We got you, kangaroo🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Chan

Caregivers: Stray Kids (mainly Felix)

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No one's POV.:
After three long and torturous weeks of promotions, Stray Kids were finally granted a day to rest. Most of them decided to stay at the dorm, too exhausted to go out and tour the city. One of them though had slightly different plans. Their hardworking leader didn't seem like he knew what rest was and had made his way to his studio hours before the others even got up. The oldest had his headphones on and played around with some new beats, sometimes scribbling down lyrics that he thought would go well with one particular beat. As the hours passed, Chan became more and more aware of a small ache settling in the pit of his stomach. He didn't think much of it and continued working. The stomachache was soon joined by a slight pressure in his head. Thinking he had just been working for too long and needed a short break, he set the headphones down, stretched his neck a bit and looked away from the screen. After five minutes and a few sips of water, he put the headphones back on and resumed his work.

Despite his small break, he didn't feel even remotely better. By now his head was pounding angrily at the light emitted from the screen in front of him and his stomach churned so much it made him sweat. Chan wasn't sure anymore whether he could really put off his discomfort as something else or if he really had to accept the fact that he felt a bit under the weather. What he didn't understand was why it was upsetting him so much. He'd been a lot worse and still full of motivation to compose. He wasn't nearly as bad now but all he wanted was for someone to come and collect him, take him back to his bed where a small stuffed wolf was waiting for him and maybe give him some medicine, so the pain would go away. The leader was truly confused. Usually he'd just go home, down some medicine and lay down to get some rest, trying to avoid other people as much as possible to avoid bothering them or getting them sick. It was really out of character for him to crave affection and wish to be taken care of like he did right now. Chan was still new to the whole age regression thing that his members had introduced him to, hoping it would help their leader deal with the stress and pressure put on him. That was probably why he couldn't identify the feeling of slowly slipping into his headspace.

Before he knew it, he had slipped, tilting his head as he couldn't make any sense of the musical equipment littering his desk. All he knew for sure was, that big Chan didn't like people messing around with his computer for fear of deleting something, so he decided not to touch anything he'd regret later. Wanting to explore the rest of the studio, he pushed his chair back only to have a cramp shoot across his abdomen, making the little cry out in pain. Although the cramp had let up soon, the tears didn't stop running down his cheeks because he had now become aware of how icky he felt. It wasn't only his stomach, his head hurt too. His shirt was damp with sweat, uncomfortably clinging to his body, while he shook with cold. Not knowing what to do, the Aussie reached for his phone and opened his contacts. His caregivers would know what to do and they would hopefully take him home.

Chan had called Minho because he was the oldest at the dorm. The dancer picked up after a few rings, growing concerned when he heard soft sniffles on the other side of the line. "Hyung?", he frowned. That made the little whimper, extremely uncomfortable with the use of honorifics. He clutched the phone tighter crying: "H-hyungie, Channie – hewp pweasie." – "Hey Channie, do you feel little right now?", the second oldest questioned but was only answered by more crying and some English rambles that he didn't understand. Knowing something was certainly wrong, he went to Felix and pushed the phone in the younger's hand. Felix grasped the situation much quicker and was by the door in an instant, putting on his shoes as he motioned for Minho to follow him. Changbin, who had watched the scene unfold, decided to join them and the trio jogged to the company building while Felix stayed on the phone with Chan. Over his own loud breaths, the younger Aussie could hear the leader's sobs get more and more choked up, soon they turned into hiccups and by the time they were in the elevator, the dancer was certain that what he heard was somebody being sick.

Fluffy SKZ oneshots🧸Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon