A little extra-affection (2)🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Minho voldyhasnonosey

Caregiver: 3racha

No one's POV.:
Initially, it didn't take long for Minho to fall asleep to his dada's soft voice but sadly, he didn't stay asleep for long. After only half an hour, the little was up once again straining his throat with a painful cough. Jisung sat up too, rubbing his little's back and whispering calm reassurances to help him catch his breath. Minho sat there with tears in his eyes, not even daring to whine because it would hurt his throat again. Reaching for the sippy cup on the nightstand, the rapper hummed: "It's okay, kitten, I know that didn't feel nice. Here take a few sips to soothe your throat. Want another of those candies Channie-hyung brought?" The little nodded and when he was done drinking, he sucked on another cough drop. Sniffling pitifully, Minho cuddled into Jisung's chest, forcing the other to lay back down again. He was frustrated, he was supposed to sleep the icky feeling off with his nap but now that he woke up, he felt at least as bad as before. Jisung started running his hand through the little's hair again and hummed a soft tune, hoping the other would go back to sleep. The rapper stopped when he felt his shirt dampening in some spots. Carefully he sat up and pulled away from Minho, so he could look at his face. "Oh kitten, don't cry. Dada's right here and I know you don't feel good but it'll be alright. Dada's taking good care of you", he promised, hugging the upset boy tightly.

When it didn't seem like the little would be able to sleep anytime soon, Jisung got up and moved them to the couch. He didn't know what else he could try to help the dancer, so he hoped one of his hyungs might have an idea. When he made it to the living room however, he found none of the other members but he heard some rustling in the kitchen. He wanted to place Minho down on the couch and go check the kitchen but the little refused to let go of him, clutching his shirt tightly and letting out a painful whine. Sighing, he shifted the other in his arms that were already starting to burn and went to the kitchen. Felix stood in front of the stove, stirring in a pot and smiling at the pair. "Hey, I thought soup would be best for Minho to have later", the Aussie stated, reaching over to stroke the little's cheek, "Have you checked his fever lately? He feels pretty warm to me." – "No, I didn't. He had a low-grade fever earlier but he does feel a little warmer now", Jisung frowned, looking at the sick boy in his arms with worry, "Actually, I wanted to ask you if you know where Chan is. I've run out of ideas on how to make my little kitten feel better, so I wanted to ask him for help." At the mention of his petname, Minho pouted and pressed his feverish forehead against his dada's neck. Felix cooed: "I think they both went to our room to work on something, not sure though."

Jisung decided to go check the room Felix shared with Chan and Changbin, he wouldn't be able to carry Minho around much longer anyways. Not able to knock, he struggled to open the door with his elbow. It didn't work but the other two had heard the noise outside their room and opened the door. Changbin quickly stepped to the side to let them get in and Jisung quickly rushed over to the closest bed and sat down. Had it taken any longer, he would have risked dropping the little. Chan turned his chair around, giving his dongsaengs his full attention and studying the dancer pressed against Jisung. "I wanted to ask if any of you have any idea on how I could make Minmin feel better", the caregiver asked with a hopeful smile, "His fever has gone up a bit but otherwise I think it's not much worse than earlier. I just think it's really affecting him emotionally and I can't take seeing him suffer." Biting his lip in thought, Chan moved to sit next to the pair and stroked Minho's back to get him to look at him. His dongsaeng blinked up at him with glossy eyes and pouted, sniffling sadly. The leader pressed his palm against the little's forehead and cooed: "Aw bubs, you really don't feel good, hm? Sung, my mom always used a menthol bath-oil when me or my siblings got ill. It might help to at least clear his nose, so he doesn't feel as stuffed up. I don't really have the same thing but I have a bathbomb that should have a similar effect if you want to try that."

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