Missing Year

By isaballerina89

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Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Blood Transfusions

Follow Up

47 1 0
By isaballerina89

The following day, Emma and Killian were up early for their son's appointment. Emma was making a list of what she wanted to ask for the pediatrician Ian's doctor. Killian was getting his son's diaper bag ready for appointment as Henry was holding his baby brother in his arms. "Ian you are going to the doctor with Dr.Glass." He coos. "When you come home, I am going to read you a lot of stories." He kissed his brother on the head.

Hope entered her parents' room holding her Pluto doll. "Henwy, Ian!"

"Hi, baby sis. Ian, Hope is here."

"Hi, baby." She kissed her brother gently on the head. Ian coos. Hope smiles. "Ian."

"Hi, little love."

"Dada!!" She goes to her Daddy.

Killian scooped up his only daughter in his arms and hugged her. "My only daughter!" He spun her around making her laugh.

"Ian, you and me are going to be very overprotective of Hope when she gets into boys." Ian moved his arms around. "You are right, Dad will be the one not letting her date." He high-fived his baby brother's hand.

Emma, Killian and Ian took a taxi to the pediatric office. "Ian is going to be alright, love. It is a follow up after the hospital."

"I know, he is doing great on oxygen. He is getting an MRI today on his brain." She rubs her son's little hand.

"His MRI is going to show how his brain improved. He is going to be okay." he kissed his swan on the head. He knows their son takes after both of them survivors.

Hope was crying when her parents left. "Mama...mama...mama..."

Henry holds his sister. "Mom is coming back soon with Ian and Dad."


"How about I tell you a story of our Mommy."


Henry turns on his laptop and plays Hope's favorite song on Youtube, From Now On. Hope stops crying. He sighs in relief. Hope was clapping to the music. He sits on the couch with his sister hugging him.

At the doctor's office, Killian was holding Ian as Emma was filling out forms for her newborn son. Ian was chewing his Daddy's hook. Killian smiled at his son. "You are so cute, son. After the doctor, we are going to go by the ocean. Would you like that?" Ian looked up at his Daddy. "I will take that as a yes."

Killian holds Ian who was naked. He wrapped his son in his baby blanket. "The machine is going to take a picture of your brain. Your Mommy is going in with you. After your picture, you will be with me." He kissed his son on the head. Ian coos. "My brave baby pirate."

Emma was dressed in a gown. He set his son in his swan's arms. Ian moves his arms."Yes, you are with your Mama."

"See you soon, love."

"We will be back soon." She carried her 1 week old son following a nurse to the MRI room. Killian stayed behind with the diaper bag.

They walked into the room with a big machine. "See, this is not so scary. This machine will take a picture of your brain. Then we can go to Dada." Ian makes a sound. "You are brave? I will be with you." Her son was placed on a machine as she was wearing protection wear. She held him still as the MRI began. "You are doing great, baby boy."

A little while later, Dr.Glass examine Ian who was wailing. Emma holds her son in her arms. "I am going to take him off the oxygen tank. I am going to monitor him here in the NICU for a few hours for him to be breathing normally."

"He does not need it anymore?"

"He has no fluid in his lungs and none on in his brain from his MRI today."

"Will he be able to come home today?"

"Yes, he will. If his breathing is stable, no more oxygen tank for him." The Doctor and nurses arranged the family in a room. A nurse took off Ian's tubes, who was wailing in his Mama's arms. "You are alright, Ian. Shh...shh..."

Killian faced his son. "Ian... no more tubes son." Ian looked up at his Daddy.

"Someone wants his Dada." She sets her son in her husband's arms.

"You are with Dada, Ian. You are going to be okay." Killian sits down on the rocking chair with his son. He kissed his son on the head.

Emma gets a phone call from Henry. "Hey, kid..."

"Mom, Hope has been crying nonstop ever since you left. Are you almost home?"

"Is she hurt?"

"No, she was upset you left. I tried her favorite song.. Everything that I do is not working."

"Ian had an MRI scan today. His brain is clear and his lungs."

"That is great!"

"But he had his oxygen tubes taken out. The doctor is monitoring him."

"How long will that be?"

"I am not sure, kid. I am on my way home." She ends her phone call.

"Swan, what is wrong?"

"Hope has been nonstop crying for hours."

"Swan, I am staying right here with our son. Our daughter needs you. We can switch around later."

"I will come back with more diapers and clothes." She kissed her son on the head. "Mama will be back, baby boy. You are going to be here with Dada." She and Killian kissed.

"I will call you updates, love." Emma leaves the room. Killian faced his son. "It is just you and me, son." He kissed his son on the head.

Emma returns home, seeing her daughter crying and Henry was exhausted. "Hope."

"Mama!!" She runs to her Mama.

She scooped her daughter in her arms. "Hopey, Mama is home, sweetie." Hope stops crying. She knows her daughter is feeling left out since her baby brother arrived. "Tay."

"Kid, I got her."

"I am going out for a walk."

"Okay, kid." She faced her son. "You did great with her."

"I did not, she was crying nonstop. You did not give up."

"I know Hope is still 1 year old. I love my baby sister. I am happy she is not crying anymore."

"Your dad is coming home later and I will be with Ian. Hope just needs some girl time."


"I love you, Hope." He kissed his baby sister on the cheek. Henry went out for a walk.

Emma was sitting on the couch with Hope. "Hope, you are with me, sweetie. What do you want to do? Play? Read? Color? Hugs?"


"We can hug." She hugs her daughter. "How about we bake?"


Emma chuckles, "We can bake cookies." The mother and daughter went to the kitchen, she began setting up the cookie ingredients. Hope was playing with the extra pot and pans. "Hope, do you want to be my mixer?"


Emma sets Hope on the counter and let her mix the batter, "Good job, Hope. You are a great mixer." She clapped her hands, Hope smiled big.

Allison arrives at the NICU to check up on Ian. She sees Killian holding baby Ian. "Hi, Killian."

"Hi, Allison."

"Emma told me you two will be here. How is Ian?"

"He is fast asleep. He was upset when they took the oxygen tubes out of his nose. He only wants to be in my arms. Emma is at home with Hope."

"He looks happy in your arms."

"Aye, he feel safe with me. His diaper is changed and I bottlefed him an hour ago with Emma's breastmilk."

"He is a very content baby."

"We got his MRI results. His brain is clear, no fluid."

"That is great."

Ian wakes up. "Hi, little lad."

"Hi,Ian. I heard you had a rough morning. You are happy you are with your Daddy." Ian coos.

Allison smiles. "Yes, you are very happy. You are so cute, Ian." She checks the monitor, "You little mister are doing very well without an oxygen machine. You are breathing on your own." Ian tries to smile.

"Can you text Emma his update?"

"Ofcourse, I can. I know you have your hands full."

"Aye, if I move, he will cry." Ian coos. "Yes, you are staying with dada, son." He kissed his son on the head. Ian reached his hand out to his Daddy. Allison took a photo on Killian's iPhone and texted it to Emma.

Back at home, Emma and Hope were playing with toys. The mother and daughter did some art project together with paint. She ordered in lunch, Mexican food for her and the rest of the family. They watched The Big Comfy Couch. Hope was walking around while watching the show. When it was close to Hope's naptime, Emma read her their favorite story. She was snuggling with her daughter who napping right next to her. She received a text from her husband, a picture of her husband and son's special moment. "Aww. My two Killians."

"He is doing great. He is breathing on his own and happy in my arms."

"We will switch in a few hours. Hope and I are having our girl time."

Henry arrived in the hospital finding his Dad and baby brother. "Dad."

"Hi, son."

"How is Ian?"

"He is very content in my arms."

"Baby bro, your big rbother is here." He takes out a gift, which was Dumbo doll. "I got you a Dumbo elephant doll!!" Ian coos. "You like it! Awesome!"

"Lad, I did not know you were coming."

"Hope was crying nonsotp. I walked until I arrived here. I felt sorry for Ian and bought him a gift." Ian coos. "Yes, we are having boy time with Dad, Ian."

"He loves his gift from his big brother." He lets Henry sit in the rocking chair and sets his son in his other son's arms.

Ian fusses. "Ian, Dad is here with us." Killian gives his youngest son his hook to hold. Ian stops crying. "He takes after you Dad, a baby pirate."

"Aye, he certainly does. I am going to teach him how to sail when he is older."

"You are a great teacher. When are we going back?"

"I do not know, lad."

"Knowing Mom, she will not want to go back, not wanting to abandon Hope, Ian and me. Especially my baby siblings, who are very young to remember..."

"Your Mom is not going to die,lad. She will be raising you and your baby siblings." Ian looked at his Dada. "Yes, Ian, your mam will raie you, Henry and Hope." Ian grunts.

Henry sniffs his brother. "Dad, he pooped."

He scooped his son in his arms. "You are a smelly pirate." Ian poops more.

"Lad, pass me a clean diaper." He changed his son in the incubator. "You are all clean, son."

"Dad? I can stay with Ian. You look like you need a break."

"Your Mom needs to come to breastfeed him."

"I can ask Aunt Allison to go home with her."

"Aye, I will see you tonight, son." He faces his baby son. "Ian, you are not going to be alone here. Your big brother is going to be here with you. Be a good little pirate to your brother, your Mommy is coming here soon." He set his son on his other son's arms.

"Dad, Ian is going to be with me." He kissed his oldest son on the head and left the hospital.

Ian faced his big brother. "Yes, you are with me, baby bro. Do you want a pirate story?" Ian coos. He knows what dory to tell his baby brother, about their dad and their older Uncle Liam, with Jewels of the Realm. "Once upon a time, our Dad was joining the navy...."

Killian returns home, Emma hears the door and comes out of Hope's room. "Hello, love."

"Hi, honey." They hug.

"How is our little love?"

"She is fast asleep after having one on one time with me most of the day. I knew I should have kept an eye on her with baby Ian..."

"You did what you need to do, be here for our daughter. Henry is with Ian, love. Allison is going to drop him off here later."

"I need to go to him."

"I will be home with our little love."

She began crying. "I do not know if I can do back to Maine..." Killian hugged his wife. "I cannot leave our children. I just cannot fight this battle and leave them..."

"You are not going to die, love. You are going to be raising our children with me. The sorcerer's assistant told me and Henry, love."

"I just want to be a Mom to our children and be your wife. I do not want to go back."

"We do not have to go back if that's what you want to do..."

"I will think about it." She stops crying. "I have to go to our sons." Emma got her backpack and kissed Hope on the head.

"Call me on updates."

"I will." They kiss. Emma leaves the apartment.

Killian began thinking, "What did I say?! Emma needs to stop this villain in Maine!!" "I do not want my wife to die but I don't want everyone in Storybrooke be in darkness because of the Black Fairy."

Emma returns to the hospital to her two boys were bonding. "There are my two boys."

"Hi, Mom. Ian loves stories of Dad's pirate adventures."

"He is baby pirate." Ian moves around. "Hi, baby boy." She takes her son from her oldest son. Ian tries to smile.

"He is doing good on his breathing, Mom."

She sat down in the rocking chair. "Yes..." She gives her son her finger to hold. Ian chews on his Mama's finger.

"Mom, maybe he will be home tomorrow?"

"Maybe, we have to see what the doctor says. He is doing great so far." Henry shows her the gift.

"Ian, you got a Dumbo doll from Henry!"

"He loves Dumbo! We have to watch the movie at home. Right Ian?" He shows the doll to his baby brother. Emma smiles enjoying her time with her two sons, unsure about their family's future with the final battle...

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