Icky tummy🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Chan

Caregiver: Seungmin

No one's POV.:
If there was something Chan hated, it was getting new tasks close to deadlines. Stray Kids had recently finished their recordings for their new album, however, the parts Seungmin had recorded were suddenly gone from the leader's computer. It almost seemed like they had vanished overnight, which was a huge setback that he couldn't afford so close to their deadlines. Seeing that they couldn't recover the lost records, Chan had no other choice than to call the vocalist into the studio to redo all of his parts. Over the last few days that he tried to figure out what had happened to their work and if there was a way to fix it, the Aussie had been to stressed to really pay attention to anything other than the task on hand. He had lost his appetite completely, barely eating a few bites every day. Too stressed to sleep, Chan had spent most of his nights working, trying to compensate the setback they had suffered. He hadn't even returned to the dorm the previous night, instead napping for one hour on the couch at the back of his studio before heading out to a 24h diner to get a cup of coffee, so he could continue.

Between the lack of regular meals and the pressure, Chan's stomach had started to ache. He figured it was just hunger pains and forced himself to eat a protein bar that he found at the bottom of his bag. He didn't know when he had thrown it in there but was glad to have something edible with him, so he wouldn't lose more time, that could be better spent working. Chan was exhausted but he knew Seungmin would be coming to the studio in less than two hours, so he wanted to have everything ready for the vocalist to record. While setting up his equipment, a sharp cramp rippled over his abdomen. The coffee certainly hadn't done him much of a favor. Gritting his teeth, he slipped a hand under his shirt to palm his painful middle. When the cramp let up a bit, he continued what he was doing. After setting everything up, Chan plopped back into his chair and glanced at the clock. He had taken much longer than he had thought and it wouldn't be long till Seungmin would arrive at the studio too. Closing his eyes, the Aussie rested his head on his desk and slipped a hand under his shirt to rub his stomach. It didn't seem like the pain would disappear any time soon, so he tried to relax as much as possible now, hoping he'd be able to power through without his dongsaeng suspecting anything.

He hadn't fallen asleep but he had spaced out so far that he didn't hear Seungmin entering the studio. The vocalist had to call his name multiple times for Chan to lift his head and give him a confused look. "When did you get here?", he frowned confused, glancing at the clock. "A few minutes ago, hyung", Seungmin stated worriedly, "Sorry I had to wake you." – "Wasn't asleep", the older denied, turning to his computer. "Well, if you weren't asleep, why didn't you as much as stir when I called your name?", his dongsaeng questioned, not ready to drop the topic yet. Chan shrugged, uncapping his water bottle to take a sip, explaining: "I spaced out a bit. Should we get started?" – "Yeah, sure but... Are you okay? You look pale", Seungmin frowned. The Aussie nodded, sighing: "I'm fine, just tired and haven't been outside much lately." That wasn't entirely a lie, he just failed to mention the way his stomach cramped painfully if he as much as breathed in too deeply or the way his eyes stung from being forced open for way too long.

Knowing Chan would keep acting tough, Seungmin stepped into the recording booth. He was well aware that his hyung was overworking himself, so he wanted to make things easier for the older by getting his recording done as fast as possible. That way, maybe Chan would be able to finish up soon too, so he could come home and rest. What the vocalist couldn't see from his position behind the mic, was the way Chan had slumped over in his seat, one arm wrapped around his middle. All he could see was the leader's face, which looked tense as expected, considering how stressed he was. Despite being worried about his hyung, Seungmin forced himself to stop overthinking it. He couldn't afford getting distracted because that would hold both of them up longer and wouldn't be helpful in any way. Chan always enjoyed working with Seungmin. The younger was always professional when it came to things like singing and recording. He knew when it was time to have fun and fool around with his members and he also knew when it was time to work hard. It was a great help to Chan, who had gone from rubbing his stomach to massaging his temples. He felt lightheaded despite sitting completely still. The computer screen blurred in front of his eyes every now and again and the Aussie knew he'd have to get a proper meal soon. It didn't sound too appealing because along with the cramps had come a hint of nausea but he could tell he was running low on energy. Both, from not sleeping enough but also not having a nutritious meal in longer than he could remember.

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