Missing Year

isaballerina89 द्वारा

29.4K 534 167

Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... अधिक

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions

Wish Realm

92 1 4
isaballerina89 द्वारा

** Wish Realm different from the show.

Emma has not been feeling like herself, she is tired more often and her breast were tender. She m does not remember her last period because she had been so busy fighting villains. She snuck into the bathroom and took a pregnancy test. As she waited for the timer to go off, she was thinking to the last time that she and Killian had sex which was on her birthday. The timer went off and she looked down at the test, positive. She is pregnant. "I am pregnant again..." She rubs her soon to be baby bump. "Hi, sweetie. Mommy loves you so much. You are coming to a family that is full of love. Mommy won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise."

Killian knocks on the door. "Emma?"


"The Evil Queen took Jasmine." Emma hid her pregnancy test and quickly got changed. She has to wait to tell her husband her special news after fighting the villian. "Lad, stay here with your sister."

"Hope is going to play with me, Dad." He hugs his Dad. "Be careful."

"I will."

Emma gets changed. "Mom."


"Are you okay?"

"Yes." She hugged her son.

"Be careful with the Evil Queen."

"I will, kid." She kisses him on the head, knowing he will be a big brother again. Henry stayed home with Hope as their parents went to find Jasmine.

Emma and Killian met up her father in the middle of Main Street. She had the sword in her hand. They went into the diner together, seeing Jasmine tied up and with tape. "Emma."

"Let go of Jasmine."

"Not until I have my firist wish." She shows them the lamp and rubs it. Aladdin appears. He was surprised the lamp was in the Evil Queen's hand. "Genie, my wish is for Emma's wish to not be the savior."

Emma was stunned, she never said that. Aladdin clapped his hands. She disappeared.

"EMMA!" Killian was furious. "WHERE IS MY WIFE????"

"In a place in another realm." The Evil Queen disappears with Aladdin.

"We will find your wife, my daughter." He held onto Killian.

"We need to find her."

"We will."

"We need to get that bloody genie lamp back."

"I will call Regina to see if she can help us."

"She better help us! It is her fault that the Evil Queen is here!! Now my wife is somewhere in another realm because of her separating herself in half in the first place!!"
Charming faces his son-in-law. "You need to calm down, we are going to find Emma. Regina is going to help us."

"Let's go the Regina now.We need to get Aladdin away from the Evil Queen and get Emma back." Charming calls Regina to meet them at the loft.

When Jasmine, Charming, and Killian arrived, Henry, Hope, Allison, and Regina were at the loft. Hope goes to her Daddy. "Dada."

"Hi, little love." He holds her on his hip. Hope hugged her Daddy.


"Your other half took my wife away from this realm."

Hope began crying. "Mama."

"Dad, let me hold Hope." He takes his sister from their Dad. "Daddy is just mad because Mommy is in another realm. Mommy is coming back. She did not leave us."


"Where is Emma? What realm?"

"We are not sure, what realm, Allison."

"Aye, the Evil Queen wished my wife away."

"Maybe that where she is? A wish realm." Everyone looked at Allison. "I may be the doctor in town. Emma explained to me about realms. Maybe she is in a wish realm?"

Regina get an idea. "I have an idea. I know how to get Emma back by wishing myself where Emma is."

Killian takes Hope from his son. "Dada." He hugged his daughter.

Henry goes to his other Mom. "Mom,can you bring my other Mom back?"

"I will, Henry." She hugged her son. Regina leaves the loft.

Emma wakes up in a place where she thought she has been before. She found a black and red sword under her bed. "Where did this come from?" For some reason, she felt queasy. "I need to have breakfast." She goes to the dining room, her parents were there.

"Happy birthday, Emma."

"Thank you, Daddy." He hugged his daughter.

"Emma, happy birthday, sweetheart." Snow White hugs her daughter.

"Mom, I found this under my bed." She shows her the sword.

"It is probably from one of the knights."

"Put that away. We are not fighting anymore."

Henry arrived. "Happy birthday, Mom."

Emma looked her son, he has blue eyes and dark brown hair, just like his Dad."Thank you, Henry." She hugged her son.

"Dad is coming from the docks. He taught me a good sword lesson."

"Really early in the morning?"

"You know the pirate life is part of the early mornings." He sees the sword. "Is this sword part of my knight ceremony tomorrow?"

"Yes, son."

Emma felt sick. "Honey, you are pale."

"I am just hungry."

"Yes, we shall have breakfast. Henry, put the sword away and get ready for breakfast."

"Yes, Grandma." Henry left the room.

Killian arrives. "Happy birthday my beautiful princess."

"Thank you, my husband." They kiss. "Our son is taking the sword up."

"Aye, I gave him some sword practice for his big day."

"With his blue eyes, he will be the most handsome knight in the castle."

"Not as handsome as me."

"Yes." They kiss.

David looks at Snow White, "Remember when you were judging Killian? After what Neal had done to our daughter."

"I wanted Neal to be her husband."

"He was not her true love. He is nothing but part of the dark one family and a thief. Killian is Emma's true love, husband and her son's loving father. They both raised our grandson to be a kind gentle strong young man."

"Love, what is wrong?"

"I just am hungry."

"Aye, we should hae breakfast as the birthday princess request."

At Emma's birthday party, the whole kingdom was there. The bakers carried out a huge cake. Everyone sung Happy Birthday to her. Snow White, "Make a wish sweetheart."

Emma looks around her parents, her husband, and son are all there. She has everything. "Absolutely nothing." She blew out her candles. Killian kisses his wife.

The next day, Emma dressed into a nice dressed. One of the maids braided her hair. She went out picking flowers, singing her Mom's favorite song, "Someday my prince will come..."

Regina arrived into the wish, she sees Emma. "Emma!!"

"You are the Evil Queen."

"No, no. We share custody of a son name Henry in Sotyrbrooke."

"Storybrooke..." She hid behind a tree.

"You have a daughter with your true love, Killian."

"My Dad said you are a liar."

Snow White and Charming arrive. "Get off our land."

"We defeated you once, we will defeat you again."

"Snow, David..."

"It is your majesty."

"You have gotten so old."

"Leave us. We banished you."

Killan arrives, "Your majesty...


"Leave my wife alone." Killian charged at Regina who disappeared. He walked with Emma. "Love, are you okay?"

"Yes. Thank you for coming to my rescue."

"Anytime, my princess. You are my true love."

"I am yours." They kiss and walked back to their home in the castle together.

A few hours later, was Henry's coronation. Emma was standing next to her parents and Killian waiting for Henry to arrive. Henry arrived, walked to where his family was standing and kneeled. Snow White held a sword. "Do you Henry? Promise to protect this kingdom."

"I will."

"Now, I doubt you..."

The door suddenly opens, the Evil Queen was there. "Sorry, I am late." Everyone was afraid. "Looks like there needs a savior, to help everyone!" She poofs away Snow White and King Charming. "What are you going to do princess?"


"I know what I am going to do." She hugged her son. Killian hugged his wife.

Back in Storybrooke, Killian was pacing around the house with Hope at night, with his wife is another realm, Hope wanted her Mommy. She puked over her Daddy. He changes her.


"Mama will be home soon, little love. You are with Dada." He holds his baby girl and hugs her.

"Dad, I got Hope." Henry takes his sister from their Dad to let him change and give him a break. "Baby sis, we are going to have H time in my bedroom."

Killian went to his and Emma's bathroom to put his shirt in the hamper. He finds a positive pregnancy test. His wife is in another realm pregnant with their unborn child. "Emma..." He calls Charming.


"We need to find Emma, now!!"

"She is in another realm."

"I will talk to the apprentice. My wife needs to be back here right away." He hangs up the phone.

Henry hears his Dad. "Dad?"

"I need to go to the apprentice. It is important that we need to find your Mom now."

"I will come, Dad." Killian drove the yellow bug to the author's house. He holds Hope as Henry rings the bell. "Hi, apprentice. I am sorry we are here so late."

"You are here about your Mom, Emma?"


"We need your help to find my wife."

"Come in." He lead Killian Henry and Hope into the living room. Henry tucks Hope sleeping on a couch. "I know why you need to find your wife, Killian."

"Aye. We need her back in this realm immediately."

"The one who is in her vision, the hooded figure in Emma's vision. There is some powerful force coming to town. Emma is going to be in danger."

"We need to get Emma out of here."

"Yes. I have a magic way to help you get over the town line." He gives Killian the scroll.

"Thank you."

"Can you help my Mom with the final battle?"

"Aye, can you?"

"When Emma is not in town. I will do my best to prevent this battle from happening. "

"I hope you can help my wife."

"I will help, Emma, Killian. Your family will not be broken."

Killian carried Hope to the yellow bug. "Dad, what is going on? I know Mom needs to come home."

"I will explain after your Mom is home, son. I promise you."

Back in the Wish Realm, Regina had Snow White and King Charming in her castle. Emma arrived. Emma kneels down. Here is the key to our castle."

"No." She screams and crushes Snow White and Charming's hearts. Emma began crying. "No!" "You need to fight, Emma!! You are savior..." Emma continues to cry. "You really cannot fight."

Killian arrives. "Love, the key did not help?"


He has his sword out. "Stay away from my wife and family." Regina used her magic to knock Killian to the wall. "Killian!!" Emma goes to her husband.

Henry enters. "Mom, I got this." Henry uses his sword to fight Regina.

"I am not going to fight you."

Regina was not killing Henry. Emma snaps awake from the dream, knowing Regina would not kill Henry. She remembers her Killian, Hope, Henry, her parents, the curses, the storybrooke, and her recent pregnancy test. "Regina, stop!" She used her magic to stop Henry's sword from hurting her, their son.


"I am back." She sees Killian. "Killian?"

"He is not the real one. Your real husband is in Storybrooke with Hope and our son Henry." Emma sees the older version of her parents. "They are not real."

Emma remembers she found out she is pregnant before this weird dream has happened."Good, we need to leave this place and return to Storybrooke." She gets the sword.

"Yes. I know where." Emma gets the sword. Regina poofs them to the beach area.

"This realm felt like a dream a very good dream. This fake me was not me. The pain, the fighting, savior,and the pain is more me."

"Yeah, singing Emma picking flowers is not..."

"I did not sing..." Regina gives her a look. "That you saw." She rolled her eyes. "Who is helping us?"

"The dark one."

"Gold? He can be destroying fake villages."

Rumplestiltskin arrives giving Regina the magic bean at the beach. "I am off to destroy fake villages." They jumped into the portal.

Killian gets a phone call from Charming. "Charming..."

"The Evil Queen is s snake."

"Bloody hell. Where are you?"

"On Main Street with Mulan and Leroy. A man in a hood turned the Evil Queen into a snake.."

"Bloody hell, the one who is going to fight Emma. I am on my way." Killian drove his children to Main Street. He held his sleeping daughter. "Lad, stay nearby me."

"The person in the hood is here?"


Gold and Belle arrive outside. "He is our son."

"How is that bloody possible?"

"He went to a realm where time is quicker there."

Regina and Emma return, and see the hooded figure. Killian, Henry, and Charming were running to them. Gold and Belle were there. Killian holds Hope. "Mama."

"Mama is back, little love."


"Emma!" They hug. "I am so happy you are back!"

"I am." She hugs her daughter. "Hopey. Mama is back."

Henry joined their hug. "Mom are you okay?"

"Yes." She hugged her son. "I am so happy to see you two and my husband."

"Love, the Evil Queen is turned into a snake. Someone in the hood turned her into a snake."

The person in the hood appeared. "Emma the savior."

Killian held her hand. "You cannot do this...you are.."

"I need to protect our family." She gives Hope to Killian.

"You are the savior."

"Yes, I am." She has her sword ready." Emma began fighting the person in the hood. Charming was holding onto Killian. "I am the savior... I am not going to let the darkness defeat me. I am light. I have light magic..." She continues to fight the man in the hood. When the hooded man froze her after she knocked him down, she sees Dad, husband, children, and Gold and Belle. Emma shattered the sword and began stabbing the man in the hood.

"He is our son." Gideon disappeared and everyone else unfroze.

"Gideon was born yesterday. How is the hooded man? How is that possible?"

Killian rushes to his swan and hugged her. "Different realm, love. You are alive."

"Yes. I am."

He leaned into her ear. "Are you...and the little one okay?"

Emma was stunned. "How do you know?"

He smiles big. "I found it in the bathroom when you were gone." He whispered to her. "You are back. I cannot wait to be a Daddy again with my beautiful wife."

Emma smiled and hugged him. "Yes, we are okay." Killian hugged his wife, smiling his wife and baby on the way are safe.

Henry carried his sister to their Mom. "Mom!"


Emma smiles big seeing her children. She hugs them."Henry! Hope!"

"You did it, Mom. You defeated the man under the hood."

"Yes, I did." Emma holds Hope and hugs her and Henry. "I am back. Let's go home." The Jones family went home. With Gideon in town, Emma and Killian knew whatever they have to do, is to keep their baby safe.

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