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Sickie: Changbin

Caregiver: Felix

Changbin's POV.:
Over the last few days I had pretty much holed myself up in the studio. I still needed to write the rap parts for three more tracks and I was running out of time yet I struggled to come up with words that sounded right. I was getting frustrated because the harder I tried, the more my brain refused to produce any useful lines. My mother had sent me a box filled with my favorite Christmas cookies and Felix had supplemented my stock with different treats he enjoyed during winter and insisted I'd try. He had also made sure I'd store it all in my studio, mostly to keep it safe from my ever-hungry members but also to ensure I wouldn't starve when refusing to leave the studio. That's also why today my lunch consisted mostly of sugar. In an attempt to avoid losing to much time, I had simply set up the box next to my computer and kept munching on my mother's cookies. The flavor made me feel nostalgic and emotional, yet I still wasn't able to get those emotions down into words. Soon, I switched from cookies to different kinds of candy Felix had packed and the sugar soothed my frustration a bit. Over the next two hours I managed to at least complete the lyrics for one of the tracks, saving the file and turning to the next. Suddenly though there was a sharp pain shooting through my abdomen. Breathing unsteadily, I looked up only to find the box completely empty. Crap, I was supposed to be eating on that till Christmas and not eat it all in one day. My bottled-up emotions, the frustration about not coming up with the right words, the anger towards myself for not enjoying my mother's and Felix' gift properly and the loneliness from being at the studio all the time, suddenly got the best of me and before I noticed tears were running down my face. To make matters worse, my phone started ringing. I tried to swallow down my tears and looked at the callers-ID, it was Felix. I couldn't just ignore a call from my boyfriend who had been so patient with my workaholic self recently, so I took a deep breath and answered. "H-Hey Lix" – "Hey Binnie, I just wanted – wait, are you okay?" That was all it took to make me cry all over again and I fought to keep my sobs as quiet as possible "Y-yeah, w-what did you want to t-talk a-about?" Crap, my voice had to betray me by cracking at the end of the sentence. "Are you crying?" I didn't reply knowing he'd be able to hear it in my voice if I said something. "Hang on, I'm coming over. Love you Binnie" And with that he ended the call.

I placed my phone down and covered my face with my hands, trying to calm down but the tears just kept falling. What will Felix think of me if he sees me like this? I tried to focus on my breathing pattern, making sure to breath slow and deep. It didn't help at all that I felt increasingly nauseous. While one hand stayed close to my face, wiping at my eyes, I let the other one wander to my stomach, rubbing gentle circles through the thick fabric of my sweater. Just when I thought I had eased the nausea, it came back with full force and I barely managed to pull out the bin from under my desk in time to throw up into it. Choking a bit after the first wave, I held onto the bin for dear life, my knuckles turning white. I only cried harder when my stomach contracted again and I gagged again, bringing up more. Even half-digested, I could still taste the sweetness and spices, which set my off again and I buried my head deeper in the bin. After a few more dry retches, I had calmed my stomach enough to place the bin back on the ground and rested my head on my crossed arms on the table.

Felix' POV.:
None of us had really seen Changbin over the past few days and as much as I get that he's busy, I just had to call him and make sure he'd at least come back to the dorm for dinner tonight. However, when I talked to him, his voice sounded weird almost like he had been crying. The fact that he remained silent when I questioned it was enough of an answer for me and I hurried to get to the studio to see him. I was more than worried about him as he always put too much pressure onto himself, being the perfectionist he is but I get it, he only wants to give the best to Stay, we all do. I was panting when I arrived at the door to his studio, having sprinted the entire way. When I knocked there was no reply, so I just pushed the door open anyways, knowing he'd be here. Sure enough he was, in front of his computer with his face hidden against his sleeves but I could still hear him crying softly. Quietly walking up to the older, I placed my hand on his back. "Binnie, hey", I whispered. "L-Lix", came the muffled reply followed by a sob. Somehow I had a weird gut feeling, though I couldn't tell what it was. The entire situation felt off and there was a strange smell that I couldn't really put a finger on. "Talk to me baby, what's wrong?" I asked, trying to sound as calm as I could through my worry. He slowly lifted his head and turned around though he wouldn't meet my eyes. His face was pale with red-rimmed eyes and dried tear-streaks on his puffy cheeks. "I-I tried s-so hard but I just c-couldn't come up with anything g-good. A-And....", he hitched as he tried to stop crying. "And?", I tried for him to finish his sentence. However, I was met with silence. Studying his face, I noticed his pallor suddenly getting a slightly greenish tint, so I quickly picked up the bin sitting next to his chair. At lightning speed, he had taken the bin from my hands, hugging it tightly to his body and burying his head in it. Before I had fully grasped the situation, his shoulders rolled with a gag and there was a splashing noise. Tentatively, I reached out a hand to rub his back, not really sure of what to do. I had never been good with being around sick people and looked away queasily, trying to keep my stomach in place and the hand on my boyfriends back steady. "You go-", I asked getting cut off by Changbin coughing up more of his stomach contents. "Never mind", I sighed, continuing to rub his back till he finally placed the bin back down after spitting into it one last time. "Sorry", he whimpered. "Hey, don't be sorry. It's not your fault that you're sick", I tried to comfort him, squeezing his shoulder. "I-It i-is", he cried hiding his face in his hands.

Yes, I have to admit, I was thoroughly confused, waiting for him to continue explaining. But he didn't. "Babe, how do you mean that?", I pushed and he pointed to the side of his desk. Letting my eyes wander over the desk, I spotted the box his mother and I had filled with a variety of seasonal treats, however, it was empty now. "Oh", it finally dawned on me that he must have made himself sick by overeating, especially with how much sugar had been in there. "Does your tummy still hurt?", I asked sympathetically and received a pitiful nod. "Alright, do you want to go home or lay down here for a bit first?", I questioned, motioning to the couch at the back of the small room although he wasn't even looking. "Here, don' wanna move too much", he whimpered and I slowly guided him the few steps to the couch. He immediately curled up and sitting next to him, I carefully slipped my hand under my boyfriend's sweater, rubbing steady circles onto his swollen belly, making sure to keep my touch light. I thought he had fallen asleep, since he was breathing calm and steady, when he suddenly spoke up. "I'm sorry, Lixxie. I was just so frustrated and didn't pay attention to how much I was eating and suddenly everything was gone and my stomach hurt so badly. Those treats should have lasted me all month but now they're all gone and I didn't even enjoy them properly. Plus, you shouldn't have had to see me like that, I'm so sorry", he explained quietly and the sadness in his voice didn't fail to break my heart. "Hey, don't apologize. I'm your boyfriend, if anyone is supposed to be with you in situations like this, it's me. Don't worry, we can just restock, your mom will probably give you the recipe for those cookies, we could even bake them together, okay?" – "No", he whined, finally looking at me and I raised my eyebrow. "I don't want to eat anything ever again", he exclaimed childishly and I chuckled. "Okay. Do you want to go home now though?", I asked and he shook his head. "But what am I supposed to do with you then? Just leave you here?", I teased. "Noo, you're my boyfriend. You need to cuddle meee", he whined. "Oh, is that so?", I giggled, falling in love with his adorable pout. How could somebody look so dark and be so soft at the same time? When I didn't comply immediately, he started to tuck on my sleeve, making me laugh before I carefully squeezed onto the tiny sofa with him.

Since Changbin didn't want to move quite yet, we napped a few hours, me spooning him while gently rubbing circles over his upset tummy before falling asleep myself.

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