Missing Year

By isaballerina89

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Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions

Jones Christmas

274 6 1
By isaballerina89

It was Christmas time in the city, Emma and Killian took both Children all around New York getting their children excited for the holidays coming up. Emma was holding Hope wrapped in her baby blanket, looking out the window, the first snow of the winter, "Look, Hope, it is snowing outside baby girl." She points out the window to show her little girl, Hope coos in her long-sleeve duckling onesie. "Yes, Hope the snow is pretty but it is cold. We are going to have a white Christmas. I am dreaming of a white Christmas..." Hope looks up at her Mommy while she was singing to her. Killian and Henry return home a small pine tree. Killian watches Emma singing to their little lass, while Henry took pictures until she stopped singing. "Hi, Emma."Emma smiles seeing the tree. "Awe, Killian it is perfect.""Aye, the lad and I took a long time finding the right tree for our apartment. You sing beautifully, Emma.""Thank you, Killian." They kiss. "Mom, we also bought ornaments and candy canes.""We also bought gingerbread cookies supplies."Yes, I can bake." Hope coos. "Hope, you can bake with me, baby girl." She gives Hope kisses and holds Hope as they set up the tree. "Hopey, Daddy, and Henry bought a tree for Christmas. On Christmas Eve, Santa will bring you and Henry presents and lay them under the tree. On Christmas day, we will open them." Killian washes his hands."Emma, Hope wants her Daddy to hold her." She hands Hope over to Killian and helps Henry set up the tree with decorations. Emma smiles seeing Killian being an amazing Daddy to their daughter. "Mom, can I help you bake cookies?""Yes, you can join Hope and I bake. I do need your artistic skills for icing the gingerbread cookies.""I can do that." While Hope was sleeping in the carrier on her Daddy, Killian hung stockings the mantle, with their names on them, Emma bought them online. H kisses Hope on the head, "You love sleeping on Dada little love." After the family decorates the tree, they took a family photo. Hope began to cry. "Hope, I know you are hungry baby girl." Emma nurses Hope on the couch while Killian and Henry cleaned up. "Hope, our Christmas tree is so pretty." Killian kisses Emma on the head. After Hope was burped, Henry holds his sister. "Yes Hope, we are going to have one on one time." Hope makes poop. "After you get changed." Emma chuckles and changes Hope into Christmas pajamas. "You are so cute, Hopey." She tickles Hope which Hope kicks her legs, Emma giggles. Henry enters the room. "Hope, are you ready for Henry and Hope time?""She is all cleaned and ready to have fun with you, kid." She hands Hope over to Henry and takes a picture of them together. "She is getting so big Mom.""Yes, she is getting heavier every day which is a good sign because she is a good eater." Hope spits up. Emma wipes Hope spit-up. Henry takes Hope to his room. Emma and Killian cuddle by the fire and shared a blanket, hearing Henry talking to Hope. Emma lies on her husband who was giving her kisses on her neck. "We need to have more quiet moments."She kisses him back on his neck and into his cheek."Aye, we do more one on one time but I love being your husband and the father of our two children.""I love being Henry and Hope's Mom, I am getting my second chance as being their Mom. I love being your wife. You make me so happy, feel safe and taken care of.""Aye, I do my job right, Emma. That is what people do when they love each other."They kiss. On Christmas Eve, Emma and Henry baked cookies while Killian was at work, they had Christmas music playing on speakers. When Hope woke up from her nap, Henry gets his sister from her crib. "Hi, little sis. Mommy and I are baking gingerbread cookies, do you want to help us?" Hope stops crying. Henry brings Hope to their Mom. "Mom, Hope wants to join us." Emma puts the carrier on and puts Hope in her carrier. Henry puts the cookies in the oven. "Mom, what are we going to do tonight for Christmas Eve?""I was thinking we can watch Christmas movies on Netflix. We can also go to Macy's store to meet Santa Claus.""We can do that.""I know he is real.""You do?""Kid, you are the one who told me my parents were Snow White and Prince Charming from the Enchanted Forest.""That is very true." Emma chuckles. They decorated cookies with colorful icing. Killian returns home, "Merry Christmas Eve everyone.""Merry Christmas Eve, Killian." Henry hugs his Dad. "Merry Christmas Eve, Dad." Hope began to cry. "Hope, Dada is hugging your brother. He will hug you too. He loves you and Henry both so much." Hope cries louder. Killian gets Hope from his wife. "Hi, little love. I missed you today, little pirate princess." He puts Hope on his chest. Hope stops crying. "Mom, she takes after you."Emma chuckles. "Yes, she does. Killian, I told Henry that we can take him and Hope to meet Santa tonight.""We can go after I change out of my work clothes." Killian gets dressed while Emma dresses Hope into a Christmas dress with tights and holds her on her chest. "Hope, we are going to meet Santa Claus. You and Henry can tell him what you want for Christmas. You get toys from Santa." Hope moves to her Mommy's boobs. Emma chuckles. "I know you just want Mommy's boobs for Christmas so you can eat." Killian laughs. "Our little lass loves her Mommy's boobs.""Yes, she is a good little eater." Emma nurses Hope. "Hope loves her Mommy not just for her boobs.""I know." They kiss. The family took the subway to 34 Street Hareld Square. Hope was in her carrier being held by her Daddy. Emma and Henry were talking on the subway ride. Henry took a picture of Hope and their Dad. "Mom, Hope's first subway ride.""Yes, you are capturing Hope's first subway ride." "Aye, Hope is sound asleep on the loud subway ride." The crowds on 34 Street were very loud and crowded but the Jones family were able to get in to meet Santa. Hope was crying. "Killian, she is hungry." Emma puts the cover on herself and gets prepped for nursing. Henry puts a bib on his sister. "Hopey." Killian helps put Hope in his wife's arms and Emma nurses her. "It is a great cover swan.""Yes, it comes in handy when I need to feed her in public and cover in her car seat." Killian gets Hope and burps her. "Mom, we are next.""Yes, we are." Emma gets Hope's bib off of her. "Hope, we are going to meet Santa Claus." Killian holds the diaper bag and prepares the camera while Emma holds Hope. Henry goes to Santa Claus. "Ho, Ho, Ho. What is your name, young boy?""Henry Swan-Jones. I am twelve years old.""Have you been a good boy this year?""Yes, I have been taking care of my Mom when she was pregnant with my sister." "I can tell that you are a good boy, Henry. What do you want for Christmas?""A lightsaber, Batman, Joker, and Catwoman action figures." He whispered in Santa's ear. "Can you give my Mom happiness?'"Henry, I can tell you and your sister give her that." Hope fusses. Emma carries Hope to Santa Claus and Henry. "Hope, this is Santa Claus with Henry." "Hello, Hope. How old is she?'"She just turned 2 months old a few days ago.""She is very cute. Can I hold her?'"Yes, you can." She puts Hope in Santa Claus's arms and steps back so Killian can take pictures of Henry and Hope with Santa Claus. "Hi, Hope. Do you want toys for Christmas?" Hope began to cry. Henry gets Hope from Santa Claus. "It is okay, little sis. Henry is here. I can tell Santa Claus what you want for Christmas." Hope stopped crying. "You are a great big brother Henry.""Thank you, Santa. I know Hope will want teething rings, binkies, and books.""I will get her that Henry." Emma and Killian joined for a family picture with Santa. "You two have a good well behaved son and a cute daughter.""Thank you, Santa." Hope cried more. "Henry give me your sister." Henry hands over Hope back to their Mom. They went around the mall, Emma found a bathroom to change Hope who had a poop explosion, cleaned her up into a new diaper and a new outfit. She puts Hope in her carrier and bounces her off to sleep and wrapped her baby blanket around her. Killian found his wife when his lasses left the restroom. "Is everything okay Emma?""Hope just had a poop explosion and she needed to sleep. I do not want to overtire her." "Aye, she looks comfy sleeping on you, love.""Can we get something to eat? I am hungry.""Dad, can we eat out?""Aye, yes we can." The family went to Red Lobster for Christmas Eve dinner. Hope was fast asleep in her carrier the entire dinner. Emma kept checking on Hope's breathing. Killian holds his wife's hand. "Emma, I am watching her breathing too."Emma relaxes a little bit and rubs his hand. "I am still nervous about her breathing especially when she is sleeping." "Love, I am worried too but she is with us.""Do you want to hold her?""Aye,I know Hope loves being held by me." Emma puts Hope in Killian's arms, who moved around in her sleep. Killian chuckles. "Are you getting comfortable little love?" Hope stops moving. "Henry, what did you think about meeting Santa?""It was fun.I do not think Hope liked Santa.""It is normal for babies for being afraid of Santa. When she is older she will not be afraid of him.""Henry, I got pictures of Hope with Santa before she was crying but she was happy when she was with you, lad.""Hope knows me and does not know Santa.""Your sister gets the stranger danger from me, kid.""She takes after you, Mom. She is a little mini-you." Emma smiles and hugs her son. After dinner, the family took the subway back to uptown Manhattan to their apartment. Emma fell asleep on Killian's shoulder. He kisses her on her head and gently nudges her to wake up for their stop. When they arrived home, "Henry, get ready to bed.""Dad I am not tired.""Aye, children need to be in bed when Santa comes.""Okay, I am a little tired. Can we play video games tomorrow?""Yes, we can, Henry after we open presents." "Yes!" Night Mom, Night Dad." He kisses hope on the head and goes into his room. Emma puts Hope to her crib. "Sweet dreams, baby girl. When you wake up in the morning, it will be Christmas day." Emma joins Killian on the couch who was wrapping presents, kisses him on the cheek. "I had fun tonight taking Henry and Hope around the city." Killian smiles. "Aye, I did like carrying Hope on her first subway ride." She shows her iPhone photo of Killian and Hope on the subway. "Henry took a picture of you and Hope.""Emma, I love it. Can you text this picture to me?"Emma smiles and texts her husband the picture. "Look at my husband who is a 21st-century man."Killian smiles. "Aye, you and Henry turned me into a 21st-century man 10 months ago.""Even though you are a 21st-century man, you are my pirate.""Aye, you are a pirate too, love.""Our family are all pirates and royals." They kiss and continue to wrap presents for their children until all of the presents were under the tree. "All finished love."Emma hugs her husband. "They are going to love it tomorrow." They kiss. Hope crying in their room. She nurses Hope in their bed. "Hopey, Santa Claus came. We are going to open presents in the morning." She burps Hope who was still awake. "Emma, Hope wants to play with her Dada." Killian lifts Hope up and down, giving her kisses on her cheeks and raspberries on her tummy. Emma loves seeing Killian playing with their daughter. Hope was smiling. "Hope, you are happy to be with Dada." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope grabbed her Mommy's face. Emma smiles big. "I love you, too Hopey." She tickles Hope. Killian took pictures of Emma playing with Hope until Hope fell asleep. Emma lets Hope sleep on her. Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "My two loves."Emma smiles. "My captain." They kiss. Emma fell asleep. The next morning, Henry wakes up early and sees the presents underneath the Christmas tree. "Santa came!" Henry enters his parents' room. "Mom, Dad! Santa came! It is Christmas." "Merry Christmas, Henry. Let's make cinnamon hot cocoa so we can drink it when we open presents. Your sister kept your MomandI up most of the night." he kisses Emma on the head. "Merry Christmas Emma. merry Christmas Hope. We are going to let you two sleep longer." Killian makes cinnamon hot cocoa for his family and coffee for himself. "Dad, I have presents for you Momand Hope. Can I put them underneath the Christmas tree?""Yes, Henry that is part of Christmas, lad." Henry puts his gifts for his family underneath the Christmas tree. Emma wakes up with Hope awake on her. "Good morning, Hope. Merry Christmas. Let's go see if Santa came." She takes Hope to the living room, "Hope, Santa came." Killian hugs his two loves. "Merry Christmas, Emma.""Merry Christmas, Killian." They kiss. Killian takes Hope and Henry hugs his Mom. "Merry Christmas, Henry.""Merry Christmas, Mom. Satna came. Can we open presents now?""Yes, we can." Henry goes to the pile of presents. Emma holds Hope as they watch Henry open his presents, he got new video games, new controllers, a lightsaber, a batman shirt, a spiderman shirt, and a new funko pops. "Mom, I got new funko pop for my collection.""Santa knew what you wanted." Hope coos. "You are right baby girl, you have a gift for your brother." Emma hands Henry Hope's gift. "Henry, this is from Hope." Henry opens his gift a Batman and Robin tee shirt." Hope, I love it, little sis. Thank you, Hope." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "It is your turn to open your gifts from Santa." Henry and Killian gave Hope presents, which Emma and Killian helped open. Henry took pictures of Hope with her new presents. Hope got Winnie the Pooh teething rings, Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse dolls, and Ariel onesie, a onesie that says "My Mom is the savior," duckling and pirate theme onesie. Whenever her parents showed her new gifts, she would smile or coo. Henry gives him his present "Hope, this is from me." "Hopey, Henry got you a Christmas present. Let's see what he got you." Emma opened up Henry's present, which was a soft medium size Pluto doll. Hope grabs it and chews it. "Henry, Hope loves it already." "Merry Christmas little sis." Killian gives Hope a present, a teething ring of hook. Hope began to cry."Awe, Hopey, Killian she loves her Daddy's hook."Killian takes Hope from his wife. "Little love, you can always hold me hook, little Hope. Do not cry." He gives Hope his hook and she holds it and stops crying. "You love your Dada's hook.""Dad, she loves your hook.""Aye, Hope is my little pirate after all she wants the real hook only.""I told you, Killian Hope loves her Daddy's hook since she was in my belly." She rubs Hope's head. Killian smiles. Emma opened more of Hope's gifts, a lot of onesies and a new tummy time playmat. Henry gets his Mom her Christmas present. "Mom, this is from me." Emma opens her gift which was a swan wool sweater. "Henry, I love it. I am going to wear it today." He gives a bigger present which was a family portrait of their family all four of them, Jones family. "Henry..." Emma hugs her son. "Merry Christmas,Mom." She kisses him on the head."I am going to hang it in the living room. So we all can see it all the time." Hope began to cry. "Killian, Hope is hungry." She nurses Hope. "Mom, you have more gifts.""I know, kid but your sister is hungry and I do not want to get her angry.""Can I give Dad his presents?""Yes, Henry." Killian opened his presents, he got a new flask with his name written on it, pajamas, thick gray woolen sweater, and a compass. "Emma, is this?""It is not the exact compass because the original compass was in the portal spell but I found this in an antique store around the time when we began dating. It reminded me of our beanstalk adventure and now our relationship started." "I love it. It was when I fell in love with you." They kiss. "Dad, I have something for you too." Killian opens his gift, it was a glass bottle with a mini version of the Jolly Roger. "Henry...where did you get this?""I know it is not like the real one your home but I figured my Dad needed a smaller version of his original home after we left Storybrooke." Killian hugs his son. "It is perfect, Henry. It is a little piece of my past but Henry the Jolly Roger was my former home. I never had a home in the Enchanted Forest. When the curse was coming I knew I did not belong in the Enchanted Forest all I could think about was you and your Mom." He holds Emma's hand. "My family is here with you, Emma and Hope.""Killian, you would not have known about Hope if you did not come with us.""Aye, I would be miserable and alone in the Enchanted Forest. I just knew going over the town line with you and your Mom, that it will be for the better." "I would not Hope fusses. Emma burps Hope who began to cry. "Mom, Hope wants me." Henry takes Hope from their Mom and bounced her up and down until she stopped crying. "Little sis, do not cry. Mommy and Daddy are going to their open presents." He lets Hope on his lap. "Mom, Hope wants you to open your presents." "Aye, the little lass right." Killian gets a few presents for his wife. "Emma, these are from me." Emma opens her presents, a new red dress, knee-high boots, and a swan silver bracelet and a fuzzy blanket. "I love this blanket, I have a feeling we will share it because it is so cold here in the winter." "Aye, what about the other gifts?"Emma chuckles. "Killian..." "I wanted to spoil my swan.""Are you hinting me that we need a date night?""We do need a date night very soon." He wrapped his arms around his wife. Emma smiles."Killian what about the kids?""Mom, I can watch Hope while I am on break, you and Dad can have a date night. Mrs.B from next door can help me with Hope. I know how to take care of Hope.""How about Mrs.B can check in on you and Hope.""I can watch Hope?""Yes, you can, kid.""Yes!!" Hope began to cry. "Sorry, Hope. I did not mean to scare you." Emma takes Hope from Henry."Hopey, it is okay. Henry was just excited to watch you when Dada takes Mommy out for a date night." Hope calms down and falls asleep. "Killian, we need a date night soon.""Aye, we need to start planning." "Before we start planning, you have one more gift to open and celebrate Christmas." Killian opens his last gift, a wooden sign "Jones Family Home." "Emma is this for our apartment?""Yes, for our home now and whenever we move and get a new house. We will always have a home together." Killian kisses Emma."Dad, Mom, you two have one more gift from Hope and me." Henry gave his Dad their gift, Killian and Hope opened their gift, it was a painting portrait together. "Henry, you painted your Dad and me.""Yes, I did.""Lad, this is beautiful." They hug Henry with Hope in the middle. Hope began to cry. Emma changes Hope's diaper and into a "My First Christmas," onesie. "Hope, you are all ready for Christmas." Hope coos. She gave Hope kisses all over the place. Killian sees his two loves playing. Emma holds Hope and sees her husband."Emma, breakfast is ready." They had family breakfast together, while Henry and Killian played video games, Emma held Hope. "Mom, you want to play?""I may not be the best, I can play." Killian takes sleeping Hope from his wife and holds Hope until she wakes up. 'Hello, little love. Do you want to try out your new playmat? Dada set it up just for you." He sets Hope on her new playmat and taught her the new toys. Emma took pictures of Killian and Hope one on one time. "Mom, can we watch Christmas movies?""Yes, we can." Emma put on Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas, the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer and more. "Mom, you know the best movies.""These are my favorite Christmas movies." They ordered in Chinese takeout and ate as a family. They watched Netflix, talked, and relaxed. Emma and Killian enjoyed seeing Henry and Hope enjoying their Christmas gifts, wrapped up in the fluffy blanket that Killian got for her. Henry fell asleep on his parents' with Hope. Emma loved her Christmas spending time with her family and they are all together. "This is the best Christmas I ever had, with my family." "Aye, you taught us this holiday.""Yes, because I have a family to share the holidays with people who I love. I never had that.""Aye, you will always have us your family, Henry, Hope, and I. We will never leave you. I never had Christmas as a child now I have it with you.""We will always have holidays with our family.""I love you, Emma.""I love you, Killian." They kiss. Emma fell asleep on top of Killian wit Henry and Hope around them. Killian knows they will have more family holiday memories together. "Merry Christmas, my swan." He kisses Emma on her blonde head and enjoyed being with his family.

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