Will you be mine?

By sere2405

89.2K 4.6K 496

Kongbop (Omega)- A extremely shy, yet charming, well-mannered 19-year-old, who will begin his first year at h... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 54

782 46 2
By sere2405

**This is a flashback chapter. It will go over Kong's birth and what led up to his coma**

Authors POV

Arthit watch feeling helpless as the nurses rushed Kong to the maternity ward. It was too early for the babies to born. Kong was only 31 weeks. What if the babies die? What if they have something seriously wrong because of this? It was all his fault anyways. If he hadn't been such a dick to his mate this wouldn't be happening.

Kong was fitted with a hospital grown before they gave him an IV and places monitors on his belly to monitor the babies heartbeat. Kong was in a lot of pain. The contraction was close to each other. He was worried the babies. Were the babies be, okay? Wasn't it to early for them to be born? Tears filled Kong eyes thinking he was going to lose his babies.

A doctor walked in with a smile on his face. "I read your chart, and I understand that your only 31 weeks along. I want to assure you, that twins born this early have a ninety percent chance of survival. As long as there is no complication during the deliver, they will be fine." He said as he washed his hands. "We will require them to stay in the NICU for a couple of weeks, so we can properly watch them, but once we are sure they can breathe and eat on their own they will be free to go home with you." He smiled reassuring. Hearing the doctor say the babies were going to be okay put Kong at ease a little. There was still that chance they might not make it, but Kong wanted to focus on the higher number.

"Why...what caused my labor?" Kong asked placing his hand on his tummy gentle. The doctor thought for a moment before answering.

"Well, there isn't a clear answer to that. Anything could have caused the labor. Stress, not eating correctly, the babies were ready to come out." Kong looked worried at the doctor, then down at his belly.

"So, I might have caused this?" he said in a low voice, he felt like crying.

"of course, not bunny," Arthit said giving the doctor a dirty look "Right?"

"Your husband is right. Can you tell me what you did today? That will help me get a better understanding."

"He isn't my husband." Kong said lot looking at Arthit. "I just went to school. I was studying. Nothing else." The doctor nodded humming lightly.

"did you feel any pain at all? Your back? Your front?"

"I couldn't sleep last night because my back was killing me. And all day too. I started to feel this sharp pains, they were small at first and didn't last long, then got worse over time."

"When did the contraction start? The small pains?" Kong thought about it for a moment before answering.

"Sometime last night...around one a.m.? I didn't really look at the clock" Kong said then groan loudly holding his stomach, tearing up. The doctor walked over to the monitor and noted the time.

"that was a contraction. From what you have told me you have been in labor for almost twenty-four hours already. From what you have told me as well, the babies are just ready to come out. So, it was nothing that you did wrong." The doctor smiled at Kong again reassuring him. Arthit was getting annoyed at the way the doctor was looking at Kong. "I'm going to check you know, okay? This will help determine how far along you are, and how much longer you might have." Kong nodded.

The doctor pulled a stool to the front of the bed. The nurse helped Kong lay down and then portion his legs so they can check.

Arthit sat on the couch watching everything with a close eye. He left it up to Knot to inform everyone that Kong was in labor. He didn't want to take any of his attention away from Kong by being on his phone.

"Alright young man, you are at a five right now. That means you still you have hours before you can push, okay? At this point we can still give you an epidural, this will cause you to not feel the contraction anymore."

"You should get it bunny, so you're not in pain" Arthit said. Kong once again ingored him, causing Arthit to sigh. Kong was pissed at him, and he had every right to be pissed.

"Will I be able to get up and walk around if I get it?"

"no, it will make everything from your waist down numb."

"Then no thank you." Kong said, I just looked at him. The doctor asked a couple more questions then finally left.

Hours went by with staff coming and going. Kong contraction got worse and worse, but he didn't want an epidural. I don't know why he was punishing himself like this. Our friends and my mom showed up all talking and laughing. My mae would help Kong walk around with Ming, Aim and Yo.

I hated seeing him going though this much pain. Mae even tried to convince him to get the epidural, but he flat out refused her too. I couldn't take my eyes off my mate, he looked so beautiful. He was glowing. Even with as much pain as he was going though, he was still laughing and enjoying time with his friends

"Have you chosen names yet?" Ming asked. Kong and I had been going back and forth on baby names, but never agree on any yet. He said he wouldn't be able to truly name them until he saw them.

"Well...I kind of do...but...I don't want to say" he said. I watch as his face twisted in pain, a low growl escaping. He refuses to scream or make to much nose. My bunny is a fighter. I could tell when the contraction ended, he would start breathing faster, and his body would relax. "I want to go for a walk...can I?" He asked his voice a little weak.

"Kong, I don't think that is a good idea" I said worried evident in my voice. Once again, he ingored me. I know why he was doing it, but it still hurt. This should be a happy time for us but because I was an asshole its miserable. I could feel everyone eyes on me, not for the first time tonight.

"Sure, Kong lets go" Mae said, gentle detaching the baby monitor and helping him up. "but just around this floor, okay?" Kong nodding standing up slowly. Mae, Yo, Aim, and Tutah all heading out to walk the floor with Kong. Once the door was shut, I sat back on the couch sighing deeply.

"What did you do to my friend?" Ming said looking directly at me.

"I ignored him. I was an ass and I ignored him because he asked permission to have you over." I rubbed my face sighing again. "I got annoyed and pissed he asked. The apartment is his too, he doesn't have to ask permission to have anyone over."

"did you ever stop and think that maybe he was asking not for permission but to see if you made plans for the two of you?" Knott said. I shook my head no because that thought never once crossed my mind. I felt a smack on the back of my head causing me to frown looking at Knott, Bright and Prem.

"that is what you get for being an idiot" Bright said smacking me again. I glare at him, but I know he is right.

We talk for the next hour before Kong is brought back to the room. I can see he is in a lot more pain. He is sweating, and out of breath like he just ran a marathon. Mae has tears in her eyes, but a huge smile on her face. I am very curious on what they talked about, to make her look like that.

Another hour past before the nurse came in and checked on my Kong again. This time his contractions were coming three minutes apart. The nurse informed us that he was dilated at nine, and within the next two hours we should have our twins.

Yo, and Ming had left an hour after Kong walk; to visit with their mates who were on night duty tonight. Bright, Tutah and Perm went to the waiting room to get something to eat. Kong wasn't allowed to eat because of the active labor, and I refuse to eat if he couldn't. Mae was asleep on the couch, her head resting on Knott leg who was also asleep. It was almost six in the morning, and my baby had been in labor for thirty plus hours. I looked at Kong laying in bed. His eyes closed; his face twisted in pain. I wanted to go over there and hold him. I wanted to take his pain away. I wanted to tell him how sorry I was, but I new my Kong, he wouldn't accept any of that.

"Kong..." I said softly when the hospital room opening up and a nurse walked in. I had not notice he pushed the call button.

"How can I help you?" she said smiling.

"I feel like I need to push...there is so much pressure down there." Kong said breathing coming in swallow. I stood up quickly. Was he ready to give birth?

"don't do anything yet, the doctor is right outside." The nurse said rushing out. Less than thirty second later the room was busting with activity. Knott and mae were awake, and ask to leave, as I stood by Kong side.

Something was wrong, something was really wrong. Kong has been pushing for two hours and the first baby had yet to be born. My bunny was exhausted and growing weaker by the second.

"It hurts, it hurts so much!" Kong cried; this was the first time he expressed how much pain he was in. He grabbed my hand squeezing tight.

"We are going to try a different way for you to push, okay? Can you get on your hands and knees for us?" the doctor said. Kong looked at him like he was out of his mind, screaming as another contraction hit. As soon as it passed, we helped turn him onto his hands and knees. I rubbed his back gentle as he cried into the pillows.

"on the next contraction I want you to push down for me, okay?" the doctor said. Kong nodded his head and a few seconds later he screamed as he pushed. "I finally see the head! You can do it Kongpob! One more push!" the doctor cheered.

"You got this baby; I know you do! Push, okay?" Kong didn't say anything, but groan as he pushed one more time. A loud cry was heard in the room as the first baby was born. I cut the cord and then was handing the baby. "You did it bunny! You did it!" I said kissing his head gentle. Kong turned and smiled at me, eyes on our son.

"Alright Kongpob we have to do it again. Push on the next contraction" The doctor said. Kong nodded placing his head on the bed. His arms shacking form all the strain his body was under.

It took another twenty minutes before our second son was born. The nurses helped Kong onto his back as I placed both babies on his chest, kissing his head gentle. "I am so proud of you baby, so damn proud." Sweaty, weak, in pain and pale Kong smiled at the boys, kissing their head gentle.

"so tried" he said, as he closed his eyes. Alarms started going off, as the doctor and nursed rushed around the room. The babies were removed from Kong chest, placed in incubators, and rushed out. I was pushed out of the room, the door slamming in my face.

"Whats going on?" Mae asked behind me. I looked at her confused and dazed.
"I...I don't know...he...he gave birth and said he was tried...then alarms went off...I don't know..." I was pushed out of the way again by Phana, Beam and Kit as they rushed into the hospital room. There was shouting, but I couldn't understand what any of it ment.

"He is losing a lot of blood! We have to stop it!" That caught my attention as I tried to rush into the hospital room again. It took all four of my friend Forth and Ming to hold me back, as I tried to get to my mate. I had this bad feeling and I wanted to get to him.

"let me go! I need to get to him! He needs me! Kong!" I yelled fight them with everything I had. The door open and Phana walks out with Kit, and Beam. All of them look pale, Kit has tears in his eyes. I finally break free grabbing Phana by the collar "What happen?! Is Kong alright? Is my mate alright?!" I ask shacking him. Phana looked at me shaking his head. I could hear gasp and sobs coming from behind me.

"P'Arthit...he lost a lot of blood. His body, his body couldn't handle the birth. I'm sorry." Phana said looking up at the ceiling.

"What the fuck does that mean?! Is Kong, okay?!" I screamed. I would not believe I just lost my mate, lost the love of my life. No way in hell would I believe that.

"We have a heartbeat!" I hear from inside the hospital room, "blood pressure is rising, heartbeat slowly coming back, pulse still very weak" I break down in sobs. Sliding down to the floor. My mate was alive. He didn't leave me. 

**Next chapter the baby names will be reveled!** 

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