Missing Year

By isaballerina89

29.4K 534 167

Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Defeating Snow Queen
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions


92 2 0
By isaballerina89

The next morning, the Jones family was eating breakfast at Granny's with Regina. Emma had Hope in a highchair. Granny brings the family their usuals. She rubs Hope's cheek, "Anything for this little girl?"

"Cut up bananas. We are slowly getting her into solids."

"You got it, Emma." She leaves the table.

Killian gives Hope her toy keys to play with. "Aah!!" She chews on her toy keys and throws it at her Daddy.

He caught them making her daughter laugh. "Little love, no throwing keys in the diner." Hope babbles.

"It beats her throwing banana pieces to your face." Emma and Killian laughed. He looked at his other Mom who was giving him a look. "Hope threw bananas at my face yesterday when I was teaching her how to eat bananas."

Regina chuckles. "Captain eyeliner, I can see Hope takes after you."

"Aye, she certainly does." He tickles Hope, making her laugh. The family eats their breakfast. Granny brings chopped-up bananas for Hope. Killian made sure Hope did not throw bananas or her toy keys around. Hope was chewing on her keys.

"Killian, give me her keys."

"Here you go, swan." Hope babbles.

Emma faces her daughter. "Yes, Mama has your keys. It is time to eat, little sheriff. Then you can play." She makes sure her daughter eats.

Snow White and Charming enter the diner. "Emma..."

She sees her parents. "Gold did not make me dark, since you took my darkness out of me. He wants to put darkness in me. He tried with Cruella..."

"Swan, we just got to stop him from getting you dark. We did with Cruella."

"I may be able to help you with that." They turn around to see Maleficent. Hope began crying.

Emma takes Hope into her arms and rubs her back. "Hopey. The villian is not going to take you away from Mommy, sweetie."

"I am not here to take your daughter away from you, savior."

"Yeah?" Emma faces the dragon she once slayed who returned back to life. "What are you here for then?"

"Swan, I got Hope." Killian held Hope and stood nearby his swan.


"Dada won't let Maleficent take you away, little love."

She looks at Emma, Regina. Henry, and the Charmings. "It now appears that we all have a common foe, Rumpelstiltskin."

Charming, "But he resurrected you."

"To help himself. Not me. Trying to get the savior to kill Cruella, was a warning sign that he only cares about his part of the deal."

Killian bounces Hope. "Now, you want to turn on him before he turns on you."

Regina smirks. "I knew Gold could not keep the dragon on its leash for long."

Snow White, "What do you want?"

"Nothing from you two but your daughter, I hear, has a talent for finding people."

"Yeah, I do. Who do you want to be found?"

"My daughter."

Snow white was surprised."She is alive?"

"Yes. She survived the journey to this land that you two sent her on. You want to prevent Rumplestiltskin from achieving it? That is leaving town and helping me. "

Emma wants this feud betwen her parents and the dragon to be over with. "What do you know about her?"

"Just what the dark one showed me, that she was banished to this world 30 years ago. To a place called Minnesota. Where she was adopted by a couple and they named her Lilith."

Emma was in shock, this is her ex-best friend Lily, she was Maleficent's daughter. "No..."

"Swan? Is it?" Emma left the diner. Hope began crying. "Mama."

Henry went to his baby sister and Dad. "Hope do not cry. Mommy will be back, baby sis."

"Lad, I think your Mom knows Lilith. She told me about this Lily girl from foster care."

Regina was hearing what Hook was saying. "She knows her?"

"If it is the same lass.Yes. From her foster care days as a runaway."

She looks at her son. "Henry, I will go find Emma."

"Thank you, Mom." Regina leaves the diner.

Maleficent goes to Killian and Henry. "Did I hear that right?"

"Aye, I think my wife knows Lilith, from her foster system days. If this is the same lass, your daughter, Emma, calls her Lily. They met when Emma was on the run from the foster system. Knowing my wife, she will find your daughter."

Maleficent smiles. "I will tell you everything I know about what Rumpelstiltskin's been up too."

"Aye,so far his plan has failed."

Emma rushed to the library. She went to the microfilm area and researched to find Lilith Paige. She found a baby photo of Lily with her star scar underneath her hand. "Lily..."

Regina finds Emma in the microfilm area. "Ain't fate a bitch."

"I cannot believe my best friend is the one my parents put through a wardrobe. We live in the same state Minnesota. It is a coincidence. Fate works in mysterious ways."

"Do you think I adopted the savior son was a coincidence? It was Gold's plan? Fate happens."

"Now, I have to find my ex-best friend and reunite her with her biological Mom to end my parents' feud with the dragon I slayed." She sighs. "I cannot bring Henry and Hope on this savior mission, who knows what can happen."

"I can go with you."

"You will?"

"It is either that or I watch Hope and Henry."

"Hope will be more upset if Killian and I are both gone. You are coming with me. I just need to find her location. I call my boss to help me locate her." Emma called her boss to ask him if he can find Lilith Page. She goes outside of the library room and finds Killian holding Hope and Henry. "Hey."


"Hopey." She holds Hope in her arms and rubbed her daughter's back. Hope gripped her Mommy and stopped crying.

"Mom!" Henry hugs his Mom. "Are you okay?"

"I am in shock, kid. That is all."

Regina knew Emma needed to talk to Hook. "Henry." Henry goes to his other Mom but he wanted to listen what his other Mom.

"Swan, is this the same lass you told me about, Lily, is she Maleficent's daughter?"

"Yes." She hugged her daughter.

Killian knew his swan needed to tell him something about Lily. "Emma, you can tell me anything, love."

Emma sighs. "Lily and I met when I was 13 years old, stealing poptarts as a runaway. She found me and told me that she was running away from the foster system. We snuck into a house...the next thing, her father was there. He called the cops. I found out Lily was adopted. She betrayed my trust. I was sent back to foster care to a group home" She sighs. "I was in a foster home, in the process of getting adopted, this perfect family with living parents and two brothers. I was going on my first ever family vacation,a camping trip. I thought I was finally going to have a real family. Just when we were about to go camping, Lily came back into my life. Somehow, she found my foster family. I found her in the garage and she told me she needed my help. Before I found out what, she lied to my foster father. She was invited for dinner, she lied to my foster family how we met and how she moved in the neighborhood to a foster family. I found out she was part of a robbery and was on the run. She begged me to get her necklace, the only thing she had from her biological mom. So I went to the squatter house,that she and her boyfriend was living in and brought back her necklace. I returned home, my foster parents found out Lily was a wanted criminal and Lily kidnapped the money they were using for the camping trip. I realized she tricked me into getting her necklace so she can steal the money. I apologized to them. Then the foster father told me that he needed to protect his children. I just knew he did not mean me. I left to the nearest bust station and never looked back. Lily ruined a family. I don't want her to ruin our family. What if Gold wants me to find her? To let me turn dark?"

"Seeking revenge is never an answer. I sailed the realms to kill the crocodile, my heart was full of anger and hate. When I met you, my heart changed forever, with no hate. When you see her, think of your whole family who love you. Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, Regina is coming with me. I have no one around here to watch Hope and Henry. I am still mad at my parents for causing the villains to be here, after the author and Lily...I know that I have to bring Lily back to redeem my parents."

"I have a good feeling that you will reunite Lily with Maleficent."

"Dad is right, Mom. You will help Lily."

She smiles at her son and looked at her husband. "You have faith in me."

"Knowing my swan, nothing will stop you to help bring everyone their happy endings."

They kiss. Hope fusses. Emma's iPhone buzzes a text from her boss, "My boss found where Lily lives. But it's 5 years old."

"We should be leaving."

"Yes." Hope began crying. "Hope, you are going to be here with Dada and Henry. I have to fix my parents' problems with the villains and reunite with a former friend with her Mommy Maleficent." They walked to Regina's office building. "Hope, Mommy will be back soon." Hope was still crying. "We are going to snuggle when I get back. You are going to be with Daddy and Henry." He takes his sister from their Mom. "Be good, kid. I will see you when I get back."

"Mom, we know you can do this. Hope and I are going to have H&H time." She hugs both of her kids. "I will be back soon."

Killian approaches his wife. "Be careful, swan. From someone who started ont the side of good, and went dark. Take my advice, vengeance is tempting the darkness is always is. Resist it."

"Why couldn't you?"

"I did not have anything to live for. Until now, I have you, our son and daughter. You have your parents, our children, and me, a whole family that loves you, Emma. That is what it keeps me on my path of good. Our children need their mom."

"I am not going to go dark."

"When you see Lily, think of us, when you want to revenge on her. Use it whatever it takes to stay on the good path." They kiss.

Hope was still crying."Mama."

She hold her daughter. "Mama is going to come back home, sweetie. I just have to pick up a very troubled old friend. Can you tell Dada I am not going to turn dark?" Hope babbles. "You know Mama won't turn dark?" Hope babbles. "Good baby girl." She kissed her daughter on the head and hands her over to her Daddy. He holds his daughter.

Snow White, "Emma."

"I will be back soon, fixing what you have done."

Charming held onto his wife. "Of course, you will. Be careful."

"I will." Regina arrives from her office and hugs her son. "What do you have?"

"Magic. I am not going to a land of magic without magic of our own. The snow queen's scroll, just in case we have trouble getting back in town." They went inside the car.

"Okay, we are out of here." Emma began driving.

As Emma drove off in the yellow bug with Regina, Maleficent was in Regina's office. Hope was crying. "Mama!"

"Mama is going to come back soon, little love. She is doing her job as sheriff and bail bondswoman." He hugs his very upset daughter.

"Dad, she is going to find Lily."

"Aye, I know she will, son. How about we go to the Jolly Roger?"

"Yes! Hope, we are going to go to Jolly Roger."

Emma drove to a bad neighborhood to the location where her boss gave her. They entered the bad condition apartment with dirty walls, smells of smoke, and urine. Regina was disgusted, seeing drug addicts, rats, garbage, and poor people around the building. "Why did I go through the trouble to creating Storybrooke where I could have curse everyone to live here?"

"I have seen worse." She knocks on the door.

A man came out of an apartment room, "Yeah?"

"Oh, sorry to disturb you. We are looking for Lilith Paige."

"She left a while ago. She was a weird loser, one of those weird people that you need to stay away from. She might be dead by now."

Emma got mad and pushed the man against the wall. "She is my friend!!!"

"Let him go, Emma. He is not worth it. If you do this, this is proving to Gold of your darkness." She let go of the man and left the building with Regina. Emma began her driving her yellow bug. "Do you want to talk about what happened there?"


"You nearly put that guy through the wall."

"I know what you are thinking. But that was not dark. It was mourning a friend. And guilt from pushing Lily away when we were kids."

"What happened?"

"What Lily always did, she came into my life and caused trouble. She always lied. I lost my chance of having a forever home because of her." She continues driving until she sees a wolf. Emma remembered the wolf that stopped her from leaving Storybrooke.

Regina sees they are going to crash. "Emma!!" She turned her car around and crashed.

Killian takes Hope and Henry on the Jolly Roger, hoping to calm down his little lass. He walked with crying Hope around the ship. "Little love, we are on the Jolly Roger."

"Baby sis, we can play on the Jolly Roger until mommy comes home." Hope fusses.

He set his daughter on deck. Hope crawls around the deck. Killian took a video of his daughter crawling on their second home on his iPhone. "My baby pirate princess is crawling on the Jolly Roger." Hope stopped crawling. He scooped Hope into her arms. She hugged her Daddy. "Let's have one on one time." He takes her to the captain's quarters. She babbles. "Yes, this is Daddy's bedroom on the high seas. You, Mommy, and Henry can be in here anytime you want."


"Mama will be back soon." She fusses. Killian bottle-fed his daughter. "Dada is here. You are safe, little love."

Henry entered the room with his book. "Dad, I think Hope wants a story after she eats."

Killian smiles. "I know Hope will love a story from her big brother."

He sits on the bed. "I hope Mom is okay. Both of my Moms."

"Knowing both of your Moms, they are going to come back safe. Knowing Emma, she will do her job as the savior."

"Mom will bring Lily here." After Hope was fed, he lets Hope sit on his lap and read her a story from his book. Killian took a photo of his two children on his iPhone and texts it to Emma.

In the middle of nowhere, Emma's yellow bug needed a new tire. She sees the wolf staring at her. "The wolf."

"What about the wolf?"

"It is a sign, like when I was leaving Storybrooke after dropping of Henry. The wolf caused my car to crash by the Storybrooke sign,not the apple cider you gave me. This is a sign that can help us." Emma followed the wolf, Regina thought for a moment, that it was a bad idea. She followed the wolf. They arrived at a small gas station.

"I will get a truck so we can get the car fixed."

She sees a small diner. "I will get us coffee." Emma went inside the diner and sat at a table.

A brunette woman comes by with nametag Starla. "What do you want?"

"Two cups of coffee and a bottle of aspirin. Actually, a whole coffee pot."

The brunette brings the pt of coffee and a bottle of aspirin. She pours the coffee into the cups. "Rough day huh?"

"You do not know the half of it." Emma sees the star birthmark on the woman's arm close to her hand. "Shit, it is her." Lily walked away.

Regina arrives and sat across from Emma. "The car is being towed. They can fix the tire." She noticed Emma's face which was in shock. "Emma?"

"That is her?"

Regina looks at the diner girl. "Lily?"

"Yes. I am going to talk to her." She gets a text from Killian, <i>Your two ducklings are having H&H time on the Jolly Roger. You can do this Emma. </i> She smiles seeing a photo of Henry reading to Hope on the Jolly Roger.

"What is it?"

Emma shows her the photo. "My goal of getting ome to be with my daughter and our son." She found Lily sitting down outside with a pack of cigarettes.

"Did I give you the wrong coffee pot? I am sorry. I always get decaf pot mixed up."

"No. I know your name is not Starla. It is Lily."


"Yes. Do you remember when were kids you told me that something was pulling us together? Like something in the universe is forcing us together."

"That is what all teenage girls say that then we will braid each other's hair and share secrets."

"It is more than that. What if I told you that everything bad happened to you is because of me? I found my parents 2 years ago. They are from the realm in Enchanted Forest and are Snow White and Prince Charming. They were responsible for separating you from your biological Mom."

"I do not know what 12 step program you are in, you are crazy."

Emma was in shock. "I am not crazy."

"I got to go."

"I am sorry for pushing you away when we were kids."

"I am happy. I have a daughter." She walks to the school bus.

Regina arrives hearing most of the conversation. "The car is fixed." She sees Lily with a little girl. "So that is her?"

"Yes." Emma went back inside getting Lily's information. "Regina, we are going to do some snooping." She drove her yellow bug to an abandoned trailer.

"Why are we snooping?"

"Ever since I met Lily, she always lied. She is still lying. My superpower is telling me she is not telling the truth." They entered the trailer and snooped around, with no sign of a child living in that trailer. "See no kids stuff. I told you she was lying."

Regina continues to snoop around. "Emma...." Emma knew she found something from the sound of her voice. She enters the room seeing a map of her and her family, places where she had been, and Storybrooke. "She knew this whole time."

"She wants revenge. She is out to kill my parents." They heard the engine of Emma's yellow bug and rush out seeing Lily driving it to Maine. "Shit." Emma uses a rock to break a car window and hotwires the car and drives off. "She is not going to ruin my family again." She sped up the car to catch her with her ex-est friend. She knocks into her own car until Lily got off the road.


The savior gets out of the car and pointed her gun at Lily who was out of her yellow bug. Lily kneeled on the ground when she saw Emma's gun. "You knew this whole time?"

"Yes, your parents deserve what they have it coming to them. They ruined my life."

"You are not going to ruin my family again. I was alone my whole life without my family. Whenever I got a chance to have a forever family, you destroyed it."

"My parents destroyed my life."

"You had adopted parents!"

"Your parents are the reason why I lost my family."

"You destroyed when I got a chance to have a family. You ruined yours."Emma points her gun at her.

"Go ahead, kill me. No one is going to miss me anyway."

"Emma, this is what Gold wants you to do. This is how you are going to turn you dark. If you shoot her, there is no going back. This is going to be all on you." Emma thinks about her husband's revenge feeling. "If you are going to do this, Henry and Hope won't have their mother to love...Only darkness. You know what I was when Henry found you. You do not want his other Mom to be dark to him and his sister. "

Emma thought of her children, if she kills Lily, her happiness with her husband and children will be gone forever. Her happy ending will be gone. Gold will use her for his plot. She wants to be there for her children for the rest of their lives, by being the mother she always wanted for herself. Her children always have her. She lowered her gun.

Lily was surprised. "That is it?"

"I am not going to kill you."

"You are not?"

"No." She puts her gun back in its holder. "I am going to bring you back to Storybrooke. Your biological Mom is there, and you are going to meet her. I am pulling up my end of my deal."


"I am not leaving you again." Emma drove Regina and Lily back to Storybrooke. She texted her husband that the Crocodile did not turn her dark

Henry was playing a game on his iPhone while Hope was napping on her Daddy. Killian got a text that Emma was close by, "Lad, your Mom is almost home."

"Yes! Hope will not be crying nonstop."

"Aye, lad." He and Henry walked into town from the docks. "Son, I will be right back." Henry holds his sister. Killian enters the diner finding the Crocodile with the author.


"I just want to let you know, that Emma is coming back here not dark. Your plan is failing." He leaves and overhears "the author."You are letting him go."

"My plan is still going to work Isaac."

Killian returns to his children. Henry sees the yellow bug pulling up. "Hope! Mommy is home baby sis." Hope wakes up from her nap. Snow White, Charming, and Maleficent joined them. Emma parked the yellow bug and sees her kids and her husband. "Henry! Hope!" She hugged her two children.

"Mama!" She scooped her daughter in her arms and hugged Henry at the same time.

"Mom, you are back."

"Yes, I am." She kisses her son and daughter on their heads. "I thought about you two the whole time."


"Killian!" He hugs his wife. "I found her."

"I knew you would do it." They kiss.

"I need to introduce Lily to her Mom." Hope babbles."Mommy is not leaving again, sweetie." Killian takes Hope from his swan. Lily gets out of the yellow bug. She walked with Lily to Maleficent. "Lily, this is your Mom. Maleficent, this is your daughter, Lily." Maleficent hugs her daughter.

Killian hugs his wife proudly. She takes her daughter from her son. "Let's go home."

"Yes." The family got in their yellow bug, Killian drove his family out of Maine Street.

"Mama." She kissed her daughter on the head.

"Mom, we are so happy you're back. Especially Hope."

"Especially?" She looked at the boys knowing something happened. "Boys?"

"Swan, Hope was..."

"She was being your mini-you."

"Aye, she was crying nonstop on the Jolly Roger for most of the time. She wanted her Mommy. She was not going to stop until you were back." Emma was in awe.

"Now, she looks so innocent." He tickles his sister.

Emma began to laugh, Hope gave her husband and son a hard time. "Hope Marie Jones, did you give Dada and Henry a hard time while I was away?" Hope was smiling. "You did." She gave kisses on her cheek. "I missed you my baby duckling. I am so happy to be home with you, Henry and Dada."

"Mom, how did it go?"

"Well, it was interesting and crazy."

"Baby sis this is going to be a good story." Hope was gripping her Mommy's fingers as her Mommy was telling her and Henry about the adventure of finding Lily. Killian listened in as he was driving to their house. She was so happy to be with her family and not Lily destroy what she has made her family.

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