Where's daddy?🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Hyunjin (age 3-5)

Caregivers: Chan (daddy), Changbin (appa)

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No one's POV.:
It was the weekend and they had a day off, which Hyunjin wanted to spend in his headspace. Changbin was ecstatic to take care of his little for the day. Knowing Hyunjin was well taken care of, Chan had headed to the studio to work on their new album. He rarely used their rest days for rest, so it didn't really come as a surprise to his dongsaengs when the leader announced he was leaving for work. Though it wasn't a surprise, it still disappointed Hyunjin as it had been a while since he last slipped around both of his caregivers at the same time. Changbin was a bit sad too because he loved the times their little family spent together but he understood that Chan wanted to get some of the work done already as to not get stressed later. In his adult headspace Hyunjin understood that too but to his little-self, it felt like his daddy was avoiding him. Did he not love Jinnie anymore? Was Jinnie too annoying? Was he a burden? He knew he shouldn't slip and bother his caregivers with his regression but they had agreed to tell him when it got too much. They would tell him if he was too much for them to handle, wouldn't they?

Changbin knew that Hyunjin had a lot on his mind lately and was happy to give his dongsaeng a chance to escape for a while. The occasion seemed almost perfect, a whole day off and most of the members went out. The dancer's headspace wasn't a secret but he tended to get really shy when there were people around that weren't his caregivers. Changbin wanted Hyunjin to let loose for a while so the privacy was really appreciated. When it was only Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin, the little never bothered to keep quiet, giggling loudly and generally being silly. Today was different though. Changbin didn't know what was to blame. It couldn't be Chan's absence because Hyunjin frequently slipped around only Changbin when Chan was busy. It was most likely the load Hyunjin had to carry lately. Him having so much on his mind, made it difficult for the little to slip. It took almost an hour of watching cartoons and Changbin feeding him his bottle for the dancer to slip into his headspace and when he finally did, he wasn't as energetic and excitable as he usually was. He quietly cuddled into the older, being clingier and in need of affection. The caregiver could tell it wasn't one of the little's happy days and Chan leaving off to work didn't help either but Changbin was determined to make the best out of their day together.

The caregiver did his best and they did have fun together. It was a slow day for both of them, filled with lots of cuddles, cartoons and coloring books and they enjoyed the contrast to their hectic lifestyle. Wanting to also end the evening special, Changbin ordered pizza for dinner, something they rarely allowed themselves to eat. Hyunjin didn't have as much appetite but knowing he wouldn't get pizza again anytime soon, he made this opportunity count. His stomach started to ache a bit not long after dinner but he didn't mention it to his caregiver. He had brought this onto himself by eating too much, he told himself. Reminding himself how he was already bothering his appa and daddy so much that his daddy didn't want to be with him, he wouldn't go cry to his appa after getting himself into trouble. He didn't really have the chance to mention his tummy ache anyways because soon the rest of their group came back except for Chan and he didn't like talking in his little voice in front of them anyways.

It was still an hour before Hyunjin's bedtime but the dancer felt really drained for some reason, despite not having run around as much as he usually would when he was little. His tummy still didn't feel too happy, so he asked Changbin if he could have bedtime now. The caregiver was surprised but didn't refuse since the little had been a bit tired all day. He tucked Hyunjin in and sat down on the edge of the mattress. "Appa, is Jinnie too much?", the younger asked quietly, playing with the edge of the blanket. Changbin gently tucked a strand of the little's long hair out of his face, feeling Hyunjin slightly warm to the touch when he frowned: "Why would you think that, little one?" – "Daddy nuh wanna spend time with Jinnie anymowe", the dancer shrugged, "Pwease, chu nuh leave Jinnie." Changbin bit his lip, feeling sad at the conclusion Hyunjin had drawn from Chan being away. "Baby, I know that daddy wants to spend time with you. He's just really busy but that doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. Daddy and appa both love you sooo much. You're not too much and you'll never be, so don't think of yourself like that. Of course, I won't leave you because I love you and I always get so happy when I'm around my prince", the caregiver promised. He'd really have to talk to Chan and ask the leader to spend more time with Hyunjin when he regressed because they both missed him.

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