Missing Year

By isaballerina89

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Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions

Returning to Storybrooke

860 10 6
By isaballerina89

Emma and Killian took turns driving up to Maine. They made many stops, to tend to Hope. Hope was not letting Henry bottle feed her. Emma gets off the highway and gets in the back with her children and takes Hope out of her car seat to nurse. Hope was stretching. "You just wanted to move around, baby girl. You do not like staying in your car seat for too long. Hope wanted to nurse and Emma nurses her daughter.

"Mom, how long of our drive do we have left?"

"We still have a while to go, kid." She burps Hope and Hope finds her favorite spot. Emma smiles.

"Swan, Hope loves lying on her favorite spot."

Emma smiles. "Yes, she just wants to snuggle and be out of her car seat." Hope babbles. "Hopey, after we get out of the car we can snuggle all you want." She gave Hope kisses on the head and rubbed Hope's back until she fell asleep. Emma puts Hope back in her carseat and returns to the driver's seat. Henry was fast asleep.

"Emma, I can drive."

"Okay, I do need a break." Killian and Emma switched seats and he drove the yellow. "It is funny how a year ago today, I was driving us to New York...the way you were cheering up Henry making him about his rejection...one year, I am driving back to Maine with my husband, my true love, my son and 4-month old daughter. Hope giving me a second chance of being a Mom from the very beginning...I get to raise Henry full time... both of my children together with my husband...now we are returning to Storybrooke to possibly a curse. "

"I know how the lad was feeling. He was my son before I adopted him, Emma."

"That is why I let you come with us..." Emma sighs. "I knew you were going to be there for him.."She looks back at her two sleeping kids. "I did not know that we were going to be parents from the very beginning together and falling in love."

"I got your trust."

"You stayed and kept your promises."

"Aye, I will never leave you, Emma, or our family. You made me the happiest man in all the realms when you said yes to my wedding proposal and made my dream of having a family of my own come true when you told me you were pregnant with our little lass."

Emma smiles."It felt like a dream the whole year, a good dream."

"Aye, getting married and having our Hope...an amazing dream but it is not a dream."

"It really happened and we still have our memories."

"Aye, that is a good thing, swan because I would be heartbroken not to remember our wedding day, adopting Henry and birth of our little lass."

"Hope did make our wedding very memorable."

Killian chuckles. "Aye, Hope has your personality, Emma."

Emma smiles. "She is my mini-me but she is a little pirate like her daddy."

"Aye, I always know you had a pirate you."

Emma smiles. "You mean our daughter? Yes."

"No, you are a pirate, like me. Which is one of the reasons why I fell in love with you."

"Now, I am returning to Mian with my beautiful wife and our children. We are going to fight this new villain together, over."

Emma loves him so much. She kisses him on his scruffy cheek. They switched spots to drive so she can drive rest of the way. She got quiet when she drove closer to the town line. He held her free hand. "Everything is going to be okay, Emma. I am right here with you."

"I have you and our children, which make me calm and happy."

"Aye, we are going to be together."

"I know." They kiss. Emma drives her family over the town line and sees the sign Welcome to Storybrooke where Graham's wolf friend stopped her from leaving the town the first time. She continued driving, the town which is back. She parked in the middle of Maine street, smoothed her dress and red leather jacket, and got out of the car. Killian was at her side. Emma sighs and surprised everything was back. "It's really back. I'm really back."

"As quaint and homey as you remember?"

"As cursed as I remember."

Killian adjusted his hook. "Back to my hook."

Emma smiles. "Hope loves her Daddy's hook. Last time, this curse took away everyone's memories. This time..."

"It could be anything swan. We will figure it out, Emma."

"Then, I will find out. Stay here, watch Henry and Hope. Just let them sleep." She began to walk.

"Aye, where are you going?

She turns around to face her husband. "To talk to my parents." Emma walks to her parent's loft. Nothing has changed, the buildings and apartment complex are still the same. She went to the third floor and knocks on the door. Her Dad answers the door surprised to see her. "Hi." Charming was speechless. "Don't close the door. I-I-...my name is..."


"David?" She leans into him as he hugs her.

"You remember."

"You remember."

"Of course. What--what are you doing here? How?"

"I accidentally called Granny's and she answered. That is when I knew Storybrooke was back."

"Yeah, we are back, or we never left, or--. Well, we do not know, but we're trapped again."

"But you know who you are?"

"Emma, this curse, we do not know who did this or why? All we know is our last year, it's been wiped away."

Emma was confused. "Wiped away?"

"All we remember is saying goodbye to you, Henry and Hook. It feels like yesterday."

"But if you cannot remember, then how do you know it has been a..."

"Emma! Emma." Snow White comes downstairs, Emma sees her Mom pregnant, she was shocked.

She looked up and sees her Mom. "Year?" Snow White hugs her daughter. Emma was happy to be reunited with her Mom again.

Charming wrapped his arm around his wife. "As you can see, a lot has happened."

Snow White held Emma's hands. "We just do not know what? The whole year has gone?"

Emma was thinking how am I going to figure out who my parents. "Who the hell would have done this?" Emma hears Hope's crying and turns around seeing Killian carrying crying Hope and Henry with them. Emma quickly gets Hope from her husband,he knew something was wrong with his swan. She lay Hope on her chest. "Hopey, did you wake up in a strange town and not see Mommy?" She kisses Hope on the head. "You are with Mommy, baby girl. You are okay."

"Swan?" He gave Emma a hint to turn around to see her stunned parents.

Emma forgot she was with her in their loft. Killian placed his hand on his wife's shoulder. "Mom, Dad this is Hope, Killian, and my daughter."

Charming was mad and charged at Killian ready to hurt him."You got my daughter pregnant!" He punches Killian in the jaw.

"Stop!"Emma blocked her husband from her father hunting him more while holding onto crying Hope. She faces her Dad. "Dad!! He is my husband! Do not hurt him!!"

"Dad!" Henry goes to his Dad.

"I am okay, son."

"Mom,I can take Hope." He takes Hope from their Mom. "Mommy and Daddy are okay, little sis." Hope cried more.

"Lad, I can take Hope." He takes Hope from his son. "Little love, it's okay. You are with Dada." Hope gripped her Daddy's hook as he took her outside in the hall.

She was mad. "Dad, you should not have punched my husband."

"He got you pregnant!"

"Yes, but before I found out I was pregnant, we were dating in New York! We were in love. We were happily married before our daughter was born."

"He is a pirate."

"Yes, a pirate with a caring heart who is actually an amazing father to both of my children!"

"Emma, Neal is Henry's real father. The year was fake memories."

She got mad. "You do not know what Neal had done to me. Neal is nothing compared to Killian. He was never there for me, he left me after he framed me for his crime! I had Henry in prison because of him!"

Charming was mad."What!!"

"That is why I had Henry in prison because he framed me for his crime of stolen watches. He took advantage of me needing love. He abandoned me like everyone else did in my life. He was a selfish jerk who never was a father to Henry. He rejected Henry's offer at the town line. Killian came with us to New York. He has been there for me, Henry, and now our daughter. He treats Henry and Hope equally as if Henry is his own son. He is nothing like Neal! He never left me not once!! He is the only person in my life that has not ever abandoned me or left our family that we created!! Everyone in my life did leave me, not him!" Emma was almost in tears of her father hurting her husband to see her mother pregnant replacing her like being replaced as a child in the foster system. David and Snow White were stunned to find out more about their daughter's past. "I gotta go."

Snow White goes to her daughter,"Emma! Don't go.." She leaves the loft and finds Killian in the hallway who heard the whole conversation.

He saw the replacement look all over Emma's face seeing his mother-in-law pregnant besides hearing her parents' argument and instantly held her hand."Emma, I am right here."

She leaned into his chest."Let's get our children and go to Granny's inn."

"That sounds like a plan,swan."

She placed her hand on his jaw where her father punched him. "Are you okay?"

"Aye, my jaw is a little swollen."

"We can ice your jaw when we get a room at Granny's inn. It looks like it hurts."

"I am okay, love." She kisses him on the cheek. They go downstairs to find Henry holding Hope by the apartment entrance. "Henry, we are staying at Granny's inn."

"Dad, do we need our luggage before going to Granny's?"

"Aye, son we need to get our bags from the car, not from the Uhaul."

"I am on it, Dad." Henry opened the door.

"Wait..kid." He stopped what he was going to do. Emma adjusts holding Hope. "Wait for us...I do not want you traveling alone in town..not until we found out who the villain is."

"Okay." Henry hugs his Mom and they walk back to the yellow bug. He places Hope back in her car seat. Emma drove her family to Granny's.

Killian helped Emma lead their Uhaul into a hiding spot behind the inn. The Jones family entered Granny's inn and saw Red. Henry carried Hope inside. "Emma!" She hugs Emma. "You are back."

"Yes, I am." Hope woke up crying.

Red was surprised seeing a baby in Henry's arms."Oh, who is this cutie?"

"My baby sister, Hope."

"You are a big brother?"

"Yes, I am. She is the best. " Hope cried louder. "Mom, Hope wants you."

She takes Hope from her son and calms her down. "Hopey. We are going to feed you soon, sweetie." She kisses her daughter on the head.

Red looked at Killian and Emma and Hope, the ocean blue eyes, the blonde hair, and Emma's chin. "Oh my gosh!! Emma! You and Hook? I knew you two were in love!"

Emma and Killian both smiled. "Yes, Hop is Killian and my daughter. Henry is a big brother." She faces her daughter. "Hope, say hi to Red." She waves Hope's hand.

Red smiles. "Hi, Hope. You are so cute." She rubs Hope's cheek.

"Killian and I are married. We do need a place to stay in."

"That is even better. What about your parents' loft..."

"Aye." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Red, what my swan is trying to say is that we take up a lot of space. Our little lass has so many needs and toys which take up a lot of space." Hope makes a sound, Killian smiles and rubs Hope's cheek.

Red smiles knowing Hook has changed in the missing year. "Of course, Hook, for the four of you. Let me see what we have." She went to the desk. Emma gave her husband a silent thank you, he hugs his wife and kisses her on the head. "Emma, we have a hourfor you all to have two bedrooms and a living room."

Emma smiles."That is perfect, we will take it." Emma signed a few papers and got the key. Henry and Killian carried their luggage outside while Emma held Hope. Red led to the family to where they are staying in. Hope babbles. "Yes, sweetie, we are in Maine not in New York." They entered to their rented house. Killian went to the kitchen to get an ice pack from the freezer for his jaw. She felt bad her Dad punched him in the face "Is it lessening, the pain?"

"Aye, yes. I do not want my face bruised."

"You are my dashingly handsome pirate either way." They kissed and went upstairs to check out the bedrooms.

Henry went to his room. "I call this room!" He jumps on the bed.

Emma chuckles. "My little duckling, you are going to be sleeping with Mommy and Daddy." She breastfeeds Hope. Killian changes Hope's diaper and lays Hope in the cot that was supplied by the inn. She tucked her daughter in her dock-a-tot and watched her sleep. "Mommy loves you so much, baby duckling. I will never leave you." She plaed her duckling doll next to her.

"How about I make us cinnamon hot cocoa?"

"Yes, thank you." They went downstairs.

Killian made cinnamon hot cocoa in the small kitchen and joined Emma on the couch in the living. He wrapped his arm around his swan and she leaned into him. "You are not alone, Emma. You are not going to be replaced in our Jones family." Emma looked up at her husband knowing that he knows what she is feeling replaced for the millionth time, he is on her side. "I saw the look on your face, I had that same look..."

"Like wih your other brother Liam?"

"Yes. You can talk about it, love. Whenever you are ready." They sipped their drinks in silence, Killian was waiting for his swan to open up.

"Before I met you in the Enchanted Forest...I was walled up when I first came to Storybrooke...two years later, I finally opened up to my Mom about being an orphan..." She was tearing up and Killian hugged his wife."After I told her about wishing for my parents back since I was abandoned then at Echo caves, she tells everyone that she wants another baby! Right after I opened up to her, she wanted to replace me...I am replaced again by my own Mom." She cried into Killian.

He wanted to take the pain of abandonment away from his swan, she does not deserve it but she is opening up to him still which is a good sign. "Everything is going to be okay...I am right here. You are not alone, anymore, Emma."

"I know. How can I be so replaceable?"

"You are not replaceable!"

"Yes, I am! All of my life I was! I am still an adult!"

"Emma, you are not replaceable. You are irreplaceable because you are a strong brave independent woman, my wife who loves her family, taking care of our children, helping others and fighting villains no one can replace my swan. You have me on your side. You have Henry and Hope, who love their Mom so much. They know that you will be there for them always." Emma hugs Killian.

"I love you so much."

"I love you, too my Emma."

"I do not want my parents to know that we have our memories."


"I do not want them to know now with a villain on the loose. Also, my mom tried to correct me saying that our wedding is a fake and you are not Henry's dad, I told her you are his Dad more than Neal ever was. I am not going to tell them about our memories that are real and you adopting Henry. Just how they reacted with Hope and us being married that is too much..."

"I am on your side, Emma." A little while later, Emma passed out on Killian in their bed when there was a knock on the door. He laid his swan on the bed and went downstairs and answered the door, it was his in-laws. He was mad. "What are you doing here?"

"Hook, I came to apologize for punching you in the face. I- I was surprised my daughter was pregnant."

"Emma told me that she was pregnant with our child right away and it made me the happiest man in the world. We are parenting our daughter together. I am always there for your daughter and our family. Your daughter is upset."

"Hook, we know. We need to talk to Emma about the curse."

He was mad that his mother-inlaw cares about the curse more than her own daughter's feelings."Just do not hurt my wife, she is already hurt from you both today." They enter the rented house. " I will get her." He finds his wife breastfeeding Hope on their bed.

"Killian, who is at the door?"

"Your parents. They need to talk to you about the curse. I can tell them to leave. I will be with you, if you decide to talk to them, Emma. Your Dad apologized to me for punching me in the face." Emma thought about it, knowing the town was cursed and needed more information. She looked down at Hope who she needs to keep safe. "Fine, I will talk to them after I feed Hope."

"You are a Mommy first than the savior."

"Yes, I am their Mom first than the savior. My children will always come first."

He wrapped his arm around his two loves. "Aye, the most amazing Mommy in all the realms." He kisses Emma on the head which makes her smile. "There is my favorite smile."

"You always make me smile."

Killin smiles. "That means I am doing my job as your husband making sure my wife is happy and not getting her emotional wall up heart."

"You always make me happy."

"Aye, I always will."They kiss.

After Emma nurses Hope she puts Hope in her cot. "Mommy and Dada will be nearby." She sets the baby monitor next to Hope's cot and brings the other one with her downstairs. Killian held Emma's hand. She sees her parents in the living room, her Mom sitting on a chair while her Dad was by the fireplace. "Henry and Hope are both asleep." She sits across from her mother. Killian stood nearby his swan. "So what the hell happened here? I mean, besides the obvious." She points at her mother's pregnancy with her hand, which Killian knew Emma still adjusting to the news.

"We don't know. We watched you drive over the town line with Hook and Henry. Regina started to cast her spell to take us all to the Enchanted Forest. And then everything went black."

Charming goes to his wife's chair. "And the next thing we remember is waking up in our beds like it was any other morning in Storybrooke."

"Except..." Snow White looks down at her baby belly " It clearly wasn't..."

Killia walks to in-laws. "Almost harvest time, but you can't remember planting. That's bad luck mate." Snow White rolled her eyes at her new son-in-law.

"Clearly, a year has passed. We were in New York. I know that it did. We moved there when the curse was coming."

Charming looks at his wife. "And we do not know where the hell we were. We do not even know we left Storybrooke."

"Aye, you did. I saw the curse taking over the town while Emma was driving. I looked back and the town was gone right before our memories were forgotten."

Emma was happy that Killian kept his promise. "And now you are cursed. Why doesn't that surprise me?"

"Regina seems clueless as the rest of us. I'm not sure she was involved in this."

"So she says."

"I don't understand. How did you two know to come back here?"

Emma and Killian looked at each other. "I accidentally called Granny's when I missed my call from my boss. Granny answered...that's when we knew that Storybrooke was back and we needed to come back. It was exactly one year ago yesterday that we left Storybrooke."

Grumpy and Happy barged into the house. "What is it?"

"We lost another one. We're down to five now."

Happy checked his phone. "Four actually, Bashful's not answering."

Emma was confused. "Wait. What is going on?"

"Thank god, your back sister."

"It is not just our memories that are missing. Ever since we woke up, people have begun disappearing."

Leroy,"Whoever cursed us is picking us up one by one."

"Who exactly is missing?"

"Aside from those dwarfs we are not sure. There has been a lot of confusion over the last few days. It's been hard to keep track of everyone."

"Wait. Neal is he here?" Killian looked at his wife knowing what pain Neal caused her.

"Well, we have not found him yet."

"So, he might have been taken too."

"Smart money is on <em>yes</em>."


Emma noticed her Mom sticking up for her ex and rolled her eyes at her husband.

"He'll turn up, swan. He always does."

"Some folks are starting to set camp in the woods at the edge of town, Neal might be there."

"Or he may not have gotten swept up in the curse at all."

Emma stood up. "There's only one way we're gonna figure all this out. We need to get your memories back."

"How are we going to do that?"

"By figuring out who took them in the first place." The dwarfs left after the meeting was over.

Hope began crying in the baby monitor.

"Love, I got her." Killian goes upstairs to get his little love. He gets Hope from her cot. "Hope, dada is here...dada." He rubs Hope's back. "You are with dada, little love." He gives her her duckling doll. "Hope, look I have your duckling doll." Hope stops crying. "You just want to snuggle and have our pirate talk." Hope babbles.

Emma smiles hearing Killian and Hope through the baby monitor. "We can discuss more at Granny's about the curse in the morning. I will see you both tomorrow." She was about to go upstairs.

"Wait, Emma." She faces her father. " I am sorry for getting mad earlier."

She was still mad. "Do you think I would have brought Killian with me to New York if I did not trust him?! He brought us to rescue Henry in Neverland! He is an amazing man, if you both get to know him not judge him since he was a villain before we met. He is an amazing father to our children!"

Snow White nodded her head no. "Neal is Henry..."

"Do not ever wonder why I lied to him? You never asked me why I lied about Neal. There is a reason why I chose Killia. He is more of a father than Neal ever was to Henry, Mary-Margaret. You do not know my past. "

Killian hears Emma defending him from the baby monitor. He brings down Hope. "Swan, someone is awake and wants her Mommy. " Hope smiles and reaches out to her Mommy.

Emma calmed down once she saw her daughter." Hope." She scoops Hope into her arms. "Did Dada wrap you up in your blankie and give you your duckling doll?" Hope looks up at her Mommy. "Yes, Dada is the best." Hope coos.

Killian smiles at his two loves. "Love, I will meet you two upstairs."

"Hope and I are staying here with you."


"Snow,I heard what you said to my wife. I may be a pirate but I am your daughter's husband. I am there for her. I am the only one in her life who has not abandoned her. I am there for my daughter and my son who is not biologically related to me but he is my son, the father who did not reject him and is there for him. I know you want Bae to be with Emma and Henry but he left my Emma and Henry.Clearly, you do not know about their past between Bae and Emma. I do, I am nothing like him. I never will hurt Emma, like he did."

Charming pats Killian on the back. "Welcome to the family, Hook." Killian smiles.


"Snow, he is our daughter's husband and our grandchildren's father. He is part of our family." Snow White was hesitant, she still wants Baelfire to be Emma's husband.

Killian smiles. "I am?"

"Yes, you prove to me that you are there for my daughter and my grandchildren. You fight for your family. You are my daughter's husband."

Emma knew her Dad was welcoming but her mother was another story. "Dad, do you want to hold your granddaughter?"


"Hope, your grandpa wants to hold you." Emma places Hope into her Dad's arms. Charming looks down at Hope and smiles. "Emma, she looks a lot like you when I held you in my arms fighting the Evil Queen's soldiers to get you to the magical wardrobe in time before the curse hit."

Emma smiles. "Hope is my mini-me. Her big brother told her about our family." Emma gave Hope her paci.

Charming love seeing Emma as a mother. "She is just like her mother." He looks down at Hope. "Hi, Hope. I am your grandpa. Henry calls me gramps, you can call me that too. You are beautiful just like your mother. How old is she?"

"Hope just turned 4 months old two days ago." Snow White was about to say something. Hope spits out her paci and began to cry.

Killian gets his daughter from his father-in-law. "Little love, you are with Dada.I know it is way past your bedtime. Shh...shh..."

"It is way past her beftime. Hope, you ha a long busy day traveling from New York."

"Swan, I will meet you upstairs."

"Hope needs to sleep. I will be up in a minute." Killian brings Hope to their room.

"Emma, Killian is in our family now. I am sorry for the way I reacted."

They hug. "Hope was a surprise but a good surprise. Killian was thrilled to be a Dad when I told him. I got my second chance of being a parent; I am loving it."


"Mary-Margaret, I know you do not accept him but he is my husband. He loves me and takes care of me and our children. That is what I looked for in someone who loves me and never leave me. Neal did nothing but hurt me and left me like everyone else did in my life. Not Killian! I do not care that Neal is Henry's biological father, he is not father to him at all, Killian is! I made it clear in Echo Cave that I do not love him every time I see him is the pain he caused me. That is not love, Mary Margaret. Stop forcing me to be with him." She felt Killian on her side.

"Snow, you are upsetting my wife, please go." Charming and Snow White leave before Snow said anything else. Killian hugged his wife as she cried into him. "You are with me, Emma. You are safe. You are loved by Henry, Hope, and me. You have your family, who loves you so much, Emma." He carried his swan upstairs to their room and they snuggled while she cried into him.

"She always forced me into trying to get him and I...together....she never even asked what happened and why I lied to Henry...Then in Echo Caves, telling him the pain he causes me..."

"Aye, I heard it when I was there. That is when I knew you needed me, love. I am nothing like Bae." He kisses Emma on the head. "You are not alone, here, Emma. I am going to help you defeat this villain."

"We are back for a few hours, I want to go back to New York."

"I know, Emma. You always run when there is trouble or change. You have me to help you. We are going to defeat the villain together and keep our children safe. "

"I have you and our children which makes me happy." Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms. He watched his swan sleep knowing that he will always be at her side when she needed her during a battle to support her with her family. She had no one before meeting her, he is going to be there for her and their children. 

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