Missing Year

By isaballerina89

29.4K 534 167

Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions

Adjusting to New Home

1.2K 26 2
By isaballerina89

As Emma drove through the night, Henry was fast asleep after Killian distracted him with stories of his pirate tales. "Hook..."
"Yes, Swan?"
"Thank you for talking to Henry, to help him forget about Neal's rejection towards him."
"You are welcome. I know how the lad felt when your father abandons you...I had that experience."
Emma was surprised this is the first time ever she heard of someone being abandoned beside her own story and others in the foster system. "I am so sorry. I had no idea..."
"I do not like telling everyone about it."
"You do not have to tell me..."
"I want to tell you."
"You do?"
"Aye, yes. I know we are still getting to know each other before I tell you about my past, you can call me by name..."
"You want me to call you Killian?"
"Aye, yes since we are getting a fresh start together with the lad. I figure you can call me by my real name."
"Killian. I am pretty sure we can call you that."
Killian smiles. "What is the plan?"
"From Maine to New York it is a 12-hour drive. I can either drive us all night and stay in Neal's old apartment. Or we can go to Boston, stay in my old apartment for a night and head to New York tomorrow."
"Is that the place where I found the crocodile? New York?"
"Yes, you are right captain. I do not want Henry to be more upset by staying in his Dad's old apartment. We are going to Boston to my old apartment where Henry found me. I do not want him to be in more pain than he already is."
"Aye, the lad went through enough today."
"My son has gone through enough today, losing his home he only ever knows to his Dad's rejection after his great-grandfather put a curse in Storybrooke and takes the town away."
"I told you, swan. Peter Pan is the green little devil."
"I knew you weren't lying about that. My superpower."
Killian smiles. "You knew I was telling the truth in Neverland."
"Yes, that is why I have trusted you on Neverland and now..."
"You trust me?"
"Yes, you did took us to Neverland a place you hate to rescue my son. I would not have let you come with us out of town if I did not trust you. Thanks by the way."
"For what?"
"For going to Neverland to help rescue Henry."
"Aye, I hate that place and did not want your lad to live there. It was a bloody awful place to live in and being there for the rest of your life or until Pan taking your heart it is bloody awful." Emma can see that he cared for her son. "You really care for Henry?"
"Aye, yes I do. I care for your son and you...sorry." He sees Emma's face change.
"For what?"
"I told you my feelings for you again...I see the pain when you are told about emotion walls." They were quiet for a while. "I am sorry, Emma. I know I told you how I felt in Neverland."
"I trust you, Killian which is a good thing. Trust is a big issue with me, growing up as an orphan leads me not to trust people when they hurt me, leave me, abandoned me...I was on my own most of my life and when I met Neal...I trusted him but he framed me for a crime that he committed and I had Henry in prison and gave him up for adoption...he never came back for me or looked for me. I was on my own again after I got out of prison until Henry found me and brought me to Storybrooke."
Killian was hurt that she was hurt. "Emma, I am never going to hurt you. I have your trust in me to be with you and your son which all that matters to me. A child should not be abandoned by their father. I am not ever going to hurt you, Emma. I am not going to hurt Henry. What Bae did was bloody selfish awful."
"He apologized but made up excuses just so he could not face his father."
"What he did to you was bloody awful, Emma. A gentleman does not abandon his lass. He was not the right man for you. "
"Yes, I learned it the hard way, I was desperate for love and attention...I was not thinking straight when I was with him, I was only sixteen..."
"Now you are thinking straight and you have Henry in your life."
"That is right." Emma drives them to a mall in Boston, Henry and Emma both helped Killian shopped for clothes that he will fit in with the modern world. As they were shopping around for clothes and supplies to use on their road trip, Emma was smiling watching Henry and Killian talking, she knows Killian is a good person with a bad past like her but he won't hurt her or her son. After shopping, "Mom, can we get something to eat?"
"We can order in pizza when we get to my apartment."
"Great. We are staying there tonight?"
"Yes, we are. In the morning, we are going to New York." When they arrived at her apartment, they ordered in pizza, Emma helped Killian dressed in modern clothes and told him which clothes are which for the weather. "Emma, I can sleep on your couch."
"I only have one room. Henry and I..."
"It is alright, love."
"Yes, Henry?"
"Can we get an Xbox?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, we can Henry, after a few days of adjusting to our new home."
"What is an Xbox?"
"You can call me Killian, lad."
Henry smiles. "An Xbox is a box that you can connect to a television and play games."
"Will you teach me to use this so-called Xbox?"
"Yes, I can. It will be fun." Emma smiles seeing them getting along already. She ordered in pizza for them and rents an apartment in New York online. They ate in the living room. "I rented a two-bedroom apartment in Manhattan."
"Is that New York?"
"Yes, Killian. There are five different parts of New York but we are staying in Manhattan." Killian knew Emma was tired. "Emma, get some rest, love. The lad and I will clean up. We have a long drive tomorrow."
"Are you sure?"
"Aye, it is my job to clean up since you drove us here, ordered in and you are driving us tomorrow. The driver should get the most rest."
"You are right, we have a long drive tomorrow. Henry, do not get to bed too late."
"I will not Mom." Emma goes to bed thinking, what is going to happen to have Killian with her and Henry in their lives out of Maine. She trusts him after all he has done to rescue her son, and he cares for her and Henry. She just hopes that he does not leave her as everyone did in her past but from what she learned from him today that he was abandoned too like she was and ca she has Henry with her and Killian. She falls asleep. Henry and Killian talk until Killian told him to go to bed. Henry slept with his Mom in her room. The next morning, Emma woke up, next to Henry. "This is really happening? I am parenting Henry..." She looks in her living room, seeing Killian fast asleep on the couch. "Killian is really staying with us?"
Henry wakes up. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry." She joins him on the bed. "Are you mad that I let Killian join us?"
"No, I know Killian is a good guy. He is a good role model for me and cares for me since he risked his life with you and the rest of the family to rescue me from Pan. I know he makes you happy."
"Yes. I can see it in your face even though you do not want to accept it."
Emma smiles. "He offered to come with us."
"Yes, he told me last night when you were sleeping. Mom, he likes you and you like him. He is a good guy."
"You know I would not have let him come with us if I did not trust him."
"I know, I trust him, Mom, too." They packed their bags and loaded Emma's yellow bug. When they arrived in New York, Emma got the keys to their apartment for herself and extra copies for the boys, Killian and Henry unloaded the yellow bug. "Love, you and Henry can have the rooms. I can sleep on the couch."
"Are you sure?"
"Aye, I slept in worse conditions on hardwood floors on ships most of my life. The couch is comfy, swan."
"Mom, can we go shopping?"
"Let me guess video games?"
"Lad, I think we can go grocery shopping first to fill our fridge box. So we can have food in the apartment." Emma smiles, knowing he is being a great role model and possibly a parent.
"Kilian is right. We need to go grocery shopping."
"Mom, can you cook?"
"Not too much but I will learn."
"Lad, I can cook."
"Killian, you can cook?"
"Yes, I can, swan. I learned how to cook on the ship when I was enslaved. I will make sure we won't starve." Emma was surprised to learn more about Killian when she heard enslaved.
"Henry, I have to register you for school."
"Emma, Henry and I can go grocery shopping and you can register the lad for school."
"Are you sure?"
"Aye, Henry and I can walk around New York to get to know our new home."
"Mom, I can go with Killian. I also have my iPhone if we get lost."
"Henry, call me if anything happens."
"I know." Henry hugs his Mom. "We are normal realm Mom."
"I know." She gives Henry money. "Here is money for groceries. I have to register you for school and get back on my job."
"What was your job before sheriff?"
"I was a bail bond person. I find the person who owes money and I bring the person in. I can get back on the job here in New York."
"Is it safe?"
"Yes, most of the time and no depends on the person. I have my ways, Killian."
"You are a bail bondswoman."
"Yes, I am." Emma winks at him and leaves the apartment. Killian was in awe. "You like my mom?"
"I know, and she likes you too. My mom trusts you which is big for her."
"Aye, she told me that on the drive yesterday about her past."
"I know you are not going to be like everyone else in her life that leaves her."
"I am not ever going to leave your Mom, Henry. I am on her side."
"I know, if she did not trust you, you would not be here in New York with us." They went into the city to grocery shopping. Henry taught Killian what buildings were, the stores, how money works, while Killian taught Henry how to shop healthy food. "Killian, I had no idea you can cook."
"I learned how to cook when I was enslaved."
"Why were you enslaved?"
"My father sold me into slavery to escape a port from being arrested."
"I am sorry. You are nothing like your Dad. You are a good person."
"Thanks, lad."
"My mom likes you. I know she has walls but I have a feeling you are breaking them down.:
"Your Mom told me about her past, and I promise you, Henry, that I will be there for your Mom. I am not going to leave her as others did in her past."
"We both are not going to leave her."
"That is right, lad." They continued to shop and walk around the city.
Emma registered Henry in the closest middle school and called her former boss to tell him that she is back but in New York. When she arrived back to the apartment, she smelled something cooking. Killian was teaching Henry how to cook. "Something smells good."
"Aye, swan. You are back. The lad and I are cooking spaghetti and meatballs from scratch."
"Oh, really?"
"Mom, Killian is teaching me how to cook from scratch it is a lot of work but it is fun."
"I know it will be delicious Henry."
"Do you know when you are going to start your job again?"
"When my boss calls me and gives me the information on who and where in New York. Mostly this job is at night. How was grocery shopping?"
"Henry and I got enough grocery shopping for all three meals. He also taught me what everything in this realm is."
"Yes, it is definitely a new realm compared to Storybrooke."
"Does the clothes I helped you shopped for fit?"
"Yes, Swan."
"I just wanted to make sure."
"Aye, I am blending in. I am wearing my hook only inside here for now."
"When do I start school?"
"You start on Monday. Your school is not too far from here so you can walk there."
"That is great." Emma knew Henry was sad. "Henry, I know that starting a new school and moving here from Storybrooke is a huge change. I moved around so many times. I promise you, this is our new home and we are not going to move around so much."
"Mom, I have you. I know we are going to be alright." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Yes, kid. You are right. We are together which all that matters." Killian sees the mother and son moment, knowing he is never going to leave Emma and Henry. He loves Emma who is an amazing mother that she doesn't know yet how much she is a good mother to her son now that she is parenting him away from their family. He wants to be on her side for the rest of her life as her true love. He hates what Bae had done to her in the past. He wants to be on Emma's side being her true love and there for Henry, her son. His job in this new world is going to keep Emma and Henry, family together no matter what happens.

I hope you like this new fanfic, please let me know

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