Hot Chocolate Date🌡️

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Sickie: Hyunjin

Caregiver: Seungmin

Seungmin's POV.:
Since we were working on a Christmas special for Stay, the past weeks had been really stressful. I was barely able to spend time with my boyfriend at all, though we were living in the same dorm, our schedules were different. Hyunjin was in the practice room choreographing our new track with the rest of the dance-line, while I was in the studio with the vocal-line most of the time. We didn't even sleep in the same bed anymore for the fear of waking each other up when coming home later than the other. I felt us slowly growing more distant and the strain on our relationship made me anxious. Hyunjin was my first boyfriend and if he felt the way I did, he'll also be the last. I'm just looking forward to Christmas, by then we'll be done with our schedule and get some time off. If only we last that long.

Today our schedule was the same for the first time in what felt like forever. The entire group was at the studio, revising lyrics and recording them individually. Since I hadn't really seen Hyunjin over the last few days, I was surprised to learn that he had come down with a cold yesterday and although the fact that he didn't tell me hurt slightly, I was mostly just worried, knowing he wouldn't get enough time to rest. With the way his voice was giving out, Chan had agreed to let Hyunjin record first in case he'd lose his voice completely over the course of the day. When he went into the booth, my eyes were on him the entire time as he struggled. It was also the first time I really got a good look at him, noticing the pallor of his skin and the dark circles under his eyes. Watching my baby have a hard time broke my heart and while we were given a short break, I quickly went to a pharmacy down the street to pick up some cough drops as well as a cup of hot tea from a coffee shop nearby. When I returned literally seconds before they called the break being over, I realized, Hyunjin didn't get a break like the rest of us but instead had continued recording. I went back to studying my lyrics sheet, at least that's what I made it look like while my eyes didn't take in the words in front of me, my thoughts circling around the sick boy in the next room. I just hoped he'd finish before his tea grew cold.

Not to long after the door cracked open, revealing an exhausted looking Hyunjin. Our eyes met and I could see unshed tears glisten in his. I scooted sideways a bit, patting the now vacant spot next to me as a wordless invitation. He made his way over to me with his shoulders slouched and Jeongin slipped out of the room to record his parts. My boyfriend plopped down next to me with a heavy sigh and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "All done?", I asked carefully earing a sad nod. "It just wouldn't sound good no matter how hard I tried but I think it turned out okay now", he whispered hoarsely, a tear falling from his eye which he wiped away quickly, composing himself again. "I'm sure it's alright, you did your best", I cooed kissing his forehead, startling at the heat I felt against my lips. He gave me a tired smile and I picked up the still warm tea. "Here, drink before it's completely cold. Your throat must be hurting quite a bit now", I sympathized and he nodded pouting. After giving me a grateful smile, he sipped on his tea, closing his eyes as the warm liquid soothed his irritated throat.

The rest of the morning went on quietly, we kept going over lyrics more or less focused and I could tell Hyunjin was struggling to keep his eyes open. At some point I had shoved a handful of the cherry-flavored cough drops into the front pocket of his hoodie which he accepted with a small smile, appreciating me remembering his favorite kind. For lunch we went to a small noodle place down the street and though we couldn't be too affectionate in public, I made sure Hyunjin would sit next to me. He had been very quiet all day which is understandable with how tired he looked and how painful his voice sounded. When it came to ordering, he stated he wasn't hungry but I ordered him a noodle soup anyways, figuring it would be easiest to get him to eat some soup if nothing else. With how skinny he was anyways, there was no way in hell I'd let him go without having a meal. I simply ignored the glare he shot me when I ordered for him. During our meal, I was half listening to the others bickering while my main focus was on my boyfriend who actually finished half of his soup. Sure, it had taken some encourage meant to get him to pick up his spoon but he had complied in the end.

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