Will you be mine?

Oleh sere2405

89.4K 4.6K 496

Kongbop (Omega)- A extremely shy, yet charming, well-mannered 19-year-old, who will begin his first year at h... Lebih Banyak

Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 86

637 42 19
Oleh sere2405

**📣📣Warning!! Graphic violence's in this chapter. Blood and gore. Please read at your own risk** 

Arthit POV

Two days ago, after Kong asks his question. I had all four of my special guest moved to a larger room. I wanted them all to see the misery the others face. I wanted them to watch each other beg for mercy. I wanted them to know how fucked they were. My Kong had nightmares the last two nights, which only pissed me off more. I was planning on giving them a quick death, but I have since changed my mind. Park was right. It was quite easy to find men looking for a quick fuck and those men didn't care who it was.

I left those four alone for two days, telling the guard about my 'visitor' who would be coming. Today I wanted to see the damage that was done. Kong had agree to go with his friends to Ming's house to sit with Kit and the baby. He was not all to please to be leaving the house, but I wanted him to start feeling comfortable again. I convinced him to check on our home, right next to Kit and Ming, so we could start moving back into our home. Talking about our home, got him to finally agree.

I check my watch and calculating the time. Kong and the twins just left, and I had about three hours max before Kong called. I wanted to have as much fun as possible in those three hours. I chuckle to myself as I open the door to the room those asshat were in. I shouldn't feel this much joy at the sight in front of me. All four were tried, and gag to their chairs. They were bruised and bloody, their clothes were torn. I can see the pure fear in their eyes as I walked in. the room had no windows, a very thick pipe running along the ceiling. Chirawan and Mark were facing Park and Tae. It was big enough for me to walk around in.

"Well good afternoon, how are we all feeling today? Did you all enjoy the visitors I had coming over the last two days?" I ask pulling on black gloves. Park, Tae, and Mark all start shacking their heads as tears run down their cheeks. Chirawan just sat there staring, her eyes full of rage. "I see one you didn't enjoy it. To bad. The visitors had so much fun." I said walking over to Park laying a hand on his shoulder. He flinched and tried to get away. "It wasn't so much fun on the other end though was it? Now you know what you put my mate though for years, but don't worry, they wont be coming back" I moved over to Mark next. The acid burn scared his cheek bad. I could see the fat of his cheek it eating away past the top layer of skin. I made a fake gagging nose looking at him. "wow that looks ugly, let's see if we can add to that." I say moving away. In the corner of the room away from all four of them, but in their eyesight, stood my cart of toys. Everything I had on there when I played with Mark alone was still there, and more.

I pulled the cart closer to my 'friends' I could hear mumbles and begging coming from them, from behind their gags. Did I care? No.

"Alright so who should go first?" I ask looking around at all of them. My eyes landing on Park. "I think you should go first what do you think?" I stated. Park starts shaking his head tears rolling down his face. His one eye still swollen shut the other black and blue. His nose broken and his lip split in two different places. I walk over to him pulling the cart with him. I take the gag of him throwing it on the floor.

"Please...please...please...I learn my lesson, please, I'm sorry!" he cried. I grabbed his hair wanking it backward hard.

"Isn't that what my mate told you when you were beating him? when you were rapping him? did you listen to him? No! You never listen to him! So, tell me why I should listen to you huh?!" Park just kept sobbing not answer my questions. "I was going to save you for last, but there is another bitch who deserves it more. She is going to watch as I kill each of you one by one. Showing you no mercy like you showed my mate, like you showed all those omega's you kidnapped, sold. Forced to live a life they didn't want." I look at everything on my cart. My eyes landing on the taser. I pick it up showing it to him. "Do you know what this is?" I ask, Park looks at me eyes wide, sobbing more. "I take that as a yes. So, you know what kind of damage this dose to someone depending on where it's used." I place the taser right against his stomach using it at its strongest setting. I take great pleasure seeing his body jerk around like that. "My apologize I didn't realize it was up so high" I say laughing. I place the taser down and pick up one of the whips. "Now I've been dying to use this on you. I've seen all the marks on my husband body from you. I think I should return the favor, don't you?" I untie him from his chair, and quickly tie him to the pipe in the ceiling. "Go ahead and scream as loud as you want, nobody is going to hear you" I say, as I start whipping it. The whip has spike causing little cuts in his skin.

I count to ten in my head before I stop. Park is a sobbing mess at this point, and his back is bleeding due to the whipping.

"Pl...please...I'm sorry please...please" He sobs. I should stop. I really should. I should really just kill them and get it over with, but I want them to feel the pain my Kong felt.

"No" I say whipping him again. I count to ten in my head again, before I throw the whip on the cart, not caring its covered in his blood. I look over at Tae, Mark and Chirawan. "What shall I do to him next him? Tae why don't you pick, the next toy to play with?" I turn my gaze on Chirawan smirking "or better yet, why not you Chirawan? He is your nephew, right?" Chirawan narrowed her eyes at me but didn't say anything. "Still want to stay silent? Don't worry you will get your change." I turn back to my cart picking up the scalp. I looked at Park before taken his pants off. I started laughing when I saw the size of his dick "No wonder you had to rape people, you don't have enough cock there to please someone willing." Without a second thought I stab the scalp into his slit pulling down as hard, and as slowly as I can. Park let out a scream so loud and so painful, that I had to smirk. I got all the way down to this balls before pulling the scalp out. I should have used a knife, but I have other plans "Did that hurt? I don't care" I said turning to grab a vile. I had them replace all the jars that were on here, with acid. I had a lot of plans for those jars. I held one up as waving it in front of Park face, blood dripping from the huge cut I created on his cock. "Do you know what this is? This is a vile of acid, and do you know what I'm going to do with it?"

"Pl...please...please...enough" Park sob, his voice already hoarse from all the screaming.

"No. You deserve this, for everything you ever did to my mate. Now watch very carefully." I open the vile pouring it into the cut on his cock. I watch as the acid seeps though the cut and onto the other side dipping onto the floor. Park lets out a blood curling scream. I wasn't finished with him just yet. I walk around and pout acid in each cut on his back. After the third cut I notice his body going limp. Was he dead? Or did he just pass out? I didn't care. Either way I was going to put a bullet in his head. I turn to the face the other three, looks of pure horror on there faces.

"Should I let you off easy and just put a bullet in your brains?" I tilted my head thinking "Maybe, but there was something I wanted to do first." I undid Tae ties pulling him to stand up before tying him to the pip. "Any last words?" I ask him. Tae should his head sobbing. I grabbed the spoon on the cart looking at him. "Any idea on what I will do with this?" Tae shook his head no. "You see, I'm going to scoop one of your eyes out and how it to you. To teach you to not look at people, or things that don't belong to you" Tae tries to get away, moving his head from side to side. I grab his chin holding it in my hand hard, hard enough to almost break his jaw. Tae closes his eyes and I know he wouldn't make this easy. "fine" I say grabbing super glue and tape off the cart. I glue his eye lids open, placing tape on them as well. "There much better." Tae wouldn't stop sobbing the whole time.

He knew his time was coming. He knew he was going to die today. I grab his jaw hard again before digging the spoon into his eye. "My grandfather taught me this trick. I found it really disgusting but found it fitting in this case. You eyes someone that didn't belong to you, someone you never should have looked at." I dig in deeper, tugging as I do. It takes some time, but finally his eye pops out. I laugh showing it to him "Would you look at that" I say. Tae is sobbing, shacking. "Now two more steps and I will be done with you." I take his pants off, grab one of the bigger knifes and cutting his dick off, blood sprays onto my pants. "Well shit I guess I have to burn my clothes now" I say as I pick his dick up off the floor. "Now for the fun part." I remove his gag, shoving his eye ball down his throat before shoving his cock in as well. I see him gagging, trying to breath. I grab a second bottle of acid pouring it on his face, making sure to get it into his eye socket and nose.

I turn and look at my last two guest. Mark has already passed out, I'm sure from the blood and Chirawan has turned pale but hasn't looked away. I look at Mark thinking. I grab another scalp stabbing it into the wound on Mark cheek. This wakes him up as he screams in pain. Just like the other two I untie him just to tie him to the pip. "Now what shall I do with you? Oh I know" I walk over to the cart and grab the cigar cutter, and after removing what remain of his shirt, I cut his other nipple off. I then reach up and start cutting each and over finger off on both hands. "this is for every laying a hand on my mate. This is for the scare you left on his cheek" I say as I cut away. Blood sprays from each finger with every cut. When I am done and all ten fingers lay on the ground I remove his pants and after grabbing one of the larger knives I cut his dick off. I walk around and shove it up his ass. "This if for every time you raped my mate." I grab the third vile of acid, and dump it down his throat after removing his gag. There was so much blood on me that I would have to shower twice before I could meet my Kong.

I take a look at my watch, and only an hour has passed. I quickly check my phone and see no miss messages. Good maybe my bunny feels comfortable in our own home.

I put my phone away and look at Chirawan. The bitch hasn't made a sound nor looked away from the gore of the other three. "I spoke to Kerkkrai about you. What we should do to you. He wants you to burn. And that is what I shall do. You are going to be burned alive. Not enough to kill, oh no not yet. Just enough to scare you. Then we will put the fire out, let you rest then burn you again. We are going to do one body part at a time. Till you either die from the pain or you are burned alive. Once dead we will let your body burn to ash." Chirawan looked at me horror in her eyes. "It's what you deserve for killing my bunny mother, my mae best friend, It's a hell of lot less than what I wanted to do, but Kerkkrai had the final say." I look up at the camera signaling for guards to enter. It took a few moment but once they enter, I held out my hand "Gun" I say, and without hesitation I was giving one. I walk to Park, Tae, and Mark shooting them each in the head, and heart, just to make sure they were dead. I then turn back to the guards. "I want those three moved to one of Chirawan empty warehouses. Then set it on fire. Make it look like an accident though. As for her" I nod toward Chirawan "take her to my grandfather cabin in Chai Mai, throw her in the truck and make sure she can't make a sound. I know it will be a long drive, and you will be compensated for it. There are people there waiting." They nod to me before doing as I ask. "Oh...and make sure this place gets a deep clean." I say walking out. I need a hot shower and my clothes need to be burn. 

**This has been in my drafts since Saturday lol. Did anyone watch the FIFA World Cup opening? I sure did! I am #ARMY💜 and so proud of JK for this achievement! Also did you all see that TayNew, and OffGun have a new serious next year?! So excited! Wish KristSingto had a new serious too ☹ ! Anyways I'm thinking two or three more chapters before the book is finished.  Happy Reading!**

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