Appa should've listened🍼🌡️❄️

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Thank you soooo much for 500k reads on this book. How we made it this far is a miracle to me but I'm more than grateful you stayed with me.
Please check my board on the 25th of December, as I'll start releasing a new multiple chapter minsung ff as a Christmas gift<3

Sickie/Little: Hyunjin

Caregiver: Jisung

No one's POV.:

Hyunjin let out a discontent whine when their morning alarm woke him from his slumber. Curtesy of Minho, the three roommates were woken by Mariah Carey's 'All I want for Christmas' and although she had an incredible voice, it was way too powerful this early in the morning. When Minho finally shut the alarm off, Seungmin got up to get himself ready right away, while Hyunjin just huffed a breath and rolled over. Despite getting a decent amount of sleep, he didn't feel rested at all, his muscles sore and neck tense, so tense in fact, that it made his head ache. To make matters worse, Hyunjin woke up in his headspace, not feeling up for anything work-related. "Yah, Hyunjin-ah! Wake up!", Minho called, still sleepy himself. The younger just whined in reply, reaching for his llama plushie and hiding his face in the soft material to block the light. Sighing, his hyung connected the pieces and decided to go and get Jisung. The rapper was Hyunjin's main caregiver and therefore the one the little listened to the most. It was unusual for the boy to wake up in his headspace but since Minho wasn't too familiar with his dongsaeng's regression after only babysitting him on occasion, he couldn't tell and only knew, getting the younger up and ready was Jisung's task.

Jisung was surprised to say the least when Minho approached him, saying Hyunjin had slipped and didn't want to get up. It was their last day before being off on a break over the holidays, so they shouldn't miss it. Running his hands over his face, Jisung made his way to his friend's room. He didn't bother to knock, well aware that the little had already gone back to sleep the moment Minho had left. Sitting down on the edge of Hyunjin's bed, the rapper ran his hand up and down the other's back. Hyunjin sniffled softly before rolling over to face his caregiver. "Good morning, princess", Jisung smiled, cupping the little's cheek, "Come on, we need to get ready, so we can head out." – "Jinnie nuh feew good. Wanna stay home", the dancer pouted, closing his eyes again. Gently patting Hyunjin's shoulder, Jisung reminded: "We'll be off on break tomorrow, so you can sleep in as long as you want then but we still need to get this day over with. Come on, princess." The little whined again but sat up, looking at his caregiver with the saddest puppy eyes possible. "Good job", Jisung smiled, smoothing his friend's hair down, "I know you're little, baby, but we still have a schedule to attend. Don't worry, it's only dance practice, so it'll only be us eight and you won't have to worry about keeping up appearances. I know you're our best dancer even when you're little but don't tell Minho-hyung I said that."

Hyunjin didn't feel like he had any other option, so he rolled out of bed and trudged behind Jisung. Plopping down at the dining table, the rapper soon placed a bowl of cereal in front of his sleepy little before grabbing a bite for himself. Hyunjin eyed the bowl in distaste, not really having any appetite at all but he knew his caregiver would scold him if he skipped his meals. Unwillingly forcing down the first bite, the cereal irritated his throat more than he had expected it to, making the dancer cough. With tears springing into his eyes, Hyunjin put down his spoon, so he could cover his mouth properly. Feeling a hand on his back, he looked up to find Jisung with a glass of apple juice in his hand. The rapper carefully helped him drink a few sips, which helped ease the cough a bit but Hyunjin felt even less like eating now, his throat still a bit irritated and scratchy. "There you go. Can you finish your breakfast now, princess?", Jisung cooed, brushing away a stray tear with his thumb. Making grabby hands at his caregiver, the dancer whimpered softly. Bending down to hug the boy, Jisung sighed: "Baby, I know you don't want to go but we're running late, so please finish your breakfast and get ready."

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