Will you be mine?

Von sere2405

89.4K 4.6K 496

Kongbop (Omega)- A extremely shy, yet charming, well-mannered 19-year-old, who will begin his first year at h... Mehr

Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 76

546 39 4
Von sere2405

Arthit POV

Twelve hours...twelve god damn fucking hours since my mate was taken! We wasted eight fucking hours searching the mall! The fucking company responsible for the CCTV footage is in America twelve fucking hours behind us. It took the full eight hours for them to get back to us about the recordings. When I saw Park carring my Kong on his back like that, my blood boiled. How dare he touched my mate! When I get my hands on that fucker, I will pull his fingers off one by one.

Bright took the plate number down and did a search it took him another four hours to locate the car and where it might have gone. When he said where they passed by, I was pissed. It was like they were mocking us! They would all pay, every single one of them would pay.

"Should we do a press conference?" Mongkut asked

"that is a good idea" Chakthip said.

"Absolutely not. For one, nobody outside of this house knows he is my mate. Second off nobody knows he is Kerkkrai oldest son. I do NOT want my mates face all over everything." I said, my tone leaving no room for agurement. Who knows what will happen if people found out he was my mate. He would be safer if nobody new. I started pacing. It might actually be better if we did a press conference. We wouldn't have to tell anyone he Kerkkrai just my mate. If people knew they might release him. My mind was going back forth on doing the press conference. I wanted my mate back home safe, and sound of a door slamming brought me back to my senses. I looked around to Mongkut and Phawta walking back inside.

"Did you know?" Mongkut asked looking at me. I raised an eyebrow confused

"What?" I asked.

"Did you know my son was mated to an omega!" He yells, now both eyes brows are up, as I am very much confused as to why he is so pissed.

"Yes, of course I did. He is Kong best friend." My eyes grow cold as I see the hatred on his face "Why? Have something against omegas?"

"if we did, we wouldn't have allowed Ming to be friends with three of them. Its his matting of one that we are against. Our Ming is too good to be mated to the likes of an omega." The whole rooms went quite. What the fuck did he just say? Did he really just downgraded omega's?

"Let me get this straight...Ming can have omega friends, but...he can't MATE with one?" They both nodded their head and I exploded "What the fuck is wrong with you two?! Your being hypocritical! He can be friends with omega's, but he can't mate with them?! There is nothing wrong with mating omega's! Leave! I want you out of my house! Until you can get your fucking heads out of your asses, I want you no where near my house, my mate, my kids, Ming, Kit, or their child!" I was enraged. How dare they! Who do they think they are?!

"Who the hell do you think you are to try and keep our son from us?!" Phawta asked, hands fisted at her side.

"Someone who respect his decision and his mate!"

"ENOUGH!" my mae yelled. "This is not the time or place for this! There are two babies sleeping upstairs and we are trying to find Kongpob! Mongkut, and Phawta, I think you should leave and cool off. Think about things then contact Ming. You stressing him out about his mate will not be good for his baby. Arthit goes, outside, take a few laps in the pool, cool your head. We have to start thinking of places they might take him." I stormed out of the house to do what my mae said. I stripped down to my boxers not caring who saw me, and jumped into the pool, letting the cool water caress my skin. I need to get my Kong back; I need to find him and bring him back. I need to kill the fuckers who took him.

**From this point forward its going to be like a journal**

It's been a week, and we have gotten nowhere! We had gone back to the orphanage where Kong had grown up, and of course there was no records of him there, there was no record of anyone by the name of Park. They had 'allowed' us to go through their records. We had verify every single child that had ever been there. The children were either adopted or aged out. Every single time I think we have a lead it's a dead fucking end! Finally, after two days we locate the car, they stole out of that apartment garage. The car had belonged to a beta flight attendant. She reported it stole the day she got home. Bright took the license plate and tracked it though the CCTV footage. They abandon it at a park. The footage of them pulling my Kong out of the car, with marks all over his face, his clothes torn boiled my blood. I destroyed my office. Bright was able to track that car again which only lead to a dead end!

The car drove toward the edge of town where there were a lot of warehouses. Three of which were abandoned. We spoke to the owners of the occupied warehouses, and by spoke, I mean we beat them till they gave in. The CCTV gave us nothing, nobody in or out that wasn't supposed to be there. We then moved on to the three unoccupied warehouses. The first two were a bust, there was nothing but rat shit, dust, and mold, but the third was a gold mine. We found the car, and another set of tired tacks. We found blood which only caused me to get more pissed off. Chakthip took samples of the blood, we need to confirm it belonged to Kong or not. That wasn't all we found there. There were cages, tons, and tons of cages. Some as tall as a man some no bigger than a child. It was disgusting. There was no CCTV footage in the warehouse or anywhere close by. The lead I thought we had was a bust.

Kerkkrai was going mad, he just got his son back and know he lost him all over again. Even if he didn't say it out loud, I knew he blamed me. I knew everyone did. I don't blame them; it was my fault. I told him nothing would happen to him. I told him he was save. I couldn't even keep my promise. I sat on Kong side of the bed holding his pillow to my nose, inhaling his scent. It wasn't the same, it would never be the same. "Kong my love I will find you, I will bring you back." I whispered to the room, hopping I could keep my promise.

Two months have passed, and we have gotten no new leads. My grandfather has tapped into his sources, calling in favors, something he has done since the first day my Kong was taken. They have kept their ear's to the ground, for any kind of news. I told my grandfather to look into the men that attacked him at the beach. Which he did. Luckily for them they were out of the country overseeing some business in South Korea for my grandfather. I didn't trust their word. I had Bright look into their phone records. Nothing stood out. Messaged between him and my grandfather, other lackies. Some girls, but nothing about Kong. By now we knew Kong was being held captive someplace, but we didn't know where or by who. It wasn't someone who had a grudge against me or my father. They would have reached out by now.

The boys were missing their momma just as much as I was. Raising twins babies was no easy task. Every time Kong name was brought up, they would cry. They need something of his to fall asleep to every night. This hasn't changed since the first day. Now two month later, they fist Kong shirt snuggling into it before falling asleep. I try and record everything, I try and take as many pictures as I can so when I finally find my Kong, he can see everything. I know wherever he is, he is missing us just as much as we miss him.

Four month...four long grueling months with out my mate. Four long grueling months without the love of my life. Four long grueling months the boys had to go without their mother. One of my grandfather connections finally came though. They had a lead on an auction. People were sold to the highest bidder. Who the fuck was sick enough to buy a fucking person like that?! Grandfather got his hands on the list and Mongkut name was on there! I blood ran cold and all I saw was red. Mongkut and Ming have not spoke since the day Kong was taken. Do I blame him any? Absolutely not. When I told him his father name was on this auction, he went crazy with rage. We had invited Mongkut over to my grandfather house with the illusion of business. When Ming saw him, he starts beating on him. It had taken four of us to get Ming off his father. Once everyone was claim down enough, Mongkut says he goes to these auctions every few months. He buys omega's and forces them to work for him, until the doubt is paid off. My grandfather shot him in the left leg. He also threated to shoot him in the head if he didn't tell us everything he knew. It took him three hours to explain everything.

These auctions happen once every four months. The location changed each time, along with the password. The guest is allowed to bring a plus one, and they have to wear a mask. He was invited to the last auction but had to decline due to work. Ming took the invite and along with Knott went to the auctions. They found Park and Tae, but before they were ableto get to them, they were gone. They located other workers who provided us withas much information as they could. It wasn't much but it was better thannothing

Six month, my baby has been gone, and I frankly don't know how much longer I can go on without him. I can feel my alpha slowly slipping away without our mate beside us. The only thing keeping us sane is our boys. The twins are crawling and trying to walk. The first time they crawled was Christmas. Scared me when they did. I have locks on everything now and gates, so many gates. We still haven't found out who took my Kong. After the raid of the auction a lot of information was lost. Park and Tae didn't know the name of the person who brought Kong, all the could tell us was he brought Kong and two other boys. What a sick fucker. They didn't know where the records or money were kept. Their job was just to kidnap or buy omegas and bring them to the warehouse. There were ten different locations in and around Bangkok. Each location has guards and secret bunkers where the omegas were kept. I always promised my bunny, that I would do to Park what he did to Kong. And I did. Do I regret it? No, I would do it over again and again. The information Park and Tae provided to us was helpful. We were able to go to each location and raid the place. Of course, the information we did find, was just number and code names. It didn't help us any.

"Kong baby where are you, please come back to us" 


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