Missing Year

By isaballerina89

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Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions

Emma's Special Birthday Present

603 10 2
By isaballerina89

Emma and Killian's room was mostly set up for Hope. The crib was all set, the dock-a-tot, and Hope's swing was all set and ready for Hope's arrival. They had a grey and pink glider rocking chair set up in their room. The rest of Hope's needs like play set and car seat were in the living room and extra supplies. Emma was enjoying her bed rest by her husband pampering her and Henry talking to his little sister. She loved being cared for from Killian and he was an overprotective husband and daddy to be. She loves talking to her daughter and loves how Hope responds to her by kicking and punching around inside of her. She knows that Hope and her will have a lot of one on one time together, snuggling. It is October 22, 2013, Emma was almost 37 weeks pregnant and her birthday was the next day. Emma was asleep but she can hear Henry talking to Hope, "Hope, tomorrow is our Mommy's birthday you want to know what I got for her?... Do you think she will like it?" Hope kicks. "You are such a good listener. When you arrive, I will talk to you all the time. I know you and I will be close brother and sister." Emma was in bed feeling sick and she was having Braxton hicks contractions. Emma woke up feeling nauseous, Henry saw his Mom not feeling well and went to get his Dad. "Dad, Mom is not feeling well.""Aye, let me check on her, lad." He enters the room. "Love, are you okay?""I am not feeling well. I feel nauseous and been having Braxton hicks contractions on and off.""Love, are you in labor?"Emma loves him being overprotective of her, "These are just practice contractions. I have a few more weeks until Hope's arrive. I am not in labor yet."Killian hugs his wife and kisses her on the head."Do you need a gingerale?""Yes.""Mom, I will get it for you.""Thanks, kid." Henry goes to the kitchen. "Hope, you are getting bigger inside of me, little duck." "Are you hungry?""No...I am not hungry...I feel tired...and I do not want to move." She leans onto her husband. "I am right here, Emma." Emma shifted trying to lie on her husband. He rubs his wife's baby bump. "Hope, we cannot wait to meet you, little love. Dada and Mommy love you so much. You are getting bigger inside of your Mommy." He kisses his wife's baby bump. "Hope, Dada loves you." Emma smiles, "Mommy loves you, Hope." Emma felt off and wet. "Killian..." She gave a look Killian an afraid look in her eyes. "Emma...""My water broke... Hope is on her way. I am in labor." Killian smiled big knowing Hope was on the way. "I am right here, Emma. You are going to be amazing love. I am not going to leave you." Emma gripped her husband's hands as a contraction came. "Ahh..." "Emma, breath in and out...that is it, love. Henry, call the hospital your Mom is in labor.""I am on it Dad. Her hospital bag and Hope's car seat are already in the car." Killian helped his very pregnant wife up from their bed and walks her out of the apartment. "I am leaking.""It is alright, love. We are going to leave in a minute." Henry holds his Mom's hand as she was nervous and excited as Killian cleaned up the water mess. Killian holds his wife's hand. Emma smiled. "Killian, we are having our baby."Killian smiles back at his wife. "Yes, we are going to be parents to our little lass very soon. She wants to be here for her Mommy's birthday." Killian and Emma smile at each other very excited to meet their daughter and they hug."Let's go have a baby, swan." "Yes! Hope is on her way." They kiss. Henry was at his Mom's side. "Mom, we are here with you."Emma hugs her son. "Are you ready to be a big brother to Hope?""Yes, I am. I cannot wait to meet my baby sister." They went into the elevator together and walked Emma out of the apartment building. Killian rushes to their car and drove it in front of the building, Emma was having another contraction, Henry was comforting his Mom. "Dad is here with the car. You are not hurting my hands by the way." "Are you sure?""Yes, Mom. You can never hurt me." Henry and Killian helped Emma into the car. Henry sat in the back with Hope's car seat. Killian drove his family to the hospital full of nerves and excitement all at the same time for becoming a dad to his little lass. "Emma, hold my hook when you have a contraction." Emma grips his hook and breathes in and out. "I am so happy that I taught you how to drive.""Aye, I do have my license now.""Killian, something is wrong...I just know it. She is coming early.""We are almost there, love. Just stay calm and focus on your breathing." Once they arrived at the hospital, Henry got a wheelchair for his Mom and helped her get out of the car. Killian got a parking spot and quickly headed back to his wife and son. He took Emma to the labor and delivery ward. Emma got a room, Killian helped Emma get changed, in between contractions. "Emma, I am staying next to you." He hugs his wife knowing she was afraid of her delivery in prison with Henry. A nurse came in and wired up Emma and examined her. "You are 3 centimeters, dilated. You are in labor.""I am almost 37 weeks.""I know, I am going to get Dr. Pierce." The nurse leaves the room. "Hope..."Killian hugs his wife. "Hope is going to be alright love. She is going to be strong just like you." "Mom, Hope is going to be alright." He hugs his Mom. Dr. Pierce entered the room, "Hi, Emma." "Hi, Dr. Pierce. I am not 37 weeks yet. My baby's lungs are not fully developed yet." Dr. Pierce examined Emma."Emma, I know that you are in labor. Your baby's lungs might need to be developed more. She might be in the newborn intensive care unit for a few weeks but she will be born healthy, Emma. We are going to keep a close eye on you and your baby. I will be back later." Killian hugs his wife. Over the next few hours contractions, Emma held onto her husband crying out in pain and moaning. "You are doing amazing my strong beautiful wife." "These contractions... are so painful....""You are doing brilliantly love." He continues to comfort, she has not let him go; all Emma wanted to hug him. "I am staying right here, I am not going anywhere, Emma.""I just want to hold Hope.""You will love when she is born, all she wants is to be with you and your pain will be over. You are going to hold her soon, love." Henry went in and out of the room getting his Mom ice chips.Dr. Pierce returns to Emma's room and examines her. "Emma, you are 5 centimeters dilated." She checks the monitor, "Your baby's heartbeat is getting low. I will be right back." Dr.Pierce leaves the room."Killian...Hope..." Emma began to cry. Killian hugs his wife. "Hope is going to be a fighter like you, love. She is going to be strong like her Mommy.""I do not want to lose Hope as I lost everyone else..." Emma began to cry. Killian faces his wife. "Emma, you are not losing our daughter, who just wants to arrive early to meet her Mommy. You are not going to lose me, Hope and Henry. Our family is going to stay together, love. No one is going to be separated from our Jones family." Emma smiles felt so reassured."Mom, you are going to be raising Hope and me together very soon.""Are you going to be jealous?""Not at all, Mom. I love Hope. Hope and I are going to have you as our Mom." He hugs his Mom."You are not going to lose our daughter, Emma. I have a good feeling our little lass is going to be like her Mommy." Emma gets another contraction and groans. "Hold onto me love...""I am not letting you go..." She noticed Killian did not move, he was her rock. "Hope, we are looking forward to meeting you, baby girl. Your family is waiting for you to come." Emma and Killian placed their hand on Emma's huge baby bump. Dr.Pierce returns with nurses. "Emma, your baby's heart rate is low. We are going to do an emergency c-section.""But...""Emma, if we wait any longer your baby's heart rate will drop further which is not a good sign."Emma looked at Killian, "I will have the surgery." An anesthesiologist gave Emma an epidural, Emma held Killian's hands as she was in so much pain. "It is almost done, swan. You are doing great, love.""Henry, you can wait in the waiting room.""I want to meet Hope and be there." Emma knows how much Henry wants to meet his sister. "Dr.Pierce can Henry be in the cesarean room with us?""As long as he doesn't get in the way and stays right next to you, Emma. He can come.""Yes!" Emma smiles at her son who was very excited to be in the room with them. As Emma was getting prepped for her surgery IV in her arm, oxygen tubes through her nose, Killian and Henry were putting scrubs on. "Mom, I can take pictures of Hope. I have my camera all set up ready to take pictures of Hope."Emma smiles and holds Henry's hand. "You are our family photographer. You will get Hope's first pictures." Emma smiles. "I know you are very excited to meet your sister, kid." Henry hugs his Mom. "I know you are excited to meet Hope too, Mom." Emma smiles and began to cry.Henry leans to his Mom's baby belly. "Hope, you are on your way and I cannot wait to be your big brother." He kisses his Mom's baby bump."I am really excited to be a Mom from the very beginning." "You are going to be great, Mom with Hope, like you are with me. I just know it." He hugs his Mom. Emma kisses him on the head and rubs her baby belly. "Hope, we are going to meet you really soon, baby girl." Killian leans to his wife's baby bump. "Hope, pretty soon you will be held in your Mommy's arms, little love. We all are excited to meet you." He knew his wife was nervous and holds her hands. "Emma, Hope is going to be healthy." The nurses pushed Emma's hospital bed to the surgery room, it was going so fast. Killian was holding her hand. "Killian, are you ready to meet our daughter?""Aye, I am ready to be our Daddy? How about you, swan? Are you ready to meet our little lass?""I am ready to meet my daughter and hold her." They kiss."Mom, Hope will be close to you the most, I just know it." The nurses placed Emma on the operating table and pulled out a cover above the Jones family, "Mom, why they are blocking us?""Because they are going to cut my stomach to get your sister out of me.""You are not feeling anything?""My lower body is numb from the bottom down. I have a feeling I will feel tugs but not too much pain, kid." Killian held his wife's hands,she was shaking. "Love, are you cold?""Yes, I am." Killian's hand made her feel warm and safe at the same time. "I want to do skin to skin when Hope arrives." "You will hold her first, swan, I promise." They kiss. They listen to the doctor and nurses talk waiting to hear their daughter enter the world. Killian kept stroking his wife's hands. Emma was getting more excited to meet her daughter. Dr. Pierce makes an incision in Emma's abdominal and searches for the baby. She finds the baby's head, "Emma, I can see your daughter's head.""You hear that love?""Yes, Killian. Hope is almost here."Dr. Pierce takes Hope out and Hope began to cry loudly and holds her up so her family can see her. "October 22,2013, 6:30pm." Emma was crying once she heard her daughter's cry. Henry took pictures of his sister. Emma and Killian share a passionate kiss. "Hope!" Killian was crying also. "Hope is here, love.""I want to do skin to skin with Hope." "Killian, would you like to cut the cord?""Aye, I would love too." Killian cuts the cord. He sees his little love, blonde hair, and crying and wrapped in a towel. "Hi, Hope. this is your Daddy. Your Mommy is going to hold you first. Dr.Pierce, Emma is going to hold our little lass first." A nurse brings over Hope to Emma as Killian followed them. Emma smiled so big, as the nurse puts their daughter on her bare chest. As soon as Hope was placed on her, Emma automatically felt the magic of mother and daughter connect, love. "Hope." Hope stopped crying and looked at her Mommy with her ocean blue eyes. "Hi, little duckling. I am your Mommy. Happy birthday." Henry took pictures of his Mom holding his sister. "I love you so much. I am never ever going to leave you." Emma started to cry more. "You just wanted to be here for my birthday. Your birthday is the day before mine. You are my best gift ever because I get to have my second chance of being a Mommy with you. Now we can celebrate our birthdays together every year. Happy birthday, Hope. " Hope smiled, which made her Mommy smile. "You are perfect, yes you are." She kisses Hope on her blonde head. Killian was loving seeing his wife and daughter together. "Hope, you just made your Mommy's birthday special, little love. "I love you." He kisses Hope on her head. "She is beautiful, Emma.""Yes, Hope is so beautiful. She is perfect." She rubs her daughter's back and looks at her husband. "She is ours.""Aye, love. She is ours and she is not going anywhere." They kiss. "Hope.""Hope, this is your big brother Henry."Henry leans to his sister. "Hi Hope, I love you. I will always be there for you, little sis." Hope coos. Henry gave kisses on his sister's head. Emma was so happy that her whole family was all together and this time able to keep her baby. A nurse came by, "We have to check on your daughter." The nurse took Hope away from her Mommy and began to wail. "Hope...""Love, they need to examine her, to see if she is healthy.""Can you be with her? I do not want Hope to be alone.""Aye, I will be with our little love." They kiss. Killian goes to Hope who was still crying while she is being examined and being cleaned up. "Hope, Daddy is next to you, little love. The nurses are just checking you out, little love."A nurse puts bracelets on Hope, "You and your Mommy have matching bracelets. I know you are happy that your Daddy is here with you." The nurse lets Killian hold Hope. Killian was crying cannot believe that he is a father to a little lass with his true love, once Hope was in Killian's arms she stopped crying. "Hope, I am your Daddy little love. I will always protect you and be there for you." He smiled as a nurse using Henry's camera taking pictures of Killian holding Hope. He lets Hope grab his hook, "Aye, Hope you love my hook just like your Mommy." Hope coos. The nurse tells him they needed to finish the examination. Henry held his Mom's hand. "Dad is with Hope, Mom. She is not alone." Emma smiles. "What do you think of your baby sister?"Henry smiles. "I love her so much already. I cannot wait to take her home.""Me too, kid." "I am so proud of you, Mom." He hugs his Mom."Thank you, Henry." A nurse came to Emma, "Your daughter is 6 pounds and 2 ounces. What is her name? I need her name for the birth certificate." "Her name is Hope Marie Jones.""I will put it on her birth certificate." The nurse writes down the birth certificate and she puts bracelets on Emma's wrists. "You and your daughter will have matching bracelets on." "Emma, we are closing you up. Your placenta is taken out already." Emma tries to look at her daughter, Dr. Pierce saw Emma glances over at the incubator. "Emma, the nurses are examining Hope to see she is healthy. Killian is with her." A nurse comes over to Dr. Pierce, "Doctor. The baby's lungs are a little underdeveloped. She needs to be on oxygen in the newborn intensive care unit.""Take her right up to the newborn intensive care unit.""Yes, doctor." The nurse goes to Hope and Killian, loving his daughter holding his hook who stopped crying. "Little love, you have a strong grip. Daddy is here. You will be with Mommy and Henry soon." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope coos, which made her Daddy smile. "Your daughter needs extra care for her lungs. The other nurses and I will take her up to the NICU. You and your wife will see her up in the newborn intensive care unit soon.""Daddy and Mommy will be with you soon, Hope. Listen to the doctors." He watches Hope being whisked away out of the room. Emma seeing her daughter taken away reminds her of when Henry was taken from her. "Hope!" Killian rushes back to his wife knowing she was reliving her baby taken away from her and rubs her head and held her hand. "Emma, Hope needs extra care in the newborn intensive care unit. Her lungs are a little underdeveloped." He kisses her on the head. "She is not leaving you, Emma. We will see her later when Hope can have visitors. Okay, love?" Emma nodded her head, as Killian was hugging her and stroking her head to calm his wife down. "I am so proud of you, Emma. You are my strong brave beautiful wife who just had our little daughter. You are an amazing mother to both of our children."Emma smiles. "I would not have Hope if I did not met you in another realm."Killian smiles. "You changed my whole life around when I laid eyes on you on the Enchanted Forest." "You mean I found you with the dead bodies? You fell in love with me? " Emma chuckles. Killian smiles. "Maybe when you tied you up against the tree before threatened me with that ogre.""Now, I regret that.""Aye, I knew you regretted that.""Now, we are a married couple with a family." "Aye, with my true love. I love you, Emma.""I love you too, Killian." He kisses her on the head. "You did amazing love.""That because I have you here, captain.""Our family is complete with our little lass." They kiss. Killian and Henry held Emma's hands showing her that they are there for her. When Emma was all stitched up, Emma was sent to her recovery room. "Killian, I am starving.""Love, what can I get you to eat?"Emma gave him a look, "I want a cheeseburger and fries.""Aye, I can get you that. Lad, do you want a burger?""Yes, Dad." Killian went to get his family food from the cafeteria. Henry showed his Mom the pictures of Hope from his camera. Emma was in tears. "I cannot believe that your sister is here." Henry hugs his Mom. "Hope is here, Mom. She is going to be raised by you and Dad. She is so cute."Emma smiles. "Yes, Hope is very cute." She hugs her son. Killian returned with his family meal and they ate together. Emma slept in Killian's arms, and Henry slept on a chair. Killian was holding his wife's hand, "I am right here, Emma. I am not going anywhere. Henry is sleeping and Hope is in NICU getting the best care." Emma wakes up hours later seeing her husband's arms wrapped around her. She kisses him gently on the cheek which wakes him up. Emma smiles. "Hey, you.""Hello, love. How is my beautiful wife feeling?""My stomach hurts a lot, I can feel the stitches besides the pain. I want to see our little girl.""Aye, I will get permission from the nurses to get the okay for us to see our little cygnet." "Thank you." Killian leaves the room. "Mom?""Yes, kid." He gently hugs his Mom. "You are a Mom of two now.""Yes, I am, kid. Are you happy?""Yes, I am. We have our family together. I know that you are very happy." He hugs his Mom again gently. Killian returns back into the room with a wheelchair, "Emma, Hope can have visitors." He helps his wife into the wheelchair, she was in pain. "Dad, we can see Hope?""Yes, we can Henry." Killian pushes his wife out of the recovery room to the newborn intensive care unit, Henry and Killian put scrubs on and they washed their hands.A nurse came by, "Are you baby Jones mom?""Yes, I am. We are here family." Killian pushes his wife in her wheelchair following the nurse to see where their daughter. Emma can hear her daughter crying. "Killian, I can hear our daughter." Killian smiles. "Aye, she wants her family.""Here is your daughter."Emma was in awe seeing Hope's blonde hair poking out of her daughter's hat in the incubator and smiled so big. Hope had wires on her body and oxygen tubes in her nose. Hope was crying. Killian pushed Emma close to the incubator. "Hope...Hopey, Mommy is here baby girl. You are alright." Hope turns her head and stops crying. "Hope, Mommy is here with you." Emma smiles knowing her daughter knows her by the sound of her voice. "Everything is going to be okay. Mommy is right here." Emma rubs Hope's hand. "I know you are afraid but you are not alone, Mommy is here.""Mom, Hope knows that you are here with her. She knows your voice right away." "Yes,...she knows her Mommy's voice." Emma was crying all over again. "Hope, I love you, baby girl. You have a strong grip, you get that from me." "Does Mommy want to hold her?"Emma smiles. "Yes, is there any way I can do skin to skin?""We can try for now because of the oxygen tubes." The nurse got Hope out of her incubator as Killian helped his wife into the rocking chair. Emma opened her gown and the nurse puts Hope onto Emma's chest. Emma was in awe, she doing skin to skin with her baby girl and made sure oxygen tubes stayed in. Hope coos, which made Emma smile. "Hope, are you happy to be with Mommy? Yes." She gave Hope multiple kisses on her head. "You are with Mommy, Hope. You will be out of the hospital in no time." She could not stop looking at her daughter. "Daddy and Henry are here too. We all love you, little buttercup." Henry took pictures of his Mom and first skin to skin. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "How is our little pirate princess?"Emma looks at him and smiles. "Hope is happy to have skin to skin with me." "She feels safe with her Mommy." He loved watching his true love being an amazing Mommy to their little lass. "Hope, Daddy is here, next to you and Mommy." He rubs her cheek with his hook."Killian, you want to hold her?""Aye, I have been talking to her and held her to calm her down during her examination, love. She is comfy with you, love." He is letting his wife hold their daughter knowing she did not have that time with Henry and Hope did look comfy being held by her Mommy. A little while later, Hope fusses. "Hope you want your Daddy? Yes, your Daddy is the best." Killian kneels down and lets his wife put their baby girl in his arms. Hope looked up at her Daddy with her matching ocean blue eyes. Killian smiled big, he cannot believe that he is a daddy to his little daughter with his true love. "Daddy loves you, Hope. I am always going to be here for you, Hope. Mommy is love and you are my little love." Henry took pictures of his Dad holding Hope for the first time since he did not get the pictures in the operating room, he was too busy crying and watching his Mom reaction to Hope being born. Hope grabs her Daddy's hook. Killian chuckles. "You and your Mommy love holding my hook." He could not stop smiling and looking down at his daughter with her same ocean blue eyes as him. "Henry." Emma hugs her son. "I love you, Henry.""I love you, Mom." "Are you ready to share me with Hope?""Yes. Hope is going to have you from the beginning. I will babysit, Hope when you need to sleep.""Thanks, kid. I did not expect to have your sister today.""Mom, Hope just wanted to be here on your birthday.""Your sister is my birthday gift. I am a mom to you and Hope now. Hope's birthday is the day before mine.""Now we have two birthdays to celebrate in October now.""Yes, you are right, kid." Hope began to cry. "Emma, Hope wants her Mommy. Mommy is next to Daddy, little love. Mommy did not leave you." Emma smiles, she loves being called Mommy, Killian placed Hope in his wife's arms. "Hopey...Mommy is here...you are with Mommy, little duckling." Hope stopped crying. She fixed her oxygen tubes, "I know you do not like the oxygen tube in your nose sweetie but you will get off oxygen, soon. You are being so brave, like Mommy and Daddy." She looks up at her husband. "Killian, can you give me the boppy pillow?" He sets the boppy pillow on his wife because her stomach hurts from her surgery. Hope fusses. "You are brave just like Mommy." Hope began to cry again, "Kid, you can give Hope your finger. I have a feeling Hope wants to see her big brother." Henry let his sister hold his finger which made her stop crying, he kisses Hope's little hand. "Hopey, I am right here, little sis. Henry is right here. You are safe and you are with us." Hope coos. Killian took pictures of his wife and two children together on his iPhone and with Henry's camera."Henry, Hope wants her big brother to hold her." Killian helped Henry's arm set up for Hope. Emma placed Hope in her son's arms. "Hold her head, son." Henry looks down at his baby sister and smiles big. "Hi, Hope." Hope looks up at her big brother and coos. Henry knows that Hope knows him. "I love you so much." Killian took pictures of Henry holding Hope. "I am always going to be there for you, little sis. If anyone hurts you, tell me so I can protect you from bullies. I am going to read to you stories, teach you art, and we can have one on one-time talks." He looks up at his parents. "Mom, Dad, I love her so much already." Emma was crying as Killian wrapped his arms around his swan. "You have the best parents, little sis. You completed our family." Hope falls asleep. "Mom, she fell asleep. She is so cute." "She is tired from a very busy day being born." Henry places Hope back in their Mom's arms."Mom, I know Hope wants to sleep with you." He kisses Hope on the head and hands his sister over to their Mom. "I have a birthday gift for Hope." Henry opens the bag, a baby blanket with symbols of their parents' love story and symbols of their family, like the yellow bug, storybrooke town, storybook, the beanstalk, the yellow bug, castle, Jolly Roger, and swords. "Hope, Henry got you a baby blanket for your birthday." She read the back, "I love you, Hope. Your big brother, Henry." Emma was in tears. "Henry...she is going to love it.""I wanted to get Hope something special and something she will always have with her, like you with your baby blanket.""She will always have it especially it is from you, Henry." Henry wrapped the blanket on top of his sister. "Hope, you are now warm and cozy and you are with our Mommy, little sis." "Henry, I know Hope is loving her blankie keeping her nice and warm." Killian leans to his wife, "She loves being with her Mommy." He kisses Emma on the head. Emma could not stop smiling her whole family is together. Hope woke up crying a little while later. "Hope, are you hungry?" Killian held his newborn lass as Emma prepped to nurse their daughter. Killian places Hope in his wife's arms. Hope latches on right away. Emma was in awe feeling the pain but release of her milk and feeding her daughter. "Hope, good girl, you know Mommy has the milk." She stroked her daughter's head and enjoying her first time nursing her daughter since she did not have that time with her son. Henry yawned. "Son, you have to get some rest. You have school in the morning.""Dad, it is Mom's birthday tomorrow. Hope is here. I do not leave to leave them." He looks at his Mom enjoying her time with his sister. "I do not want to miss anything with Hope." Killian leads his son aside. Henry began to cry and hugs his Dad. "I do not want to lose Hope...we almost lost her....seeing Mom with Hope already...she could have that with me..." Killian hugged his son. He knows that his son was jealous, and happy but also sad that he was seeing what his Mom could have given him. "Henry, I know you are jealous..." Henry hugs his Dad as he cried. "It is okay, Henry...""Mom is so happy...now with Hope...I did not have that time with her..." "Your Mom loves you, Henry so much. Hope is not going to replace you. Your Mom loves you both so much equally." Henry hugs his Dad. "I know Hope arrival was a little scary...""She is strong Dad, I can see Mom and you in her. She takes after you and Mom.""Aye, that is right, lad." "I do not want to be away from Mom and Hope on Mom's birthday, Dad. I was not there for her birthday, I did find her on her birthday before when she was alone..." Killian knew his son wants to be with his Mom and sister. "How about this? You can skip a day from school tomorrow to be with your Mom and your brand new baby sister. Hope did come early.""Hope is the best sister already!" Killian smiles. They return inside, Hope was fast asleep in her Mommy's arms. "Love, you need to rest.""But...Hope...""Emma, I can stay here with our little Hope. You and Henry can rest in your recovery room. You just had surgery and you need to rest love." Emma knew Killian was right, she was exhausted but very happy, she looks down at her baby girl. "Hope, Mommy needs a nap, too. You are not going to be alone. Daddy is going to be here with you." She kisses Hope on the head and placed Hope in her husband's arms. They look at each other, "Hope is going to be with me, love. If any updates, I will tell you right away." They kiss. Henry helped his Mom up and set her in her wheelchair. "Dad, we will see you later.""Aye, we will see you two later. Hope and I are going to have daddy-daughter time." Henry kisses Hope on the head, "Have fun with our Daddy, Hope. He is the best pirate storyteller. See you later." He pushes his Mom back to her recovery room. Emma looked back at Killian holding Hope sitting in the rocking chair. She knew Killian loving their daughter already. Henry helped his Mom into her bed. "Henry? You can tell me what you are thinking about?" Henry began to cry and hugs his Mom. She hugs her son and letting him sit next to her on the bed. "Henry, I know today was a very emotional crazy day. Hope is here. I know it was scary because Hope was born early and she needs extra care in the hospital...I love you and Hope both so much. Hope is not going to replace you, Henry." She hugged her son and rubbed his back. "I am your Mom and Hope's Mom." "Hope is here...you are amazing with her already... it seeing her in the wires and tubes is scary..." Emma hugs her son. "I know it is scary seeing Hope in wires and nose tubes are scary but they are helping her breathe, kid. I do not like seeing Hope in oxygen too, but I know she needs it now. Your sister is a fighter like me, she is going to be okay.""You are an amazing Mom to Hope already...if you had kept me you will be an amazing Mom to me from..." Emma hugs her son as they were both cried. "I would have been your Mom but I could not give you everything..." She knows her son was a little jealous of her mothering Hope instantly. "I know you are jealous...""Mom, I am happy that you can be a full-time Mom to Hope and I... it just it hurts...seeing what you would have happened if you kept me...""I love you Henry but you were going to be in the foster system until I got out of prison or end up lost in the system because I did not have a job or a home only a car...I thought about adoption because I wanted you to have everything I could not give you...and I did not want you to be in the awful foster system like I was in..."Henry hugs his Mom knowing she loves him his whole life and an amazing Mom to him and his new baby sister. "You are an amazing Mom to Hope and I. I love you.""I love you, too, Henry." She kisses him on the head. "I am not jealous of Hope, Mom. I love her. She is so cute.""She really is cute, kid. I know Hope loves her blankie. She is warm and being held by your Dad." "Mom, can Hope wear clothes?""Maybe if she can. I am thinking the same,I do not want her to be only in a diaper." Henry gets his Mom's hospital bag. "I have her going home outfit. For the NICU...let me see..." She looked for a onesie. "I never saw this one." She held a duck onesie, "Mommy's little duckling.""Dad and I created it online." "It is perfect for Hope's first outfit." Emma smiles and hugs her son and yawns."Mom, you need to rest.""I want to dress your sister in her first outfit then I will sleep." Henry helps his Mom back into the wheelchair and pushes her to the NICU. They washed their hands, and Henry put a gown on and heard beeping and as they got closer to Hope's incubator they see nurses and doctors surrounding Hope's incubator and Hope was crying. "Killian! What is wrong with Hope?""I do not know, I was holding her and all of a sudden her wire alarms went off. She was coughing up blood. " A doctor came to the family, "Mr. and Mrs.Jones, Hope needs to have surgery. She has internal bleeding.""Please save our daughter.""We will Mrs.Jones." They whisk Hope away out of the room Emma was crying, Killian was holding onto his wife. They are worried but they know Hope takes after them as fighter and survivor.To Be Continued

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