped crying. "Killian, someone wants her Daddy."
Killian smiles as he gets Hope from his wife. "Hi, little love." He sets Hope on his chest who is babbling away.
"Henry, how long have you, Dad, and Hope been looking for houses?"
"Oh, only for a little while?"
"Yes." Henry continued to tell his Mom how they were looking at different houses until they found the right one for their family. Granny brings the family their meals. Hope fusses. "Emma, someone wants her Mommy." Emma smiles as her husband gives their daughter to her. He wrapped his arms around his two loves. The Jones family enjoyed their family meal together. Emma can get used to having family meals at granny's, and living in Storybrooke as long as she can keep her family safe from villains. She knows that she has Killian on her side and they can fight together for their family against villains.

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