Missing Year

By isaballerina89

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Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions


101 1 1
By isaballerina89

The Jones family visited Ariel and baby Melody at their house. Hope loves babbling to her best friend. Emma holds Melody and watches her letting Ariel gets some rest. She feels sorry for Ariel, none of her relatives live in town. Belle even dropped by for visits, bringing baby gifts and meals. Emma wanted to be part of her support system. Her husband is Melody's godfather, making Ariel, Prince Eric, and Melody part of their family. The Jones family helps each other. Hope hugs her Mommy and Melody. "You are being so gentle to your best friend." She smiles down at her daughter while Melody sleeps in her arms.

It was midnight, August 15th, her son's birthday. Emma was up with Hope rocking her daughter in her rocking chair. "Today is Henry's birthday. We are going to give Henry a very happy birthday. This year you are here with us." She kisses her daughter on the head.

In the morning, Henry wakes up hearing his sister. He goes into her bedroom across the hall finding her standing up in her crib and gripping the side of her rib. "Wy-wy!!"

He smiles big at his baby sister greeting him."Hi, baby sis." He takes her out of her crib and holds her on his hip.


"Mommy is sleeping. We are going to have H&H time." He takes his sister downstairs to snuggle on the couch. "It is my birthday, which means I am now a teenager. Last year, you were in Mom's belly. Now, this year you are with me on my birthday." Hope babbles. "We can play..." Hope fusses. "No? How about we talk?" Hope gripped her brother's shirt and drooled. "Baby sis." He kissed her on the head and lay on his bed and started talking to his sister who was looking at him with her ocean blue eyes.

Emma wakes up,her baby boy is officially a teenager. She heads to her son Henry's room, where Hope is fast asleep on her brother's chest. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you." She faces her son. "Happy birthday, Henry." She kisses her son on the head.

"Thank you, Mom. Hope did beat you to it, she wished me happy birthday first."

She smiles as she joins her children on Henry's bed. "She did?"

"Yes. She wanted H & H time, she only wanted us to talk, not play."

"Hope just wanted to be with her big brother."


"Hope knows it is my special day."

"You have the best baby sister ever,kid."

"I love Hope. She is with me on my birthday this year."

"That is right." She laid down next to her son. "You are my baby boy,kid. You know that?"

"I know. You are here for another birthday of mine, Mom. You are my Mom."

She hugged her son. "I will never leave you again, kid. I promised you that." She kisses her son on the head. "My baby boy is officially a teenager."


"I am already embarrassing you already."

"No, you are not."

Hope wakes up. "Mama."

"Hi, baby girl. You wished Henry a happy birthday first!"


"We should wake up, Dad, baby sis." Henry carried his sister to their parents' room.


Killian wakes smiling. "Happy birthday,Henry!"

"Thank you, Dad."

He gets up from bed and hugged his son. "My son is officially a teenager."

"Yes, I am." He gives his son his birthday gift. Henry opened his gift which was his own telescope. "Awesome! I can use this today!"

"Yes, son, because we are sailing today."

Henry looks down, Henry D. Jones."It has my name on it!"

"Aye, your very own telescope."


"Baby sis, we are going on the Jolly Roger today."


"We are going to Jolly Roger, baby sis."

"Kid, do you want presents first or breakfast?"

"Presents!!" He carried his sister downstairs seeing a pile of presents with number 13 balloon. "Awesome."

Emma takes Hope from her brother so he can open his presents. Hope began crying. "Wy-wy." She sits next to her son. "Hope, we are sitting with Henry, baby girl. He is going to open his presents."

Henry opens his presents, he got a few DC character funko pops, Flynn Ryder, Green Lantern, the Wolverine, Spiderman, and Aquaman. Henry even got new video games such as Genshin Impact and Sumeru. "Mom, Dad, I love my gifts." He hugged his Mom. "Thank you."

"You are very welcome, kid." She hugged her son. Hope babbles. "Hope, you have a gift for Henry." She hands over a wrapped present. "This is from Hope."

He opens his gift which was a Spiderman hoodie. Hope, I love my hoodie." He takes his sister from their Mom and hugs her. "Thank you for my new hoodie, baby sis."

"Wy-wy!" Hope hugs her brother.

"Lad, we are going to go on the Jolly Roger to sail."


After a quick breakfast and the family was ready, they walked to the docks. Hope got excited in her Daddy's arms. "Wawa."

"Yes, we are going on the Jolly Roger." Hope fusses. He sets Hope down when they were on deck. She began walking around her second home holding her daddy's hook.. "Wawa!" She tried to climb on the barrels.

Emma smiles and holds her husband's hand. "Someone takes after her Daddy."

"Aye, she is a little pirate wanting to explore her second home."


Killian smiles as he helps her walk to the barrel. "Do you need my help climbing onto the barrel?" Hope babbles. He sets Hope onto the barrel."There you go, little love." Hope screams and smiles. Emma takes a photo of her daughter on the barrel. He stays next to his daughter making sure she does not fall over.

Emma and Henry set the Jolly Roger ready to sail. Henry gives his Dad Hope's life jacket. "Little love, when we sail we have to wear lifejackets to keep us safe while we sail." He puts the life jacket on his daughter.

"Dad, the ship is ready."

"Excellent, lad." He sets Hope down on the deck. Hope babbles.

"Hopey, do you want to have a sword lesson?"

"Wy-wy!" She hugs her brother.

"I will take that as a yes." He goes to the captain's quarters to find the toy swords. His sister follows him. "Hopey, here is your sword." Hope takes her sword and runs off to the deck. Henry follows his sister. He sees his other mom. "Mom!" He runs and hugs her.

"Happy birthday, Henry!!"

"You came!"

"Of course, I came. It is your birthday." She gives him his gift.

Henry opened his birthday gift which was an autographed Wolverine comic book. "Where did you get this?"


"I love it!!" He hugged his Mom.

"Lad, I will put this in a safe place."

"Thank you, Dad." Killian enters the captain's quarters.

Hope goes to Regina. "Wy-wy!!"

"Baby sis." He kneels down to hug her. Hope babbles a lot to her brother's other Mom.

She goes to her brother's backpack and takes out his book. "Wywy!!"

"My book?" He opens the book. She stopped him at Regina as the Evil Queen and hugged her brother. Emma understands her daughter, she is trying to prevent her brother from getting hurt by Regina. "Hope, she is not evil anymore." Killian returns on deck noticing something was going on.

Hope faces Regina and continues to babble. "Wy-wy!"

"She is a lot like Emma." She got annoyed and showed Hope a fireball to he face. Hope screamed and began crying.

Killian took his sword out and blocked his daughter and son from the fireball. "Do not hurt my children, Regina."

Emma was in mama bear mode and quickly takes her terrified daughter away. "Regina! Hope, did not do anything to you! She is just a baby!" She holds her daughter and takes her away from Regina.

Regina is mad at Killian. "Henry is my son!"

Emma takes Hope inside to the captain's quarters knowing Killian can handle Regina. "Hope, even though Regina is showing her scary side she is still Henry's other Mom."

Hope cried more. "Wy-wy...wy-wy."

On deck, Henry blocked his Mom from following his Mom and sister. "Mom! You are scaring my sister."

Killian was mad that the evil queen scared his daughter with a fireball. "No fireballs on the Jolly Roger, your majesty."

"I was only showing her.."

"No! You were scaring her! She knows your past and wants to protect her big brother."

David and Snow White arrive with Leo. He goes to his son-in-law. "Killian?"

"Regina scared Hope by showing her a fireball to Hope!"


"Hope was protecting Henry."

Snow, "You were jealous of a baby? Wanting to be with her brother?"

Henry goes to his sister and his other Mom. "Hope, I am right here, baby sis."

"Your big brother is right here, baby duckling. He is not hurt. "


"Baby sis, I am right here. With you. No fireballs. Do you want to play with swords?" Hope gripped her Mommy and shook her head no.

She rubs Hope's back."Kid, you can play swords with Hope later after we sail for a little bit."

"Okay." He kisses his sister on the head. "We can play with swords or read after we sail the Jolly Roger. You are going to watch me sail right?" Hope looks up at her big brother and stops crying.

Charming enters the captain's quarters. "There is the birthday boy." He hugged his grandson. "Happy birthday Henry."

"Thank you, gramps."

"Your other Mom wants to see you."

Henry faces his sister. "I will be right back,baby sis." He leaves the room.

"Emma, Regina is about to leave."


"Killian yelled at her. I did too."

Emma smiles that her husband and Dad are overprotective of Hope. She hugs her daughter.

He knew his daughter was mad. "She did not hurt Hope."

"I know." She sighs and sits on the bed. Charming sits next to his two princesses. " I just want Henry to have a great birthday. I did not even look at him when he was born. I missed his birthdays in the past. I was alone and always sad on his birthday, not being with him. I always wondered who he was and wondering if he was happy. When he found me in Boston, I finally know what he looked like." She began crying. "I was on bed rest last year, we just played video games, watched movies and ordered Chinese food. Now this year, Hope is here. Regina scared Hope on her brother's birthday before we began to sail. I want Henry to have happy memories on his birthday. Not bad ones as I had when I was in the system. " Hope babbles. "You are never going to experience what I had, Hope. You and Henry will always have me."

Charming listened to his daughter who was opening up to him about her past, what he missed in her life during the dark cruise."Henry is going to have a great birthday, Emma. Even though it was a rough start. I know we are all going to give him a great birthday." He rubbed his daughter's back. Hope looks at her grandpa. "You are safe, little princess."

Henry returns on deck to his other Mom. "How can you scare my baby sister like that?"

"I.. I couldn't help myself when I get angry. I cannot control it. My anger just happens."

"Learn how to control it."

"I..I will try. I am sorry, I scared your sister."

He returns inside, to the captain's quarters seeing his Mom sad. "Mom. Are you okay?"

"Yea." She wiped her tears away.

Henry knows his Mom was lying. "No." Charming takes Hope from Emma so Henry can talk to their Mom. He takes Hope to the opposite side of the room. "Why are you crying?"

Emma sighs, her son needs to know the truth. "You know me, kid. Your birthday has always been a sad day for me, Henry. I was alone in prison. I had no one with me when I gave birth to you. When you were born, I could not look at you because if I did.. I would not be able to give you up. I could not give you everything. I love you so much, I did not want you to be lost in the foster system ..."

Henry now understands how hard it is for his Mom to open up about her giving him up."Mom. You just wanted to give me my best chance. You did." He hugged his Mom.

"Yes, kid because I love you so much I did not want you to go through what I went through. I missed you every day. Especially on your birthday every year. I always took the day off, I was very sad every year."

"I knew you were happy that I found you even though you didn't want to admit it back then." Emma chuckles with tears. "I love you so much, Mom." They hug.

"Mama." Hope walked to her Mommy and big brother holding her gramps's hand.

"Hope, do you want to join our hug?"

"Wy-wy." Henry takes his sister from their gramps and lets her join their hug. Charming smiles taking a photo of his daughter and grandchildren hugging on his iPhone. "Mama."

"Hopey." She hugged her daughter. "You are happy to be with me and Henry." Hope screams making her Mommy, big brother and gramps laugh.

Charming finds his present for his grandson. "Here is your birthday present."

Henry takes his present from his gramps and sat on the bed next to his sister and Mom. Hope babbles. "You think gramps bought me cookies for my birthday." Hope babbles. "You can help me tear the wrapping paper, baby sis." He lets Hope help him tear the wrapping paper. He opened the gift which is a new sword. "Awesome!! Mom, I have my own sword." Hope clapped her hands.

"That is great, kid. Now you have your own sword to duel with, me your Dad or gramps."

"Yes, you are right! I will show Dad my new sword." He leaves the captain's quarters with his new sword.

"Kid, do not run with the sword." The door closes.

Henry finds his Dad talking to his grandma. 'Dad, I got a real sword! Thank you, Grandma."

"You are welcome, Henry."

"You and I are going to have a lot of practice." Snow White went to chase her son crawling.

Henry hugged his Dad. "Are you okay?"

"I remember last year when you told me that it was hard for Mom to open up about her past of having me in prison. She told you first, someone she trusts. She told me enough, what she can say to me. Crying."

"Lad, her giving you up is the hardest thing she had to do."

"You were right, it was really hard for her to tell me. She didn't tell me the whole story, but she told me what I needed to know. She told me the truth. I am happy she told you first, Dad." Killian hugged his son who loves him. "How about I take your sword back and you can steer the Jolly Roger first?"


Emma smiles big at her Dad. "He loves the sword, you and Mom got him."

"I had a feeling he would love it. We only practiced with wooden sticks when you and your Mom were in the Enchanted Forest."

"He has practice with Killian in New York and on the Jolly Roger. Now, he has his own sword."


He faces his granddaughter. "You helped Henry open his present?" Hope smiles. He kisses Hope on the cheek. "We brought food, where should we put it?"

"You can leave it on Killian's desk. We ordered pizza. I hid Henry's birthday cake. We are going to have a picnic-style meal after sailing."


"Yes, we are having a birthday party on the Jolly Roger for Henry's birthday! We are going sailing" Hope clapped her hands.

Charming smiles at his granddaughter. "You are such a little pirate." Hope babbles. Killian returns to his captain's quarters with Henry's sword. He puts it in a safe place.


"There is my little pirate princess." He takes his daughter from his swan's lap. Hope hugs her Daddy.

"Killian, our baby pirate princess is ready to go sailing."

"We are about to get ready, Henry is going to be steering the Jolly Roger." Hope bubbles.

"She wants to watch Henry steer."

"Aye, Hope you can watch Henry steer."

The family began sailing, Killian and Emma pulled up the anchor. He goes to his son and gave him tips as he began steering the Jolly Roger. Snow white and Leo did the motor as Charming did the sails. Hope was clapping to her brother who was sailing the Jolly Roger making her parents and big brother smile. She was holding Hope who was trying to walk around while the Jolly Roger was moving. She had Hope on her lap watching the eaves going by and getting prayed by the waves. Her daughter was laughing.

Leo did not like sailing, he was crying most of the time. Hope just wanted to watch the waves, her big brother steering with her Mommy, or play with her brother.

When the family took a break, Killian and Charming lowered the anchor. Emma set the picnic letting Hope walk around while the Jolly Roger stopped moving. Snow White helped her daughter set the picnic blanket. 'This is a good idea, picnic style."

"It is the easy way to eat on the Jolly Roger. Killian, the kids, and I love having picnics. Henry chose pizza today." Leo babbles. "You are happy now, baby bro, that we are not sailing anymore?" Leo smiles.

"He is not a pirate."

"Not at all." Everyone eats on deck. Emma breastfeeds Hope and Killian spoonfed his baby pirate princess her solid foods. Emma was talking to her parents. Leo crawls to Hope, who just walked away to her brother, she did not want to play with her little uncle.

"Baby sis."

"Wy-wy!" She jumped into her brother's lap. He catches his sister.

"Little love, be gelt e to Henry." Hope babbles.

"Dad, Hope will not hurt me. She just wants to play." Hope hugs her brother. "You are so sweet." Hope hugs her brother tight. "Hope." He looks at his Mom. "Mom, she takes after you."

"She does?"

"Yes. She knows me. She knows how to make me happy."

Emma hugs her son. "Hope knows that it's your special day."

"Well, last year, she was in your belly. I talked to her a lot." Hope bubbles. "Yes, baby sis. You were with us on my birthday last year and this year."

"That is right. Maybe that is why she wants to be with you the whole day?"

"I think so!" Hope gets off of Henry and tugs his hand. "Where do you want to go?" Hope babbles. "I will follow you." He held his sister, helping his sister walk, who wanted to go to the ropes.

"Love, I think you are right, I was wondering why Hope was being extra clingy to her brother all day."

"More than usual?" She hugs her husband, "She knows it is her brother's special day."

Killin sees Hope trying to pull on the ropes. He rushed to Hope. "Hope." He stopped his daughter from pulling on the rose connected to the sails. "Hope, no rope." Hope began crying."Dada is not mad. I don't want you to get hurt with the sails, little love."

Henry returns with the toy swords. "Baby sis, we can play with swords."

"Wy-wy." She grabbed her Daddy's hook

"Aye, do you want to be on Henry's team or Dada's team?"


He smiles at his daughter. "Aye, team Dada and Hope." He helps his daughter learn how to sword fight against Henry. Hope went to be with Henry. They both tackle their Dad.

"Baby sis, you turn to use the sword." Hope hits gently to her Daddy. He tickles his daughter. Emma takes photos of her family on her iPhone.

Charming sees more of how Killian is a great Dad to his grandchildren. He was holding Leo in his arms. Snow White goes to her daughter. "Your brother may not be a pirate. Your daughter and son sure are pirates."

"Yes. Both of my children are pirates. They take after their Dad."

"He is a great Dad."

"It took you 6 long months to finally realize that."

Snow White's jaw dropped. "Emma..."


She goes to her family."Captain? Are you tired?"

"No. I think it is time for the birthday boy's cake."

Henry smiles big. "Yes!" He takes his sister off of their Dad. He spun his sister around. "Good job, baby sis on your first sword lesson."

Emma helped her captain up. "Are you tired?"

"No, getting sore from the kids' tackles." Emma chuckles.

"Mom, Hope needs a diaper change."

"Okay." She takes her daughter from her son to the captain's quarters. Killian and Snow White clean the picnic.

Killian went inside, and Emma was lighting up Henry's chocolate birthday cake. He holds Hope and opens the door. Emma carried the cake out. Everyone sings Happy Birthday to Henry on the picnic. "Make a wish, kid." He blew out the candle. Everyone cheers.

The family sailed the rest of the day. Hope loves being held by her Daddy in the carrier as he was sailing the Jolly Roger.

At night, Charming and Snow White returned home when the Jolly Roger was at the docks. Leo was not a fan of sailing.

The family had a star navigation lesson. Hope was sitting on her Daddy's lap and babbles a lot during the star navigation lesson. Emma and Henry shared a blanket. "Thank you for the best birthday, Mom."

"You are welcome, kid." She hugged her son, her son has a family with her. She is not going to miss another birthday of Henry's ever again.

Note:** Quiet Storybrooke will not last. Something is coming into town.**

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