Missing Year

By isaballerina89

29.4K 534 167

Emma and Henry leave Storybrooke before Peter Pan curse hits the town. How will it affect Emma when Hook deci... More

Leaving Storybrooke
Adjusting to New Home
New Normal
First Sonogram
Hormonal Emma
Captain Swan Wedding
The Procedure
Bed Rest
Henry's Birthday
3d Sonogram
Adoption Day
Emma's Special Birthday Present
Emma's Birthday
Recovery Stay
Bringing Hope Home
Mother of Two
First Thanksgiving
Team Jones
Two Ducklings
Jones Christmas
Date Night
Family Time
Killian's Birthday
Recovery Road
Jones Valentine's Day
One Year Later
Returning to Storybrooke
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt part 2
He Is Back
The Good and the Bad Times
Light Magic
Zelena's Past
Defeating the Witch
Captain Swan Movie
Monster Attack
White Out
Rocky Road
Operation Cobra-Swan
Research on Snow Queen
Snow Queen
Spell of Shattered Sight
Post Curse
Family Event
6 Weeks Later
Trouble In Town
Truth Comes Out
Help From Someone Unexpected
Happiest Place on Earth
Disney Parks
The Accident
Mother's Day
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Ocean Princess
First Save
Hope's 1st Birthday
Birthday Swan
The Other Savior
Brother Enemies
Best Chance
Wish Realm
Escaping Danger in Storybrooke
Christmas in NYC
Nine Weeks
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Gender Baby Jones
7 Months Along
Baby Shower
Killian Jr Jones
Recovery Road
Family of Five
Mini Me
Follow Up
Blood Transfusions

Defeating Snow Queen

132 4 0
By isaballerina89

The curse arrived, Charming and Snow White began arguing with each other, while Kristoff was chained up to the desk. Emma, Elsa and Anna were together talking in Emma's office. "Elsa, we got to stop your aunt from making this curse permanent."
Anna," I read a story with an emperor the same in the spell of shattered sight. We have to kill her..."
"Kill her?"
"If we are out of options yes."
"I agree."
"I can help."
"How are you with kids?"
"I love kids." Elsa gives Leo to Anna to hold."I am the babysitter?"
"Anna, someone has to watch everyone."
"Anna, I agree with Emma. We both have magic. You are the perfect one to watch them."
"Two babies and three adults."
"Only one baby, you are watching my brother. My daughter is coming with me. " Hope makes poop. "Elsa, I am going to change her diaper and then we can go find your aunt." Emma changes Hope in her office. "We are going to find this snow queen and stop this curse." Hope babbles. "I know, sweetie. Dada is acting weird but we will stop this curse and figure out why Dada is not himself."
Anna hugs Elsa. "Do you trust her?"
"Yes, Emma is my friend." Emma, Elsa and Hope left the sheriff's station. They head to Gold's shop finding the Snow Queen there. They tried to use their magic which failed. "Again."
"Emma, we are powerless without our magic because of these ribbons." The Snow Queen left. Emma and Elsa entered the shop. "Gold? Belle? No one is here." Hope began crying.
"Emma, I can hold her." Elsa holds Hope as Emma was trying to use objects in the shop to take off her ribbon. "This is useless."
"The magic in these ribbons are used with love."
"We need hate."
"Yes, a lot of hate."
"I have an idea who is powerful and take them off." They went to Regina's vault and used their magic to take the protector spell of the door. "I am still getting the hang of magic. The next part is going to be easy."
"Getting Regina to hate me which she already does." Emma sees Regina in her Evil Queen dress and hairstyle. "Whoa. A little late for Halloween."
"Miss Swan. What are you doing here?"
"I lied to you Regina."
"Tell me something I do not know."
"I lied to you about Henry. I wanted to keep him all to myself, giving him a family full of love! I wanted to break your heart. Seeing how Hook and I are happy together. We are giving Henry and Hope everything, love and happiness, a real family, which you do not have love just hate. I am going to ruin your happiness just like my mother did."
Regina gets angry. "I have been waiting a long time for this." She aims a fireball at Emma. Elsa and Emma held their arm up with the ribbons and ducked. Hope began crying. Regina was surprised she did not hurt Emma. Emma used her light magic and pushed Regina against the wall. They ran out of the vault and went to find the Snow Queen, hearing Reing screaming "SWAN!!!!"
"Hope, everything is okay, sweetie. You are safe with me." She kisses Hope on the head. "That is my part of being savior." They continue to walk to the Snow Queen's lair.
Killian went to Regina's office to get Henry. "Henry, I know you are in there."
"Leave me alone! I know you love Hope more than me."
Killian knows it is the curse, he did adopt Henry after all. "Lad, come along now! I am going to bring you somewhere safe,son." He uses the magic that the Crocodile gave and opened the door. When he entered he slipped on marbles landing on his back. "Henry!" Henry ran out of the office. He grunts."Smart, lad." He returns to Rumplestiltskin's shop. "He ran away."
"So you failed kidnapping a child?"
"Perhaps you can say my heart was not in it."
"The Snow Queen's plan has also failed but mine won't. Enjoy the snowfall dearie.It will be your last."
"Then grant me one dying wish."
"I am not in the mood to grant wishes for you."
"Leave Emma and the rest of Storybrooke, be. Do not harm them."
"When I step over that townline intact with my magic. Emma and Storybrooke have nothing but fear over me. As long as they do not get in my way. But I cannot make that promise for the rest of the world." Killian looks at the crocodile with so much hate.
Emma, Hope and Elsa found the snow Queen in her lair."Where are your ribbons?"
"We got them off. "
"It is okay, come be my sisters."
"We are not your sisters."
"You two are going to love me."
"We are never going to love you."
Elsa wanted to use her magic to hurt her aunt."Emma, I cannot do this."
"I can." As Emma was about to use her magic...
"Wait!" They turn around to see Anna carrying a note. "Stop!"
"Anna! She is dangerous."
Snow Queen, "You should listen to my sister."
"She is my sister not yours. She is my sister. Whatever you are going to do, don't." Elsa and Emma both hold Anna down. Anna takes her note out. "You need to all hear this. Elsa, I found this on the beach. This was written by our Mother. She must have thrown it in the ocean before their ship sank. It came over in the portal with us."
Emma knew it might be bad. "Just be careful."
"No, I am not going to be careful.They need to hear this. We all do." Emma checks on Hope was fast asleep in her carrier. She read the letter. "Elsa, Anna I don't know if your father will ever get back to you but we were wrong to tell Elsa to conceal her powers..."
Snow Queen,"How fitting you are so much like her mother you share your last words?" She raised her hand. Emma and Elsa raised their hands to get ready to use their magic.
"I feel terrible but it is terrible I will not let it happen again."
"My sister Ingrid like you also has ice powers." Elsa looked at her aunt. "I never told you about her or my other sister Helga. I should have told you both about them. They were beautiful, kind, and wonderful. I was fearful, letting that fear guide me and let Ingrid hide instead of celebrating her. For the person she was." Emma and Elsa read the letter.
"You are lying! She put me in that urn like you did to Elsa."
"In this crystal." She holds the purple crystal. "Are the memories of my sister which I stole from the people of Arendele the memories of my sisters. Please return to them so they can be known. In the cave in the North Valley, there is an urn containing my sister Ingrid. Please release her, which i should have done a long time ago.Please tell her I love her and I am sorry. I give anything to take her hand one more time and tell her I love her." Ingrid was in tears and used her magic to choke Anna and lift her up. Emma and Elsa reach out to Anna.
"Ingrid no!" Ingrid used her magic to get Emma and Elsa thrown on the floor Hope began wailing. Emma hold her daughter and rocks her back and forth. "Hope, everything is okay. Shh...shh..." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are with Mommy."
"Is she okay?"
"She is not hurt. She is just scared." She hugs her daughter.
Anna, "I understand, I understand why you casted this curse." She gasped. "You can come back from it."
"Understand me? How could you? You are nothing like me! You understand nothing!" She squeezes Anna's throat tighter.
"You are right. I am nothing like you. My mother was nothing like you. But if she was able to love you. You are part of our family no matter what." She gasps. "Family never gives up on each other."
"You lie!" She slaps Anna so strong it knocks her down. Emma and Elsa hurry to Anna who was gasping for air. Elsa comforted her sister. Ingrid was reading the letter and pressed the crystal and all of her memories flooded back. They see Ingrid kneeling down crying and hugging the letter. "Oh.Gerta." She looks at Elsa, Anna and Emma. "What have I done?" She goes to her mirror.
Anna hugs her sister. "You cannot."
"I know the only way...I have to destroy myself."
Elsa, "No Ingrid."
"Wait!" Emma knew Ingrid was wrong.
"This is the only way." She began using her magic to get the curse mirror pieces to come back to her. "I am a monster. Not because of my powers but what I let them turn me into."
Elsa, "No, Ingrid you will die."
"I know. It is okay. Elsa, Anna you two found each other." She looks at Emma. as the curse was coming around her and taking over her whole body. "Emma, you found your family and started your own. Even if it wasn't with me. You... you deserve your memories." She presses the two crystals and the memories float back to Emma and Elsa. Emma was hugging Hope, remembering the time in the foster home with Ingrid of how she tried to show her magic abilities as a teenager and almost was adopted. Her memories of Ingrid when she just got to Storybrooke in her blue leather jacket at the ice cream shop ordering ice cream for herself and Henry. "You three are so special. Never forget that." The curse was getting stronger on Ingrid.
Emma steps towards her. "There has to be another way. You deserve your happy ending too." She did not want Ingrid to die.
Ingrid was fading away with the curse consuming her. "Long ago, a prophecy told me that you will lead me to that. This is it." She gave Ingrid a look. "All I wanted was to have my sister's love." Anna and Elsa were hugging each other and crying. "Now I have it." Ingrid smiles. "Now I get to join them." The curse and Ingrid disappears. Snow was falling.
Emma cannot believe that Ingrid stopped the curse and looked up at the snow. "She sacrificed to save all of us." Hope babbles. "Yes, Ingrid stopped the curse, Hope. She gave Mommy her memories from my past." She poofs up a coat for Hope to wear. "You need to wear this in the snow, sweetie."
"Elsa." Elsa and Anna hug each other. She picks up the letter. "We need to follow Mother's last wish; to give the memories of Ingrid and Helga back to Arendelle citizens."
"We will." Emma looks at them smiling. Hope babbles. "You helped us, Hope?" Hope kicked her legs. "Yes, you did."
Anna, "Emma, Hope is your mini-me?"
Emma smiles looking at her daughter."Yes, she is. My mini-me." She kisses Hope on the head.
As they were traveling back into town, Emma nurses Hope before entering the town. In town, everyone was fighting with one another until the snowfall began and everyone stopped fighting. Everyone was hugging each other. When Emma, Elsa and Anna, entered town their arms linked to each other and smiling seeing everyone happy. Hope was smiling too. Emma sees her parents, Leo and Regina and rushes over to them and hugs her Dad. Snow White hugs Emma next and she gets a big hug from her Dad. Henry finds Regina first. "Mom!"
"Henry!" They hug.
"And Mom!" He goes to Emma and hugs his Mom.
"Henry! Kid, are you okay?"
"Yes, I am, Mom. You did it."
"It was a team effort." Hope babbles. "Yes,Hope you are on our team, too."
"Hope, did you help Mommy save everyone?" He holds his sister and hugs her. "Were you a little hero?" Hope smiles. "Oh, really? You can tell me all about it in our H&H time. I missed you so much."
Emma hugs both of her children. She sees Killian. "Killian..." She runs to him.
"Emma!" He scooped her in his arms. "I knew you could do it." They kiss.
Snow White and Charming were kissing. Henry carried Hope back to their parents. "Little sis, Mom, and Dad are back together meaning they are kissing. Can you say eww?" Hope babbles. "Good job." Emma and Killian both laugh and had a family hug, they were all safe and the curse was no more.

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