Missing Year

By isaballerina89

30.1K 534 167

Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions


62 1 0
By isaballerina89

By the time, the Jones family returned to New York, it was the last week of November. Emma is back at her former job as bailsbonds woman. Killian is working at the docks and working with Emma on her fake dates. She enrolled Henry right away back in his middle school for 8th grade. He was happy to be back in the same class as Jasper.

After Emma's long morning of morning sickness, being home with Hope who has been fussy, Killian arrived home so she can rest. He brought her home more saltines and gingerale. After a nap, she went grocery shopping to buy ingredients for crock pot recipes.

Emma returned from grocery shopping, and Killian had crying Hope. She recently has been more clingy to her parents mostly her Mommy. "Hope, Mama is back."

"Emma,she has been crying nonstop. I do not know... She has been trying to leave the apartment."

"She is used to our big house in Storybrooke, not living in an apartment in a city."

He sets Hope down who goes to her Mommy. "Mama."

Emma scooped her daughter in her arms. "Hi, Hope. Mama is home from the store."


"Do you miss our home in Storybrooke?" Hope babbles. "Yes, our home. We will go back. We are staying in New York, our new home. This is the city you were born in."

"You are a New Yorker, little love." Emma smiles. "I told her love, that you been in many new homes."

"I am pretty sure she will adjust to New York soon. With all the new changes, Hope is confused and needs to adjust. Henry adjusted back here quickly."

"Aye, he is back with his best friend Jasper. They are two peas in a pod"

"Yes. Hope will get used to her new home."

"Maybe Hope noticed your changes more."

"She knows about the baby. She just wants her Mama all to herself." Hope babbles. "You are my baby, Hopey. You made me a Mommy from the very beginning."

"How about Mama and Dada show you, New York, little pirate princess."

Emma smiles. "We can take her to Central Park."


"I am coming with you and Dada to the park." Hope babbles. "We are going to have fun." Emma gets Hope bundled up. Killian pushes Hope in the stroller to Central Park with his swan on his side. "Whoa, they have huge mountain rocks, here, Hopey." Hope babbles. 'You want to climb one?" Hope babbles.

"Emma, I will walk with Hope up love."

"I can go up the rocks."

Killian looks at the steep steps. He can hold Hope but he cannot guide his swan at the same time. "Emma, I do not want you to fall down." He placed his hook on her abdominal. "I do not want you or the little one to get hurt."

Emma hugged her husband, who loves her and their baby. "I am not going to walk too far."

"What if you fall? I cannot stop you?"

Emma placed her abdominal. "Fine. We will watch you two climb the big rocks." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hopey. Mama will watch you and Daddy climb the big rocks." She kissed her daughter on the cheek. Off they went. Killian helped Hope climb the high rocky mountains. Emma was watching from the distance, taking photos of the daddy-daughter duo.

Killian holds Hope on his hip from the top view seeing the beautiful view of the whole of Central Park, buildings, the lake, bridges, the ice rink, trees, and tourists. "This is our new home, little love. New York City." Hope babbles. "We can find the duckies." He returned with Hope to his swan. "Someone wants to find the ducks."

Emma smiles. "We can find the ducks, Hope. As long we are far away from horse poop...."

"We are going deeper into the park." She takes Hope from Killian and then walked into the park more.

Henry comes home straight from school. "He-wy!!" Hope walks over to her brother.

He takes his coat off. "Hi, Hope." He holds his sister on his hip. "Are you ready for H time?"


"How was school today, son?"

"It was good. How is Mom?"

"She was nauseous most of the morning. She is getting ready for her appointment."

Emma was nervous, waiting in the waiting room, she was shaking and filling out her paper. Killian laid his hand on her leg. "Emma, I am right here, love." He hugged his wife. "You and the little one are with me. You are not alone." She calmed down knowing her husband was there with her.

"Emma Jones?"

They walked into the room together, Emma changed into a gown. He held her hand. "I am right here, love." Emma leaned against his chest.

Dr.Peirce was happy to see Emma again. "Hi, Emma. Hi, Killian."

"Hi, Dr.Peirce."

"What can I do for you today?"

"To confirm a pregnancy. I took a pregnancy test a few days ago, it was positive."

Dr. Peirce smiles. "I need to examine you." Emma laid back and puts her legs through the stirrups. Killian has not left Emma's side. She examines Emma, Killian was holding his wife's hand. "You are 5 weeks pregnant, Emma!"

"I am?"

"Yes." Emma began crying. "Do you want a sonogram?"


"Aye, we would love that."

Emma pulled her shirt up to expose her abdominal as Dr.Peirce was preparing for the sonogram. He held his swan's hand and kissed her on the head. "We are having another baby."

"Yes, we are, love."

"I am going to do a different type of sonogram up your uterus."

Emma winces, knowing the stick will go through her vagina. "Okay."

Killian noticed his swan's face. "Swan?"

Emma gripped his hands. "Stay."

"I am not going anywhere, love." Dr. Perice goes the sonogram inside of Emma's uterues.Killian was rubbing his wife's hands. She was very uncomfortbale.

"There is your baby, Emma. There is the little sac."

"Can we hear the heartbeat?"

"Not today. At 8 weeks, we can hear the baby's heartbeat." Emma smiled big and cried. She is having another baby with her husband. "Your due date is July 30th. Congratulations you two."

She wiped her tears away."Thank you." Killian was hugging his swan. "Do you want to see a picture of Hope?"


She takes her iPhone out from her purse and showed her a recent photo of Hope. "Hope has gotten so big. She looks a lot like you. How is Henry?"

"We recently moved backt o New York for my job. He is happy to be back in New York with his friends. He has gotten so tall. He is looking forward to have another sibling."

She hands Emma her sonograms."Here are your photos so you can show Henry and Hope their new sibling." Dr. Peirce left the room.

They look at the sonogram photos when Dr.Peirce left the room. Emma was still crying with happy tears. "Baby Jones." She rubs her abdominal. "I love you so much, baby. Your Daddy and I cannot wait to meet you, baby duckling."

Killian looked at the sonogram screen."Hi, little love. Dada loves you." He hugged his wife and kissed her head. "The youngest pirate of the crew will be joining us in July." He kissed his swan's abdominal. "We love you, baby Jones." He hugged his wife who was still crying. "We are having another baby, love. This baby is going to have it's Mommy always."

Emma cried more, with her final battle. She is hoping she does not have to fight it. "I do not know if I can..."

"The apprentice is going to help you, Emma. He told Henry and I that you are not going to die. You are going to be in our baby's life. He or she is going to have its Mommy with him or her life." He hugged his wife who felt safe in his arms.

Killian drove his swan home who was very giddy and kept looking at the sonogram photos. "We made this baby on my birthday."

"Yes, we did. You are going to be in this baby's life,love. I can feel it. Nothing is going to happen to the baby's, Mommy."

"I can't wait to show Henry and Hope."

"They are going to be so happy love." He helped his swan out of the yellow bug, since there was slush from the recent snow. "Killian."

"No, there is slush and ice. I do not want my swan or little love to get hurt." He helped his swan inside. She opened the door with her key.

Henry sees his Mom."Mom!" He hugged his Mom.

"Hi, kid. How was watching Hope?"

"I am giving Hope an art lesson after some Playhouse Disney . How was your appointment?"

"I am 5 weeks pregnant!"

Henry smiled big."Yes!" He hugged his Mom. Emma smiles at her son's excitement. "Lad, easy on your hugs to your Mom, son."

"Okay. I am excited."

"When is the baby due?"

"July 30th. We all are excited, kid. I have something to show you and Hope."

Hope runs to her Mommy. "Mama!"

Emma scooped her daughter in her arms. "Hi, Hope. Are you doing art with Henry?" Hope babbles holding a picture. "You made a pretty picture."

She sits on the couch putting Hope next to her. Henry joined his sister and Mom. "I went to see the baby doctor today. The doctor has a special camera to see the baby inside of my tummy."

Killian gives his swan the sonogram photos. She showed Henry and Hope the sonogram photos. "This is a picture of the baby in my tummy."

Henry takes a few of them. "Awesome!" He looked at them.

She knew Hope does not understand. Emma placed the photo on her abdominal. "This is where the baby is in my tummy." She points at her abdominal.

"Baby." She hugged her Mommy's tummy. Emma and Killian smile big at each other. She kissed her Mommy's tummy.

"Good job, Hope. You are being a great big sister to the baby."

"Do you want to see a photo of the baby, little love?"

Hope takes the sonogram photo from her Daddy. Hope babbles. "That is the baby growing inside of my tummy, sweetie."


"That is your baby brother or sister, little love." Hope babbles.

Henry hugs his Mom. "All of my three ducklings are together."

Killian takes a photo of Emma smiling and hugging their children. He cannot believe they are going to have another baby for their crew. He placed the extra sonogram photos onto the refrigerator. "We cannot wait to meet you, baby pirate." He went to join his family on the couch, and wrapped his arm around his swan, their baby is safe, not in Maine. It is official another baby Jones is on it's way. 

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