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Sickie: Jeongin

Caregiver: Seungmin

Jeongin's POV.:
I had already felt a little off all day, so I had decided to go to bed early, thinking whatever the odd feeling was, it would be gone by the morning. However, when I woke up again only an hour later, I felt like I had gotten hit by a train. My head was pounding and it took me a moment to figure out where I was. I was alone in the room, so I figured, my roommate Jisung hadn't come back from the studio yet. Shuddering with cold, I sat up and cringed when my clothes stuck to me. How could I sweat so much to soak through my clothes in less than an hour? The shaky breath I drew in, caught in my throat, sending me into a wet coughing fit, that just didn't seem to end. I felt like I was drowning, when did I get so congested? By the time the fit tapered off, my head spun, making me feel faint. Even worse was that the lack of oxygen made my head pound more ferociously. Knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep with the amount of pain I was in, I wanted to take a painkiller. If my hyung had been here, I would have woken him and asked for help because I didn't really trust my legs with how lightheaded I was but he wasn't back yet and I didn't feel like waiting for someone to find me.

My skin pricked with goosebumps, when I threw off my blanket and struggled out of my damp shirt. Getting up on shaky legs, I stumbled over to my closet and picked out my thickest hoodie. I almost lost my balance when pulling it over my head but the warmth was totally worth it. Alright, next would be painkillers. Muffling another painful cough into my sleeve, I staggered over to the door. Of course, I managed to trip over my own feet, loosing my balance and crashing into the wood with a heavy thud. I couldn't suppress a whimper when I reached up for the door handle to open it. When it swung open, I pulled myself back onto my feet and continued on my mission to the bathroom. Though it was only a short distance, I tripped multiple times as my legs just didn't seem to follow my brain's instructions. I heavily relied on the walls to support my weak body as my eyes kept closing on the way. How could I possibly be so slow? Would I even get there before the morning? My legs grew more and more jelly-like and I had to take a break in the middle of the hallway, afraid I'd fall again. Sinking down with my back against the wall, I heaved a shuddering breath. It was even colder out here than it was in my room and my hoodie did nothing to help with that. The thought of curling back up in my bed gave me the necessary energy to get back up, wanting to get this over with as fast as possible, so I could go back to bed. Surprisingly, I made it to the bathroom not that long after but I stumbled. Loosing my balance again, I fell against the cabinet under the sink. My ears were ringing so loudly that I didn't even hear the loud noise I caused, closing my eyes and giving in to the darkness.

Seungmin's POV.:

I had come home about twenty minutes ago, getting ready to go to bed as I was exhausted from a long day at the company. Just when I pulled the blanket over my tired body, I heard weird noises somewhere around the dorm. The clanging stopped after a few minutes and I relaxed, thinking I could finally go to sleep. Just when I was about to doze off, the noise continued followed by a muffled crash. Did a poltergeist move into the dorm while I was gone for work? I knew that this was exactly how horror movies started. Somebody hearing a weird noise and going to investigate. If I was wise, I would stay in bed and ignore it but I was starting to get annoyed, just wanting to get some peaceful rest. Sighing, I got out of bed again. It didn't matter if it was a poltergeist or some other monster out there, I was going to put it in his place and tell it to be quiet, so we can all sleep. Those ghosts really had no regards for the rest of hardworking people. Believe me, I could be scary if I wanted to, so I doubted whatever monster that was wanted to mess with me while I was tired. Debating whether I should get some kind of weapon to defend myself, I made my way down the hallway and found the door to Jisung and Jeongin's room open. It was empty, so the poltergeist had probably eaten both of my friends already. Did poltergeists even eat people? I had mentally prepared myself to get the crap scared out of me, yet my heart still stopped when I passed the bathroom and found two legs protruding through the door.

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