Missing Year

By isaballerina89

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Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions

First Sonogram

831 12 13
By isaballerina89

Emma has her first appointment with her new gynecologist in the morning after they drop Henry at school. Emma woke up and ran to the bathroom to puke her guts out. Killian was at her side, rubbing her back and has a glass of ginger ale ready for her when she needs it. "Thank you." She leans on Killian from exhaustion.

"You are welcome, love. Did you have morning sickness with Henry?"

"No, I had nausea with him but not puking. This pregnancy is different even though our baby is getting me sick I love him or her already." She rubs her abdominal. "I feel guilty..."

"Why love?"

"Because when I was pregnant with Henry, I did not enjoy it...I did not touch my bump...my wall was up... I ignored every kick and moved he made inside of me and did not look at the sonograms...I was giving him up for adoption because I had no home, no job, no money only a car and no education..." Emma began to cry. "I was alone, had no family and no support system, I was only 17 when I had him...I could not be a mom to him..." Killian hugged his swan. "When He found me to break the curse, I stayed because I wanted to make sure he was loved since he was not...I wanted to be his Mom.

"Emma you are his mom even though you did not raise him for the first ten years. You gave Henry his best chance when you could not provide for him, you love him that much you wanted him to have everything that you did not have. Now you are raising Henry in a normal lifestyle, you are a great mother to him. You have Henry in your life now who is looking forward to being a big brother. With your dashingly handsome boyfriend who is a very excited daddy to be at your side. I am nothing like Neal, I am staying right at your side, loving being a dad to Henry and a daddy to be to our little love."

"I still feel guilty.."

"You get to enjoy your pregnancy and be a parent to our little love because you have Henry and me there for you and our baby. You have a home, a job, and me a very excited Daddy to be. With our little love on the way, you are not alone anymore, you have Henry and me on your side when you and our little love needs us. We are a family." Emma hugs Killian and he kisses her on the head. "We love you, Emma. I know you are afraid of being a Mom from the beginning but you have me on your side helping you raise our little love. We are going to make mistakes but we will learn from them together."

"Thank you for being here."

"I would not be anywhere in all the realms not next to you and our little bean growing inside of you." They kiss. They walked Henry to school together, Killian right at Emma's side. "Mom, how are you feeling?"

"Very nauseous but your sister or brother is growing inside of me so it is worth it."

"Did I give you morning sickness?"

Emma hugs her son. "I was nauseous when I was pregnant with you but your sibling is causing me so much morning sickness already..." Emma rushes to the curb and vomits, Killian rubbing her back. Henry gives his Mom a bag of ginger candy. "I bought these yesterday. I think they might help." Emma hugs her son.

"Thank you, Henry."

"I am excited to meet my baby sister or brother."

"Me too, Henry."

"I will see you after school." Henry hugs his Mom. "Keep my baby brother or sister safe."

"I will, Henry. Your Dad is not leaving my side." Henry enters his school, as Emma leans on Killian. "He really is excited to be a big brother."

"Aye, he is going to be a great big brother to our little love." He kisses Emma on the head.

"We need to take a taxi. I do not want to be late for my appointment." They took a taxi cab to Emma's new doctor. When they arrived, Emma filled out forms and waited nervously seeing other pregnant women around her. Killian held Emma's hand seeing the look on her face of their future and nervous. "Love, I am right here. You are not alone."

She holds his hand."Just stay with me when we go into the room."

"I am not going anywhere but follow you, love. I am right." She hugs him until her name was called in and the nurse leads them to an exam room, Emma changed into a gown. Killian holds Emma's hand. "I know you are nervous."

"Yes, I am. Just waiting in this room is making me more anxious..."

"I am right here, Emma. I am not going nowhere." She kisses him on the cheek. Dr.Pierce enters the room. "Emma Swan."


"Hi, Emma. My name is Dr.Pierce. What can I do for you today?"

"To confirm my pregnancy. I took three pregnancy test yesterday..."

"Alright. I am going to examine you and do a sonogram." Emma lies down and props her legs up, still holding onto Killian's hand. "Is this your first pregnancy. No this is my second pregnancy, I had my son when I was seventeen." Dr.Pierce examines Emma. Killian did not let go of Emma, "Emma, is she supposed to be doing that?"

Emma smiles. "Yes, Killian. It is one of the ways to confirm a pregnancy."

"Emma, you are 7 weeks pregnant. "

"I am!"

"Yes, you are. Your due date is November 15. Would you like an ultrasound?"

"Yes..." Dr.Pierce turns the sonogram machine on.

"Love, what is a sonogram?"

"It is a special picture where we get to see the baby from inside of me."

Killian smiles and kisses Emma on the head. "I cannot wait to see our little bean on the sonogram." Dr. Pierce places the gel on Emma's abdominal and puts the doppler and moves it around until they heard the heartbeat of the baby. Killian was in awe. "Swan, is that?"

Emma was crying. "Yes, that is our baby's heartbeat, Killian."

"Our little love has a strong heartbeat."

"Emma, your baby has a strong heartbeat, which means the baby is healthy." Dr. Pierce moved the doppler around, "Emma, this is your baby."


"Right here." She puts her finger where their baby was on the screen.

Killian was in tears. "Killian, that is our baby."

"Aye, our little baby is growing inside of you and has a strong heartbeat just like its Mommy."

"I will print out pictures of your baby." Dr. Peirce leaves the room. Emma was still crying. "Our baby..." Emma wipes the gel off of her abdominal and rubs it. "Hi, baby. Mommy and Daddy get to see you inside of me. We love you so much." Killian touches the screen to where his child laid. "I will never leave you, little love." He hugs Emma who was still crying and rubbing her abdominal. He kisses Emma's abdominal."I love you so much, little love."

Emma rubs Killian's head. "Thank you for being here."

"I told you, swan. I am not ever going to leave my family." They hug. Dr.Pierce returns in the room, "Do you have any questions for me Emma?"

"Yes, I am starting to have morning sickness. Is there any way I can lessen it?"

"Yes, by eating in bed in the morning to lessen the sickness, eating ginger candy, and eating cold foods."

"When is the earliest time to find out the gender of the baby?" She puts her hand on her abdominal. "I..I did not have that chance to know my first time around.." Killian holds Emma's hand and rubs it. "You can take a blood test at 12 weeks pregnant to know the gender of the baby."

"I would like that." After they got their ultrasound pictures, they headed home by taxi, Killian stayed by Emma's side and cannot stop thinking about their baby. Emma kisses him on the cheek. "Are you okay?"

Killian smiles. "Yes, I am. I am very excited to be a daddy to our little love."

"This time around, I am not alone."

"You have Henry and me to help you through your pregnancy and you get to hold our baby..."

"Yes, I cannot wait for that. I am going to experience everything from the very beginning our baby, with you and Henry on my side." They arrived home, Emma was tired, she went to bed. Killian made lunch for his swan, and he sets the tray on their bed and kisses her on the head. "Rest up, love. You are creating our baby."

Emma moves around in her sleep, "Making a baby is very tiring."

"I made you lunch whenever you are ready.."

"I am still nauseous."

"I know but our baby needs food to grow inside of you. What do you want me to cook for you?"

"Just toast, if I eat anything else I am going to be vomiting."

"I made you toast love." He helps her sit up and cuddles with her as she ate her toast.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome, love." She takes out her sonogram.

"I cannot believe that this is our baby, Killian."

"Aye, our little love is safely growing inside of you." He kisses Emma on the head and rubs her abdominal. "I am going to put the sonograms pictures on the refrigerator after I show Henry."

"He will love to see his little brother or sister sonogram."

"Do you want a boy or a girl?"

"Lad or lass will make happy."

"Boy or girl. I want a little girl so I can dress her up in girly clothes."

"You will be a great Mommy to our little love, lad or lass. I cannot wait to meet our little love."

"Me too." They kiss. Emma falls back to sleep in Killian's arms. "I will always be there for our family, Emma. You are not alone anymore. You have our family, Henry, me and our little love." He kisses Emma on her head and watched his love sleeping on him feeling safe in his arms. "I love you, Emma. I love you and our little love." Henry returns home seeing his Dad with his Mom. "hi, Dad. How is Mom?"

"She is resting."

"How was Mom's doctor's appointment?"

Killian smiles. "It went well. Your Mom wants to show you something later." Henry kisses his Mom on the head. "Let Mom rest. Can we play video games after my homework?"

"Yes, we can lad." Henry works on his homework. Emma wakes up hearing Henry and Killian playing video games and she rubs her abdominal. "Pretty soon, you will be with us in our small family." Emma gets a phone call. "Yes, tonight? Where...I am on it." Emma gets dressed for work and rubs her abdominal. "Mommy has to work tonight so I can buy everything you need and also pay for our home." She sees Killian and Henry in the living room. 'Hi, boys." Henry pauses his game and hugs his Mom. "Hi, Mom. How is the baby?"

Emma smiles. "I got something to show you." She sits on the couch and shows him the sonogram. "That is your brother or sister."

Henry was in awe. "Mom...this is awesome." Henry hugs his Mom.

"It is awesome, kid." Emma and Killian smile. "The baby is coming in November."

"I am going to be thirteen by the time the baby comes. That is a big gap."

"Henry, no matter how old you are, you are going to be my baby. Your baby brother or sister is going to love you so much, look up to you and will always want to be with you. He or she will love you, Henry."

"I want a sister."

"You do?"

"Yes. I want to protect her from bullies and be there for her."



"I am going to be there for you and the baby."

"I know you will be a great big brother." She kisses him on the head. "I have to go to work."

"Swan, you need to rest."

"Killian, I have to work, to keep a roof over our heads and be able to afford a crib, baby clothes and diapers when the baby comes. I can work not because when I get bigger that is going to be hard to move around." Killian hugs his swan.

"Just be careful, love."

"I will." They kiss. "Henry." Henry hugs his Mom. "Don't go to bed too late." Emma gets her toast and goes to her yellow bug and drives to her assignment. While she was in her car waiting for the man that her boss took a picture, she felt nauseous and nibble on her toast. "Baby Swan-Jones your Mommy's job is to catch a bad man who owes money." She sees the man parking his car and heading inside the restaurant waiting for her. She puts clamp lock onto tired on the passenger side. She rubs her belly before heading in feeling nauseous, "Baby after I arrest the man we can go home to be with your Daddy and Henry." She enters the restaurant and finds, Jeremy. "Jeremy?"


"Yes, hi."

"I did not think you will come."

"Sorry, I am late." She sits down.

"That is alright, tell me about yourself."

"I was a foster child then I found my family."

"I really am glad you found your family. Let me tell you about myself."

"No, let me. You are a handsome man and married a wife with two children and ran out of money and owe money to the bank and you are running from the law."

"Shit. You are bail bondwoman."

"Yes, I am. You need to pay.." He runs out of the restaurant knocking the table, Emma protected her baby bump and calmly walks to the car to find Jeremy having trouble with his car. "What do you want from me?"

"To pay what you owe and not let your wife suffer," Emma call the cops to arrest him and the cops came and thanked her. Emma returns to her car and felt more nauseous and could not drive home. She calls Killian, who was up waiting for her as usual and more worried now that is she is with child. "Emma? Are you okay?"

"Killian, I need you to meet me and drive me home. I am very nauseous."

"Love, stay where you are. I am coming to pick you up." Emma texts him the address where she was. Killian used a taxi to find his swan, who was fast asleep in her yellow bug. "Emma." Emma wakes up and opens her car and moves to the passenger side. "You are here." Killian hugs his swan. "I told you, Emma. I will always be there for you when you need me." He rubs her abdominal. "Our little love is causing you morning sickness?"

"Yes, but I was able to arrest the man I needed who was running out on his bail. After he got arrested I just got so nauseous and tired."

"I am right here, Emma." He hugs his love and kisses her on the head. Emma began to cry.

"You are here for me when I need you...I never had that..."

"Love, you are my true love. You are not alone, I am here for you and our little love. I will always be there for you and our family." Emma cries more. "I am not going anywhere, Emma." He continues to hug her and rubs her back. "Love, let's go home."

"I need to teach you how to drive. When it is time for me to have our baby, I need you to drive me to the hospital."

"I know my swan will teach me." They kiss. Emma taught Killian how to drive and he drove them home back to their apartment. Killian walks Emma back to their apartment and put her to bed. He makes her toast and a bottle of water. "Love, you need to drink."

"Thank you." She cuddles with Killian. "Thank you for picking me...us tonight."

"You are welcome, love." They kiss. "I have been thinking, Emma. Please do not get mad at me."

"What is it, Killian?"

"When you told me about work and with the baby on the way...I was wondering if I can work with you. I mean I can chase the bad guy for you. I do not want anything to happen to you or to our baby." Emma sees that he is really concerned about the safety for her and their baby.

"You can work with me. What about Henry?"

"Our neighbor can check on him in the evening. He is a teenage love."

"I know, I am his mother it is my job to worry."

"Aye, you are doing your job right and going to be a Mommy to our little love soon."

"Yes, in seven months with you on my side. Henry is going to be a great big brother to his brother and sister."

"Aye, yes he will." He hugs his swan. "I love you, Emma."

"I love you, too, Killian." They kiss. Emma falls asleep in Killian's arms. "Rest love. You need it, you are growing our little love. I will always be there for you, Henry and our baby." He kisses her on the head and watches his swan sleep.   

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