Missing Year

By isaballerina89

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Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions

The Good and the Bad Times

485 8 3
By isaballerina89

Henry wakes up hearing his sister crying in his parent's room. He lets his Mom sleep in his bed and takes Hope from her cot, who stops crying. "Hi, baby sis. We are going to have H&H time." He brings Hope to the living room and sits on the couch letting his sister lie on top of him. "I need to talk to you, Hope. My bio-Daddy died. I do not know why I was sad before. All he ever did was to cause our Mommy pain and always leaving her and me. I am not sad anymore...is that a bad thing?" Hope babbles. Emma wakes up knowing Henry was not in bed. She went by the stairs hearing Henry's conversation with Hope. "Yes, Dad is our Daddy. Our Daddy is always there for me, he teaches me how to sword fight, play video games, helps me with my math homework, and teaches me how to cook. My bio-Dad never did any of that. He framed our Mommy for his crime, let her go to prison, and be a selfish jerk and let his fiancee kidnap me. He always leaves and never returns. When I asked him to come over the town line with us, he said no to me, which hurt me so bad. Our daddy is never like that. He is always there for his family. Do you think that is why I am not sad?" Hope babbles. "Yes, our Daddy is nothing like that. He is the best." Hope falls asleep on her brother. "You are a great listener, Hope. I love you." Emma enters downstairs.
"I heard you talking to Hope. Can I join you two?"
"Yes, I do need someone to talk to, Hope just fell asleep on me."
"She is a great listener. What were you telling her?"
"That I am not that sad about his death...I mean he was never around or a father to me...Killian is always there for me. He is my Dad because he teaches me how to cook, helps me with my homework, we talk, teaches me how to sword fight and how to be a pirate. I knew when I was adopted, I always thought if I had a Dad that what father does to teach me how to be a man, which is Dad is doing. Nothing like my biological father, he did none of that."
Emma hugs her son. "That is why I let Killian come with us to New York knowing he always looks after us. When I saw how much he took care of you with me, I knew he was the father for you and Hope."
"He is an amazing Dad, Mom."
"It is okay not to be sad. We just have to get through his funeral..."
"You have me, dad and Hope, Mom."
"I know. With Neal, I got out of that relationship was having you." She kisses him on the head.
"We have to go back to sleep."
"Okay. Can Hope sleep with us in my room?"
Emma smiles."Yes, she can." They went back to Henry's room and went back to bed. Hope wakes up a few hours later, needing to be fed. Emma scoops Hope from Henry "Hi, baby girl. I know you are hungry." She nurses Hope and burps her daughter. "I heard from Henry that you were being a great little sister to him." Hope moves around. "You are just cheering your big brother up." Hope smiles. Emma laid Hope on her chest and they both fell back to sleep.
Killian wakes up early finding Emma, Hope, and Henry sharing the bed, he takes a picture of his family sleeping together. He kisses Emma on the head, she wakes up smiling. "Morning, swan."
"Morning, honey." They kiss. "We need to let these two sleep in. They were up most of the night."
"It is my turn holding our little lass." Killian takes his daughter from his wife and kisses her on the head. They went out of the room, Emma got dressed for the funeral, all-black outfit, black long sleeve, skirt, tights, and black ankle boots while Killian was enjoying his snuggles with their little lass. "Killian."
"Yes, Emma?"
"Henry and I spoke last night...he is not sad that much...since Neal was never around for him..."
"I am there for him, Emma. I will keep an eye on the lad today if Zelena comes around or at the funeral."
"Thank you...what I meant to say." She sat down next to him and Hope. "He told me and Hope that you are his dad, he is not sad because Neal was never around for him. You are his Dad."
"I am his Dad, Emma. I am going to keep an extra close eye on my son and my wife." Emma hugs him. "I am right here, Emma."
Emma kisses him on the cheek. "I am so lucky to have you."
Hope wakes up crying. "Emma, someone is ready for her breakfast."
"Yes, one of her breakfast of the day." She scoops Hope into her arms and nurses her daughter.
Killian got ready for the day and checked up on Henry who was getting dressed. "Dad, can you help me with my tie?"
"Sure, lad." Killian fixes Henry's tie.
"Thanks, Dad." Henry hugs his Dad.
"You are welcome, son. Remember Henry, I am always going to be there for you. You are my son."
"I love you."
"I love you, too, Henry." They went out of his room, seeing Hope wailing in Emma's arms. "What is the matter with Hope love?"
"She is not letting me change her outfit. She just wants to be held." She rubs Hope's head. "Hopey, you are with Mommy, baby girl."
"Emma, let me try." Killian scoops Hope into his arms. "Hope, you are with Dada. Dada. Why are you so upset? Can you tell me?" He slowly bounced Hope up and down in his arms. "You know Mommy is not herself and you just want Mommy happy? I know you can sense Mommy is sad and you know it right?" Hope babbles. "Yes but Mommy has Dada to make her feel better. I know you and Henry make her happy all the time." Hope kicks her legs. "Of course, little love, you made Mommy a mommy from the very beginning on her birthday...aye that is very special. You and Henry are Mommy's world." Killian changes Hope into her outfit and puts Hope coat on her. Hope cried more.
"Killian, she wants her Mommy." She scooped Hope into her arms. "Hopey, you are with mommy, little duckling." Hope calms down. "You can snuggle with me, sweetie."
"Swan, we should be going. I will get the lad." Emma gets the diaper bag as Killian gets Henry. Henry sees his Dad and hugs him. "It is only for a few hours, lad." They get out of the room, Henry sees his Mom and sister and hugs them. "Henry, I have you with me." She kisses him on the head.
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you, too, kid." They went to the yellow bug and drove to the graveyard. Emma parked the yellow bug with the line of parked cars and see a crowd at the gravesite, Killian held her hand. "I am right, here, Emma."
She leans against him and sighs."I do not know how Henry and I can get through this..."
"You and Henry have me, love." He kisses her on the head. "You two are not alone."
Emma gets the carrier on her, Henry puts Hope in the carrier. Emma held Henry's hand as they walked to the gravesite with Killian on her side. They see the lost boys, the Charmings, Tinkerbell, Granny, the Blue Fairy, Belle, Robinhood, and the Merry men. Regina approaches Henry. "Henry..."She hugs him and looks up at Emma knowing that she and her son with both grieving.
"Dad?" Henry goes to his Dad and hugs him.
"I am right here, lad."
Regina approaches Emma and Hope. "How is he?"
"He was upset about it at first but...he has Killian."
"How are you?"
"I am doing okay, I did not expect to use my magic. I used my light magic to split the dark one and ex-boyfriend up and dying in my arms. I was mostly surprised by what I witnessed, seeing them Neal changed into the dark one. That was just something I would never have expected to see, ever. He wanted Henry and me to be happy..."She looks at her husband and son. "Killian is more of Henry's father than he ever was." Emma joins her family and hugs her son. Henry hugs his Mom. "I am right, here, Henry."
"Swan, I can carry our little lass."
"Hope is comfortable, Killian. I know Hope wants her Daddy to hold her later. I do not mind hugging them both." Killian puts Hope's blankie on his little lass. Snow White sees her daughter with her family. Tinkerbell goes next to Killian and sees the family. Hope fusses. He lets Hope hold his hook. "You love holding my hook, little love." He kisses Hope on the head.
During the service, Killian was comforting his swan as Emma was holding onto Henry as Regina was on Henry's opposite side, next to the Charmings. The casket was being lowered into the ground, Emma was hugging Henry while Killian had his arm around his swan. Henry looked up at his Mom knowing she was in pain and hugged her and his sister. Killian went first to the shovel and looked down at the casket and remembered how Bae was in Neverland and thought to himself, "Bae, I am going to keep Emma and Henry happy, always." He puts the dirt on the casket and returns to his family and hugs his wife. Regina hugged Henry. Charming and Snow White were next. After them, it was Regina and Belle's turns. As everyone took turns using a shovel putting dirt on the casket, Emma was hugging Henry. Henry was second to last, Emma rubs Henry's shoulder before he goes to get the shovel from Tinkerbell. He puts the dirt on the grave. Killian takes Hope from Emma knowing she needed to do this alone. Hope was snuggling with her Daddy.
Emma looked down at the grave, knowing Neal was down there and puts the dirt on the casket. After most of the town left, Emma, Henry, and Killian were the last ones there, besides the Charmings. Before Snow White said anything, Charming goes to Killian. "Hook, we will meet you at the diner."
"Aye, we will meet you there." Charming leads his wife back to their truck. Hope was awake.
"Dad, can I hold Hope?"
"Aye, Hope wants her big brother." Henry takes Hope from their Dad.
"You give the best hugs, baby sis." Emma kneeled to the ground knowing Neal was officially dead, knowing he will never return to relieve the pain he caused her ever again, that pain is gone forever she felt relieved. She felt Killian's hand on her shoulder and grabbed it. She gets up and hugs him happy knowing Killian was at her side, someone who will never leave her. They hug and both looked down and said bye to Neal for the last time. He guides his swan to their children, and they walk back to their yellow bug. Hope was crying. "Mom, I am pretty sure, Hope needs a diaper change."
"I will change her, kid." Emma changes Hope's diaper in the back. "You were such a good girl for the service, baby girl." Hope babbles. "You were making sure Henry was with you?" Hope smiles.
"Mom, Hope was gripping my hair during the service. I did not mind." Emma smiles. "Hope is the best, baby sis."
"Love, I will drive." Killian drove his family back into town and parked the car in front of Granny's. Henry was getting Hope out of her car seat. Killian held his wife's hand which calmed her down a little bit from what happened the last few days. "We do not need to be here the whole time, love." She hugs him and sighs in relief. They enter the diner, Killian takes Hope from Emma and sits in a booth with Henry. Emma went to the dartboard and threw darts to let her anger out of that witch. Hope began to cry. "Hope, Mommy is not too far away, little love. You are with Dada and Henry." He comforts Hope showing Hope her duckling doll. Hope babbles happily. "Aye, you love your duckling toy." Hope babbles. "Yes, I gave it to you, in the hospital, little love." Hope chews on her duckling doll. Henry sees Regina and goes talks to her. Hope babbles. "You and your favorite toy."
Tinkerbell joins Killian and Hope at the booth. "Hook."
"Tink, I did not know you were coming."
"I know Bae, as long as you did. I had to come to the funeral. Who is the baby?"
"Emma and my daughter, Hope. Little love, say hi to Tink." Hope gripped her duckling doll. "Hope says hi, Tink. She just loves her duckling doll, I gave it to her when she was firstborn. She can't sleep without it." He tickles Hope with her duckling doll wing making her laugh. "Emma and I work as a parenting team, love raising Henry and Hope together,a normal family." Hope babbles.
Tinkerbell smiles. "You really have changed so much in the past year."
"Aye, my year in New York with Emma, Henry and Hope have changed me from the moment, I laid eyes on my swan in the Enchanted Forest."
Tink reaches out to Hope and let her hold her finger. "Hi, Hope. You look like your Mom and Dad. Your Dad and I know each other from Neverland." Hope babbles. She looks up at Killian. "How old is she?"
"She just turned four months old two weeks ago."
"You and Emma had sex before Neverland..."
"It was more after we rescued Henry..."
Tink smiles. "I thought I heard you and Emma on the Jolly Roger in bed."
"Aye, but when Emma found out that she was with child, she made me the happiest pirate in all the realms. I never will leave, Emma, Henry and Hope."
"You definitely are not that selfish pirate anymore."
"Aye, you are right, Tink." He looks up seeing Emma needing him. "Lad.." Henry returns to the booth."Your Mom needs me."
"I can show Hope around Granny's." He takes his sister from his Dad. Tinkerbell went to Regina to talk about the man and the lion tattoo.
Killian approaches his wife. "Perhaps, I should paint a bull's eye on the Wicked Witch's back."
"She will get more of a dart when I find her." She throws another dart at the dartboard aiming in the center as the rest of the darts were.
"I know you are hurting, swan, but there are better ways to grieve Baelfire's death than letting anger overcome you."
"Let me guess, rum?"
Killian shows her a bottle of rum. "Never hurts."
"I will stick with anger at least until I deal with Zelena. I cannot drink, remember? I am still breastfeeding Hope."
"Then take it from me, vengeance is not the thing that is going make you feel better."
"It is going to make the town safer. I promised Henry I would find the person responsible for his biological father's death." She looks at her son and daughter.
"Perhaps, I can talk to him and listen to him. From the way, he was feeling earlier, when the possibility of Bae coming back into his life, I am his father.
"Killian, you are his Dad. He looks up to you so much. You are both Henry and Hope's father.
"Aye, I am both of their fathers. It is my job to make sure both of our children are safe and happy. I will take Henry and Hope out of here. Nothing will happen to our children with me, love."
"I know that you will protect them. I have bottles of milk for Hope in the freezer part of the diaper bag. I know Henry does not want to be here. Thank you." They kiss. Killian gets the diaper bag and gets Hope from Henry.
"Henry we are going for a walk." Killian takes Henry and Hope out of the diner. Snow White and Charming approached their daughter. Charming hugs his daughter. "How are you holding up?
"I am doing, okay. Mad but okay."
"Where is Hook, Hope, and Henry going?"
"Killian decided to give Henry a break from here."
"Emma, it is Henry's father's wake!"
"You are just making me more mad, Mary-Margaret."
"Neal is Henry's biological father!!"
"Neal was never there for Henry or for me! He always left Henry and me!"
"He is still his father!!"
Emma could not take her Mom's fighting defending her ex-boyfriend anymore. "Let me get this through you,so you can stop judging, Killian. We did not lose our memories Mary-Margaret!! We had our memories the entire year!! Everything in New York happened was real, no fake memories! Killian and I fell in love and we have our daughter together. Killian is a father to Henry ever since we went over the town line. Killian adopted Henry in New York so he is officially Henry's father! Neal was nothing but a sperm donor since he was never around for Henry. Killian is always there for Henry, me, and Hope. Our year in New York was real!"
Charming and Regina looked at each other knowing the year in New York was real. Snow White was in shock and looks at her husband expecting to see the same shock reaction but no. "David...you knew?"
"Yes,she told me."
Regina went to the group. "I know too, from Emma and Henry."
The door whooshes open, it was Zelena with the dark one's dagger. "My condolences." Everyone went on edge mad. "I am so sorry,I missed the funeral but I could not pass up a wake." Regina stares angrily at the news villain. "Oh, did I miss the speeches? I mean after all, responsible." Zelena walked around. Emma went charging at Zelena, her parents pulled her away. "Emma, no. Too many people will get hurt."
Zelena points the dagger at Emma. "Listen to your mother. She is right." She looks at everyone else. "Everyone who tries to interfere with my plan is going to have to deal with the dark one."
Zelena goes to the Charmings. Charming blocks his wife. "Do not come any closer."
"Do not worry. I am not here for your baby. Not today, anyway."
Regina stands up from her stool. "Then why are you here?"
Zelena looks at Regina. "Now that my cover is blown, I can finally pay a visit to my little sister."
"Who the hell are you talking about?"
"Why, you, of course, Regina." Everyone in the diner was murmuring, while the Charmings were watching. Emma was curious and mad all at the same time. "What?"
Regina leans to Zelena. "I am an only child."
"Cora lied to you, Regina. I am your sister. Half if you want to get technical."
"Why should I believe anything you say?"
"Oh,well, you should not. It is a lot to swallow. Which is why I brought you a gift to help."
Regina chuckles. "I do not want a gift from you."
Zelena faces Regina. "Oh, but you should have it. You see, my gift to you is this sad, sad day. Use it to dig into our past, Regina. You need to learn the truth, and you must believe it. And then we can meet on Main Street tonight. Say....sundown."
"And then what?"
"Then I will destroy you."
"This is not the wild west."
"No, dear. It is the wicked west." Zelena faces everyone else. "And I want everyone to be there to see the Evil Queen lose."
"I do not lose."
Zelena chuckles. "Neither do I. One of us is about to make history. See you tonight,sis." Zelena heard towards the door, laughing. Emma was mad and walked close to the wicked witch who used the dagger to open the door and leaves.
Killian took Henry and Hope to the docks. Hope babbles happily. "Yes, baby sis. We are by the ocean."
"Lad, Hope wants to move around."
"I can hold her." Henry takes her out of her carrier and helps Hope stand up. Hope moves around. "Dad, Hope is trying to walk."
"Aye, your sister wants to go to the ocean."
"Can we go to the beach?'
"Aye, for a little bit."
"Yes! Hopey, we are going to the beach, little sis." They walked to the beach, Hope was moving around. "Little sis, you want to get wet?"
"I do not know, little love. It is cold." Hope began to cry.
"Dad, Hope wants to go in the ocean. She can get wet only for a few minutes."
"Okay." He takes Hope from his son. "Little love, you can go in the ocean for a little bit." He takes Hope's onesie off and changes Hope into a long sleeve onesie. He helps Hope stand on the sand as the waves foam went up to her, making her smile. "Dad, Hope is smiling."
Killian smiles. "Aye, yes she is, she loves the ocean."
Henry took pictures of Hope and Dad together. "Dad, my turn."
"Okay, just be careful with Hope." Henry helps Hope stand up and cooing to his baby sis, "You like the water, you are a little pirate after all." Hope kicks her legs. "You are a little kicker like our Mommy, little sis." Hope babbles. "Yes,kicked the same when you were growing inside of Mommy's belly."
Killian takes pictures of his children enjoying the ocean. "Lad, Hope's ocean time to be over." Henry takes his sister out of the ocean crying. Killian dries Hope off and changes her into dry clothes, put her coat back on and wraps Hope back into her blankie. "Did you have fun in the ocean, little pirate princess?" Hope smiles. "You take after your daddy." Hope smiles. "Ah, you had fun with Henry. Lad, we should be heading back into the inn."
"Yes, can we cook and play video games?"
"Yes, we can. I know Hope is going to need a nap and be fed soon." The return back to the inn.
At the diner, Emma planned with her Dad, Tink and Belle for the witch battle. "Regina, can you check your vault to find any clues of your sister?"
"I can look at my Mom's belongings. There has to be clues, if Zelena is telling the truth."
"I will go with you, Regina. I am a good tracker." Regina leaves with Snow White to her vault and began to search for clues of Zelena. After Emma planned with her Dad for the battle, she went back to the inn to change into her normal clothes, black long sleeve, with her maroon leather jacket, black beanie and jeans. She hears the door open and hears her family. "Mom!" Henry hugs his Mom.
"Hey, kid. I came back to change. Where did you go to?"
"To the ocean."
"I am not surprised."
"Swan, how is the case?"
"We are looking for clues on Zelena. Regina and she are up for a battle on Main Street tonight."
"Henry, I am going to make sure Regina does not get hurt. I need you to stay here with your Dad and Hope."
"Yes,I will stay here."
"I need you and Hope to be safe with this crazy green witch out causing trouble."Hope began to cry. She gets Hope from her husband. "Hopey..." Emma knows her daughter needed her. "You just want MOmmy to stay here with you, Dada and Henry right?" Hope cried more. "I know...I want to be here with our family too. I do not like being savior, it is a crazy witch hunt." Emma sighs. Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. "Emma, I can come."
"I need you here to protect our kids. I just want to be their Mom, not the savior."
"Mom, you are our Mom first. We do not think of you as a savior but our Mom." Emma hugs her son.
"Aye, I see you as my beautiful caring strong wife who is always there for her family." Hope cries more. Emma calms bounces Hope up and down. Hope just clung onto her Mommy. "Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march, Thunders may roar,But peace will soon prevail. Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found, The strength to light your way." Hope stops crying. "Everything is okay, baby girl. Mommy is just being sheriff. I need to keep his town safe for you and Henry, sweetie. I am the savior, it is my job to protect this town."
"Swan, Hope knows something is wrong with her Mommy."
Emma smiles, "She can sense I am not myself." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, when I get home tonight, we are going to have our snuggle time."Hope cries more. "I know you want to be Mommy's little sheriff but Zelena is too dangerous. I do not want you to get hurt. I need you to stay here with Henry and Dada, where it is safe. When it is safer, you are going to be my little sheriff. Today is not safe, sweetie. Okay?" She bounces Hope up and down until she calmed her down. Hope babbles. "Yes, Henry can join us in our snuggle time tonight." Hope smiles.
"Mom, we are going to talk in my room when you get back here." Henry hugs his Mom.
"I just want to keep the town safe, for you and Hope."
"You do, Mom. Hope, dad and I believe in you." Emma kiss Henry on the head. She sits down and nurses Hope and pump another bottle for her daughter. Henry goes to his room to change out of his funeral outfit. Emma puts Hope in her cot. "Hope, Mommy will be home later. I love you so much, baby girl. You have your Dada and Henry with you. I know you are going to have fun with them." She puts the duckling doll next to her daughter and goes downstairs. "Killian, Hope is napping and I have extra bottles for Hope for you or Henry to feed her."
"Aye, the lad and I take turns feeding Hope. We have talks with Hope."
Emma smiles. "I hate being away from Henry and Hope. I want to be with you and our children."
Killian hugs his wife. "How is Henry?"
"He is talking love, like we normally do. He is alright, love. He is having fun with me and Hope at the beach today." He shows the photos.
Emma smiles, "They both are having so much fun with you."
"Aye, I know once the witch hunt is done, we are going to have family fun together."
"You can be savior, Emma. We believe in you." She leaned her head on his chest. "When you come back tonight, we will be here, love."
"You and I need to snuggle in bed tonight."
"Aye, that's a deal, swan." They kiss.
Regina and Snow White were at Regina's vault. Snow White points her flashlight at Regina. "Did you find anything?"
"I did not find anything yet?"
"Are you sure that Cora did not booby-trap her stuff? I mean, I do not think that a sleeping curse would be good for the baby?" Regina finds a letter in Cora's belongings. Emma arrives at the vault. "David, Belle and Tink, are locking down Main Street, just in case this fight actually happens." She uses her flashlight to look for clues.
Snow White was concerned."Regina, did you find something?"
"A..a letter."
Emma was now concerned. "What does it say?"
"Zelena is my sister." The mother and daughter looked at each other.
Snow White walks to her stepmother. "Regina, what does it say?"
"Nothing. Do not worry about it." She closes the chest. "It is my fight. I have got it handled."Regina walks past the mother and daughter and leaves her vault.
"What the hell was in that letter?" Emma and Snow White just looked at each other wanting to know what the letter said. Emma and Snow White return to Main Street finding her Dad, Tink and Belle. "If we can get some positions there, there and there." Charming points to the parts of the street and clock tower. "We will have the whole street covered."
Tink was heading to the fairies. "I will talk to Blue, see if we can get reinforcements."
Emma spots her. "No, you heard Zelena. She said no interference. She will probably order Gold to level half of the block if try before she gets a crack at her sister." Everyone was crowded around her.
Tink was surprised. "So they really are sisters?"
Snow looks at the fairy. "She found a letter in her vault confirming it."
Charming approaches his wife. "Where is Regina?"
"She disappeared. Something in the letter upset her."
Tink, "Should we try to find her?"
Emma looks at her. "Regina was pretty clear, she did not want any help on this one."
Charming, "You want her to walk into this fight alone?"
"No, she is going to get help whether she likes it or not."
Belle, "B-but you just said not to interfere."
"Because Zelena has Gold on her side. We need to remove him from the equation. It is the only way Regina has a fighting chance. We just need to get his dagger."
Snow White, "You saw Zelena. She practically has it glued to her hand."
Belle, "Wait, wait. What if.." She walks to Emma. "What if I can get through to Rumple without the dagger?"
Snow White, "It is worth a try. Regina cannot do this alone." They all went to the farmhouse, Emma drove her yellow bug with Belle, Tink and her Dad. Emma shows Belle the storm cellar. She went down while everyone else waited. She finds Rumpelstiltskin in the cage. "Rumple!"
"Belle, what are you doing here?" She faces him. " To get you out of this cage. You need to leave to get away from Zelena. Come with me."
"As long as she holds the dagger, I cannot leave."
"I am not leaving without you."
"It is not worth the risk."
"Just try." She reaches her hand out for him to grab. He reached out for hers and they held hands. "You just have to believe in us."
Rumpelstiltskin stands up and faces Belle and whispers, "Run."
"Run! Go!"
Zelena laughs who was standing next to the cage. "Don't mind me, carry on. I was just enjoying the show." She shows Belle the dagger, and Belle leaves without him. She arrives back with the group, Emma sees her first. "Belle?"
Charming, "Over here."
Belle was running towards them. "It was a trick. She was toying with us." Tink hugs Belle as Emma and Charming had their guns out ready for Zelena to come out of the storage cell.
Rumpelstiltskin comes out of the storm cellar. "Zelena sends a message. She will face Regina without interference! The next time,you try to stop her, I will kill you." He returns to the storm cellar.
"We have to get back into town before the battle starts." They all walked back to the yellow bug, Emma drove them fast as she could back to Main Street. There was already a crowd of townspeople on Main Street waiting for the battle of the two watch sisters and a lot of talking. They were searching for Regina. Emma sees her Mom. "Have you seen Regina?"
"No, not since the vault."
Tink faces Snow White, "If she does not get here soon, that witch could take it on all of us."
Charming, "Let's get everybody out of here before that happens." Charming faces the crowd. "Alright, listen up! We need you to get back to your homes."
"No one is going anywhere." Everyone turns around and sees Zelena who just arrived with Rumplestilskin. A lot of the townspeople gasped at the sight of the wicked witch. "This show needs an audience." Everyone backs away from the witch. Charming goes to his wife. "Out of my way, munchkin."
Sneezy, "I am a dwarf."
"That is even worse." Zelena looks for her sister. " Where is she,hmm?" Zelena looks at Emma and the Charmings. Emma was mad. "Don't tell me, she is a coward. Well, this is not good...for any of you. If my sister is not here in five minutes, I am going to let the dark one off of his leash." Five minutes have passed. "Time is up." She walks to Rumpelstiltskin. "Who do you want to kill first, Rumple?"
Emma faces Zelena and Rumpelstiltskin. "He is not killing anyone. If you want to fight, Zelena, fight me."
"Sorry, dear. I do not dance with amateurs."
"I am not an amateur, I am the savior."
"Mm. Appears someone's got an inflated sense of self-worth." She turns to Rumpelstiltskin and points the dagger at Emma, Rumpelstiltskin used his magic to knock down Emma, and some of the crowd. Charming quickly helped his daughter off the ground. "Anybody else wants to give it a go?"
"I do." Regina arrives at Maine Street. "Did anybody tell you? Black is my color."
Zelena chuckles. "But it looks so much better on me. I was beginning to think that you were not going to show up."
"I could not let my sister off that easily."
"Oh. So you finally accepted me in the family?"
"I have accepted that we shared a mother, yes. But I still have one question. What the hell did I ever do to you?"
"Isn't it obvious? You were born?"
Regina punches Zelena in the mouth making her lip bleed and a few people in the crowd gasped. "I have been waiting to do that all day."
"Rumpelstiltskin cannot save you this time." She faces her sister. "He should have chosen me!"
"So, that is what is this about? You are jealous of me?"
Zelena got angrier. Everyone got more afraid of Zelena. She knocks down the street lights and aimed it at people. Most of the crowd ran away but not Emma, her parents and Tinkerbell, Granny, and the dwarfs "You still do not realize what you had."The two sisters around in a circle not laying eyes off each other. "You got everything, I ever wanted, and you did not even deserve it! But I am going to take it all from you!" She uses her hands with her magic to knock Regina into Doc's car. "My Miata."
Regina gets off the car and made a fireball appear from her hand, and charges at her sister. Zelena makes the fireball disappear with her magic and chokes her with her magic. "You cannot beat me, little sis." She lifts Regina up in the air. "Everything, Rumpelstiltskin taught you, he taught me, too." Regina exhales. "But I am the better student." Zelena moves her sister and throws at her at the town's clock, Regina flies and shatters into the clocktower. She landed on the staircase. Emma and the rest of the town were in shock, she and her parents, Belle and Tink went inside the library heading to the clock tower. Regina hears her sister. Zelena appears. "Well, what are you waiting for? Kill me."
"I never said I wanted to kill you. I said I wanted to destroy you and to do that I need your heart." Zelena uses her hand to get into Regina's chest and could not find her heart and grabs her sister. Regina gasps. "Where is it?!"
"Our mother taught me one thing...never bring your heart to a witch fight. Something you would have known, if she had not...abandoned you." Regina pushed Zelena away from her.
Zelena was angrier. "You have not won, Regina. I will get your heart! I will get everything you ever had!" She uses her magic to get her broom. Regina gave her sister a face. "Not today." Zelena gets on her broomstick and flies away out of the clocktower to the night sky.
Emma and her parents found Regina. "You all right?"
"I am still alive, aren't I?" Emma and Charming rushed upstairs.
Charming, "Gold, disappeared. We thought that meant..."
"She defeated me? Hardly." Charming helps Regina stand up.
Snow White was surprised. "You won?"
"Well, don't act so surprised." Emma and Snow White looked at the remains of the broken clock. "As it turns out, Zelena wanted my heart. It is a good thing I was not stupid enough to bring it with me."
Charming, "Any idea why she wants it?"
"Well, she got your courage and wants my heart. Those are ingredients."
Emma was curious, "For what a curse?"
Snow White,"We are already in Storybrooke. We have already lost our memories. What else could she do to us?" They look out through the leftover glass of the clock tower at the town and wonder what Zelena has planned. They headed back to Main Street. "Regina?"
"Henry would want to hear the story from you about your battle."
"I will tell him tomorrow. I have to go find my heart."
"Where did you hid it?"
"With someone, I trust."
"Other than Henry?"
"Would it happen to be Robin Hood? I saw the love face on your face when I mentioned him to Henry at the inn."
"Go, I will tell Henry that you will see him tomorrow."
After a long day of Neal's funeral, to find out Zelena is Regina's sister, finding Gold, and the battle between the two witch sisters in Maine Street, Emma was beyond exhausted and just wanted to be with her family. She arrives back in the inn, seeing Killian was cooking dinner while Henry was talking to him while holding Hope. "Hi, love."
Killian hugs his swan. "Rough day?" She leaned into him feeling safe in his arms.
Hope began to cry. "Hope, Mommy is home, little sis." Henry gives Hope to their Mom.
"Hopey, Mommy is home." She lays Hope on her chest. "You are with Mommy, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head and calms her down. Henry hugs his Mom.
Emma smiles. "Hi, Henry." Hope babbles."Hopey, I am hugging you and Henry at the same time. You have to share me with Henry. Killian smiles seeing Emma happy with their children. "Did you have a fun day with Henry?" Hope smiles. She gave Hope kisses on the cheek.
"Mom, Hope, and I had fun today but I know that Hope missed you today."
"Hope, I missed you all day when I was finding Zelena is Regina's sister, trying to find Gold and the two witches had a battle on Maine Street..." Hope gripped her Mommy's finger.
"Whoa...whoa? Zelena is my other Mom's sister?"
"Bloody hell..."
"Yes, Zelena is Regina's half-sister. Cora had Zelena before she met your grandfather."
"Swan, how was the battle between the two sisters?"
"Let's just say, Regina, won but the battle was rough."
"I know, we have an evil green witch on our hands."
"Is my other Mom okay?"
"Yes, Henry. She will tell you about it tomorrow. "
"Swan, dinner is almost ready."
"I will eat after I get some snuggles with our little duckling. I have a feeling she is going to get hungry soon." Emma brings Hope to the living room enjoying snuggling. Henry joined his Mom and sister on the couch and hugs his Mom."Mom! Dad bought Hope new toys today. He also bought me a new video game."
"Oh really?" She looks at her husband.
Killian joins his family on the couch."Aye, the lad saw a new video game he had to have. I saw a few toys for Hope. I had to get them for them."
"You are such a soft pirate. A great daddy to Henry and Hope. " She kisses him on the cheek. "I love it."
"Aye, I love spoiling our children." They kiss. Hope babbles. "You are just happy to be with your Mommy, right little love?" He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope babbles. "You are with our Mommy, Hope. Hope missed you today."
"I know. I missed her and I missed you." Henry hugs his Mom and she kisses him on the head. The family at dinner together, while Emma nursed Hope. "Killian, your chicken, mashed potatoes, and broccoli is so good."
"Thank you, love. Henry helped me cook tonight."
"I helped Dad with seasonings, Mom."
"You both did a great job." She burps Hope. Hope began to cry. "Hopey, you are with mommy." Hope gripped her Mommy. "I have an idea." She took Hope upstairs, and takes her shirt off and takes Hope's onesie off and does skin to skin. "I missed you so much today. I just want to be you and Henry's Mommy not be a savior, fighting villains." Hope babbles."Yes, I am protecting you and Henry. I just want to be a Mommy." Hope looks up at her Mommy. "I can be both?" Hope babbles. "You have faith in me."
Killian enters the room, "We all have faith in you, love." He wrapped his arm around his swan. "How was the sister witch battle?"
"Regina was running late, I had to stall Zelena because she was going to hurt everyone there. I told her to fight me, she points the dagger at me and Rumpelstiltskin uses his magic and throws me knocking into the crowd."
"Love, are you okay?"
"Yes, Killian. I did not fall on the ground, people caught me and my Dad helped me up."
"Emma, I should have been there."
"Killian, I am okay, not hurt. I need you to watch our children, I only trust you with them, and you are keeping our children safe, that is the only thing that is making me calm during this witch villain." She kisses him on the cheek.
"Aye, I will always be there for our children, swan. They are not going to hurt with me, love. I know if my swan needs me, I will be on your side, Emma. Even though you can protect yourself, I want to protect my wife, too."
Emma knows Killian is worried about her, "I do need my deputy as sheriff of this town."
"I can work with you, I am your husband and best friend."
"I do need the company of my best friend and husband."
Henry enters the room with his laptop. "Hope, do you want to show Mommy?" Hope smiles and Henry takes Hope from their Mom.
"What are you two up to?"
"We will show you." Emma puts a light gray robe on herself to cover herself. She looks at her husband who was trying not to spoil their children's surprise for her. "Mom, Hope loves this song."Henry turns on his laptop and gets Hope standing. "Dad hit it." Killian clicks play on the laptop, From Now On, from The Greatest Showman, the beginning of the fast part."Hope, 5,6,7,8." Hope moves her legs. "That is it, Hope, like I taught you, dance." Hope smiles as she dances with her big brother to the music.
Emma was in awe; she love seeing Henry and Hope dancing together. "Go, Hope!" Emma and Killian clapped for Henry and Hope dancing together. When Hope's legs were getting weak, he scoops Hope into his arms and they continue to dance. Emma was absolutely loving it and smiling at her two kids dancing, cheering her up. Killian stands up and gives her his hook, "Do you want to dance?"
Emma smiles. "Yes!" They joined their children dancing, Emma and Killian were both smiling and laughing as they were dancing to the music and spinning each other around. Killian and Emma looked at each other smiling and share a passionate kiss. The Jones family knows how to cheer each other up when they are down and making memories at the same time.

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