Everything's White🍼❄️

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Little: Jeongin

Caregivers: Chan & Jisung

Idea by: flufflyblankets

No one's POV.:

Stray Kids had been working tirelessly for the past weeks, barely getting any time off at all. That was especially tough for the youngest member and little of the group. Jeongin had started to struggle as the busy schedule prevented him from getting a healthy amount of sleep as well as slipping into his headspace at all. It wasn't like he had a certain pattern of how frequently he slipped, rather that he slipped whenever he got the opportunity, which was much rarer than he wanted to admit. Being sleep-deprived made him feel a lot closer to his headspace and the maknae struggled to stay big throughout the day. Jeongin was on edge pretty much all the time, the constant fight to stay big, as well as the exhaustion making him a bit grumpy but it wasn't like the members didn't understand why he was reacting the way he did. They tried not to judge him when he snapped at them, knowing he was stressed and close to reaching his breaking point. Jeongin himself felt bad for his brash behavior, reminding himself that his friends were only trying to support him but at the moment everything was getting too much for the poor boy. It would only be a matter of time till he'd crack and he could only hope they'd get a break before that happened.

Jeongin was really enthusiastic about everything Christmas and winter related, so it was even more frustrating that he was buried knee-deep in work now of all times. Passing the decorated shop windows broke the boy's heart and in some of the restaurants, where they'd pick up their lunch, the members could hear soft Christmas songs, a bitter reminder on what they were missing out on right now. The music almost brought Jeongin to tears and at some point, he couldn't even go and get himself food, as he had to avoid hearing it if he wanted to avoid slipping into his headspace. The members were truly worried for their youngest and willingly supplied him with food, praying the maknae would hold on till their next day off. He would inevitably spend the entire off-day in his headspace but he had really earned himself that break and it had been so long since he had las been little, it was concerning. Maybe they'd get the chance to take him to a Christmas market as a reward, they'd just need to wait for a break from their schedule.

After what seemed like an unbearable eternity, the members were off, if only for a day. Jeongin had been looking forward to this day forever. He knew it was only one day and they'd be back to work the next but it was an opportunity to slip and give in to the fuzzy feeling in his head. The members had done their best to support their dongsaeng and were glad he had made it to their break without slipping during their schedule, or well, he did. The day before their off-day was filled with dance practice and during the last run-through, Jeongin had slipped, plopping on his bum with a frustrated whine. Quickly stopping the music, the members gave him some space as Chan approached the boy. "Hello, foxy", the leader smiled, brushing his dongsaeng's sweaty bangs out of his eyes, "You're ready for this day to be over, aren't you? Let's get you home, sweetheart."

After making their maknae drink at least half of his water, the members packed up and watched Chan dry the little's sweat with his towel before putting his hoodie on him to ensure he wouldn't catch a cold. When Jeongin was finally bundled in his coat, they were ready to go back to the dorm. The little held on to Chan's hand as they followed their friends to the exit, the boy's eyes instantly lighting up when he took a look outside. "Evewything's white", Jeongin gasped, letting go of his caregiver's hand and almost running off, if only the older hadn't tightened his grip. "No running off, Innie. Yeah, it looks really pretty but you need to stay with the rest of us", Chan reminded. Waddling next to the leader, Jeongin pouted: "We pway, pwease? Ish so much snow, maybe we can buiwd snowman?" – "Let's build a snowman tomorrow, yeah?", the older sighed, "It's already getting dark and it's your bedtime in thirty minutes. We still need to get you bathed before that." The little gave a frustrated whine, almost tearing up. This was his first chance to play in the snow after being held up at work all the time and now his caregiver had to tell him 'no'. His bedtime didn't matter when it came to their schedule but once he wanted to do something fun, it suddenly did. "Buh daddy, Innie's been so good and big aww the time. Pwease, onwy fow a bit", Jeongin pleaded, looking at the Aussie with bid doe eyes. Feeling his heart clench, Chan sighed: "No, sweetheart. You're still wearing your sweaty practice clothes and I don't want you to get sick. Plus, you're already sleep-deprived as it is. The snow is not going anywhere, I promise we'll play right after breakfast tomorrow." Jeongin remained quiet for the remaining walk to the dorm, sadly trailing along. Yeah, he was tired but he had wanted to do this for so long. His only comfort was Chan's promise, that they would play outside the following day. Hopefully all his hyungs would join them. That was the thought the maknae held onto while he had his bath and got tucked into bed by Chan. Luckily, sleep came quick with how exhausted he was, leaving him not much time to dwell on his frustration.

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