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Sickie: Minho

Caregiver: maknae-line

Minho's POV.:
I woke up to the yelling of my younger band members, why do they always have to fight the each other the second they get up? My head hurt and I silently curse them before peeling myself out of the sheets. I leave my room still wearing the shorts and t-shirt I slept in. Actually it were only Hyunjin, Jisung and Felix up though it had sounded like many more people. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you act like any other normal human being once? It's freaking early, maybe some people want to sleep in on their day off", god did they piss me off. They looked up at me like a dear caught in headlights from where they had Hyunjin tackled to the floor. "Sorry, Hyung we got carried away a bit", Felix stumbled. He was the first to collect himself, the other two were still frozen in shock. "Just keep it down now", I rolled my eyes before returning to my room with a bottle of water from the fridge. Sitting back down on my bed I press the cool bottle against my temple and heave a sigh of relieve as it dulls the thumping in my skull for a moment. After drinking a few sips I decide to lay down for a few more minutes since it is our day off and I don't have to get up anytime soon anyways.

Felix' POV.:
My heart stopped when Minho walked in on us wrestling on the livingroom floor. Hyunjin and Jisung must have felt the same because they just started moving again when Minho-hyung was gone. Jisung quietly got up offering Hyunjin a hand before whispering: "Wow, what was that about?" I shrugged and Hyunjin whispered back: "Let's just play video games and try to be quiet. I don't want to wake up anyone else and maybe start a fight in the morning." We agreed and soon our other members got up too. Chan started making breakfast and we started bickering before Hyunjin shushed everyone: "Guys, please try and not wake Minho up. We accidentally did earlier and he was really pissed." After a while Chan gathered us all to eat breakfast but one member was still missing. "So, how are you planning to spend your day", Chan asked. We had all been looking forward to today and 3racha wanted to go to a few music-stores to get inspiration for future songs. Hyunjin wanted to meet up with Jinyoung and Jaebeom-sonbaenim of GOT7 who had offered to practice some dances with him. Seungmin, Jeongin and I just wanted to stay home and have a relaxed day watching movies. The stress had been hard on us and even though we were the maknaes and usually very energetic we just needed to chill once. We cleared the table and my hyungs went to get ready for going out. We maknaes offered to do the dishes since we had nowhere to go and some time to spare. From my place in front of the sink I could hear Changbin and Minho get into a heated discussion in the hallway before Minho trudged into the kitchen. There was dead silence when he grabbed some leftover breakfast and sat down at the table. My dongsaengs looked at me with wide eyes, their faces reading:

What's gotten into Minho-hyung?

I shrugged, apparently he hadn't slept his sour mood from earlier off. When we finished the dishes we went to my room and discussed what we'd want to do with our day. After a while Chan stuck his head in to tell us Hyunjin was already gone and they'd be heading out now too. "Hyung, what about Minho? Is he going out, is he staying in?", Seungmin asked. "Ah, Minho. He's going to stay here too." – "Don't leave us here alone with him. We'll probably be dead when you get home", I frowned. All I saw of Minho-hyung today was him being angry, he must have woken up in a bad mood. "You'll be fine. He's just in a bit of a mood today. As long as you don't bother him nothing will happen", our leader chuckled at my dramatization. Seungmin frowned too but wished Chan fun before the latter left.

Minho's POV.:
Sadly, when I woke up the second time, my headache had only gotten worse. I heard the commotion in front of my door and figured everyone else was up already. Venturing out of my room I almost got knocked over by Changbin. Why can't this guy look where he's going? He answered my snap in an attitude and we were soon fighting before I simply pushed past him and went to search for some breakfast. Apparently I missed breakfast but there were some leftovers. I frowned at the maknaes standing in the kitchen, luckily they didn't acknowledge my presence and I was able to eat in peace. On the way back to my room I ran into Chan who informed me that everyone except for the maknea-line was heading out today. I suppressed a grimace, at least till I crashed on my bed, cursing quietly. Why won't the universe let me have some peace and quiet? Pressing my head in my pillow, I squeezed my eyes shut. I had started to see some weird shapes and tried to blink them away, to no avail. I groaned, turning onto my back and throwing my arm over my eyes. Having breakfast was a bad idea and I was starting to regret it now as it sat heavily in my stomach. Wrapping my arms around my churning tummy I allowed some silent tears to fall. I had so been looking forward to just enjoy a day without schedule and now I was miserable. Maybe some painkillers would help but that would mean I'd have to get up and go to the bathroom, I might even run into someone on the way there. I didn't want to see anyone, my energy for confrontations was used up.

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