Will you be mine?

By sere2405

89.5K 4.6K 496

Kongbop (Omega)- A extremely shy, yet charming, well-mannered 19-year-old, who will begin his first year at h... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 68

661 45 9
By sere2405

Arthit Pov

I lean against the kitchen island a smile playing across my lips. I watch as my mate, and two youngest brother-in-law play with the twins on the floor. The little ones love having the boys around. Lammy and De can keep them entertain for hours. Sud is always great with the twins, helping Kong and I when we need it. My eyes drift over to Sud who was busy on his phone. He has had nightmares every night since staying here. Kong started having them too and I was really worried about both of them. The day at the restaurant really had me worried about Kerkkrai.


I could see Kong from where we sat. I knew something was wrong when he pulled Sud into a hug. Kong doesn't ever initiate physical contact with strangers. Ever. I watch closely as Kerkkrai walks out to speak to them shooting out of my seat when Kong pushes Sud behind his back. "Watch the boys" I say to the three elders who are also watching things closely. As I step outside, I could feel the pure rage coming off Kerkkrai, and the fear coming off Kong and...Sud?

"Kerkkrai what is going on here?" He turns looking at me and I see the same blue eyes Kong omega has. I step around him not taken my eyes off him. It's not that I don't trust him, but when an alpha is this enraged anything is possible. I stand in front of my mate and brother-in-law keeping a close eyes on Kerkkrai. "Bunny? Tell me what happen" I ask voice low. Kong grip onto the back of my shirt, hand shacking slightly.

"Kerkkrai isn't upset with us...he is upset with Chirawan. She...didn't something horrible to Sud last week." He didn't have to say anything else; I already got the picture as I try and control the rage building up inside me. "P'Arthit...I want to go home now." Kong says. I watch Kerkkrai take deep controlling breath. Slowly and after a few moments his eyes turns back to the chocolate brown.

"I want all three boys to live with you. I do not trust their mother" He said his voice cold. He wasn't asking, he was telling me. I nodded once in agreement. Kerkkrai eyes soften as he looked past me, I assume to Sud. "Son, I want you to know that I am not upset with you. What happen to you was not your fault okay? I will always be here for you. You can always came to me if you don't feel comfortable you can go to Kongpob." I don't take my eyes off Kerkkrai, even if he seems calm by alpha is still on edge and in protective mode. I felt Kong hand release the death grip he had on shirt just as Sud came into few. He ran to his father hugging him tight. I can see the pain on Kerkkrai face as he held his son.

Flashback ends

A pair of lips pressing gentle into mine snaps me out of my thoughts. I smile kissing my mate back.

"You were deep in thought" Kong said softy after he pulled away from the kiss. I run my hands up and down his arms gentle. "What were you thinking about?"

"You" It was a totally lie, I am always thinking about him. "And Sud." I look over to Sud who is playing with Sonny on his lap "You think this will work? That he will open up a little more?" Kong turns arounds plastering his back to my chest, my arms automatically wrapping around him.

"I think if he knows more about omega's, if he knows there are good alphas, it will help some. I don't want him to be scared like I was. Like I still am at times." I nuzzle my nose against his mark smirking when he shivers in my arms a small gasp leaving his lips. "Stop it you horny beast" He hisses at me, even if he melts against me show me more of his neck. We haven't touched each other physical in a few days, worried it might set Sud off. That will change tonight, I need my omega. I place a gentle kiss on his mark, hearing another small gasp escaping his lips. I can feel myself becoming aroused, so I push away gentle, earning a pout from my mate when he turns back to face me.

"If I keep touching you, you wont leave our bed till the morning" I warn, making Kong blush.

"When everyone gets here, could you take the boys and the alphas outside? I want Sud as comfortable as possible." He asks turning back to face all five boys, linking out fingers together.

"Sure baby. Are you sure their mates will come with them though?" Kong nods his head giggling.

"When I talk to Ming, Aim and Yo, this morning they said everyone was still coming." After we go home from the restaurant that day, Kong made a call, asking everyone to come over. He didn't tell them why, just said it was very important. Of course, Ming, Aim and Yo were worried and came over that day. Kong had to explain, in very little detail that it wasn't fully about him, and he need everyone. After some back and forth they agree on today. Kong's friends, Ming, Yo, Aim, and their mates were coming over. Then my friends and their mates, which include two of Kong friends. Beam and Forth of course. I was actually hoping that Bright would case a scene today. It might actually help Sud relax a little. "You are spacing out again" Kong said gentle swinging our link hands back and forth.

"Sorry just thinking. I hope this helps both of you" I say squeezing his hand gentle, earning a squeeze in return. I see Sud jump when the doorbell rings. I explained to him, that nobody can get to this house unless they are on the approved list. Even Kerkkrai wasn't on the list, nor would he unless Kong agree to it. As if right now, there are nineteen names on the approved list.

As soon as Kong opens the door, he is attacked by Kit who wraps his arms around him crying. I raise my eyebrow wonder what all that is about.

"Kong your friend is stupid and mean and I hate him!" he exclaims. Kong being startled pats Kits back gentle.

"What did the stupid alpha do?" He asks gentle.

"He wouldn't get me chocolate ice cream and fries!" Kit pouts pulling away from Kong. Kong slaps Ming arm, before wagging his finger at him.

"You are supposed to spoil your omega during this time period" Ming just rolled his eyes crossing his arms

"He already had three helping of it. KitKat doesn't eat sweets like that, and I didn't want him to upset his stomach." I have a feeling I know what this is about, but its not my place to say yet.

"I told you I would be fine! I am the doctor remember! You stupid alpha!" Kit storms past Kong into the living room slumping onto the couch. Ming pokes Kong nose, causing him to wiggle it before following Kit, sitting next to him. I have to suppress a chuckle when Kit curls into Ming. Oh yeah pregnancy hormones for sure.

Everyone else arrives shortly after. They all make a fuss over the twins who soak up the attention before I whistle getting everyone attention. Kong gives me a huge smile as thanks. Kong introduce everyone to the boys and the boys to them. The boys already knew my friends as they have spent time with them before. When all introductions were over, Kong gave me a look nodding towards outside. I picking up Lammy off Kong lap looking at the alphas. "hey, I need to talk to you all about something lets go outside." I say grabbing De hand heading outside. I'm glad we have some smart friends as they followed without question.

Kong POV.

Once all the alphas were gone, I looked around the living room. Yo, Kit, Beam, Aim, Tew, Wad, Rome, and Tutah were the only ones left. I took a deep breath before starting.

"When I asked you all here, I didn't give a lot of information and I'm sorry for all the secrets." I glance at Sud. His body is tense, and he keeps gripping onto his pants.

"What is all this about Kong" Rome asks confused.

"I...need your help...Sud...he needs us right now." I look at Sud taken his hand gentle. "You are safe with us; I promise my friends will not judge. Do you want to tell them what happen?" He looks up at me tears in his eyes. I know he has been having a rough time with this, and I want him to know that he has support. Not only with me but other omega's. I want him to know that there are not all bad alphas out there.

"I...I had...I had my first heat almost two weeks ago. My mom...my mom she...she did something bad and...and now...now...I don't know." His voice trembled as he talks.

"Did the same thing happen to him." Beam asks. Except for Wad, Tew and Rome, who I have never spoken to about my past, everyone else knows about what happen to me. I nod my head. "did your mom say anything to you?" Beam ask softly. Sud nodded griping my hand tightly.

"She said...she said...that...that was all I was good for. She was disappointed to have a son like me. That I would never be anything but an alpha whore." Sud chocked on the last words tears falling down his cheek.

"Oh, my sweet boy" Tutah said moving to kneel in front of him, pulling him into a tight hug. "that bitch is wrong. And you shouldn't believe anything she says." He rubs Sud back gentle letting him cry it out. I look over to the twins who watch on. They were still laying on their mats wide awake. I wonder if my boys will me alpha's, they are already starting to show signs of being alphas from what mae says.

"Why would a mother say something so horrible, mothers are supposed to love their children no matter what" Rome said clearly upset.

"Because she is a bitch" Tutah said. "I personally know her, and she things because she is an alpha, she is better than anyone else. I had to put her in her place a time or two through out the years. I always thought how funny it was she jumped on Kerkkrai not even a month after his first wife pasted away. That is a topic for a different day though" He said making me look at him. Now that was something to look into.

"What did she do?" Tew asked.

"She locked him up, in a room full of alphas" I shiver wrapping my arms around my stomach. "It's not...even if our body wanted it our mind didn't." Yo and Aim wrap their arms around me hugging me tight. "it's not...as pleasant as you might think" Tew, Wad and Rome all look at me shocked. Their eyes wide. "Until I left for university, I was sexually assaulted almost every day from my first heat. My twins...they don't belong to Arthit, he knows and doesn't care" They look at me shock, they were the only ones who didn't know about my past. "There was one night after leaving I was rapped, and twice assaulted on campus."

"there was a rumor...P'Forth saved you" Wad said quietly. I nod my head yes.

"Twice...the first time I was pinned against a wall, and an alpha tried to force himself one me. The second I was beat in the bathroom. P'Forth came to my recure each time." I could feel the bile raising into my throat. I shack my head to clear the imagines trying to surface. "but we didn't come here for that. I want Sud to know, that what his mother said, isn't true."

"He is right Sud" Kit said "I'm a doctor. I just graduated. I'm going to help sick children and specialize in helping omega's. Beam here, he is a doctor too. He is going into orthopedics. He is going to help those who just had surgery on their bones, like knee, shoulder, hip. Stuff like that." Beam nods his head grinning.

"I'm studying two different majors. Music and Art, and Business. I'm going to take over when my father is ready to retire." Yo says as he tickles Korn stomach making the baby laugh.

"Us three" Aim said waving his hand between Tew, Wad and himself "Are all studying engineering. I'm studying computer engineering while they are doing machinal." Tew and Wad nod.

"I'm a duel major myself. I have computer engineering and economics." I say smiling at him.

"And you know I run my own business. I also have degree in machinal engineering."

"I just graduated with my degree in business administration" Rome said being the last to speak. Sud looked around at everyone as they explained what they have or are majoring in.

"Except for Tutah we all have alphas, who respect us." I say a smile on my face. "they help us when we need it and are there for us. They don't hold us back, and they don't use us. I can't speak for them but if I tell P'Arthit no, I don't like something, or I don't want to do something, he doesn't force me to." There were a lot of 'same' and 'it's true' from everyone else.

"remember when I told you that one of my best friends is an alpha?" Sud nodded his head yes. I smile pointing to Kit. "That's his mate. Ming is one of the best alpha and the only alpha I trusted for the longest time. I refuse to get close to anyone for the longest time. Even now if P'Arthit isn't around, I cling to Ming. He is my safety zone, and I know that no matter what he will always protect me." Sud looked around at all of us, biting his lip.

"My mate is a woman." Aim said. "When people see us together, they always assume I'm the alpha because of the way I look, but really, it's her. If you ask me if I would change it. I wouldn't. I love my mate, and I don't care that she is an alpha"

"What happen to you Sud was tragic; nobody should ever go though that. Hell, my own parents hate that I'm gay and an omega, but even they didn't do that to me" Tutah said. "for now, on, I want you to come to me, or Kong if you have any questions." Sud nodded seeming to relax, little by little as we talk.

"that is another reason I asked you all here. I don't know anything about heats. How to track them or what to do while on them. I thought you all would be the best in explaining everything to him."

We spend the next hour talking about how to track a heat cycle. Signs a heat was about to start, and what items would be needed during heat. Tutah pulled out his phone pulling up a sex shop website. He walked Sud though all the different toys that he might want to us to help himself though his heat. Beam and Kit as doctor explained different birth control and suppresses, he could try as well. Beam and Kit took turns explaining what he needed to watch out the next three weeks. Sud wasn't sure if those men wore condoms or not. I told Sud I would take him to get tested right away for anything and everything.

By the time we were done, the twins were asleep and Sud was more relax then he had been the since the day at the restaurant.

**Happy Reading!**

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